Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

The palm print could have been left there when oswald posed with the rifle....which does not prove he was in possession of the rifle when it was fired at Kennedy....it would have been extremely easy for those who framed oswald to get him to take a picture with the rifle and thus leave his print there...if it was really there.

Regarding Officer Tippet...................
The Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit : Jim Garrison's Interview with Playboy

So “they” lifted a palm print and manufactured a photograph.

Fascinating. This in addition to planting the murder weapon in his place of business, committing B&E to get the rifle, and making his co-worker lie about his carrying a package to jail with him.

Seems like a lot of trouble to go through. Here is where it gets good.

Why would they do such a thing?

First of all Oswald's co worker said the package oswald had was not big enough to conceal a rifle....and that he did not believe oswald was the assassin....that statement has already been presented...but you ignore that like you do so many things.
Mr. Frazier’s testimony about the size of the cardboard and brown paper contraption Oswald made was off by a few inches. It is not exculpatory in any way. Nor were the curtain rods ever found in the TSBD.

Whoever framed Oswald had to have been part of the intelligence community and Oswald was surrounded by such folks who either were intelligence agents are were connected to them in some manner....thus they would have had the capabilities to do all the things you mention. It would have been childs play for such folks...stuff they do all the time and are very good at.
I didn’t mention it; you did.
Yet the same team of criminals only scored 2 hits on 6 people in the car? Yeah..they are really “good” at it. LOL

The possible motives for those who framed oswald are well known and much more credible than the alleged motive of oswald to kill jfk.

I.E. The cia was very angry with jfk for threatening to dissolve the cia....JFK wanted to end the Vietnam thing and many did not want that......not even to mention all the mafia reasons to want JFK dead

Not even to mention Castro had threatened JFK because the cia kept trying to get him killed.

Not even to mention that the POTUS who set up the Warren Commission said he did not believe their report...and was known to claim that JFK was killed in retaliation for having the vietnamese leader killed.


So instead of using any number of clandestine methods to kill someone—something the CIA (you mentioned them) is actually very good at and make it look like natural causes in a Washington building they control or at any number of times they had him in a private setting—the CIA conducts this scheme that involves—so far—

Placing Oswald at the scene of the crime
Breaking into his garage and stealing his rifle
Breaking into the TSBD and placing the rifle there
Partnering with the Treasury Department to route the motorcade through Dealey Plaza
Partnering with the DPD to botch the investigation
Manufacturing evidence
Planting evidence
Witness tampering on a scale never before seen

And we haven’t even gotten to the murders of Oswald and Tippit yet.

And you claim logic is on your side?
Mr. Frazier’s testimony about the size of the cardboard and brown paper contraption Oswald made was off by a few inches. It is not exculpatory in any way. Nor were the curtain rods ever found in the TSBD.
So that would indicate Oswald was lying to Frazier for some reason about the curtain rods. He said he brought his lunch to work in that bag, according to police. They also said the package was too short to be concealing a rifle.
Mr. Frazier’s testimony about the size of the cardboard and brown paper contraption Oswald made was off by a few inches. It is not exculpatory in any way. Nor were the curtain rods ever found in the TSBD.
So that would indicate Oswald was lying to Frazier for some reason about the curtain rods. He said he brought his lunch to work in that bag, according to police. They also said the package was too short to be concealing a rifle.

Oswald was lying to Frazier...duh. He knew the curtain rod story would fold quicker than the carpolla you’re spinning so when the a Police Dept asked him, he said it was his lunch.

Frazier said the package was 27 inches. Care to explain how a lunch sack can be 27 inches
Oswald was lying to Frazier...duh. He knew the curtain rod story would fold quicker than the carpolla you’re spinning so when the a Police Dept asked him, he said it was his lunch.

Frazier said the package was 27 inches. Care to explain how a lunch sack can be 27 inches
Did Frazier have a tape measure with him? Or was he just guessing? Who is confirming Frazier's guess work? No one.

