Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library
That's because lane was a conspiracy theorist whose motive was to sell more books.
Yes only the Warren Commission is above reproach and ulterior motives. LMFAO.

The WC was headed by the scumbag lying murderer Dulles, but he was so honest. LMFAO.

Can’t fix stupid.

Your OPINIONS are not facts and the only thing you got right is that stupid can't be fixed so all i can do is feel bad for you.
Yes only the WC is factual. LMFAO.

Can you get any dumber?
No one said that.

What was said is that you are a stupid fool and that is true.
Yes you have. You believe the WC is the truth and all other possible scenarios are conspiracy theories. They taught you well at Langley, but they taught you lies.
No you are a liar.

No one has said anything such thing

I and others have asked for evidence which you cannot provide or cite.

You are the one posting proven lies.
What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library

Claims were made but no proof was offered.
What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library

Claims were made but no proof was offered.

You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

Coffin Used for JFK Dumped at Sea in 1965, Records Show
May 29, 1999 | Associated Press
A bronze coffin used to transport President Kennedy's body from Dallas to Washington was dropped from a military plane into the ocean two years after he was killed, according to assassination documents. "Apparently the casket is in 9,000 feet of water in the Atlantic Ocean," Kermit L. Hall, a member of the defunct Assassination Records Review Board, said in a telephone interview Friday night
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What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library

Claims were made but no proof was offered.

You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger. That evidence has been presented to you and you are willfully ignoring it. On the other hand no one else has any evidence whatsoever of another shooter.

We have absolute overwhelming evidence Oswald bought and owned the specific rifle and once again that evidence has been presented to you and you are simply lying about it.

We have massive physical evidence he was in possession of the rifle that day and you have been unable to even to challenge that fact and once again you are willfully ignoring the evidence.

We have crushing evidence he brought the rifle to the TSBD and that is beyond refute. You are simply lying about it.

We have plenty of reasonable motive for him to have killed Kennedy you simply ignore reason and logic because it does not fit your fictional narrative.

Being a marxist does not mean you are a member of a party

Ruby had a motive for killing Oswald which he explained and which you willfully ignore and it had nothing to do with silencing oswald.

The congressional body based its conclusion on one piece of evidence which was later proven false thus debunking their own conclusion and leaving the Warren Commission report unchallenged.

Hunts confession is second hand unrecorded and not corroborated making it as worthless as the other hundred confessions from supposed assassins.

Trafficante also had no such known confessions except through second and third hand unreliable witnesses. Making it worthless'

Professional hitmen do not leave signatures and that story is as fictional as the JFK movie

So far you have massively struck out and failed to provide any evidence to even challenge the Warren Commission.

Mark lane for example was just an author trying to maker money through book sales.He offered no evidence and is factually wrong on several points.

Such as the number of winesses who have supposedly died. Not at all abnormal and his math calculating the odds is false.

Try something which has not been debunked as so far you have struck out sensationally
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What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library

Claims were made but no proof was offered.

You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger. That evidence has been presented to you and you are willfully ignoring it. On the other hand no one else has any evidence whatsoever of another shooter.

We have absolute overwhelming proof Oswald bought and owned the specific rifle and once again that proof has been presented to you and you are simply lying about it.

We have massive physical evidence he was in possession of the rifle that day and you have been unable to even to challenge that fact and once again you are willfully ignoring the evidence.

We have crushing evidence he brought the rifle to the TSBD and that is beyond refute. You are simply lying about it.

We have plenty of reasonable motive for him to have killed Kennedy you simply ignore reason and logic because it does not fit your fictional narrative.

Being a marxist does not mean you are a member of a party

Ruby had a motive for killing Oswald which he explained and which you willfully ignore and it had nothing to do with silencing oswald.

The congressional body based its conclusion on one piece of evidence which was later proven false thus debunking their own conclusion and leaving the Warren Commission report unchallenged.

Hunts confession is second hand unrecorded and not corroborated making it as worthless as the other hundred confessions from supposed assassins.

Trafficante also had no such known confessions except through second and third hand unreliable witnesses. Making it worthless'

Professional hitmen do not leave signatures and that story is as fictional as the JFK movie

So far you have massively struck out and failed to provide any evidence to even challenge the Warren Commission.

Mark lane for example was just an author trying to maker money through book sales.He offered no evidence and is factually wrong on several points.

Such as the number of winesses who have supposedly died. Not at all abnormal and his math calculating the odds is false.

Try something which has not been debunked as so far you have struck out sensationally

You say you have proof....

Show what proof you have that oswald actually pulled the trigger of the rifle that killed kennedy.

The curious case of Charles Thomas...............

JFK documents could show the truth about a diplomat's death 47 years ago
What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library

Claims were made but no proof was offered.

