Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Originality is not necessary when 100% of the facts of what happened on that day (as far as the assassination goes and what happened after) are confirmed. The "all star team" of assassins that scored only 2 hits is original. It's also incredibly moronic.
So you have no problem believing that Lee Oswald was not the only one shooting at JFK (if he indeed shot at anyone at all, which has never been proved) if only the president had been shot more times?
Ummm....okay :113:. Sure. That's seems "reasonable". How many holes in the president would convince you?

Three? Five? Eight or more? Once the president's head has been blown apart and his brains spill out of his shattered skull
(the back of his skull, by the way, not the front, as testified by twelve ER physicians on duty at Parkland hospital who were the first medical personnel to see him) do you really think he needs to be shot some more? Really?
"Subject( Oswald) received additional indoctrination at our own Camp Peary site from September 8 to October 17, 1958, and participated in a few relatively minor assignments until arrangements were made for his entry into the Soviet Union in September 1959.
Oswald received security clearances to go on duty at the naval base in Atsugi, Japan where the famous U-2 spy plane program was based keeping tabs on the Soviet Union.
Would our CIA, FBI and military intelligence jeopardize one of our most valuable Cold War resources by placing a person who was, if you are stupid enough to believe the Warren Commission, mentally unstable and a great admirer of Marxist Communism?

One would have to be an idiot to believe that! And that's what Warren Commission quislings are...idiots!
Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.
I think the president was murdered in a blatant coup and I think LBJ appointed the Warren Commission as an extra-judicial body whose sole purpose was to manage the official narrative of the crime (not the actual truth of it) and mold public opinion.

And I know for the last fifty years a clear majority of Americans have never accepted or believed the unambiguous attempts by the Warren Commission and their little quislings to obscure the truth.
Originality is not necessary when 100% of the facts of what happened on that day (as far as the assassination goes and what happened after) are confirmed. The "all star team" of assassins that scored only 2 hits is original. It's also incredibly moronic.
So you have no problem believing that Lee Oswald was not the only one shooting at JFK (if he indeed shot at anyone at all, which has never been proved)

Handprints on the murder weapon, murder weapon in the same picture as he was, bullet trajectories point to the building where he worked.

if only the president had been shot more times?
Ummm....okay :113:.


That's seems "reasonable”.
Thats because it is.

How many holes in the president would convince you?
Much more than two.

Three? Five? Eight or more? Once the president's head has been blown apart and his brains spill out of his shattered skull
(the back of his skull, by the way, not the front, as testified by twelve ER physicians on duty at Parkland hospital who were the first medical personnel to see him) do you really think he needs to be shot some more?
Needs to be? No. Would have been. Yes.

Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.
I think the president was murdered in a blatant coup and I think LBJ appointed the Warren Commission as an extra-judicial body whose sole purpose was to manage the official narrative of the crime (not the actual truth of it) and mold public opinion.

And I know for the last fifty years a clear majority of Americans have never accepted or believed the unambiguous attempts by the Warren Commission and their little quislings to obscure the truth.

People also believe Elvis is alive.

Handprints on the murder weapon, murder weapon in the same picture as he was, bullet trajectories point to the building where he worked.
Several tests given Oswald while in police custody all proved negative. Oswald's Rifle and Paraffin Tests : The JFK Assassination
It can't be established he fired a rifle at all that day in question...get it?

You can point to all the pictures and hand prints you like (if a gun supposedly belongs to someone it would be strange if his prints were NOT present).

Not only can no one prove Oswald shot the president but they can't even prove his Manlicher
Carcano rifle was in the sixth floor "shooter's nest" the day of the shooting. The Rifle found in the Texas School Book Depository
Police officers first on the scene did not find Oswald's rifle. They found a Mauser 7.65 instead.

