Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

The Warren Commission Report: A botched invetigation

Initially the decision by President Johnson ... was to leave this to the city and the country and state officials in Texas to deal with. He didn't want, as he put it, "carpetbaggers" going into his home state of Texas to run this investigation, but very clearly in the days that followed there were so many wild theories offered about who was really responsible for the assassination that Johnson decided that he had to have some kind of federal investigation. Among those rumors were rumors that Johnson himself was somehow linked to the assassination, and very quickly, President Johnson settles on Chief Justice Earl Warren, who he sees as this ultimate symbol of integrity to run the investigation.

Very early on, I mean, within 48 hours of the assassination, FBI Director Jay Edgar Hoover determines, in his own mind, that Oswald acted alone, there was no conspiracy, there's not much to investigate here. And the FBI within two weeks produces this 400-page report which is supposedly a thorough review of all that is known about the assassination and about Oswald. The commission looks over the report and sees how inadequate it is and how, in many ways, incompetent the FBI investigation is and then moves on with a much more thorough investigation of its own.

Botched Investigation Fuels Kennedy Conspiracy Theories

Please show us the evidence that Hoover determined in his own mind that Oswald acted alone and wasn't given information from agents in Dallas that Oswald was a lone gunman.
The Warren Commission Report: A botched invetigation

Initially the decision by President Johnson ... was to leave this to the city and the country and state officials in Texas to deal with. He didn't want, as he put it, "carpetbaggers" going into his home state of Texas to run this investigation, but very clearly in the days that followed there were so many wild theories offered about who was really responsible for the assassination that Johnson decided that he had to have some kind of federal investigation. Among those rumors were rumors that Johnson himself was somehow linked to the assassination, and very quickly, President Johnson settles on Chief Justice Earl Warren, who he sees as this ultimate symbol of integrity to run the investigation.

Very early on, I mean, within 48 hours of the assassination, FBI Director Jay Edgar Hoover determines, in his own mind, that Oswald acted alone, there was no conspiracy, there's not much to investigate here. And the FBI within two weeks produces this 400-page report which is supposedly a thorough review of all that is known about the assassination and about Oswald. The commission looks over the report and sees how inadequate it is and how, in many ways, incompetent the FBI investigation is and then moves on with a much more thorough investigation of its own.

Botched Investigation Fuels Kennedy Conspiracy Theories

Opinion, but no facts.
"...the Warren Commission was not, in some respects, an accurate presentation of all the evidence available to the Commission or a true reflection of the scope of the Commission's work, particularly on the issue of possible conspiracy in the assassination."

Oswald's Mother: Ten Reasons Why The Warren Commission Failed

The Final Report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations

Other than the faulty conclusion that there was probably a conspiracy (based on discredited audio evidence) the HSCA confirmed most of the Warren Commission findings.
Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.

"unfair trial". What a load of manure.
Maybe but she never bothered.

Much like the family of all Capone never sued for him being labeled a criminal.

He was never convicted of a violent crime wither but the evidence is clear he was guilty of several violent crimes.

He went to prision for income tax evasion which is a crime.
Not a violent one

He was never convicted of a violent crime

One is not guilty unless under the law unless he has been convicted by a court.
Really ? So we cannot say Al Capone ever killed anyoneA? And we can not say Hitler ever committed genocide?

I do not personally know if Capone ever killed anyone or not.....neither does anyone else on here including you. You can say it and anyone can say it....that does not make it true.

If the authorities in Chicago believed they had adequate evidence that Capone killed anyone I am sure he would have been put on trial for it.

Which however of course ...does not mean he did not kill anyone.

It simply means that under the law he was never convicted of any murder nor ever even tried for murder(that i know of anyway) thus under the law he is innocent of murder unless and until he is proven guilty in a court of law.

Thus the feds in their frustration managed to get him convicted of tax evasion.

Hitler and the Nazi party had well known programs and facilities to kill lots of people....he did not survive the war so he never went to trial for war crimes.

I doubt he ever killed anyone personally...I have never heard any report of that.

So if he had survived the War he would have been tried for War Crimes of course and since there were so many witnesses and participants not even to mention actual facilities used to incinerate victims as a result of the Nazi programs of genocide he would ....without a doubt been convicted of war crimes and executed unless he had been captured by the Russians...who would have administered their own form of justice....which Hitler would have been aware of and to escape that he killed himself.

You want to compare Oswald with Hitler and Capone and neither comparison is valid. It is not even valid to compare Capone with Hitler.

Hitler was the head of a state and a party which slaughtered millions...no comparison at all to Oswald....a lone individual who was never convicted of any crime that I am aware of. He was merely a marxist whom someone realized would be a perfect patsy.

Likewise...Capone who was the recognized head of a violent criminal outfit in Chicago....again no comparison to Oswald.