You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger. That evidence has been presented to you and you are willfully ignoring it. On the other hand no one else has any evidence whatsoever of another shooter.

We have absolute overwhelming proof Oswald bought and owned the specific rifle and once again that proof has been presented to you and you are simply lying about it.

We have massive physical evidence he was in possession of the rifle that day and you have been unable to even to challenge that fact and once again you are willfully ignoring the evidence.

We have crushing evidence he brought the rifle to the TSBD and that is beyond refute. You are simply lying about it.

We have plenty of reasonable motive for him to have killed Kennedy you simply ignore reason and logic because it does not fit your fictional narrative.

Being a marxist does not mean you are a member of a party

Ruby had a motive for killing Oswald which he explained and which you willfully ignore and it had nothing to do with silencing oswald.

The congressional body based its conclusion on one piece of evidence which was later proven false thus debunking their own conclusion and leaving the Warren Commission report unchallenged.

Hunts confession is second hand unrecorded and not corroborated making it as worthless as the other hundred confessions from supposed assassins.

Trafficante also had no such known confessions except through second and third hand unreliable witnesses. Making it worthless'

Professional hitmen do not leave signatures and that story is as fictional as the JFK movie

So far you have massively struck out and failed to provide any evidence to even challenge the Warren Commission.

Mark lane for example was just an author trying to maker money through book sales.He offered no evidence and is factually wrong on several points.

Such as the number of winesses who have supposedly died. Not at all abnormal and his math calculating the odds is false.

Try something which has not been debunked as so far you have struck out sensationally

You say you have proof....

Show what proof you have that oswald actually pulled the trigger of the rifle that killed kennedy.

I said evidence I did not say proof.

You have ZERO evidence challenging the conclusion of the warren commission but they presented MASSIVE evidence supporting their conclusion.

Proof is something which never really exists anywhere. The evidence simply proves you wrong because their is a lot of it compared to zero from you.
What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library

Claims were made but no proof was offered.

You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger. That evidence has been presented to you and you are willfully ignoring it. On the other hand no one else has any evidence whatsoever of another shooter.

We have absolute overwhelming proof Oswald bought and owned the specific rifle and once again that proof has been presented to you and you are simply lying about it.

We have massive physical evidence he was in possession of the rifle that day and you have been unable to even to challenge that fact and once again you are willfully ignoring the evidence.

We have crushing evidence he brought the rifle to the TSBD and that is beyond refute. You are simply lying about it.

We have plenty of reasonable motive for him to have killed Kennedy you simply ignore reason and logic because it does not fit your fictional narrative.

Being a marxist does not mean you are a member of a party

Ruby had a motive for killing Oswald which he explained and which you willfully ignore and it had nothing to do with silencing oswald.

The congressional body based its conclusion on one piece of evidence which was later proven false thus debunking their own conclusion and leaving the Warren Commission report unchallenged.

Hunts confession is second hand unrecorded and not corroborated making it as worthless as the other hundred confessions from supposed assassins.

Trafficante also had no such known confessions except through second and third hand unreliable witnesses. Making it worthless'

Professional hitmen do not leave signatures and that story is as fictional as the JFK movie

So far you have massively struck out and failed to provide any evidence to even challenge the Warren Commission.

Mark lane for example was just an author trying to maker money through book sales.He offered no evidence and is factually wrong on several points.

Such as the number of winesses who have supposedly died. Not at all abnormal and his math calculating the odds is false.

Try something which has not been debunked as so far you have struck out sensationally

You say you have proof....

Show what proof you have that oswald actually pulled the trigger of the rifle that killed kennedy.

I said evidence I did not say proof.

You have ZERO evidence challenging the conclusion of the warren commission but they presented MASSIVE evidence supporting their conclusion.

Proof is something which never really exists anywhere. The evidence simply proves you wrong because their is a lot of it compared to zero from you.

You said you have overwhelming proof boyo....reread your post....it is there for all to see.

Anyhow....................................another lil tid bit adding to the mountain of tidbits indicating where there is smoke there may be fire.

Lyndon Johnson claimed Kennedy assassination was payback for killing of Vietnamese leader, intelligence chief said

CIA Director Richard Helms, who served under both the Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon administrations, claimed in April 1975 that Johnson used to claim that Kennedy’s killing was an act of foreign retribution, the documents show.

"President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem,” Helms said in a deposition.

Personally, I think that was just LBJ blowing smoke to cover his own involvement.

Irregardless....here we have a man who was President of The United States and the one who set in motion The Warren Commission....saying in essence he did not believe the Warren Commission Report

Now this is someone who had access to huge amounts of intelligence saying something that many other believe and in fact that the majority of the American People believe......yet you claim you have massive and overwhelming proof of Oswald shooting JFK.
Last edited:
Claims were made but no proof was offered.