Whether Oswald smuggled a gun into the TSBD or not (no one can prove he did) no can place him on the sixth floor at the time of the coup and no one can prove he shot anyone or at anything. The evidence shows he did not!

And what's more my link places enormous doubt on the entire WC story of how Oswald came to obtain the Manlicher Carcano rifle to begin with.
Maybe you should go study it before you pollute the thread with more of your uninformed disinformation.
Oswald was lying to Frazier...duh. He knew the curtain rod story would fold quicker than the carpolla you’re spinning so when the a Police Dept asked him, he said it was his lunch.

Frazier said the package was 27 inches. Care to explain how a lunch sack can be 27 inches
Did Frazier have a tape measure with him? Or was he just guessing? Who is confirming Frazier's guess work? No one.
Ahh…so now Frazier is “in on it” too? LOL

Whether Oswald smuggled a gun into the TSBD or not (no one can prove he did) no can place him on the sixth floor at the time of the coup and no one can prove he shot anyone or at anything. The evidence shows he did not!
Oh…so now it’s “he smuggled it in but didn’t shoot anyone”? LOL

And what's more my link places enormous doubt on the entire WC story of how Oswald came to obtain the Manlicher Carcano rifle to begin with.
No. It does not. No where close. A gun he purchased showed up in his house with the photograph, then showed up in the place where he worked and the bullets found that day are tied ballistically to the weapon he purchased.

Maybe you should go study it before you pollute the thread with more of your uninformed disinformation.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.
Oswald was lying to Frazier...duh. He knew the curtain rod story would fold quicker than the carpolla you’re spinning so when the a Police Dept asked him, he said it was his lunch.

Frazier said the package was 27 inches. Care to explain how a lunch sack can be 27 inches
Did Frazier have a tape measure with him? Or was he just guessing? Who is confirming Frazier's guess work? No one.
Ahh…so now Frazier is “in on it” too? LOL

Whether Oswald smuggled a gun into the TSBD or not (no one can prove he did) no can place him on the sixth floor at the time of the coup and no one can prove he shot anyone or at anything. The evidence shows he did not!
Oh…so now it’s “he smuggled it in but didn’t shoot anyone”? LOL

And what's more my link places enormous doubt on the entire WC story of how Oswald came to obtain the Manlicher Carcano rifle to begin with.
No. It does not. No where close. A gun he purchased showed up in his house with the photograph, then showed up in the place where he worked and the bullets found that day are tied ballistically to the weapon he purchased.

Maybe you should go study it before you pollute the thread with more of your uninformed disinformation.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.
Oswald was lying to Frazier...duh. He knew the curtain rod story would fold quicker than the carpolla you’re spinning so when the a Police Dept asked him, he said it was his lunch.

Frazier said the package was 27 inches. Care to explain how a lunch sack can be 27 inches
Did Frazier have a tape measure with him? Or was he just guessing? Who is confirming Frazier's guess work? No one.
Ahh…so now Frazier is “in on it” too? LOL

Whether Oswald smuggled a gun into the TSBD or not (no one can prove he did) no can place him on the sixth floor at the time of the coup and no one can prove he shot anyone or at anything. The evidence shows he did not!
Oh…so now it’s “he smuggled it in but didn’t shoot anyone”? LOL

And what's more my link places enormous doubt on the entire WC story of how Oswald came to obtain the Manlicher Carcano rifle to begin with.
No. It does not. No where close. A gun he purchased showed up in his house with the photograph, then showed up in the place where he worked and the bullets found that day are tied ballistically to the weapon he purchased.

Maybe you should go study it before you pollute the thread with more of your uninformed disinformation.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.
Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

The palm print could have been left there when oswald posed with the rifle....which does not prove he was in possession of the rifle when it was fired at Kennedy....it would have been extremely easy for those who framed oswald to get him to take a picture with the rifle and thus leave his print there...if it was really there.