In fact if Oswald had not been killed but had been actually brought to trial....I do not think he would have been convicted.

If he had actually been brought to trial he may well have been able to establish his innocence...that he was nothing more than a patsy.

The Case Against Oswald
You completely missed the point.

Yes we can say with certainty that Capone was a murderer as was Hitler as was oswald

The case against all three is overwhelming.

Had oswald lived he would have been convicted in a slam dunk

Had he committed his crimes today it is not so certian but in 63 he had no hope and the evidence is overwhelming.
Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
He was dead ergo it was not a trial at all it was an investigation into the truth.

The evidence simply led to the irrefutable conclusion that Oswald killed Kennedy.
"...the Warren Commission was not, in some respects, an accurate presentation of all the evidence available to the Commission or a true reflection of the scope of the Commission's work, particularly on the issue of possible conspiracy in the assassination."

Oswald's Mother: Ten Reasons Why The Warren Commission Failed

The Final Report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations
Oswalds mother is no authority and she merely cites loopy conspiracy theorists who have no evidence
"Did the Commissioners and their staff believe what they wrote? Commissioner Russell later denounced the Commission's no-conspiracy conclusion, saying "we have not been told the truth about Oswald." Hale Boggs complained that "Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission" before his plane disappeared in Alaska. Pressed on evidence indicating conspiracy for which he had no good reply, Commission staffer Wesley Liebeler told researcher Ray Marcus that "sometimes we get caught up in things that are bigger than we are."


Jack Ruby
Sometimes what is not investigated can be even more revealing than what is. The Commission failed to interview Jack Ruby until June of 1964, when the Report was already being drafted. When Ruby begged to be taken to Washington to speak more freely, saying "Gentlemen, my life is in danger here," Earl Warren refused, saying "No; it could not be done. It could not be done. There are a good many things involved in that, Mr. Ruby." Another important witness, the President's personal physician Dr. George Burkley, was never interviewed by the Commission. Burkley played a prominent role in the medical aspects of the case, and later his lawyer wrote the HSCA saying Burkley had information that "others besides Oswald must have participated." Warren Commission

The Warren Commission was an extra judicial collection of lawyers and politicians accountable to no one created by Lyndon Baines Johnson, taking the matter of finding out who killed the president and why out of the hands of the police and courts and turning it over to a kangaroo court that couldn't even convince it's own members of the ridiculous claims it made. It was a joke and a sham from start to finish and the coverup goes on to this day.
"Did the Commissioners and their staff believe what they wrote? Commissioner Russell later denounced the Commission's no-conspiracy conclusion, saying "we have not been told the truth about Oswald." Hale Boggs complained that "Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission" before his plane disappeared in Alaska. Pressed on evidence indicating conspiracy for which he had no good reply, Commission staffer Wesley Liebeler told researcher Ray Marcus that "sometimes we get caught up in things that are bigger than we are."


Jack Ruby
Sometimes what is not investigated can be even more revealing than what is. The Commission failed to interview Jack Ruby until June of 1964, when the Report was already being drafted. When Ruby begged to be taken to Washington to speak more freely, saying "Gentlemen, my life is in danger here," Earl Warren refused, saying "No; it could not be done. It could not be done. There are a good many things involved in that, Mr. Ruby." Another important witness, the President's personal physician Dr. George Burkley, was never interviewed by the Commission. Burkley played a prominent role in the medical aspects of the case, and later his lawyer wrote the HSCA saying Burkley had information that "others besides Oswald must have participated." Warren Commission

The Warren Commission was an extra judicial collection of lawyers and politicians accountable to no one created by Lyndon Baines Johnson, taking the matter of finding out who killed the president and why out of the hands of the police and courts and turning it over to a kangaroo court that couldn't even convince it's own members of the ridiculous claims it made. It was a joke and a sham from start to finish and the coverup goes on to this day.
The claims are backed up but evisence which no one has challenged.

Ruby was on no danger he just wanted out if jail and told everything he knew

There was no conspiracy
Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.
Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.

Your OPINIONS are not facts and the only thing you got right is that stupid can't be fixed so all i can do is feel bad for you.
He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.

Your OPINIONS are not facts and the only thing you got right is that stupid can't be fixed so all i can do is feel bad for you.
Yes only the WC is factual. LMFAO.

Can you get any dumber?
"Did the Commissioners and their staff believe what they wrote? Commissioner Russell later denounced the Commission's no-conspiracy conclusion, saying "we have not been told the truth about Oswald." Hale Boggs complained that "Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission" before his plane disappeared in Alaska. Pressed on evidence indicating conspiracy for which he had no good reply, Commission staffer Wesley Liebeler told researcher Ray Marcus that "sometimes we get caught up in things that are bigger than we are."