You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger. That evidence has been presented to you and you are willfully ignoring it. On the other hand no one else has any evidence whatsoever of another shooter.

We have absolute overwhelming proof Oswald bought and owned the specific rifle and once again that proof has been presented to you and you are simply lying about it.

We have massive physical evidence he was in possession of the rifle that day and you have been unable to even to challenge that fact and once again you are willfully ignoring the evidence.

We have crushing evidence he brought the rifle to the TSBD and that is beyond refute. You are simply lying about it.

We have plenty of reasonable motive for him to have killed Kennedy you simply ignore reason and logic because it does not fit your fictional narrative.

Being a marxist does not mean you are a member of a party

Ruby had a motive for killing Oswald which he explained and which you willfully ignore and it had nothing to do with silencing oswald.

The congressional body based its conclusion on one piece of evidence which was later proven false thus debunking their own conclusion and leaving the Warren Commission report unchallenged.

Hunts confession is second hand unrecorded and not corroborated making it as worthless as the other hundred confessions from supposed assassins.

Trafficante also had no such known confessions except through second and third hand unreliable witnesses. Making it worthless'

Professional hitmen do not leave signatures and that story is as fictional as the JFK movie

So far you have massively struck out and failed to provide any evidence to even challenge the Warren Commission.

Mark lane for example was just an author trying to maker money through book sales.He offered no evidence and is factually wrong on several points.

Such as the number of winesses who have supposedly died. Not at all abnormal and his math calculating the odds is false.

Try something which has not been debunked as so far you have struck out sensationally

You say you have proof....

Show what proof you have that oswald actually pulled the trigger of the rifle that killed kennedy.

I said evidence I did not say proof.

You have ZERO evidence challenging the conclusion of the warren commission but they presented MASSIVE evidence supporting their conclusion.

Proof is something which never really exists anywhere. The evidence simply proves you wrong because their is a lot of it compared to zero from you.

You said you have overwhelming proof boyo....reread your post....it is there for all to see.

Anyhow....................................another lil tid bit adding to the mountain of tidbits indicating where there is smoke there may be fire.

Lyndon Johnson claimed Kennedy assassination was payback for killing of Vietnamese leader, intelligence chief said

CIA Director Richard Helms, who served under both the Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon administrations, claimed in April 1975 that Johnson used to claim that Kennedy’s killing was an act of foreign retribution, the documents show.

"President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem,” Helms said in a deposition.

Personally, I think that was just LBJ blowing smoke to cover his own involvement.
Second hand and I said evidence liar
You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger. That evidence has been presented to you and you are willfully ignoring it. On the other hand no one else has any evidence whatsoever of another shooter.

We have absolute overwhelming proof Oswald bought and owned the specific rifle and once again that proof has been presented to you and you are simply lying about it.

We have massive physical evidence he was in possession of the rifle that day and you have been unable to even to challenge that fact and once again you are willfully ignoring the evidence.

We have crushing evidence he brought the rifle to the TSBD and that is beyond refute. You are simply lying about it.

We have plenty of reasonable motive for him to have killed Kennedy you simply ignore reason and logic because it does not fit your fictional narrative.

Being a marxist does not mean you are a member of a party

Ruby had a motive for killing Oswald which he explained and which you willfully ignore and it had nothing to do with silencing oswald.

The congressional body based its conclusion on one piece of evidence which was later proven false thus debunking their own conclusion and leaving the Warren Commission report unchallenged.

Hunts confession is second hand unrecorded and not corroborated making it as worthless as the other hundred confessions from supposed assassins.

Trafficante also had no such known confessions except through second and third hand unreliable witnesses. Making it worthless'

Professional hitmen do not leave signatures and that story is as fictional as the JFK movie

So far you have massively struck out and failed to provide any evidence to even challenge the Warren Commission.

Mark lane for example was just an author trying to maker money through book sales.He offered no evidence and is factually wrong on several points.

Such as the number of winesses who have supposedly died. Not at all abnormal and his math calculating the odds is false.

Try something which has not been debunked as so far you have struck out sensationally

You say you have proof....

Show what proof you have that oswald actually pulled the trigger of the rifle that killed kennedy.

I said evidence I did not say proof.

You have ZERO evidence challenging the conclusion of the warren commission but they presented MASSIVE evidence supporting their conclusion.

Proof is something which never really exists anywhere. The evidence simply proves you wrong because their is a lot of it compared to zero from you.

You said you have overwhelming proof boyo....reread your post....it is there for all to see.

Anyhow....................................another lil tid bit adding to the mountain of tidbits indicating where there is smoke there may be fire.

Lyndon Johnson claimed Kennedy assassination was payback for killing of Vietnamese leader, intelligence chief said

CIA Director Richard Helms, who served under both the Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon administrations, claimed in April 1975 that Johnson used to claim that Kennedy’s killing was an act of foreign retribution, the documents show.