People also believe Elvis is alive.
There is no proof of that....just like there is no proof of Oswald shooting the president. There is only the grossly error riddled Warren Commission narrative. Grow up, use your brain and look at facts.
Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Wow, what evidence, other than it doesn't show what you want it to show, do you have that the Zapruder film was "doctored"? Where was the entry wound to the right temple? I have no special affection for the "gubermint", but there has been NO science that has disproved the Warren Commission report. And, though the House Select Committee on Assassination found that they believed that a conspiracy occurred, that conclusion was based on audio evidence that has since been shown to be incorrect.
Below is a link to a letter written by John McCone ( head of the CIA) to James J Rowley (head of the Secret Service and both This was written in March of 1964. Please pay special attention to this part.....

"Subject( Oswald) received additional indoctrination at our own Camp Peary site from September 8 to October 17, 1958, and participated in a few relatively minor assignments until arrangements were made for his entry into the Soviet Union in September 1959. While in the Soviet Union, he was on special assignment in the area of Minsk. It would not be advantageous at this time to divulge the specifics of that assignment; however, if you wish this information, it can be made available for your personal inspection within the confines of our own offices, or I can send it by courier on the condition that it not leave the custody of the courier. I am concerned that if this information were in any way disclosed to the wrong persons, it would lead the media to erroneously claim this agency, and perhaps others, were directly involved in the Dallas action. While the persons involved were in the employ of this agency, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it is virtually impossible for this or any agency to maintain full, 24-hours-a-day responsibility over its operatives."

So, now we know that Oswald was indeed a "CIA" operative. I also find it incredibly telling that both McCone and Rowley were jesuits.

The entire document will be typed herein, as I cannot cut and paste it and still make it readable. It is a "United States Government" Memorandum dated March 3, 1964 (stamped "Confidential" and is from "Mr. John McCone Director, Central Intelligence Agency," to "Mr. James J. Rowley, Chief, U.S. Secre...

Sadly, your link did not lead to a letter.

Handprints on the murder weapon, murder weapon in the same picture as he was, bullet trajectories point to the building where he worked.
Several tests given Oswald while in police custody all proved negative. Oswald's Rifle and Paraffin Tests : The JFK Assassination
It can't be established he fired a rifle at all that day in question...get it?
It was his rifle. The bullets matched his gun. Old news.

You can point to all the pictures and hand prints you like (if a gun supposedly belongs to someone it would be strange if his prints were NOT present).
Yes, and he carried it to work that day. Nobody found the “curtain rods” he said he was carrying to work.

Not only can no one prove Oswald shot the president but they can't even prove his Manlicher
Carcano rifle was in the sixth floor "shooter's nest" the day of the shooting. The Rifle found in the Texas School Book Depository
Police officers first on the scene did not find Oswald's rifle. They found a Mauser 7.65 instead.

People also believe Elvis is alive.
There is no proof of that....just like there is no proof of Oswald shooting the president. There is only the grossly error riddled Warren Commission narrative. Grow up, use your brain and look at facts.

The thing you were referencing was that there are people who refuse to believe the Warren Commission. I pointed out there are also people who refuse to believe Elivs is dead. Both have one thing in common, their beliefs fly in the face of the evidence and logic itself.
It was his rifle. The bullets matched his gun. Old news.
Prove it, quisling.
Yes, and he carried it to work that day. Nobody found the “curtain rods” he said he was carrying to work.
Prove that too. Your merely mouthing Warren Commission bullshit.
False how? What is false? Show me where police who tested Oswald for tell tale signs he fired his cheap war surplus rifle at the president, allegedly, tested positive for anything. Show that.
Prove Officer Roger Craig was a liar when he identified the rifle found on the sixth floor of the TSBD was a Mauser and not a Manlicher-Carcano. Go ahead.
The thing you were referencing was that there are people who refuse to believe the Warren Commission. I pointed out there are also people who refuse to believe Elivs is dead. Both have one thing in common, their beliefs fly in the face of the evidence and logic itself.
There is no proof Elvis still lives.
There is likewise zero proof that the Warren Commission lie filled narrative is true.

