Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.
Again, the test showed what it showed. It's up to you and your merry band of Warren Commission puppets to prove the test was in error. How are you going to do that?

No one can place Oswald on the TSBD sixth floor when the coup took place.
No one can prove he pulled the trigger on the alleged murder weapon that cannot even be absolutely said to be his.Lee Harvey Oswald was INNOCENT but his gun WAS used to assassinate JFK, claims | Daily Mail Online
No one can prove Oswald was the lone shooter, if he indeed shot anyone at all, and the exit wound in the back of the president's head (as attested to by a dozen ER doctors at Parkland hospital) prove the Warren Commission's corrupt claim of a single shooter is a lie and a fraud perpetrated on the American public.
Your move.
That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.
Oswald denied he brought curtain rods to his work place and police noted the bag he carried was not large enough to hold a disassembled rifle. Have fun proving otherwise.

You choose to brainlessly defend a corrupt cover up that not even the government itself
will support (House Select Committee on Assassination says the nonsense about a single shooter is not supportable). What does that say about you?
Last edited:
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

The current trolls on this board don't want to accept any evidence that they are wrong, but insist that if you don't accept their fantasies, you are a "dupe" for the Warren Commission. Overall, they are worthless and don't deserve attention. I have most of them on ignore.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

The current trolls on this board don't want to accept any evidence that they are wrong, but insist that if you don't accept their fantasies, you are a "dupe" for the Warren Commission. Overall, they are worthless and don't deserve attention. I have most of them on ignore.

You just posted mis-information on the paraffin tests ....parrafin tests have been proven to be un-reliable thus irrelevant in this case.

This has been gone over before....if you are going to make comments you should try and keep up boyo.

The Total Unreliability Of Paraffin Tests
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

The current trolls on this board don't want to accept any evidence that they are wrong, but insist that if you don't accept their fantasies, you are a "dupe" for the Warren Commission. Overall, they are worthless and don't deserve attention. I have most of them on ignore.

Your problem is your so called evidence....very weak and easily taken apart...no jury would accept it either.

Not to mention the great majority of Americans have not accepted it either....but continue your pouting and name calling....hehheh

What happened to your buddy 'soup nazi'? Oh my bad I forgot......he ran away after I proved he was a lying dupe of the W.C.
Last edited:
The fact that Oswald did not bring his pistol to work but after JFK was assassinated he went directly home and got it....indicates two things...........first he did not shoot JFK...if he had been planning on doing that he most likely would have brought his pistol with him to work....as in it might come in handy during his flight from the scene.
Insane comment.

There was a murder outside that I had nothing to do with. But...just in case, I'll leave work, not tell anyone, hop a bus, get off the bus, take a cab, get out of the cab, and then go get my gun...just in case?

Again, Insanity has a new definition; it is your comment above.

Secondly.....after the assassination he suddenly felt he needed it because he realized he had been set up....and they might come after him next...thus he went home and got it for protection.
That actually has some plausibility in and of itself. Still, the building would be locked down and the safest place to be in would be in the TSBD.

At this point he no doubt was utterly terrified as well as confused ....realizing he had gotten himself into the tragic trap of being a Patsy....and for him to be a patsy he would have had to be under the direction of someone....at the very least of getting a job at the school book depository...that had to be arranged by someone....the paines apparantly sent him there to apply for the job....but how did they know about the job opening?...were they part of the plot or just innocent dupes?....did someone tell them to make sure Oswald applied for that job?

How Oswald was involved with the folks who actually shot JFK will probably never be known.

When you see the pictures of Oswald he is obviously very,very angry....why? Most likely because he realized someone he trusted had turned on him and set him up. Why else would he be angry?....if had actually been the shooter as described by the W.C. as someone who just suddenly decided to shoot JFK for the fame, glory or whatever....why would he be angry?...makes no sense...in that scenario he would have been proud and happy to have accomplished his mission.

There are some who believed Oswald had been hypnotized by David Ferrie who Jim Garrision thought was involved with the plot....he had the ability to hypnotize people.

Again, and this is very important to understand......the rifle was bought via mail order.....as I have explained before.....anyone could have rented a po box in oswalds name and ordered the rifle via mail order though the name used was hillel or something like that...apparantly a fake name oswald used....and it would have been even more clever of those who framed oswald to use a fictious name that oswald was known to use...as in it would appear to the authorities he was trying to hide the fact he had bought the rifle. Very clever...whoever framed Oswald was undoubtedly involved in intelligence work.

The picture of Oswald holding the rifle could have been easily arranged by someone....it makes no sense that Oswald would leave the picture lying around and then go shoot JFK with the same rifle he posed with....unless he wanted to be caught which he obviously did not.

Most likely someone persuaded him to pose with the rifle. Not even to mention the controversy of whether the rifle found was a Mauser or the Italian rifle....at first it was identified as a Mauser.