"President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem,” Helms said in a deposition.

Personally, I think that was just LBJ blowing smoke to cover his own involvement.
Second hand and I said evidence liar

hehheh Now do not get angry boyo....just scroll up and look at your post #2285

and.....I quote you............'We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger.'

Nuff said. Case closed.
We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger. That evidence has been presented to you and you are willfully ignoring it. On the other hand no one else has any evidence whatsoever of another shooter.

We have absolute overwhelming proof Oswald bought and owned the specific rifle and once again that proof has been presented to you and you are simply lying about it.

We have massive physical evidence he was in possession of the rifle that day and you have been unable to even to challenge that fact and once again you are willfully ignoring the evidence.

We have crushing evidence he brought the rifle to the TSBD and that is beyond refute. You are simply lying about it.

We have plenty of reasonable motive for him to have killed Kennedy you simply ignore reason and logic because it does not fit your fictional narrative.

Being a marxist does not mean you are a member of a party

Ruby had a motive for killing Oswald which he explained and which you willfully ignore and it had nothing to do with silencing oswald.

The congressional body based its conclusion on one piece of evidence which was later proven false thus debunking their own conclusion and leaving the Warren Commission report unchallenged.

Hunts confession is second hand unrecorded and not corroborated making it as worthless as the other hundred confessions from supposed assassins.

Trafficante also had no such known confessions except through second and third hand unreliable witnesses. Making it worthless'

Professional hitmen do not leave signatures and that story is as fictional as the JFK movie

So far you have massively struck out and failed to provide any evidence to even challenge the Warren Commission.

Mark lane for example was just an author trying to maker money through book sales.He offered no evidence and is factually wrong on several points.

Such as the number of winesses who have supposedly died. Not at all abnormal and his math calculating the odds is false.

Try something which has not been debunked as so far you have struck out sensationally

You say you have proof....

Show what proof you have that oswald actually pulled the trigger of the rifle that killed kennedy.

I said evidence I did not say proof.

You have ZERO evidence challenging the conclusion of the warren commission but they presented MASSIVE evidence supporting their conclusion.

Proof is something which never really exists anywhere. The evidence simply proves you wrong because their is a lot of it compared to zero from you.

You said you have overwhelming proof boyo....reread your post....it is there for all to see.

Anyhow....................................another lil tid bit adding to the mountain of tidbits indicating where there is smoke there may be fire.

Lyndon Johnson claimed Kennedy assassination was payback for killing of Vietnamese leader, intelligence chief said

CIA Director Richard Helms, who served under both the Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon administrations, claimed in April 1975 that Johnson used to claim that Kennedy’s killing was an act of foreign retribution, the documents show.

"President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem,” Helms said in a deposition.

Personally, I think that was just LBJ blowing smoke to cover his own involvement.
Second hand and I said evidence liar

hehheh Now do not get angry boyo....just scroll up and look at your post #2285

Nuff said. Case closed.


I said evidence
You say you have proof....

Show what proof you have that oswald actually pulled the trigger of the rifle that killed kennedy.

I said evidence I did not say proof.

You have ZERO evidence challenging the conclusion of the warren commission but they presented MASSIVE evidence supporting their conclusion.

Proof is something which never really exists anywhere. The evidence simply proves you wrong because their is a lot of it compared to zero from you.

You said you have overwhelming proof boyo....reread your post....it is there for all to see.

Anyhow....................................another lil tid bit adding to the mountain of tidbits indicating where there is smoke there may be fire.

Lyndon Johnson claimed Kennedy assassination was payback for killing of Vietnamese leader, intelligence chief said

CIA Director Richard Helms, who served under both the Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon administrations, claimed in April 1975 that Johnson used to claim that Kennedy’s killing was an act of foreign retribution, the documents show.

"President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem,” Helms said in a deposition.

Personally, I think that was just LBJ blowing smoke to cover his own involvement.
Second hand and I said evidence liar

hehheh Now do not get angry boyo....just scroll up and look at your post #2285

Nuff said. Case closed.


I said evidence

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You are really damaging your credibility boyo.

Again....in post #2285 you said and i quote '
'We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger'
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I said evidence I did not say proof.

You have ZERO evidence challenging the conclusion of the warren commission but they presented MASSIVE evidence supporting their conclusion.

Proof is something which never really exists anywhere. The evidence simply proves you wrong because their is a lot of it compared to zero from you.

You said you have overwhelming proof boyo....reread your post....it is there for all to see.

Anyhow....................................another lil tid bit adding to the mountain of tidbits indicating where there is smoke there may be fire.

