Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.
Again, the test showed what it showed. It's up to you and your merry band of Warren Commission puppets to prove the test was in error. How are you going to do that?
We do not really have to. The totality of evidence is a slam dunk.

No one can place Oswald on the TSBD sixth floor when the coup took place.
No one can prove he pulled the trigger on the alleged murder weapon that cannot even be absolutely said to be his.Lee Harvey Oswald was INNOCENT but his gun WAS used to assassinate JFK, claims | Daily Mail Online
No one can prove Oswald was the lone shooter, if he indeed shot anyone at all, and the exit wound in the back of the president's head (as attested to by a dozen ER doctors at Parkland hospital) prove the Warren Commission's corrupt claim of a single shooter is a lie and a fraud perpetrated on the American public.
Your move.
His rifle was found at the scene.
It had been fired.
The bullets were traced back to his rifle.
He was seen carrying a package into the building that morning that likely contained a rifle
He said it was curtain rods—curtain rods that were never found in the TSBD
His actions after he shot Kennedy were incredibly damning.

All of the above is fact, and it is not in dispute. Except from conspiracy kooks.

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.
Oswald denied he brought curtain rods to his work place and police noted the bag he carried was not large enough to hold a disassembled rifle. Have fun proving otherwise.

You choose to brainlessly defend a corrupt cover up that not even the government itself
will support (House Select Committee on Assassination says the nonsense about a single shooter is not supportable). What does that say about you?

Gee, the murder suspect said that he didn’t do it. Pretty novel approach. LOL.

The House committee made no such statement.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?

Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.

We still have folks who think we didn’t land on the moon in 1969….no amount of evidence is sufficient for someone like yourself.

You like others confuse evidence with proof.....you have very weak evidence that would not stand up in a legal court room.....the Warren Commission with no opposition, and no one to defend Oswald tried to ram their conclusion of Oswald's guilt down Americans throats....who to their credit have rejected it.

So it is just not we on this thread who have rejected the Warren Commission....it is the majority of Americans...you try to ignore that

Again, feel free to give us a competing narrative of what took place in Dallas on 11/22/63. Little offered by conspiracy theorists fit in with the known facts. Which is why you attack the known facts; they make your theories….impossible.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10


One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger

One of the dummies I have on ignore says that the paraffin tests absolutely show that Oswald didn't fire a weapon. One of the others says the tests are unreliable and so don't show anything. They are both stupid.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if you have him on ignore how do you know what he is saying???? hehheh that makes you a liar already.

The fact is parrafin tests are not reliable.........................The Total Unreliability Of Paraffin Tests
You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?

Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.

We still have folks who think we didn’t land on the moon in 1969….no amount of evidence is sufficient for someone like yourself.

You like others confuse evidence with proof.....you have very weak evidence that would not stand up in a legal court room.....the Warren Commission with no opposition, and no one to defend Oswald tried to ram their conclusion of Oswald's guilt down Americans throats....who to their credit have rejected it.

So it is just not we on this thread who have rejected the Warren Commission....it is the majority of Americans...you try to ignore that

Again, feel free to give us a competing narrative of what took place in Dallas on 11/22/63. Little offered by conspiracy theorists fit in with the known facts. Which is why you attack the known facts; they make your theories….impossible.

Again.....you coinfuse facts and proof with your extremely weak evidence.

Speaking of theories.....that is all the Warren Commission has in truth. They have been rejected by the majority of Americans .....as in the Warren Commission is a national joke. Yet a minority of dupes keep parading around with their nonsense.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10


One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger

One of the dummies I have on ignore says that the paraffin tests absolutely show that Oswald didn't fire a weapon. One of the others says the tests are unreliable and so don't show anything. They are both stupid.

Don’t let em get ya down.

They operate under the false assumption (either willfully or encouraged by prickdom—I prefer the latter) that whatever systems are in place are foolproof when in reality, very little actually is. The manual says we do this if there is a Presidential Assassination. So naturally, that means that if there is an assassination of the President, every LEO in the nation is equipped and trained on what to do. It simply isn’ the case. It’s not a cover-up, its not intentional, and its not even incorrect…. But it gives oxygen to folks who like to point things out and pin their entire theories based on things like a parafin wax test. Which, as you pointed out, did register a positive finding!

