Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Obviously the route was known or opted for by coup insiders who had shooters waiting at the DalTex building, the TSBD and the grassy knoll near the railway yard. And of course the Secret Service violated their own protocols many times that day.
An excellent source with regard to the Secret Service standing down in Dallas Texas. The Secret Service Stand Down

Did the Warren Commission address any of this? Of course not.
It almost makes me want to take the idiot trolls off ignore so I could get their
priceless reaction to this but I already know they aren't smart enough to
rationalize the matter and they definitely aren't honest enough.

No, it's much better simply shutting them out.

hehheh I think they ran away----obviously beginning to understand they could not defend their assertions.

In regards to the secret service screw ups or just following orders to put up no defense for the President....none of them were ever even disciplined as far as I know.

Another thing I just found out was that under interrogation----Oswald said he had seen the manager of the building with a rifle in the building....this was covered up of course.
Kennedy Assassination: Changed Motorcade Route?

Oswald Innocent? A Lawyer's Brief, by Mark Lane, National Guardian, 12/19/63
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The biggest problem with the Warren Report and one that absolutely dubunks their accusation of Oswald's being a lone wolf who killed JFK for no rational reason was the fact that the Warren Commision engaged in a criminal conspiracy from the start, involving the destruction of top-secret documents and photographs, the silencing of witnesses and whistleblowers, and the wholesale suborning of perjury – to cover up the truth about what the government had known in advance about Oswald and the clear threat he had posed to one man: President Kennedy.

Could the Secret Service Have Saved J.F.K.?

Weren't you just demanding proof? Why are you making claims about destruction, silencing and suborning perjury without providing proof other than a link to a conspiracy theory website that presents allegations only?

I have never claimed to have proof about anything. I post a lot of things that I think are interesting.

Again..........the burden of proof regarding Oswalds guilt was on the state and you as a supporter of the State's position have the burden of proof on this thread.....thus again....present your proof that Oswald pulled the trigger on the rifle that killed Kennedy.

If you are unwilling to try and do that...please do not bother me again. Case Closed.

You lying pissant. I just posted a link to the scientific evidence that proved the allegations and you know it. You can't be bothered to read it because you might have to admit that your beliefs might be wrong. That's on you. As for "bothering you", I"m sure that pointing out that you're a dupe and pointing you toward EVIDENCE does bother you. Go pound salt, because you've RUINED your credibility on this subject. If you EVER do want to look at the evidence provided to you, be sure to read the eyewitness accounts of who shot the President. Then,you might apologize, but I'll never know because you'll be on ignore as a lying pissant waste of time.

I do get so tired of conspiracy theory trolls who DEMAND evidence when you refute their stupid claims but NEVER provide a scintilla of proof of their claims. They DEMAND you accept their versions while dismissing anything they don't agree with based ONLY on their beliefs. If it's evidence that they don't agree with, there's no way it's correct but they expect you to accept the flimsy claims they make with no evidence at all. I try to reason with them until it's obvious that they're just trolling us, then they have to go on ignore.
I find both humorous and revealing how often that just beneath their pontificating surface is good, old fashioned bigotry. Remarkably their "Jew did it" agenda bubbles quickly to the surface.
This from MacTheKnife on Saturday: Oswald's Mossad Friend | From the Trenches World Report

Not only are they bigots, they aren't very bright. With all the bullets they are SURE were flying that day, how is it that only Kennedy and Connelly were hit. Why weren't their spectators hit? Why did all the bullets travel DOWN the street? They are fools.
Weren't you just demanding proof? Why are you making claims about destruction, silencing and suborning perjury without providing proof other than a link to a conspiracy theory website that presents allegations only?

I have never claimed to have proof about anything. I post a lot of things that I think are interesting.

Again..........the burden of proof regarding Oswalds guilt was on the state and you as a supporter of the State's position have the burden of proof on this thread.....thus again....present your proof that Oswald pulled the trigger on the rifle that killed Kennedy.

If you are unwilling to try and do that...please do not bother me again. Case Closed.