How gullible and dumb are you anyway?
The thing you were referencing was that there are people who refuse to believe the Warren Commission. I pointed out there are also people who refuse to believe Elivs is dead. Both have one thing in common, their beliefs fly in the face of the evidence and logic itself.
There is no proof Elvis still lives.
There is likewise zero proof that the Warren Commission lie filled narrative is true.

How gullible and dumb are you anyway?

Oswald was in the building where the shots came from; they were tied to his gun. His gun was the one that was found. Stop it with your nonsense.

For whatever flaws the WC had, the situation on the ground in Dallas that day as they describe it is accurate. None of these teams of assassins or their bullets that you guys have flying in all different directions were ever found.

This is the problem with conspiracy kooks like yourself. Your complete lack of acceptance of any fact makes you look like the jerk that your words are confirming that you are.


As people who have read this thread can tell you, I don’t think Oswald just decided one day that he was going to kill the President and did so completely on his own. I question several things…

  • How one of the few (if not the only) guys who defected to the USSR, then defected back again with his Soviet born wife….just happens to be the guy on the motorcade route who kills the POTUS seems like a very odd coincidence.
  • How he slips through the border twice, slips his CIA handlers going to Mexico to visit the Cuban Embassy and the Soviet Embassy then returning to Dallas within a month to kill the President.
  • How he was meticulous enough to take the time to package his rifle but then, decided to leave the pistol across town? Clearly, the pistol was important enough after the assassination to go home and collect it but it wasn’t needed before?

Here is my conspiracy theory. He offered his services to both the Soviet and Cuban station chiefs. The Cubans said, “Knock yourself out bud.” The Cubans took him up on it but did one of the oldest espionage tricks there is; offering the illusion of help and safe passage for services that were rendered ahead of time. So he offers it to the station chief who decides to offer LHO safe passage to Cuba in return for his killing Kennedy. From their seat, one of the following will happen.
  1. LHO will go away and do nothing.
  2. LHO will shoot and miss and get away
  3. LHO will shoot and miss and get arrested
  4. LHO will kill the President and get away on his own
  5. LHO will kill the President and get caught
Option 5 happened. If you’re sitting in the chair of the Station Chief in Mexico City or the OD’s chair in Havanna, tell me how any of that is going to hurt the Cuba? Either you have a kook who you had a brief brush with living in Dallas or elsewhere or you have a dead American President when all you had to do was promise safe passage out of Dallas. While it is true that LHO could have claimed to said “Cuba ordered me to it”, there would be no evidence that Cuba did any such thing.

Do I have any proof that any of that happened? No. This is just my theory. But consider the following. What other scenario would satisfy why he went to those embassies and the CIA not acknowledging losing their man (Frontline on PBS covered this—not some kookie conspiracy website)? What other scenario would account for his strange actions after the assassination? I think he was supposed to meet someone who would get him out of town but when that didn’t take place…he decided he had to go home and get his gun instead of getting out of Dallas. Again, if it was important enough for him to waste time during a manhunt to do that, certainly it would have been more beneficial to Oswald to have it beforehand so he didn’t waste time afterword. So something had to have happened after he pulled the trigger that thrusted getting the gun into being the most important thing.

I think that is how he ended up at the movie theater. This is where someone posing as his Cuban “handler” either met him there previously or told him to go there and he would be taken care of .

Anyway, that is my theory. I grant you; there is no evidence but it is one of the few scenarios that accounts for the known actions that day. Oswald’s guilt as the lone gunman is not in question from any serious quarter. You should stop pretending otherwise.
First of all a gun is not a rifle....the Warren Commission claim that Oswald bought the rifle in question is unproven and cannot be proven. It was bought by mail order. Anyone under any name could have bought that rifle....if someone wanted to frame oswald....it would have been very easy for them to rent a po box in his name and buy the rifle to make it appear that Oswald bought the rifle.