Lyndon Johnson claimed Kennedy assassination was payback for killing of Vietnamese leader, intelligence chief said

CIA Director Richard Helms, who served under both the Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon administrations, claimed in April 1975 that Johnson used to claim that Kennedy’s killing was an act of foreign retribution, the documents show.

"President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem,” Helms said in a deposition.

Personally, I think that was just LBJ blowing smoke to cover his own involvement.
Second hand and I said evidence liar

hehheh Now do not get angry boyo....just scroll up and look at your post #2285

Nuff said. Case closed.


I said evidence

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You are really damaging your credibility.

Nope it is intact you look like an idiot as I said we have evidence read and weep bitch

You conspiracy fools are all the same claiming things that do not exist and getting pwned like a whore'
Do you think people will not check post #2285 and read that you claimed to have massive overwhelming proof that oswald pulled the trigger?
Coffin Used for JFK Dumped at Sea in 1965, Records Show
May 29, 1999 | Associated Press
A bronze coffin used to transport President Kennedy's body from Dallas to Washington was dropped from a military plane into the ocean two years after he was killed, according to assassination documents. "Apparently the casket is in 9,000 feet of water in the Atlantic Ocean," Kermit L. Hall, a member of the defunct Assassination Records Review Board, said in a telephone interview Friday night
Hmmm...now what is the point of that? Does it contain the brain of our assassinated president that the Warren Commission
somehow lost track of? Oooops....
The Mystery of JFK's Brain: How Did it Disappear? | Historic Mysteries
Some try to theorize, without any proof at all, that Robert Kennedy took the brain to hide evidence of drug usage by the president (okay, mildly plausible) and inexplicably, real proof of bullet damage to his brain.

What does Robert Kennedy have to gain by helping the Warren Commission lie to the world?
And it's yet again proof of the Warren Commission's determination to hide and conceal the real facts and circumstances of a crime they unconvincingly covered up.

That they released vial evidence in the form of the president's brain to the Secret Service,
already deeply complicit in the coup by their actions at Dealy Plaza and in destroying
evidence in the president's limousine itself (removing the windshield and cleaning and repairing upholstery) is just once more sign of the Warren Commission at work covering the tracks of the real killers.
The smart people already know this to be true. The idiots that drink the Kool Aid will never
allow themselves to admit to the clear and obvious truth.
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I demand an apology!!!

Fuck off liar

Post 2285 proves me right and you a dishonest bitch

Again......in your own words....................in post #2285

I demand an apology!!!

Fuck off liar

Post 2285 proves me right and you a dishonest bitch

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa again in your own words in post
I demand an apology!!!

Fuck off liar

Post 2285 proves me right and you a dishonest bitch

Again.....post 2285.......in the first sentence you said and I quote:

'"We have massive overwhelming proof Oswald pulled the trigger"

Everyone can see it....keep denying it though......makes your credibility stink.

How do you expect anyone to believe you about anything when you keep denying what you said in post #2285?

And you do this on a thread with over 30,000 views.....I doubt if in the history of this board that anyone has engaged in such blatant dishonesty in front of so many viewers.

I wonder if there is a rule on here against such outright lying.....if so someone should report you.

Such childish behavior has no place on this board.

If you cannot even be honest about this....is there anything you can be honest about?