And in fact even if he owned the rifle, had bought it and had taken it to the book depository as claimed....does not prove he was the triggerman.

I read somewhere that he had brought the curtain rods to give to a fellow employee who needed some....which if true the employee most likely would not admit to it for fear of getting involved.

Also to think that an assassin would try to pose a rifle off as curtain rods is rather ridiculous...he would have had to known that in the investigation following the shooting that such a package would be construed to be the manner he got the rifle into the building.

They might have told him to bring the rifle to work giving some excuse or reason to do so...perhaps to buy it or whatever.

I do not think it makes any sense for him to have known what it would be used for....if he knew that...he would never have brought it to work with him because as an employee in the book depository he would have understood he would have been a prime suspect and with his communist background very likely convicted because at that time there was a visceral hatred of communists in society as a whole.

Or it could be he did not even know JFK would be passing by the book depository.

And the claim that Oswald hid the rifle is ridiculous....to leave it by the window that it was fired out of and simply cover it up is not hiding a rifle....a kid might have hidden it that way....but anyone with even average i.q. would have known that it would be easily found...I have no doubt though the rifle was left there by the real assassin to be found in order to easily make it appear Oswald was the shooter.

Also why did he go to the theater after the assassination....was he supposed to meet someone there? Or was it just that he knew the authorities would find out where he lived very quickly so he could not stay at home....thus he had to get out quickly...so he took off...not having any refuge ....he wandered around and decided to hide in the Theater while he thought about what he should do.

All this certainly indicates he had no plan.....thus not the shooter....as in if he had been the shooter he would have had some kind of plan to escape.

To sum up...no real proof Oswald actually bought the rifle.

No proof Oswald was in possession of the rifle on the day of the shooting.

No real proof that Oswald transported the rifle to the book depository...the rifle was not seen in his possession.

No real proof that Oswald was the triggerman.

The rest of your post is wholesale garbage not worthy of comment. Hypnotism? Curtain rods for someone else?

You have your opinion and you are entitled to it....but that is all you have and it is not enough.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

More extremely weak stuff on your part ....not even to mention that Buell Frazier said the package was too small to carry a rifle................Buell Wesley Frazier: A commute with Oswald, then a harsh interrogation
Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

They'd have to know Oswald, where he kept his rifle and get it into the TSBD without being seen. These stupid trolls NEVER think this stuff through.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it
Yeah, the "killer" was silenced by
a mob connected government informant. How convenient.
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it
A mock investigation with doctored and altered evidence (like the Kennedy limousine that was scrubbed clean of evidence and had it's windshield replaced...like Jack Kennedy's skull that bore no resemblance when it got to Bethesda to it's condition when it was illegally removed from Dallas).
The conclusions of the Warren Commission merely affirmed the narrative that was already determined the day after Kennedy was killed. There was no real honest investigation and nothing was proved.

The willing dupes that drink all the Kool Aid the Warren Commission can offer are a sickening
gullible bunch.
He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?

Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10


One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger
He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?

Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.

We still have folks who think we didn’t land on the moon in 1969….no amount of evidence is sufficient for someone like yourself.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it
Yeah, the "killer" was silenced by
a mob connected government informant. How convenient.
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it
A mock investigation with doctored and altered evidence (like the Kennedy limousine that was scrubbed clean of evidence and had it's windshield replaced...like Jack Kennedy's skull that bore no resemblance when it got to Bethesda to it's condition when it was illegally removed from Dallas).
The conclusions of the Warren Commission merely affirmed the narrative that was already determined the day after Kennedy was killed. There was no real honest investigation and nothing was proved.

The willing dupes that drink all the Kool Aid the Warren Commission can offer are a sickening
gullible bunch.

Exactly....and the ones on here are some of the worst simple minded dupes I have seen regarding the whole affair....trying to bring in classroom shootings to bolster their weak crap.............unfriggin believable...beyond ridiculous.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10


One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger

One of the dummies I have on ignore says that the paraffin tests absolutely show that Oswald didn't fire a weapon. One of the others says the tests are unreliable and so don't show anything. They are both stupid.

One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger
Oswald's rifle was not found on the sixth floor of the TSBD when Dallas police first arrived on the scene. I don't know how this fits into your flawed error filled narrative.
A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?

Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.

We still have folks who think we didn’t land on the moon in 1969….no amount of evidence is sufficient for someone like yourself.

You like others confuse evidence with proof.....you have very weak evidence that would not stand up in a legal court room.....the Warren Commission with no opposition, and no one to defend Oswald tried to ram their conclusion of Oswald's guilt down Americans throats....who to their credit have rejected it.

So it is just not we on this thread who have rejected the Warren Commission....it is the majority of Americans...you try to ignore that

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