The majority of the American People do not believe the b.s. you and the warren commission spout thus....that places you and your opinion in the cheap seats with all the other dupes.
First of all a gun is not a rifle....
Never said it was. I did say that Oswald didn't bring his pistol (aka gun) with him to the TSBD that morning. Yet after he shot JFK with his rifle, he took precious time out to go home and get it. Thus, it wasn't important before he shot JFK but became important after he did. To me, this is indicative of something changing between the the time he decided to kill JFK and the time after he pulled the trigger.

I think any reasonable person would come to that same conclusion.

the Warren Commission claim that Oswald bought the rifle in question

is unproven and cannot be proven. It was bought by mail order. Anyone under any name could have bought that rifle....
No. Oswald bought the rifle.

if someone wanted to frame oswald....it would have been very easy for them to rent a po box in his name and buy the rifle to make it appear that Oswald bought the rifle.
And then falsify a picture of him holding the rifle, falsify his bringing the rifle to work that day, falsify the DPD finding the rifle where he worked...

You're incredibly wrong about that.

The majority of the American People do not believe the b.s. you and the warren commission spout thus....that places you and your opinion in the cheap seats with all the other dupes.

Oh? Please give us a competing narrative of what happened then. I'm sure you have a much better explanation.

The floor is yours. Go.
Oswald’s guilt as the lone gunman is not in question from any serious quarter. You should stop pretending otherwise.
No gun powder nitrates on Oswald's cheek when Dallas cops tested him while in custody.

Please tell me, sir or madame, how Oswald shot JFK without firing a rifle at all. I've already linked to the evidence but I guess you aren't smart enough to read or honest enough to admit you are so wrong.
Oswald’s guilt as the lone gunman is not in question from any serious quarter. You should stop pretending otherwise.
No gun powder nitrates on Oswald's cheek when Dallas cops tested him while in custody.

Please tell me, sir or madame, how Oswald shot JFK without firing a rifle at all. I've already linked to the evidence but I guess you aren't smart enough to read or honest enough to admit you are so wrong.

The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
First of all a gun is not a rifle....
Never said it was. I did say that Oswald didn't bring his pistol (aka gun) with him to the TSBD that morning. Yet after he shot JFK with his rifle, he took precious time out to go home and get it. Thus, it wasn't important before he shot JFK but became important after he did. To me, this is indicative of something changing between the the time he decided to kill JFK and the time after he pulled the trigger.

I think any reasonable person would come to that same conclusion.

the Warren Commission claim that Oswald bought the rifle in question

is unproven and cannot be proven. It was bought by mail order. Anyone under any name could have bought that rifle....
No. Oswald bought the rifle.

if someone wanted to frame oswald....it would have been very easy for them to rent a po box in his name and buy the rifle to make it appear that Oswald bought the rifle.
And then falsify a picture of him holding the rifle, falsify his bringing the rifle to work that day, falsify the DPD finding the rifle where he worked...

You're incredibly wrong about that.

The majority of the American People do not believe the b.s. you and the warren commission spout thus....that places you and your opinion in the cheap seats with all the other dupes.

Oh? Please give us a competing narrative of what happened then. I'm sure you have a much better explanation.

The floor is yours. Go.

The fact that Oswald did not bring his pistol to work but after JFK was assassinated he went directly home and got it....indicates two things...........first he did not shoot JFK...if he had been planning on doing that he most likely would have brought his pistol with him to work....as in it might come in handy during his flight from the scene.

Secondly.....after the assassination he suddenly felt he needed it because he realized he had been set up....and they might come after him next...thus he went home and got it for protection.

At this point he no doubt was utterly terrified as well as confused ....realizing he had gotten himself into the tragic trap of being a Patsy....and for him to be a patsy he would have had to be under the direction of someone....at the very least of getting a job at the school book depository...that had to be arranged by someone....the paines apparantly sent him there to apply for the job....but how did they know about the job opening?...were they part of the plot or just innocent dupes?....did someone tell them to make sure Oswald applied for that job?