You certainly have now disqualified yourself from participation on this thread.
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What do Dick Gregory, Lyndon B. Johnson and Víctor Marchetti all have in common? All three have expressed doubts about the accuracy of the Warren Commission report. Seventy percent of the American public agree according to a Harris poll. The Commission reached the conclusión that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots killing John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1 963. mÊm Ten years after the assassination in Dallas, pressure is mounting for reopening the investigation which branded Oswald a lone assassin. "Oswald is one of the most hated figures in American history," says former Central Intelligence Agency employee George O'Toole in his new book, The Assassination Tapes (Penthouse Press). "While critics of the Warren Commission f ind receptive and sympathetic audiences to hear their arguments, one proclaims Oswald innocent at his own peril." O'Toole's book is just one of the current pieces of evidence which has aroused speculation on the accuracy of the Warren report. Using a Psychological Stress Evahiator (PSE), a sort of Me detector which probes theeeporters spoken word, O'Toole analyzed tapes of a press conference following Oswald's arrest in Dallas ten years ago. Based on PSE , "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." O'Toole work checked by two other evaluations, LeeHarvey Oswald was telling the truth when he stated to rxperts who validifitd his findings. The PSE shows Oswald was innocent. All three weramazede . "The charge that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy has gained widespread acceptance, even in the face of widespread doubts about the Warren report," writes O'Toole. "Ten years after the event, even most skeptics doubted only that 'Oswald acted alone.' " Some of the "skeptics" have never doubted Oswald's nnocence. Mark Lane s probably the best known of the assassination researchers challenging the Commission conclusions. A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request. When Lane's protests seemed to be stirring some controversy over the Commission's methods, they did consent to give Lane a chance to testify. This permitted his evidence to become part of the official record, although it seemed to have little other influence on the Commission. "There s one conclusión the Warren Commission reached which is an accurate conclusión," Mark Lane recently told an Ann Arbor audience at Hill Auditorium. "That was that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. You may recall this took place on national televisión, and would have been hard even for the Commission to deny." WM he Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of testimony, as well as their 888 page report which found Oswald guilty of firing the murder weapon. In addition to all the published material, much nformation, including secret government files and every piece of scrap paper from the Commission is filed in the National Archives, most of it is where the public cannot see it. But for all the published "evidence," Lane makes a case that the report was a coverup, particularly since so much material s secret and unpublished. "An example of what the Commission did choose to publish is the dental chart showing the condition in 1938 of Jack Ruby's mother's teeth," Lane told the chuckling audience. "I suggest that would not have been relevant even if the Commission concluded Ruby had bitten Oswald to death." "Unfortunately, the Commission decided to suppress a lot of the basic evidence," Lane continued. "I said in 1964 that in my opinión, six of the members of the Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place. They suppressed basic evidence and that's what an accessory after the fact is. " "I said at the time that there was one member of the Commission who seemed so completely conf used by the evidence that I could think of a defense for him. He was a congressman from Michigan named Gerald Ford." Why Ford? "I quoted a man named Hubert Hamburg, the World's Olympic rifle champion," recounts Lane of nis testimony before the Warren Commission. "I said this man said the weapon the Commission claimed Oswald used was not capable of that kind of performance." [Oswald fjred three shots in 5.6 seconds hitting the President twice according to off icial report.] "And Ford looked up and said, 'Hamburg? Is that man a foreigner?' "That was the only question he asked me in the two days I testified before the Commission. He was right on the target. I had to admit the man was born in Austria, and that wiped out that point." erald Ford was so impressed by the findings of the Warren Commission that in 1965 he wrote a book, Porimii of the Assassin. He describes the book as a non-fiction novel revealing the outer and inner lives of Lee Harvey Oswald. "I wish they wou ld try one of those Psychological Stress Evaluators- the lie thing where you listen to their voice- on him," said Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and radical feminist, to an Ann Arbor audience-. "You get smilin' whitey sayin' "I was a member of the Warren Commission and we were very careful...' " Fio Kennedy was extremely critical of the Warren Commission and government lying. "That death became quite a pile of shit," she told a predominatly female audience at Rackham Assembly Hall. "It isn't something you could just brush over like say Fred Hampton's or Mark Clark's deaths" [both murdered Black Panthers] . But under the FrceJom of Information Act, some of that information has gradually been released from the Archives as researchers have sued the government for it. Last month, Harold Weisberg obtained results from chemical tests made by the F.B.I. in 1964 which show all bullets recovered from Dealey Plaza could not have come from one rifle. According to the Warren report, one of the three shots attributed to Oswald went astray, hitting a curb in the front of the presidential limousine. Results of the test indícate the FBI experts were unable to find any copper on the curb which was struck. Since all of Oswald's alleged bullets were copper jacketed, at least one bullet doesn't match the shells found in the Texas School Book Depository Building. Deputy Sheriff Ed "Buddy" Walthers also found evidence of a bullet different from those which came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle attributed to Oswald. He discovered a bullet he identif ied as a .45 caliber slug across from where Kennedy was shot. Before he could piek it up, an unknown man approached him and the city pólice near him, saying "get the fuck out of here." That was the last heard of the bullet which was the wrong caliber for the Italian rifle. According to the Dallas Iconoclast, the bullet was found across from a manhole where one witness had reported seeing smoke following the shooting on November 22, 1963. Walthers, like so many witnesses whose evidence contradicts official findings, died under somewhat mysterious circumstances in I969. Sent to apprehend an escaped convict, he was somehow shot in the back after opening a door to the convict's motel room in a Serpico- like shootout. eorge OToole also adds to the legends about the Dallas law enforcement officials and their investigation of the assassination. In The Assassinatiqn I Tapes, a number of Texan cops teil stories about events surrounding the assassination which disagree with their official testimony before the Commission, and even disagree with each other. Using PSE analysis, O'Toole found that none of them are telling the truth. For example, when Oswald was arrested the pólice claimed he was carrying identif ication in his own name plus that of Alex Hidell. This did not appear in the official reports they f iled, but did come up during the testimony before the Commission. The significance revolves around the fact that the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was