Regarding Officer Tippet...................
The Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit : Jim Garrison's Interview with Playboy

So “they” lifted a palm print and manufactured a photograph.

Fascinating. This in addition to planting the murder weapon in his place of business, committing B&E to get the rifle, and making his co-worker lie about his carrying a package to jail with him.

Seems like a lot of trouble to go through. Here is where it gets good.

Why would they do such a thing?

First of all Oswald's co worker said the package oswald had was not big enough to conceal a rifle....and that he did not believe oswald was the assassin....that statement has already been presented...but you ignore that like you do so many things.
Mr. Frazier’s testimony about the size of the cardboard and brown paper contraption Oswald made was off by a few inches. It is not exculpatory in any way. Nor were the curtain rods ever found in the TSBD.

Whoever framed Oswald had to have been part of the intelligence community and Oswald was surrounded by such folks who either were intelligence agents are were connected to them in some manner....thus they would have had the capabilities to do all the things you mention. It would have been childs play for such folks...stuff they do all the time and are very good at.
I didn’t mention it; you did.
Yet the same team of criminals only scored 2 hits on 6 people in the car? Yeah..they are really “good” at it. LOL

The possible motives for those who framed oswald are well known and much more credible than the alleged motive of oswald to kill jfk.

I.E. The cia was very angry with jfk for threatening to dissolve the cia....JFK wanted to end the Vietnam thing and many did not want that......not even to mention all the mafia reasons to want JFK dead

Not even to mention Castro had threatened JFK because the cia kept trying to get him killed.

Not even to mention that the POTUS who set up the Warren Commission said he did not believe their report...and was known to claim that JFK was killed in retaliation for having the vietnamese leader killed.


So instead of using any number of clandestine methods to kill someone—something the CIA (you mentioned them) is actually very good at and make it look like natural causes in a Washington building they control or at any number of times they had him in a private setting—the CIA conducts this scheme that involves—so far—

Placing Oswald at the scene of the crime
Breaking into his garage and stealing his rifle
Breaking into the TSBD and placing the rifle there
Partnering with the Treasury Department to route the motorcade through Dealey Plaza
Partnering with the DPD to botch the investigation
Manufacturing evidence
Planting evidence
Witness tampering on a scale never before seen

And we haven’t even gotten to the murders of Oswald and Tippit yet.

And you claim logic is on your side?

You are very naive regarding how experts can frame someone so very easily...especially with all the resources someone like the FBI, CIA or the mafia has at their disposal.

I do not know who did it and I have no proof who did it....I am convinced that Oswald did not and whoever framed him had a very successful plan as in to this day none of the guilty parties have ever been brought to trial and convicted ... I would think most of them have either been killed by now or died of natural causes .

What sort of clandestine methods are you talking about?

JFK if assassinated by the CIA would not have been the first time for them....look at the Church comittee report and the revelation that the CIA was in the assassination business....no supprise really.

Not even to mention the mafia and all the folks they have bumped off....and they had a huge,huge hatred for the Kennedys.

So thus they had a excellent motive to kill jfk whereas Oswald had no credible motive to do it....all the warren commission could come up with was some psychobabble that oswald did it to make himself feel important.
Oswald was lying to Frazier...duh. He knew the curtain rod story would fold quicker than the carpolla you’re spinning so when the a Police Dept asked him, he said it was his lunch.

Frazier said the package was 27 inches. Care to explain how a lunch sack can be 27 inches
Did Frazier have a tape measure with him? Or was he just guessing? Who is confirming Frazier's guess work? No one.
Ahh…so now Frazier is “in on it” too? LOL

Whether Oswald smuggled a gun into the TSBD or not (no one can prove he did) no can place him on the sixth floor at the time of the coup and no one can prove he shot anyone or at anything. The evidence shows he did not!
Oh…so now it’s “he smuggled it in but didn’t shoot anyone”? LOL

And what's more my link places enormous doubt on the entire WC story of how Oswald came to obtain the Manlicher Carcano rifle to begin with.
No. It does not. No where close. A gun he purchased showed up in his house with the photograph, then showed up in the place where he worked and the bullets found that day are tied ballistically to the weapon he purchased.