Its fun to mix it up from time to time with them.
You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?

Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.

We still have folks who think we didn’t land on the moon in 1969….no amount of evidence is sufficient for someone like yourself.

You like others confuse evidence with proof.....you have very weak evidence that would not stand up in a legal court room.....the Warren Commission with no opposition, and no one to defend Oswald tried to ram their conclusion of Oswald's guilt down Americans throats....who to their credit have rejected it.

So it is just not we on this thread who have rejected the Warren Commission....it is the majority of Americans...you try to ignore that

Again, feel free to give us a competing narrative of what took place in Dallas on 11/22/63. Little offered by conspiracy theorists fit in with the known facts. Which is why you attack the known facts; they make your theories….impossible.

The burden of proof was on the Warren Commission....the state not only failed to protect Oswald.....they refused to let anyone on the commission that would represent oswald....that was the least they could have done after allowing him to be assassinated. But no no no...they could not allow that...might interefere with their agenda of the lone nut deciding to shoot a president with no credible motive.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10


One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger

One of the dummies I have on ignore says that the paraffin tests absolutely show that Oswald didn't fire a weapon. One of the others says the tests are unreliable and so don't show anything. They are both stupid.

Don’t let em get ya down.

They operate under the false assumption (either willfully or encouraged by prickdom—I prefer the latter) that whatever systems are in place are foolproof when in reality, very little actually is. The manual says we do this if there is a Presidential Assassination. So naturally, that means that if there is an assassination of the President, every LEO in the nation is equipped and trained on what to do. It simply isn’ the case. It’s not a cover-up, its not intentional, and its not even incorrect…. But it gives oxygen to folks who like to point things out and pin their entire theories based on things like a parafin wax test. Which, as you pointed out, did register a positive finding!

Its fun to mix it up from time to time with them.

You are being ridiculously incoherent......and the parrafin test has been gone over and over....the bottom line --courts have declared such so called evidence inadmissable due to it's unreliability...this has been presented already....numerous times...but you want to ignore it because it does not fit your fallacious agenda.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10


One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger

One of the dummies I have on ignore says that the paraffin tests absolutely show that Oswald didn't fire a weapon. One of the others says the tests are unreliable and so don't show anything. They are both stupid.

Don’t let em get ya down.

They operate under the false assumption (either willfully or encouraged by prickdom—I prefer the latter) that whatever systems are in place are foolproof when in reality, very little actually is. The manual says we do this if there is a Presidential Assassination. So naturally, that means that if there is an assassination of the President, every LEO in the nation is equipped and trained on what to do. It simply isn’ the case. It’s not a cover-up, its not intentional, and its not even incorrect…. But it gives oxygen to folks who like to point things out and pin their entire theories based on things like a parafin wax test. Which, as you pointed out, did register a positive finding!

Its fun to mix it up from time to time with them.

Ah, they don't get me down. I basically just feel sorry for them and sad for anyone who takes their rantings as reliable. Not a one of them has anything worth reading.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

Of course it was Oswald's rifle. Though it was initially misidentified, even the HSCA agreed it was Oswald's rifle.

"As noted, the Warren Commission had traced the chain of possession of the alleged assassination rifle and determined that the name on the money order and purchase form used to buy the rifle was "A. Hidell" which it determined to be an alias used by Oswald. (81) It also determined that the rifle was sent to a Dallas post office box rented on October 9, 1962 by Oswald. (82) Through handwriting analysis, the Commission determined that Oswald had filled out and signed the documents relative to the purchase and receipt of the rifle. (83) Moreover, the Commission received testimony that Oswald owned a rifle and that it was not in its usual storage place at the residence of Michael and Ruth Paine in Irving, Tex., when police searched the residence on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.

Photographs of Oswald holding a rifle were also recovered from among his personal possessions, and the Commission concluded that the rifle in the photograph was the one found on the sixth floor of the book depository. (85) A palm print taken from the barrel of the rifle was identified as a latent palmprint of Oswald.(86) Finally, the Commission treated as significant evidence a brown paper sack on which was identified a latent palmprint of Oswald. (87) It contained fibers that were determined to be identical to certain fibers of a blanket in which Oswald had allegedly wrapped the rifle. (88)

The committee concluded that the rifle found on the sixth floor of the book depository was the murder weapon. This determination, coupled with Warren Commission evidence of Oswald's ownership of the rifle, if accepted, proved conclusively that Oswald was the owner of the murder weapon."

Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

The palm print could have been left there when oswald posed with the rifle....which does not prove he was in possession of the rifle when it was fired at Kennedy....it would have been extremely easy for those who framed oswald to get him to take a picture with the rifle and thus leave his print there...if it was really there.

Regarding Officer Tippet...................
The Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit : Jim Garrison's Interview with Playboy
We do not really have to. The totality of evidence is a slam dunk.
The library is filled with scholarly well researched books tearing the lies of the Warren Commission to pieces. You remind me of Baghdad Bob in your ability to say day is night endlessly and your obstinate ignorance is both funny and alarming because it shows the depths the depraved human mind can sink to.
His rifle was found at the scene.
It had been fired.
The bullets were traced back to his rifle.
It wasn't found there by the first Dallas police officers on the scene.
two frame rifles, two sets of 3 frame shells, two magic bullets

He was seen carrying a package into the building that morning that likely contained a rifle
He said it was curtain rods—curtain rods that were never found in the TSBD
Police say the package was too small to contain a rifle. Oswald told the police his lunch was in the bag he was carrying...no wonder no curtain rods were ever found.
His actions after he shot Kennedy were incredibly damning.
He left the TSBD. There were all sorts of actions attributed to him that don't add up and cannot be confirmed. Is that damning?

All of the above is fact, and it is not in dispute. Except from conspiracy kooks.
Not so but the truth seems to mean very little to you and other Warren Commission quislings.
Oswald was not tried
An investigation was conducted and it overwhelmingly proved he did it

If someone shoots up a classroom full of first graders and then kills himself, are we allowed to conclude he did it......even if he didn’t get a trial?

Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.

We still have folks who think we didn’t land on the moon in 1969….no amount of evidence is sufficient for someone like yourself.

You like others confuse evidence with proof.....you have very weak evidence that would not stand up in a legal court room.....the Warren Commission with no opposition, and no one to defend Oswald tried to ram their conclusion of Oswald's guilt down Americans throats....who to their credit have rejected it.

So it is just not we on this thread who have rejected the Warren Commission....it is the majority of Americans...you try to ignore that

Again, feel free to give us a competing narrative of what took place in Dallas on 11/22/63. Little offered by conspiracy theorists fit in with the known facts. Which is why you attack the known facts; they make your theories….impossible.

Again.....you coinfuse facts and proof with your extremely weak evidence.

Speaking of theories.....that is all the Warren Commission has in truth. They have been rejected by the majority of Americans .....as in the Warren Commission is a national joke. Yet a minority of dupes keep parading around with their nonsense.

Again, feel free to give us a competing narrative of what took place in Dallas on 11/22/63. Little offered by conspiracy theorists fit in with the known facts.
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

The palm print could have been left there when oswald posed with the rifle....which does not prove he was in possession of the rifle when it was fired at Kennedy....it would have been extremely easy for those who framed oswald to get him to take a picture with the rifle and thus leave his print there...if it was really there.

Regarding Officer Tippet...................
The Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit : Jim Garrison's Interview with Playboy

So “they” lifted a palm print and manufactured a photograph.

Fascinating. This in addition to planting the murder weapon in his place of business, committing B&E to get the rifle, and making his co-worker lie about his carrying a package to jail with him.

Seems like a lot of trouble to go through. Here is where it gets good.

Why would they do such a thing?
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

Of course it was Oswald's rifle. Though it was initially misidentified, even the HSCA agreed it was Oswald's rifle.

"As noted, the Warren Commission had traced the chain of possession of the alleged assassination rifle and determined that the name on the money order and purchase form used to buy the rifle was "A. Hidell" which it determined to be an alias used by Oswald. (81) It also determined that the rifle was sent to a Dallas post office box rented on October 9, 1962 by Oswald. (82) Through handwriting analysis, the Commission determined that Oswald had filled out and signed the documents relative to the purchase and receipt of the rifle. (83) Moreover, the Commission received testimony that Oswald owned a rifle and that it was not in its usual storage place at the residence of Michael and Ruth Paine in Irving, Tex., when police searched the residence on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.

