Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's economic proposed policies

Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's proposed economic policies.
WSJ said Trump's economic policies would hurt the economy as much as a Bernie Sanders economic plan.
The conservative publication owned by the Murdoch family is a bedrock of conservative fiscal policies.
Who is saying how great the Trump economic policy would be besides Donald Trump

At least he is proposing policies, unlike Harris who's mantra equates to "we can't keep repeating the mistakes of the previous administration although I was part of the previous administration"
You know what, Clayton? I'm originally from Massachusetts...arguably the most liberal State in the United States! What's remarkable is that even though the State elects Democrats as members of Congress and the Senate almost exclusively...they also elect Republicans to be Governor. Quite often actually! Do you know WHY? It's really quite simple...Republican fiscal policy is needed to keep the State from going bankrupt! You claiming that conservative fiscal policy is failed is rather laughable. It hasn't "failed" in Massachusetts!
Republican advocacy of failed, wrongheaded conservative fiscal dogma is why Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Republican advocacy of failed, wrongheaded conservative fiscal dogma is why Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
You didn't answer my point, Clayton! If Republican fiscal policy is so "failed" then why would an ultra liberal State like Massachusetts, that is overwhelmingly Democratic, elect so many GOP Governors?
You cannot be so stupid to believe "taxes have nothing to do with the debt."
The debt is when costs are higher than revenue. To balance a budgget, you have to cut spending OR RAISE TAXES TO GENERATE MORE INCOME.
It is like a family says what we make for a living has nothing to do with our debt. Yes it dooes. You don't spend more than you make. What you make determines how much you can spend.
Let's take your family budget, Elmer! The family is taking in $100,000 in pay from Mom and Dad's job and they are spending $100,000. They're not saving any money but they're not in debt either. Then Mom gets a raise and their income is now $120,000 a year but they celebrate the additional income by taking a rather expensive vacation and they end up spending $125,000 for the year! So is their issue "revenue" or "spending"?
And there is basically no limit to what Trump can do with tariffs. He needs no approval from Congress. At least all of Harris stupid ideas would need to make it through both the House and the Senate.
And yet she would get that with the one party leftist rule you pine for. That skank. needs to just go away.
But you said "Where does spending originate? The House. Who controlled the House when we ran huge deficits in 2019 and 2020?"
That is blaming congress for the debt. The President has the last say.
My post was 100% correct.
The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal shares AN opinion.

To the extent that they label the proposed cap on credit card interest rates as constituting “price controls,” they may be making a fair point.

But let’s delve a little deeper. Forget about credit card companies for a moment.

In NY State, the law forbids (with some exceptions) an interest rate of 25% or more. It’s called usury.

Is that also considered “price controls?”

Just curious, for obvious reasons.
My post was 100% correct.
But you don't mention your cult leader had the last say. Also your cult leader put together the initial budget sent to Congress.
MAGA is always trying to make their cult leader look good with lies or stretching the truth.
Let's take your family budget, Elmer! The family is taking in $100,000 in pay from Mom and Dad's job and they are spending $100,000. They're not saving any money but they're not in debt either. Then Mom gets a raise and their income is now $120,000 a year but they celebrate the additional income by taking a rather expensive vacation and they end up spending $125,000 for the year! So is their issue "revenue" or "spending"?
It is always both. Budgets require analyzing revenue and costs. They knew the raise would not cover the added expense. They could find a way to make some more money through second jobs to cover the added expense or they could have revised their trip to stay in budget.
It is always both. Budgets require analyzing revenue and costs. They knew the raise would not cover the added expense. They could find a way to make some more money through second jobs to cover the added expense or they could have revised their trip to stay in budget.
You can't admit that it's a spending problem...can you, Elmer? The simple solution is not to spend so much on the expensive vacation but you want them to get second jobs! Our government is like a pail with big holes in the bottom that water pours out of faster than you can pour it in. An intelligent person would fix the holes. A liberal would demand more water to pour into the pail!
You can't admit that it's a spending problem...can you, Elmer? The simple solution is not to spend so much on the expensive vacation but you want them to get second jobs! Our government is like a pail with big holes in the bottom that water pours out of faster than you can pour it in. An intelligent person would fix the holes. A liberal would demand more water to pour into the pail!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever had a class on cost accounting. Obviously not.
There are two moving variables, revenue and cost. To make a budget you have to consider both.
Sometimes the revenue is fixed so you have to have costs that are no more than revenue to prevent debt.
Sometimes costs are fixed. Then you have to find someway to increase revenue.
The Democrats should be cutting more costs. It would be at the expense of serviices to citizens but it has to be done. But Trump is no better than Democrats on budgeting.
  • President Trump approved $8.4 trillion of new ten-year borrowing during his full term in office, or $4.8 trillion excluding the CARES Act and other COVID relief.
  • President Biden, in his first three years and five months in office, approved $4.3 trillion of new ten-year borrowing, or $2.2 trillion excluding the American Rescue Plan.
  • President Trump approved $8.8 trillion of gross new borrowing and $443 billion of deficit reduction during his full presidential term.
  • President Biden has so far approved $6.2 trillion of gross new borrowing and $1.9 trillion of deficit reduction.

President Trump can't force Biden to spend money.
Biden's $8 trillion in new debt is all his.
President Trump can't force Biden to spend money.
Biden's $8 trillion in new debt is all his.
It is. It ended up being slightly higher than Trump's 4 year addition to the debt. Trump says it was because of COVID. Biden had to deal for COVID for multiple years.
But COVID ws not the reason for either one of their entire debt.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever had a class on cost accounting. Obviously not.
There are two moving variables, revenue and cost. To make a budget you have to consider both.
Sometimes the revenue is fixed so you have to have costs that are no more than revenue to prevent debt.
Sometimes costs are fixed. Then you have to find someway to increase revenue.
In my example, Elmer...revenue went up...yet the "family" was still over budget because they spent too much. With Trump's tax cuts revenue also went up...yet we were over budget because we spent too much. You're so fixated on revenue that you can't seem to get it through your head that it's spending that driving the deficit bus and we're never going to get the deficit under control unless we get spending under control. Kamala's solution to all things dealing with the economy is for the government to give more things away.

As for the classes I've taken? I have an MBA from Boston University. I'll try and dumb it down for you! :)
It is. It ended up being slightly higher than Trump's 4 year addition to the debt. Trump says it was because of COVID. Biden had to deal for COVID for multiple years.
But COVID ws not the reason for either one of their entire debt.

I agree, Biden's massive addition to the debt wasn't just because of Covid.
Trump has had over 500 incorporated businesses, Arlette and 6 of them have failed and had to file bankruptcy! That's a success rate that's frankly off the charts GOOD! The Trump family has had the IRS and the liberal media going over their taxes with a microscope for years now and they haven't found anything that would qualify as "cheating" on their taxes! The Biden family on the other hand has cheated on their taxes for decades and were given a pass on that by the Merrick Garland DOJ! Are you REALLY sure you want to play this game?
Trump was found liable for falsifying his business records. That's fraud. He was fined nearly half a billion.
Trump was found liable for falsifying his business records. That's fraud. He was fined nearly half a billion.
That whole trial was a fraud, Arlette. Corrupt DA...corrupt judge...biased jury. Half a billion dollars on a charge that's never been brought against any other person and a "crime" with no victim? There is a reason why Trump's "conviction" didn't hurt him in the election...people know that it's lawfare not justice.

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