Maybe you should go study it before you pollute the thread with more of your uninformed disinformation.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.

Oswald was lying to Frazier...duh. He knew the curtain rod story would fold quicker than the carpolla you’re spinning so when the a Police Dept asked him, he said it was his lunch.

Frazier said the package was 27 inches. Care to explain how a lunch sack can be 27 inches
Did Frazier have a tape measure with him? Or was he just guessing? Who is confirming Frazier's guess work? No one.
Ahh…so now Frazier is “in on it” too? LOL

Whether Oswald smuggled a gun into the TSBD or not (no one can prove he did) no can place him on the sixth floor at the time of the coup and no one can prove he shot anyone or at anything. The evidence shows he did not!
Oh…so now it’s “he smuggled it in but didn’t shoot anyone”? LOL

And what's more my link places enormous doubt on the entire WC story of how Oswald came to obtain the Manlicher Carcano rifle to begin with.
No. It does not. No where close. A gun he purchased showed up in his house with the photograph, then showed up in the place where he worked and the bullets found that day are tied ballistically to the weapon he purchased.

Maybe you should go study it before you pollute the thread with more of your uninformed disinformation.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.


Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.
Did Frazier have a tape measure with him? Or was he just guessing? Who is confirming Frazier's guess work? No one.
Ahh…so now Frazier is “in on it” too? LOL

Whether Oswald smuggled a gun into the TSBD or not (no one can prove he did) no can place him on the sixth floor at the time of the coup and no one can prove he shot anyone or at anything. The evidence shows he did not!
Oh…so now it’s “he smuggled it in but didn’t shoot anyone”? LOL

And what's more my link places enormous doubt on the entire WC story of how Oswald came to obtain the Manlicher Carcano rifle to begin with.
No. It does not. No where close. A gun he purchased showed up in his house with the photograph, then showed up in the place where he worked and the bullets found that day are tied ballistically to the weapon he purchased.

Maybe you should go study it before you pollute the thread with more of your uninformed disinformation.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.


Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.
Oswald was innocent; I killed Kennedy. How many times do I have to confess? I published a book on it, but it's a secret book only those in the know can buy at the secret govt. bookstore.
Ahh…so now Frazier is “in on it” too? LOL

Oh…so now it’s “he smuggled it in but didn’t shoot anyone”? LOL

No. It does not. No where close. A gun he purchased showed up in his house with the photograph, then showed up in the place where he worked and the bullets found that day are tied ballistically to the weapon he purchased.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.


Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.


Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

No amount of evidence will ever convince the conspiracy theorists. They will simply ignore contrary evidence or insist it is fake, pick out one or two factoids that seem to support their cause even after they have been debunked, and will grow the conspiracy to ridiculous sizes.

I think they just can't accept that sometimes one person or a handful of people can cause tremendous upset in the right circumstances. They don't want to believe a president can be assassinated or the World Trade Center be brought down that easily, so they invent wild conspiracies and resort to insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees.
Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.


Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

No amount of evidence will ever convince the conspiracy theorists. They will simply ignore contrary evidence or insist it is fake, pick out one or two factoids that seem to support their cause even after they have been debunked, and will grow the conspiracy to ridiculous sizes.

I think they just can't accept that sometimes one person or a handful of people can cause tremendous upset in the right circumstances. They don't want to believe a president can be assassinated or the World Trade Center be brought down that easily, so they invent wild conspiracies and resort to insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees.

I think you’re giving them too much credit.