Photographs of Oswald holding a rifle were also recovered from among his personal possessions, and the Commission concluded that the rifle in the photograph was the one found on the sixth floor of the book depository. (85) A palm print taken from the barrel of the rifle was identified as a latent palmprint of Oswald.(86) Finally, the Commission treated as significant evidence a brown paper sack on which was identified a latent palmprint of Oswald. (87) It contained fibers that were determined to be identical to certain fibers of a blanket in which Oswald had allegedly wrapped the rifle. (88)

The committee concluded that the rifle found on the sixth floor of the book depository was the murder weapon. This determination, coupled with Warren Commission evidence of Oswald's ownership of the rifle, if accepted, proved conclusively that Oswald was the owner of the murder weapon."


None of those who made the above claims were subject to cross-examination as in regarding their statements or how their interpetation of the evidence was formed....most specifically into how easy it was at that time for anyone to purchase a weapon by mail order.

And...since the rifle was allegedly kept in a garage....anyone with knowledge of where it was could have retrieved it...thus dispelling your chain of evidence of possession. All that b.s. you and W.C. spout was not subject to questioning....as in a real trial it would have been questioned and shot to hell.

As already covered....even if Oswald bought the gun as was claimed that still does not prove he was the one who used it to kill Kennedy.

Too many holes in that argument....does not pass the test of beyond reasonable doubt.

Logic and common reason dictates that someone who has planned to assassinate a President will have an escape plan, would not kill from their work location, would have some kind of credible motive to kill, and would not pass a voice stress test like Oswald did with his statements of just being a patsy and that he did not kill anyone.
There is all sorts of evidence that the story of Lee Oswald buying his junk rifle from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago by mail is false and like so much of the Warren Commission lies, the closer you look the more you find massive holes in the official narrative.

Such as: "The Warren Commission never pointed out that the envelope, time stamped 10:30 am, was not mailed from the downtown post office where the money order was purchased. It was stamped and mailed in "zone 12," which was several miles west of the downtown post office and across the Trinity River. In order for this letter to have reached Chicago the following day, it would have to have been picked up by a mail carrier sometime after 10:30 am, delivered to the Industrial Station post office in zone 7, and then sorted and bagged into an airmail pouch. And the airmail pouch would have to have been delivered by another mail carrier to Love field and then placed aboard an aircraft prior to it's 12 o'clock noon departure."

And: "All US Postal Money orders have unique serial numbers. In the fall of 1962, Oswald purchased numerous money orders from the same downtown post office and mailed them to Washington, DC in order to repay a loan from the government for his travel expenses incurred when he returned to the USA from Russia. These money orders were purchased in numerical sequence beginning in November, 1962. These serial numbers show that some 1200 money orders per week were purchased at the downtown post office in Dallas. At this rate we see that Oswald's alleged purchase of a money order on March 12, 1963 should have been numbered 2,202,011,935. But the serial number of the money order published in the Warren Volumes was more than 118,000 numbers higher. At the rate of 1200 money order per week, this money order should have been purchased in late 1964 or early 1965. In other words, this money order could easily have been pulled from a stack of fresh, unsold money orders by a postal official in Dallas, sometime after the assassination, and then given to the FBI. A close look at the details surrounding the "finding" of the money order the day after the assassination strongly suggests that this is what happened. "

And: "KLEIN'S MICROFILM. The FBI's Chicago office sent 3 agents to Klein's late in the evening of November 22. These agents arrived at Klein's at 10:00 PM and were met by Klein's Vice-President William Waldman. These agents were likely told to search Klein's records (microfilm) and determine both the name and address of the person who purchased C2766 from Klein's in 1962, and determine if another rifle bearing serial number C2766 had been sold. Seven hours later, at 5:00 AM in the morning, the FBI agents advised Waldman that they had found records relating to C2766 and asked if they could take the microfilm. Waldman agreed and the FBI agents left with the microfilm. The FBI never produced a single document that shows the date C2766 was delivered to Klein's (sold by Crescent on June 18, 1962) nor the identity and address of the person who purchased that rifle from Klein's. All original records from Crescent Arms (Louis Feldsott's company) and the Klein's microfilm disappeared while in FBI custody. Only "photographs" of documents were given to the WC, and are now at the National Archives."