Jack Ruby
Sometimes what is not investigated can be even more revealing than what is. The Commission failed to interview Jack Ruby until June of 1964, when the Report was already being drafted. When Ruby begged to be taken to Washington to speak more freely, saying "Gentlemen, my life is in danger here," Earl Warren refused, saying "No; it could not be done. It could not be done. There are a good many things involved in that, Mr. Ruby." Another important witness, the President's personal physician Dr. George Burkley, was never interviewed by the Commission. Burkley played a prominent role in the medical aspects of the case, and later his lawyer wrote the HSCA saying Burkley had information that "others besides Oswald must have participated." Warren Commission

The Warren Commission was an extra judicial collection of lawyers and politicians accountable to no one created by Lyndon Baines Johnson, taking the matter of finding out who killed the president and why out of the hands of the police and courts and turning it over to a kangaroo court that couldn't even convince it's own members of the ridiculous claims it made. It was a joke and a sham from start to finish and the coverup goes on to this day.
Yes the evidence of conspiracy is overwhelming, yet apparently there are still a few fools who believe the the fairy tale that is the WC.
He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.

Your OPINIONS are not facts and the only thing you got right is that stupid can't be fixed so all i can do is feel bad for you.
Yes only the WC is factual. LMFAO.

Can you get any dumber?

No matter how dumb I get, I will never rival you in the area of stupidity. And, I never said only the WC is factual. That's something you had to make up so you could try to feel superior.
Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.
Yes you cannot fix stupid.

The Warren commission was headed but Earl Warren. Hence the name Warren commission.

Dulles was merely on the commission he was not the head of the commission nor did he win the commission. But you are too stupid to grasp simple facts like that.

Btw he did not murder anyone wither.

No one is above reproach. The Warren commission is open to challenge and contradictory evidence.

You simply have no such evidence and neither does anyone else.

You personally are too fucking stupid to read it and no one can fix that.
"Did the Commissioners and their staff believe what they wrote? Commissioner Russell later denounced the Commission's no-conspiracy conclusion, saying "we have not been told the truth about Oswald." Hale Boggs complained that "Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission" before his plane disappeared in Alaska. Pressed on evidence indicating conspiracy for which he had no good reply, Commission staffer Wesley Liebeler told researcher Ray Marcus that "sometimes we get caught up in things that are bigger than we are."


Jack Ruby
Sometimes what is not investigated can be even more revealing than what is. The Commission failed to interview Jack Ruby until June of 1964, when the Report was already being drafted. When Ruby begged to be taken to Washington to speak more freely, saying "Gentlemen, my life is in danger here," Earl Warren refused, saying "No; it could not be done. It could not be done. There are a good many things involved in that, Mr. Ruby." Another important witness, the President's personal physician Dr. George Burkley, was never interviewed by the Commission. Burkley played a prominent role in the medical aspects of the case, and later his lawyer wrote the HSCA saying Burkley had information that "others besides Oswald must have participated." Warren Commission

The Warren Commission was an extra judicial collection of lawyers and politicians accountable to no one created by Lyndon Baines Johnson, taking the matter of finding out who killed the president and why out of the hands of the police and courts and turning it over to a kangaroo court that couldn't even convince it's own members of the ridiculous claims it made. It was a joke and a sham from start to finish and the coverup goes on to this day.
Yes the evidence of conspiracy is overwhelming, yet apparently there are still a few fools who believe the the fairy tale that is the WC.
No it is not which is why you cannot cite any and have never tried

Just because you read a tabloid does not make it true..

You have been asked many times for evidence and have never tried to power any

You are a proven liar, a coward and uneducated sucker
He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.

Your OPINIONS are not facts and the only thing you got right is that stupid can't be fixed so all i can do is feel bad for you.
Yes only the WC is factual. LMFAO.

Can you get any dumber?
No one said that.

What was said is that you are a stupid fool and that is true.
A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.

Your OPINIONS are not facts and the only thing you got right is that stupid can't be fixed so all i can do is feel bad for you.
Yes only the WC is factual. LMFAO.

Can you get any dumber?
No one said that.

What was said is that you are a stupid fool and that is true.
Yes you have. You believe the WC is the truth and all other possible scenarios are conspiracy theories. They taught you well at Langley, but they taught you lies.
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.

Your OPINIONS are not facts and the only thing you got right is that stupid can't be fixed so all i can do is feel bad for you.
Yes only the WC is factual. LMFAO.

Can you get any dumber?
No one said that.

What was said is that you are a stupid fool and that is true.
Yes you have. You believe the WC is the truth and all other possible scenarios are conspiracy theories. They taught you well at Langley, but they taught you lies.

He believes that because the evidence shows it to be true. You don't believe that because your world view does not allow you to see facts and therefore embrace fiction.

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