The reason most become conspiracy theorists is, in my view, is to get attention essentially. Those who go “against the grain” get noticed so that is what they do. I just heard a story on the television about a random shooting over in Texas. It sounds suspicious that a shooting would just be done randomly in a suburban neighborhood. Would any of the resident conspiracy folks give this a second look? No. Because it won’t get them noticed. If the shooter or victim turned out to be famous and the conspiracy kook could get some attention by questioning the victim, the shooter, or the findings of the authorities…they’d be on it.

This is why you have the usual suspects thinking that the Apollo moon landings were faked, 9/11 was a conspiracy on a global scale, the JFK topic at hand….

As I mentioned earlier, I too speculate about the events that lead Oswald to pull the trigger so I don’t mind questioning the findings of the WC. The known physical evidence is available and every shred of it points to Oswald pulling the trigger, he being the only person who fired a rifle at Kennedy that day, and that the fatal wounds and injuries to others were at the hands of LHO and he alone. If you want to say that there was a violation of the law, the autopsy was not done by the book, or that the authorities went to extraordinary lengths to silence any conjecture about a larger conspiracy afoot to kill our President, I will listen to that. There is, in my view, evidence of all three being true. For example, the coroner in Dallas County (I think it was Dallas County) is responsible for the autopsies of murder victims in Dallas County; not the SS.

Inside the Autopsy Room: The Details Doctors Gathered About JFK’s Assassination | History | Smithsonian

But there isn’t any thing that has been brought to light in nearly 60 years that points to anyone other than Oswald being an active shooter in the JFK assassination.

Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

No amount of evidence will ever convince the conspiracy theorists. They will simply ignore contrary evidence or insist it is fake, pick out one or two factoids that seem to support their cause even after they have been debunked, and will grow the conspiracy to ridiculous sizes.

I think they just can't accept that sometimes one person or a handful of people can cause tremendous upset in the right circumstances. They don't want to believe a president can be assassinated or the World Trade Center be brought down that easily, so they invent wild conspiracies and resort to insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees.

I think you’re giving them too much credit.

The reason most become conspiracy theorists is, in my view, is to get attention essentially. Those who go “against the grain” get noticed so that is what they do. I just heard a story on the television about a random shooting over in Texas. It sounds suspicious that a shooting would just be done randomly in a suburban neighborhood. Would any of the resident conspiracy folks give this a second look? No. Because it won’t get them noticed. If the shooter or victim turned out to be famous and the conspiracy kook could get some attention by questioning the victim, the shooter, or the findings of the authorities…they’d be on it.

This is why you have the usual suspects thinking that the Apollo moon landings were faked, 9/11 was a conspiracy on a global scale, the JFK topic at hand….

As I mentioned earlier, I too speculate about the events that lead Oswald to pull the trigger so I don’t mind questioning the findings of the WC. The known physical evidence is available and every shred of it points to Oswald pulling the trigger, he being the only person who fired a rifle at Kennedy that day, and that the fatal wounds and injuries to others were at the hands of LHO and he alone. If you want to say that there was a violation of the law, the autopsy was not done by the book, or that the authorities went to extraordinary lengths to silence any conjecture about a larger conspiracy afoot to kill our President, I will listen to that. There is, in my view, evidence of all three being true. For example, the coroner in Dallas County (I think it was Dallas County) is responsible for the autopsies of murder victims in Dallas County; not the SS.

Inside the Autopsy Room: The Details Doctors Gathered About JFK’s Assassination | History | Smithsonian

But there isn’t any thing that has been brought to light in nearly 60 years that points to anyone other than Oswald being an active shooter in the JFK assassination.

The absolute silence from the supposed members of the conspiracy is also important. After this much time, SOMEONE would have let something slip if they were involved, perhaps to clear their conscience on their death bed, but there's nothing.

Oswald said Frazier was mistaken and he may well have been...I have not heard the claim he said it was 27 in. long....still too short to be a rifle and Frazier said the package was not large enough to conceal a rifle and that he did not believe Oswald was the assassin.

