Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's economic proposed policies

That whole trial was a fraud, Arlette. Corrupt DA...corrupt judge...biased jury. Half a billion dollars on a charge that's never been brought against any other person and a "crime" with no victim? There is a reason why Trump's "conviction" didn't hurt him in the election...people know that it's lawfare not justice.
It was Trump that falsified business records. Nobody else. That's why he was found guilty and not some other entity.
Trump's economic plan is spelled out in plain English at Project 2025. It's more tax cuts for corporations and billionaires.
It was Trump that falsified business records. Nobody else. That's why he was found guilty and not some other entity.
He was found guilty because the judge was a joke. It's why that verdict will be overturned on appeal when it gets to an unbiased court.
He was found guilty because the judge was a joke. It's why that verdict will be overturned on appeal when it gets to an unbiased court.
He was found guilty because the evidence showed he was guilty. You are defending a man who stole from cancer kids.
But you don't mention your cult leader had the last say. Also your cult leader put together the initial budget sent to Congress.
MAGA is always trying to make their cult leader look good with lies or stretching the truth.
You lost this thread a long time ago, simp.
It is. It ended up being slightly higher than Trump's 4 year addition to the debt. Trump says it was because of COVID. Biden had to deal for COVID for multiple years.
But COVID ws not the reason for either one of their entire debt.
Biden declared the pandemic over just a few months into his regime, Stupid.
He was found guilty because the evidence showed he was guilty. You are defending a man who stole from cancer kids.
He was found "guilty" because a partisan DA teamed up with a partisan judge and a partisan jury to commit "lawfare"! It was a disgraceful display by the New York Justice System and those who took part should be ashamed of themselves!
He was found "guilty" because a partisan DA teamed up with a partisan judge and a partisan jury to commit "lawfare"! It was a disgraceful display by the New York Justice System and those who took part should be ashamed of themselves!
Actually, it was a bench trial. Trump was subject to a summary judgement.

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