You lying pissant. I just posted a link to the scientific evidence that proved the allegations and you know it. You can't be bothered to read it because you might have to admit that your beliefs might be wrong. That's on you. As for "bothering you", I"m sure that pointing out that you're a dupe and pointing you toward EVIDENCE does bother you. Go pound salt, because you've RUINED your credibility on this subject. If you EVER do want to look at the evidence provided to you, be sure to read the eyewitness accounts of who shot the President. Then,you might apologize, but I'll never know because you'll be on ignore as a lying pissant waste of time.

I do get so tired of conspiracy theory trolls who DEMAND evidence when you refute their stupid claims but NEVER provide a scintilla of proof of their claims. They DEMAND you accept their versions while dismissing anything they don't agree with based ONLY on their beliefs. If it's evidence that they don't agree with, there's no way it's correct but they expect you to accept the flimsy claims they make with no evidence at all. I try to reason with them until it's obvious that they're just trolling us, then they have to go on ignore.
I find both humorous and revealing how often that just beneath their pontificating surface is good, old fashioned bigotry. Remarkably their "Jew did it" agenda bubbles quickly to the surface.
This from MacTheKnife on Saturday: Oswald's Mossad Friend | From the Trenches World Report

Not only are they bigots, they aren't very bright. With all the bullets they are SURE were flying that day, how is it that only Kennedy and Connelly were hit. Why weren't their spectators hit? Why did all the bullets travel DOWN the street? They are fools.

hehheh..........how does a bullet travel down the st.?

Yet we do know at least according to the dupes of the Warren Commission.....one traveled onto a stretcher in the hospital and was in pristine condition even though according to the liberals it passed through President Kennedy's neck and went into Governor Connally's chest, went through his wrist, and embedded itself in the Governor's thigh. If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of muscle tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. Then it was supposedly found on a gurney in the corridor at Parkland Memorial Hospital in a pristine condition after the assassination. It's copper jacket was completely intact.

The commission did acknowledge that there was a 'difference of opinion' amongst the commission members about all this.
Yes...why would the FBI destroy a note that corroborates their manufactured psychological profile of Lee Harvey Oswald
as a lone, disaffected Commie lover who craved attention so he killed John F. Kennedy?

It makes no sense, does it? James Hosty says he was ordered to destroy the note from Oswald. Head of the Dallas Field Office Gordon Shanklin just denies the whole thing but Assistant Director William Sullivan confirms the incident.

So here is another mystery for the Warren Commission loving idiots to explain away, though they never really do.
Oswald tried to get in touch with Dallas FBI Agent Hosty yet the field office destroyed evidence of his visit and denied it.

It is well known that those who lie about small matters will lie about big ones as well.....thus with all the lying by those who were supposedly investigating the assassination....it is no wonder that the majority of Americans reject the Warren Commission report to this day. In fact the WC report is a national joke.
Weren't you just demanding proof? Why are you making claims about destruction, silencing and suborning perjury without providing proof other than a link to a conspiracy theory website that presents allegations only?


I have never claimed to have proof about anything. I post a lot of things that I think are interesting.

Again..........the burden of proof regarding Oswalds guilt was on the state and you as a supporter of the State's position have the burden of proof on this thread.....thus again....present your proof that Oswald pulled the trigger on the rifle that killed Kennedy.

If you are unwilling to try and do that...please do not bother me again. Case Closed.

You lying pissant. I just posted a link to the scientific evidence that proved the allegations and you know it. You can't be bothered to read it because you might have to admit that your beliefs might be wrong. That's on you. As for "bothering you", I"m sure that pointing out that you're a dupe and pointing you toward EVIDENCE does bother you. Go pound salt, because you've RUINED your credibility on this subject. If you EVER do want to look at the evidence provided to you, be sure to read the eyewitness accounts of who shot the President. Then,you might apologize, but I'll never know because you'll be on ignore as a lying pissant waste of time.