ordered from a mail order house in Chicago by Alex Hidell. The supposed phony ID linked Oswald to the gun. Were there other rifles f red in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963? One frame in the Zapruder film (the eighteen second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder which shows Kennedy being struck) seems to show a rifleman hidden in a clump of bushes. The film, purchased by Life mmediately following the assassination, had not been seen publicly until recently when "underground" copies became available to researchers. The film has been shown several times in the past few weeks on televisión, including on ABC's national late night show Goodnight, Aimriva. and the local I.ou Gordon Show. The most strik ing scène in the film shows Kennedy's head being blown up and thrown violently backward, seeming to indícate that not all the bullets came from behind as the Warren report claims. On the hou Gordpn Show, one Commission critic claimed two other pictures taken in Dealey Plaza that day also show the same shadow figure with a rifle. But Mr. Jenner, one of the senior lawyers working on the Warren Commission, argued with the researcher that no such image showed in the original. According to Jenner, the Commission examined the film "under a microscope" and found no evidence of another assassin. Jenner defended the Commission report and accused the researchers of being "sensationalists.... who have no responsibility to the American people." He claimed the public wanted to believe the report, but were being misled. The Zapruder film is now being processed at Cornell University under a process known as image enhancement. Using a computer, the technique can bring pictures and shadow images into ful Ier H focus. Cornell is supposedly centrating on the frame showing the assassin in the bushes. efenders of the Waren Commission report are finally attempting to answer charges by critics. But recent reports showing that former President Lyndon Johnson doubted the results have further eroded public confidence. Washington columnist Marianne Means revealed last month that Johnson had confided to Joseph Califano, his chief of staff, that Johnson doubted Oswald had acted alone. He suggested Oswald may have been acting under orders from Fidel Castro in retaliation for CIA plots to assassinate the Cuban premiere. The story is backed by a CBS video clip of an interview done shortly before Johnson's death. In an interview with Walter Cronkite, Johnson admitted he never quite accepted the finding that Oswald acted alone. He did not "completely discount" international connections. "There's not any hard evidence that Oswald was directed by a foreign government ..but was quite a mysterious person," Johnson stated. The clip, part of a longer interview, had never been released before as Johnson had asked for its deletion based on "national security." "There is no evidence for that theory," said one assassination researcher. "In fact, the evidence shows it's more likely our own CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination." The Johnson interview gives credence to the possibility that the Warren Commission was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, not to delve too deeply into the Kennedy assassination. "National security" was at stake, and a coverup was necessary. But rather than reveal what Johnson feared, a thorough investigation would have exposed CIA and FBI operations years before Watergate or the "new left". "If Earl Warren was convinced that Oswald's act could start World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup," suggested the researcher. IMS ■ Hith so many recent revelations of governmental ■ coverups, whitewashes and direct lies, many AmerBgf icans now accept the idea that the Warren report should be reopened to reveal the whole truth. Too much evidence indicates the Warren Commission did not follow up all the leads. A bilí introduced into the House of Representatives sponsored by eleven representatives, is calling for a new investigation. The bilí proposes a joint House-Senate committee structured like the Senate Watergate committee to run a public investigation. Individuals can pressure Congress to reopen the investigation by writing to their representatives. A public investigation will resolve the unanswered questions, and most likely continue the exposé of the CIA and FBI. If you want to f ind out more about the assassination and the Wanen Commission coverup, some books like Mark Lane's are still available in libraries. The University of Michigan has the Warren report stored in the Rare Book Room, but it can be read with the help of a student ID card. The Assassination Tapes, just published last month, is exciting reading and an interesting introduction to the subject. Definitely bound for the best seller lists, it is available for $8.95 at Brairwood (none of the campus stores had t at press time). The SUN will continue to run ameles, and cali for a reopening of the assassination investigation, not only of the J.F.K. killing, but all the killings and attempted murders from Malcolm X to Robert Kennedy which have altered the political process in this country. This article is the third on the killing in Dallas. If you missed the first two, (Nov. 22 and Dec. 6, 1974), we still have copies available. Send 50 cents per copy to our office, and we will send them to you. "Six of the members of the Warren Commission were accessories after the fact of the murder of John F. Kennedy because they heard enough of the evidence to understand what took place." -Mark Lane "If Earl Warren was convinced, perhaps by the CIA, that Oswald's act could have started World War III, he probably would have agreed to a coverup." -an inforrned sou ree ■!!. ■KMMMtMnW I dldnft_L uhoot anybody J no Ir The PSE voice an, told the t Assdssínation continued from page 15 John Conally himself claims he was not hit until after the first shot hit Kennedy, thus indicating this theory could not be ture. In addition, the bullet the Com- mission claimed accomplished this feat is in near perfect condition. A shot fired into the wrist of a cadáver as an experiment was flattened in half. Silencing the witnesses. In the past decade, more than forty people connected with the assassination have died strangely. Eighteen material witnesses died even sooner after the event- 5 of natural causes, and 13 were the victims of accident, suicide or murder, ncluding one man who feil through a píate glass window. Of the fifteen material witnesses dead by 1967, an actuary determined the odds against those people being dead were 100 rillion to one. If Oswald acted alone, why the mysterious deaths? Jack Ruby, Oswald's murderer told Earl Warren he wanted to talk, but couldn't while he was held n a Texas prison because he feared for his life. Ruby also told a psychiatrist before his death that he was part of a conspiracy, but the psychiatrist decided on this one matter alone, Ruby was insane. Crucial evidence, including the brain of John Kennedy which was supposed to be n the National Archives, has completely disappeared. Recently, retired Air Forcé Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who revealed he had helped arrange air transport for a CIA '■ nation team to kill Castro, studied the Commission's case that there was no conspiracy in the JFK killing. "Scientifically, [their theory] just can't work," he said. "To carry out what was carried out in Dallas would have required more than one individual operating by himself." And finally, the Commission itself. In 1975, a Commission so constituted would be considered less than trustworthy, knowing of past governmental coverups. On the Warren Commission were a former CIA CIA director. Allen Dulles; head of the hawkish Senate Armed Services subcommittee, Richard Russell; former head of the .Off ice of Strategie Services (the WWI forerunner of the CIA) John J. McCloy, and of course, Gerald R. Ford.