There is much more for anyone to research looking for the truth of the Warren Commission narrative of Oswald and his Manlicher-Carcano. What we've seen so far is all bunk from Gerald Ford, Arlen Specter and Allen Dulles, Nazi collaborator.
Episode 307 – Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster : The Corbett Report
The quality of it's members says so much about the Commission of liars and killers.
I wonder if the gullible fools know or care about people like Dulles and Specter, the inventor of the magic bullet?
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Utter nonsense....if it had been overwhelmingly proved that Oswald did it we would not still be talking about it and the majority of the American people would have believed it....but of course they do not.

You and your co-horts are part of the minority...the dupes of the Warren Commission.

We still have folks who think we didn’t land on the moon in 1969….no amount of evidence is sufficient for someone like yourself.

You like others confuse evidence with proof.....you have very weak evidence that would not stand up in a legal court room.....the Warren Commission with no opposition, and no one to defend Oswald tried to ram their conclusion of Oswald's guilt down Americans throats....who to their credit have rejected it.

So it is just not we on this thread who have rejected the Warren Commission....it is the majority of Americans...you try to ignore that

Again, feel free to give us a competing narrative of what took place in Dallas on 11/22/63. Little offered by conspiracy theorists fit in with the known facts. Which is why you attack the known facts; they make your theories….impossible.

Again.....you coinfuse facts and proof with your extremely weak evidence.

Speaking of theories.....that is all the Warren Commission has in truth. They have been rejected by the majority of Americans .....as in the Warren Commission is a national joke. Yet a minority of dupes keep parading around with their nonsense.

Again, feel free to give us a competing narrative of what took place in Dallas on 11/22/63. Little offered by conspiracy theorists fit in with the known facts.

They can't. That's why they have to scream and stamp their feet when faced with such a request. They can't refute the science of the Warren Commission and can't deal with the fact that the HSCA confirmed MOST of the WC conclusions. So, they fall back on innuendo, lies and conspiracy theories that require selective editing of the facts and outright lies to appear convincing.
Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

The palm print could have been left there when oswald posed with the rifle....which does not prove he was in possession of the rifle when it was fired at Kennedy....it would have been extremely easy for those who framed oswald to get him to take a picture with the rifle and thus leave his print there...if it was really there.

Regarding Officer Tippet...................
The Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit : Jim Garrison's Interview with Playboy

So “they” lifted a palm print and manufactured a photograph.

Fascinating. This in addition to planting the murder weapon in his place of business, committing B&E to get the rifle, and making his co-worker lie about his carrying a package to jail with him.

Seems like a lot of trouble to go through. Here is where it gets good.

Why would they do such a thing?

First of all Oswald's co worker said the package oswald had was not big enough to conceal a rifle....and that he did not believe oswald was the assassin....that statement has already been presented...but you ignore that like you do so many things.

Whoever framed Oswald had to have been part of the intelligence community and Oswald was surrounded by such folks who either were intelligence agents are were connected to them in some manner....thus they would have had the capabilities to do all the things you mention. It would have been childs play for such folks...stuff they do all the time and are very good at.

The possible motives for those who framed oswald are well known and much more credible than the alleged motive of oswald to kill jfk.

I.E. The cia was very angry with jfk for threatening to dissolve the cia....JFK wanted to end the Vietnam thing and many did not want that......not even to mention all the mafia reasons to want JFK dead

Not even to mention Castro had threatened JFK because the cia kept trying to get him killed.

Not even to mention that the POTUS who set up the Warren Commission said he did not believe their report...and was known to claim that JFK was killed in retaliation for having the vietnamese leader killed.
Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

Of course it was Oswald's rifle. Though it was initially misidentified, even the HSCA agreed it was Oswald's rifle.