Thus another failed piece of weak evidence. Thus no proof Oswald brought a rifle to work.

Frazier had to endure a hostile interrogation and hours of confinement--the Feds ruined his reputation for no good reason...thus for years afterward he found it difficult to find employment.

You have hit rock bottom and now instead of attempting to discuss this tragedy rationally you are making yourself look childishly ridiculous.

Remember and do not ever forget that most Americans reject the WC report ....they failed in their mission. Case closed.


Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

You cannot prove Oswald bought the rifle....how many times do you have to be told that the rifle was purchased via mail order. No one can identify Oswald as the purchaser.

Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

No amount of evidence will ever convince the conspiracy theorists. They will simply ignore contrary evidence or insist it is fake, pick out one or two factoids that seem to support their cause even after they have been debunked, and will grow the conspiracy to ridiculous sizes.

I think they just can't accept that sometimes one person or a handful of people can cause tremendous upset in the right circumstances. They don't want to believe a president can be assassinated or the World Trade Center be brought down that easily, so they invent wild conspiracies and resort to insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees.

I think you’re giving them too much credit.

The reason most become conspiracy theorists is, in my view, is to get attention essentially. Those who go “against the grain” get noticed so that is what they do. I just heard a story on the television about a random shooting over in Texas. It sounds suspicious that a shooting would just be done randomly in a suburban neighborhood. Would any of the resident conspiracy folks give this a second look? No. Because it won’t get them noticed. If the shooter or victim turned out to be famous and the conspiracy kook could get some attention by questioning the victim, the shooter, or the findings of the authorities…they’d be on it.

This is why you have the usual suspects thinking that the Apollo moon landings were faked, 9/11 was a conspiracy on a global scale, the JFK topic at hand….

As I mentioned earlier, I too speculate about the events that lead Oswald to pull the trigger so I don’t mind questioning the findings of the WC. The known physical evidence is available and every shred of it points to Oswald pulling the trigger, he being the only person who fired a rifle at Kennedy that day, and that the fatal wounds and injuries to others were at the hands of LHO and he alone. If you want to say that there was a violation of the law, the autopsy was not done by the book, or that the authorities went to extraordinary lengths to silence any conjecture about a larger conspiracy afoot to kill our President, I will listen to that. There is, in my view, evidence of all three being true. For example, the coroner in Dallas County (I think it was Dallas County) is responsible for the autopsies of murder victims in Dallas County; not the SS.

Inside the Autopsy Room: The Details Doctors Gathered About JFK’s Assassination | History | Smithsonian

But there isn’t any thing that has been brought to light in nearly 60 years that points to anyone other than Oswald being an active shooter in the JFK assassination.

Utter gibberish.
Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

No amount of evidence will ever convince the conspiracy theorists. They will simply ignore contrary evidence or insist it is fake, pick out one or two factoids that seem to support their cause even after they have been debunked, and will grow the conspiracy to ridiculous sizes.

I think they just can't accept that sometimes one person or a handful of people can cause tremendous upset in the right circumstances. They don't want to believe a president can be assassinated or the World Trade Center be brought down that easily, so they invent wild conspiracies and resort to insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees.

I think you’re giving them too much credit.

The reason most become conspiracy theorists is, in my view, is to get attention essentially. Those who go “against the grain” get noticed so that is what they do. I just heard a story on the television about a random shooting over in Texas. It sounds suspicious that a shooting would just be done randomly in a suburban neighborhood. Would any of the resident conspiracy folks give this a second look? No. Because it won’t get them noticed. If the shooter or victim turned out to be famous and the conspiracy kook could get some attention by questioning the victim, the shooter, or the findings of the authorities…they’d be on it.

This is why you have the usual suspects thinking that the Apollo moon landings were faked, 9/11 was a conspiracy on a global scale, the JFK topic at hand….