Jfk's Murder And The Warren Commission Cover-up | Ann Arbor District Library

Claims were made but no proof was offered.

You have no proof Oswald pulled the trigger.

You have no proof Oswald ever bought a rifle.

You have no proof Oswald was in possession that day of the rifle in question.

You have no proof Oswald even brought a rifle to the book depository.

You have no rational motive for Oswald to even want to kill JFK who had been sanctioned by the Communist party....oswald being a marxist was not likely to go against the party.

The only rational motive For Ruby to kill Oswald was to silence him forever....and thus prevent a real trial from happening....which undoubtedly would have shed the light of truth on the whole matter.

And.....do not forge the congressional body that said the Warren Report was wrong.

Do not forget the death bed confession Mr. Hunt cia guy of watergate fame who said look to who benefited from the assassination....thus implicating LBJ.

Do not forget the death bed statement of Santos Trafficante....mob guy who said we should have killed Robert not John.

Do not the forget the incredible and very detailed confession of James Files who admitted to his role and who left a souvenir behind on the grassy knowl that was found years later....the cartridge shell of the bullet he fired to kill Kennedy and which he bit and left on a fence post....a personal signature of his as a professional hitman for the mob. etc.etc.etc.

And the story I just read for the first time about a stress test analysis of Oswald's voice that revealed he was telling the truth when he said he was just a patsy.

JFK Assassination Records Review Board Releases Top Secret Records

JFKCountercoup2: Kermit L. Hall on JFK Assassination Records

Coffin Used for JFK Dumped at Sea in 1965, Records Show
May 29, 1999 | Associated Press
A bronze coffin used to transport President Kennedy's body from Dallas to Washington was dropped from a military plane into the ocean two years after he was killed, according to assassination documents. "Apparently the casket is in 9,000 feet of water in the Atlantic Ocean," Kermit L. Hall, a member of the defunct Assassination Records Review Board, said in a telephone interview Friday night

You have no proof Oswald didn't pull the trigger.

You have no proof that someone else bought the rifle.

You have no proof that Oswald didn't possess his rifle that day.

You have no proof that Oswald DIDN'T have the rifle at the Texas School Book Depository.

You have nothing to show that Oswald wouldn't go against the will of the Communist Party.

You can't prove that Ruby HAD a rational motive to kill Oswald. He said he was overcome by emotion, not logic.

And, do not forget that the only reason the HSCA said there was a conspiracy was the "audio evidence", which was subsequently shown to be faulty.

And do not forget that E. Howard Hunt was such a liar that not even his son believed his death bed confession was true.

And do not forget that there is no proof that Santos Trafficante killed Kennedy. In fact there is MUCH more proof that Oswald did the assassination alone than that Trafficante had a hand in it.

And do not forget that Abraham Zapruder and his secretary was less than 20 feet from the picket fence and would have heard a shot fired from that position, but didn't because no one shot from that position.

Why don't you post a link to the evidence concerning that "voice stress test" so we can all judge for ourselves if the test was valid or if the ambient noise on the tape might have contaminated the test? There was no link in your post.

As far as the coffin is concerned, while I wouldn't have dumped it, it was RFK's choice.

"It was two years after the assassination and the casket was being stored in a vault at the National Archives in Washington. Concerned it might fall into the hands of sensation seekers, the late president's brother, Robert, told Archives officials: "What I would like to have done is take it to sea."

JFK's Coffin Dumped At Sea

I guess he was trying to keep it away from people like you.

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