I do get so tired of conspiracy theory trolls who DEMAND evidence when you refute their stupid claims but NEVER provide a scintilla of proof of their claims. They DEMAND you accept their versions while dismissing anything they don't agree with based ONLY on their beliefs. If it's evidence that they don't agree with, there's no way it's correct but they expect you to accept the flimsy claims they make with no evidence at all. I try to reason with them until it's obvious that they're just trolling us, then they have to go on ignore.
I find both humorous and revealing how often that just beneath their pontificating surface is good, old fashioned bigotry. Remarkably their "Jew did it" agenda bubbles quickly to the surface.
This from MacTheKnife on Saturday: Oswald's Mossad Friend | From the Trenches World Report

Not only are they bigots, they aren't very bright. With all the bullets they are SURE were flying that day, how is it that only Kennedy and Connelly were hit. Why weren't their spectators hit? Why did all the bullets travel DOWN the street? They are fools.

When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.
When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.
When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.
When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?
When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.
When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.
When the simple minded start throwing out terms like bigot, racist, and misogynist they reveal how desperately childish they are.
Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

The dupes are not noted for being original. hehheh

Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

The dupes are not noted for being original. hehheh

Originality is not necessary when 100% of the facts of what happened on that day (as far as the assassination goes and what happened after) are confirmed. The "all star team" of assassins that scored only 2 hits is original. It's also incredibly moronic.
Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

The dupes are not noted for being original. hehheh

Originality is not necessary when 100% of the facts of what happened on that day (as far as the assassination goes and what happened after) are confirmed. The "all star team" of assassins that scored only 2 hits is original. It's also incredibly moronic.

Confirmed by who?

The guy who formed the Warren Commission who happened to be the POTUS at the time has been CONFIRMED to say that he did not believe the report.

Sometimes a little common sense and logic goes much further than reports and studies from so called experts.

Oswald had no credible reason to even want to kill JFK....his wife marina is on record as say Oswald liked Kennedy.

Oswald never exhibited any evidence of mental illness.....and to do what the Warren Commission claims he did....he would have had to be insane.

Oswald was a liberal, a marxist and a hater of far right figures like General Walker...it does make sense that he would want to kill General Walker.....but even that has not been proven....though it was reported like it was a stone cold fact.

The only person who claims to have knowledge of the shot fired at Walker...is Oswalds wife who was estranged from her husband and under much pressure from the FBI etc. she would have said anything they told her to say or signed anything they told her to say. None of her testimony is credible. She was very frightened woman and was simply looking out for her best interests.

The rifle bought via mail order could have been purchased by anyone under anyname....as well as the post office box which was alledgedly Oswald's could have been opened by someone else very easily...no proof at all that Oswald purchased that rifle....if he lived and actually been able to go on trial in a court of law....he could have disproven all these allegations...thus the necessity of him being silenced.

The state failing to protect the life of Oswald should have at least allowed someone to represent his interests on the commission....but even that was denied.

As Howard Hunt the cia operative said.....look to those who benefitted from the assassination.
Confession of Howard Hunt
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Wouldn't you insult and try to change the subject if you had to defend the indefensible liars on the Warren Commission?

The Kool Aid drinkers may not be too bright but even they know they can't account for the dozens of errors and instances of evidence omitted and altered by the lying Warren Gang.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.
Below is a link to a letter written by John McCone ( head of the CIA) to James J Rowley (head of the Secret Service and both This was written in March of 1964. Please pay special attention to this part.....

"Subject( Oswald) received additional indoctrination at our own Camp Peary site from September 8 to October 17, 1958, and participated in a few relatively minor assignments until arrangements were made for his entry into the Soviet Union in September 1959. While in the Soviet Union, he was on special assignment in the area of Minsk. It would not be advantageous at this time to divulge the specifics of that assignment; however, if you wish this information, it can be made available for your personal inspection within the confines of our own offices, or I can send it by courier on the condition that it not leave the custody of the courier. I am concerned that if this information were in any way disclosed to the wrong persons, it would lead the media to erroneously claim this agency, and perhaps others, were directly involved in the Dallas action. While the persons involved were in the employ of this agency, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it is virtually impossible for this or any agency to maintain full, 24-hours-a-day responsibility over its operatives."

So, now we know that Oswald was indeed a "CIA" operative. I also find it incredibly telling that both McCone and Rowley were jesuits.