How Oswald was involved with the folks who actually shot JFK will probably never be known.

When you see the pictures of Oswald he is obviously very,very angry....why? Most likely because he realized someone he trusted had turned on him and set him up. Why else would he be angry?....if had actually been the shooter as described by the W.C. as someone who just suddenly decided to shoot JFK for the fame, glory or whatever....why would he be angry?...makes no sense...in that scenario he would have been proud and happy to have accomplished his mission.

There are some who believed Oswald had been hypnotized by David Ferrie who Jim Garrision thought was involved with the plot....he had the ability to hypnotize people.

Again, and this is very important to understand......the rifle was bought via mail order.....as I have explained before.....anyone could have rented a po box in oswalds name and ordered the rifle via mail order though the name used was hillel or something like that...apparantly a fake name oswald used....and it would have been even more clever of those who framed oswald to use a fictious name that oswald was known to use...as in it would appear to the authorities he was trying to hide the fact he had bought the rifle. Very clever...whoever framed Oswald was undoubtedly involved in intelligence work.

The picture of Oswald holding the rifle could have been easily arranged by someone....it makes no sense that Oswald would leave the picture lying around and then go shoot JFK with the same rifle he posed with....unless he wanted to be caught which he obviously did not.

Most likely someone persuaded him to pose with the rifle. Not even to mention the controversy of whether the rifle found was a Mauser or the Italian rifle....at first it was identified as a Mauser.

And in fact even if he owned the rifle, had bought it and had taken it to the book depository as claimed....does not prove he was the triggerman.

I read somewhere that he had brought the curtain rods to give to a fellow employee who needed some....which if true the employee most likely would not admit to it for fear of getting involved.

Also to think that an assassin would try to pose a rifle off as curtain rods is rather ridiculous...he would have had to known that in the investigation following the shooting that such a package would be construed to be the manner he got the rifle into the building.

They might have told him to bring the rifle to work giving some excuse or reason to do so...perhaps to buy it or whatever.

I do not think it makes any sense for him to have known what it would be used for....if he knew that...he would never have brought it to work with him because as an employee in the book depository he would have understood he would have been a prime suspect and with his communist background very likely convicted because at that time there was a visceral hatred of communists in society as a whole.

Or it could be he did not even know JFK would be passing by the book depository.

And the claim that Oswald hid the rifle is ridiculous....to leave it by the window that it was fired out of and simply cover it up is not hiding a rifle....a kid might have hidden it that way....but anyone with even average i.q. would have known that it would be easily found...I have no doubt though the rifle was left there by the real assassin to be found in order to easily make it appear Oswald was the shooter.

Also why did he go to the theater after the assassination....was he supposed to meet someone there? Or was it just that he knew the authorities would find out where he lived very quickly so he could not stay at home....thus he had to get out quickly...so he took off...not having any refuge ....he wandered around and decided to hide in the Theater while he thought about what he should do.

All this certainly indicates he had no plan.....thus not the shooter....as in if he had been the shooter he would have had some kind of plan to escape.

To sum up...no real proof Oswald actually bought the rifle.

No proof Oswald was in possession of the rifle on the day of the shooting.

No real proof that Oswald transported the rifle to the book depository...the rifle was not seen in his possession.

No real proof that Oswald was the triggerman.
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The fact that Oswald did not bring his pistol to work but after JFK was assassinated he went directly home and got it....indicates two things...........first he did not shoot JFK...if he had been planning on doing that he most likely would have brought his pistol with him to work....as in it might come in handy during his flight from the scene.
Insane comment.

There was a murder outside that I had nothing to do with. But...just in case, I'll leave work, not tell anyone, hop a bus, get off the bus, take a cab, get out of the cab, and then go get my gun...just in case?

Again, Insanity has a new definition; it is your comment above.