"As noted, the Warren Commission had traced the chain of possession of the alleged assassination rifle and determined that the name on the money order and purchase form used to buy the rifle was "A. Hidell" which it determined to be an alias used by Oswald. (81) It also determined that the rifle was sent to a Dallas post office box rented on October 9, 1962 by Oswald. (82) Through handwriting analysis, the Commission determined that Oswald had filled out and signed the documents relative to the purchase and receipt of the rifle. (83) Moreover, the Commission received testimony that Oswald owned a rifle and that it was not in its usual storage place at the residence of Michael and Ruth Paine in Irving, Tex., when police searched the residence on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.

Photographs of Oswald holding a rifle were also recovered from among his personal possessions, and the Commission concluded that the rifle in the photograph was the one found on the sixth floor of the book depository. (85) A palm print taken from the barrel of the rifle was identified as a latent palmprint of Oswald.(86) Finally, the Commission treated as significant evidence a brown paper sack on which was identified a latent palmprint of Oswald. (87) It contained fibers that were determined to be identical to certain fibers of a blanket in which Oswald had allegedly wrapped the rifle. (88)

The committee concluded that the rifle found on the sixth floor of the book depository was the murder weapon. This determination, coupled with Warren Commission evidence of Oswald's ownership of the rifle, if accepted, proved conclusively that Oswald was the owner of the murder weapon."


None of those who made the above claims were subject to cross-examination as in regarding their statements or how their interpetation of the evidence was formed....most specifically into how easy it was at that time for anyone to purchase a weapon by mail order.

And...since the rifle was allegedly kept in a garage....anyone with knowledge of where it was could have retrieved it...thus dispelling your chain of evidence of possession. All that b.s. you and W.C. spout was not subject to questioning....as in a real trial it would have been questioned and shot to hell.

As already covered....even if Oswald bought the gun as was claimed that still does not prove he was the one who used it to kill Kennedy.

Too many holes in that argument....does not pass the test of beyond reasonable doubt.

Logic and common reason dictates that someone who has planned to assassinate a President will have an escape plan, would not kill from their work location, would have some kind of credible motive to kill, and would not pass a voice stress test like Oswald did with his statements of just being a patsy and that he did not kill anyone.

So you’ve accused the DPD or “they” of:
  • B&E
  • Manufacturing Evidence
  • Evidence Tampering
  • Murder…

Now you have to add other charges of:
  • Mail Fraud
  • Conspiracy to commit fraud

Seems like a lot of trouble to go through to frame someone.
The test that you're referring to would produce some false positives and false negatives.
The presence or lack thereof is not conclusive evidence.
Oswald was given two separate types of tests to detect gun powder residue on his hands and cheeks.
Both were negative. Summary of Results from Oswald's Paraffin Tests
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

PS: Did anyone ever find the curtain rods in the TSBD? I imagine you have some evidence where they found them.... your move.
No. Oswald denied carrying anything but his lunch. Why would he bring curtain rods to work? Did Lee Harvey Oswald Carry Curtain Rods? : The JFK Assassination

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

When you argue with lying trolls, it's good to not accept their versions without verification.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test. The cast of the right cheek showed no reaction.

To perform the paraffin test, layers of warm liquid paraffin, inter-leaved with layers of gauze for reinforcement, are brushed or poured on the suspect's skin. The warm sticky paraffin opens the skin's pores and picks up any dirt and foreign material present at the surface. When the paraffin cools and hardens it forms a cast, which is taken off and processed with diphenylamine or diphenyl- "

Appendix 10


One thing I like doing is letting them paint themselves into their own corner.

If Oswald didn’t bring the rifle into the building, that would mean someone else did. Which means that someone went to his residence, took the rifle, brought it to the TSBD, and then wow…found it there!
Every “yeah but” just makes them sound stranger and stranger

One of the dummies I have on ignore says that the paraffin tests absolutely show that Oswald didn't fire a weapon. One of the others says the tests are unreliable and so don't show anything. They are both stupid.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if you have him on ignore how do you know what he is saying???? hehheh that makes you a liar already.

The fact is parrafin tests are not reliable

Paraffin tests, in general, have been rendered inconclusive by this Court. Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use. .

The Total Unreliability Of Paraffin Tests

And the following is good evidence of Oswald's innocence...........

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