The entire document will be typed herein, as I cannot cut and paste it and still make it readable. It is a "United States Government" Memorandum dated March 3, 1964 (stamped "Confidential" and is from "Mr. John McCone Director, Central Intelligence Agency," to "Mr. James J. Rowley, Chief, U.S. Secre...
Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

The fact that the driver of JFK's limousine actually stopped while they were under fire is often overlooked. Even a junior high school kid driving a car that was being shot would not have stopped.

I wonder if he was disciplined...I doubt it.....none of the secret service guys who failed so miserably were ever disciplined....though they were under orders not to do much to protect JFK.

Did JFK's Irish driver cause the President's death?
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Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

The dupes are not noted for being original. hehheh

Originality is not necessary when 100% of the facts of what happened on that day (as far as the assassination goes and what happened after) are confirmed. The "all star team" of assassins that scored only 2 hits is original. It's also incredibly moronic.

Confirmed by who?

The guy who formed the Warren Commission who happened to be the POTUS at the time has been CONFIRMED to say that he did not believe the report.

Sometimes a little common sense and logic goes much further than reports and studies from so called experts.

Oswald had no credible reason to even want to kill JFK....his wife marina is on record as say Oswald liked Kennedy.

Oswald never exhibited any evidence of mental illness.....and to do what the Warren Commission claims he did....he would have had to be insane.

Oswald was a liberal, a marxist and a hater of far right figures like General Walker...it does make sense that he would want to kill General Walker.....but even that has not been proven....though it was reported like it was a stone cold fact.

The only person who claims to have knowledge of the shot fired at Walker...is Oswalds wife who was estranged from her husband and under much pressure from the FBI etc. she would have said anything they told her to say or signed anything they told her to say. None of her testimony is credible. She was very frightened woman and was simply looking out for her best interests.

The rifle bought via mail order could have been purchased by anyone under anyname....as well as the post office box which was alledgedly Oswald's could have been opened by someone else very easily...no proof at all that Oswald purchased that rifle....if he lived and actually been able to go on trial in a court of law....he could have disproven all these allegations...thus the necessity of him being silenced.

The state failing to protect the life of Oswald should have at least allowed someone to represent his interests on the commission....but even that was denied.

As Howard Hunt the cia operative said.....look to those who benefitted from the assassination.
Confession of Howard Hunt

So essentially, the only man in Dallas who didn't know Kennedy was going to get killed that day was JFK?
Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

The dupes are not noted for being original. hehheh

Originality is not necessary when 100% of the facts of what happened on that day (as far as the assassination goes and what happened after) are confirmed. The "all star team" of assassins that scored only 2 hits is original. It's also incredibly moronic.

Confirmed by who?

The guy who formed the Warren Commission who happened to be the POTUS at the time has been CONFIRMED to say that he did not believe the report.

Sometimes a little common sense and logic goes much further than reports and studies from so called experts.

Oswald had no credible reason to even want to kill JFK....his wife marina is on record as say Oswald liked Kennedy.

Oswald never exhibited any evidence of mental illness.....and to do what the Warren Commission claims he did....he would have had to be insane.

Oswald was a liberal, a marxist and a hater of far right figures like General Walker...it does make sense that he would want to kill General Walker.....but even that has not been proven....though it was reported like it was a stone cold fact.

The only person who claims to have knowledge of the shot fired at Walker...is Oswalds wife who was estranged from her husband and under much pressure from the FBI etc. she would have said anything they told her to say or signed anything they told her to say. None of her testimony is credible. She was very frightened woman and was simply looking out for her best interests.

The rifle bought via mail order could have been purchased by anyone under anyname....as well as the post office box which was alledgedly Oswald's could have been opened by someone else very easily...no proof at all that Oswald purchased that rifle....if he lived and actually been able to go on trial in a court of law....he could have disproven all these allegations...thus the necessity of him being silenced.

The state failing to protect the life of Oswald should have at least allowed someone to represent his interests on the commission....but even that was denied.

As Howard Hunt the cia operative said.....look to those who benefitted from the assassination.
Confession of Howard Hunt

So essentially, the only man in Dallas who didn't know Kennedy was going to get killed that day was JFK?

You watched Mister Rogers Neighborhood as a child because you couldn't keep up with the fast pace of "Sesame Street"......admit it.


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