Secondly.....after the assassination he suddenly felt he needed it because he realized he had been set up....and they might come after him next...thus he went home and got it for protection.
That actually has some plausibility in and of itself. Still, the building would be locked down and the safest place to be in would be in the TSBD.

At this point he no doubt was utterly terrified as well as confused ....realizing he had gotten himself into the tragic trap of being a Patsy....and for him to be a patsy he would have had to be under the direction of someone....at the very least of getting a job at the school book depository...that had to be arranged by someone....the paines apparantly sent him there to apply for the job....but how did they know about the job opening?...were they part of the plot or just innocent dupes?....did someone tell them to make sure Oswald applied for that job?

How Oswald was involved with the folks who actually shot JFK will probably never be known.

When you see the pictures of Oswald he is obviously very,very angry....why? Most likely because he realized someone he trusted had turned on him and set him up. Why else would he be angry?....if had actually been the shooter as described by the W.C. as someone who just suddenly decided to shoot JFK for the fame, glory or whatever....why would he be angry?...makes no sense...in that scenario he would have been proud and happy to have accomplished his mission.

There are some who believed Oswald had been hypnotized by David Ferrie who Jim Garrision thought was involved with the plot....he had the ability to hypnotize people.

Again, and this is very important to understand......the rifle was bought via mail order.....as I have explained before.....anyone could have rented a po box in oswalds name and ordered the rifle via mail order though the name used was hillel or something like that...apparantly a fake name oswald used....and it would have been even more clever of those who framed oswald to use a fictious name that oswald was known to use...as in it would appear to the authorities he was trying to hide the fact he had bought the rifle. Very clever...whoever framed Oswald was undoubtedly involved in intelligence work.

The picture of Oswald holding the rifle could have been easily arranged by someone....it makes no sense that Oswald would leave the picture lying around and then go shoot JFK with the same rifle he posed with....unless he wanted to be caught which he obviously did not.

Most likely someone persuaded him to pose with the rifle. Not even to mention the controversy of whether the rifle found was a Mauser or the Italian rifle....at first it was identified as a Mauser.

And in fact even if he owned the rifle, had bought it and had taken it to the book depository as claimed....does not prove he was the triggerman.

I read somewhere that he had brought the curtain rods to give to a fellow employee who needed some....which if true the employee most likely would not admit to it for fear of getting involved.

Also to think that an assassin would try to pose a rifle off as curtain rods is rather ridiculous...he would have had to known that in the investigation following the shooting that such a package would be construed to be the manner he got the rifle into the building.

They might have told him to bring the rifle to work giving some excuse or reason to do so...perhaps to buy it or whatever.

I do not think it makes any sense for him to have known what it would be used for....if he knew that...he would never have brought it to work with him because as an employee in the book depository he would have understood he would have been a prime suspect and with his communist background very likely convicted because at that time there was a visceral hatred of communists in society as a whole.

Or it could be he did not even know JFK would be passing by the book depository.

And the claim that Oswald hid the rifle is ridiculous....to leave it by the window that it was fired out of and simply cover it up is not hiding a rifle....a kid might have hidden it that way....but anyone with even average i.q. would have known that it would be easily found...I have no doubt though the rifle was left there by the real assassin to be found in order to easily make it appear Oswald was the shooter.

Also why did he go to the theater after the assassination....was he supposed to meet someone there? Or was it just that he knew the authorities would find out where he lived very quickly so he could not stay at home....thus he had to get out quickly...so he took off...not having any refuge ....he wandered around and decided to hide in the Theater while he thought about what he should do.

All this certainly indicates he had no plan.....thus not the shooter....as in if he had been the shooter he would have had some kind of plan to escape.

To sum up...no real proof Oswald actually bought the rifle.

No proof Oswald was in possession of the rifle on the day of the shooting.

No real proof that Oswald transported the rifle to the book depository...the rifle was not seen in his possession.

No real proof that Oswald was the triggerman.

The rest of your post is wholesale garbage not worthy of comment. Hypnotism? Curtain rods for someone else?
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

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