As I mentioned earlier, I too speculate about the events that lead Oswald to pull the trigger so I don’t mind questioning the findings of the WC. The known physical evidence is available and every shred of it points to Oswald pulling the trigger, he being the only person who fired a rifle at Kennedy that day, and that the fatal wounds and injuries to others were at the hands of LHO and he alone. If you want to say that there was a violation of the law, the autopsy was not done by the book, or that the authorities went to extraordinary lengths to silence any conjecture about a larger conspiracy afoot to kill our President, I will listen to that. There is, in my view, evidence of all three being true. For example, the coroner in Dallas County (I think it was Dallas County) is responsible for the autopsies of murder victims in Dallas County; not the SS.

Inside the Autopsy Room: The Details Doctors Gathered About JFK’s Assassination | History | Smithsonian

But there isn’t any thing that has been brought to light in nearly 60 years that points to anyone other than Oswald being an active shooter in the JFK assassination.

The absolute silence from the supposed members of the conspiracy is also important. After this much time, SOMEONE would have let something slip if they were involved, perhaps to clear their conscience on their death bed, but there's nothing.

Someone else who has not kept up....as in E. Howard Hunt CIA operative did confess on his death bed....as well as Santo Trafficante mob boss from Tampa, Fl.

As well as James Files though not on his death bed ...whilst in prison confessed in an interview and a video was made of it and it is extremely detailed.

Oh, there you go posting evidence. You're about to be villified as a government dupe! They can't STAND evidence.

I have no problem with evidence....I do have a problem with dupes who coinfuse evidence with proof.

There is evidence that oswald was guilty....there is evidence he was what he claimed to be and in my opinion most likely was ......a patsy.

There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.

The Warren Commission did have the power at the time when most of the players in this tragic episode of American history were still alive ....to conduct a fair and thorough investigation....they failed.

They failed because for whatever reason or reasons they pursued one theory only...that Oswald was just a lone nut case who decided out of the blue just to kill jfk for no good reason.

It was a masterful plot and their master stroke was the selection of the perfect patsy.

Oh lord. Where to begin….

"There is no real proof as of yet and most likely never will be that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty or that he was just a patsy.”

  1. A rifle Oswald bought
  2. A rifle he posed with
  3. Is found in the place where Oswald worked
  4. The bullets shot that day that killed the President are tied to the rifle
  5. The wrapper he constructed to smuggle it in was even found
  6. At least one paraffin wax test for gunpowder residue came back positive
  7. He leaves his workplace for no reason
  8. Takes evasive action on the way home to get his gun
  9. Shoots a police officer

Any reasonable person would conclude that Oswald was guilty based on the first 4 bullet points alone. Capital Murder cases have been tried successfully based on less.

No amount of evidence will ever convince the conspiracy theorists. They will simply ignore contrary evidence or insist it is fake, pick out one or two factoids that seem to support their cause even after they have been debunked, and will grow the conspiracy to ridiculous sizes.

I think they just can't accept that sometimes one person or a handful of people can cause tremendous upset in the right circumstances. They don't want to believe a president can be assassinated or the World Trade Center be brought down that easily, so they invent wild conspiracies and resort to insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees.

I think you’re giving them too much credit.

The reason most become conspiracy theorists is, in my view, is to get attention essentially. Those who go “against the grain” get noticed so that is what they do. I just heard a story on the television about a random shooting over in Texas. It sounds suspicious that a shooting would just be done randomly in a suburban neighborhood. Would any of the resident conspiracy folks give this a second look? No. Because it won’t get them noticed. If the shooter or victim turned out to be famous and the conspiracy kook could get some attention by questioning the victim, the shooter, or the findings of the authorities…they’d be on it.

This is why you have the usual suspects thinking that the Apollo moon landings were faked, 9/11 was a conspiracy on a global scale, the JFK topic at hand….

As I mentioned earlier, I too speculate about the events that lead Oswald to pull the trigger so I don’t mind questioning the findings of the WC. The known physical evidence is available and every shred of it points to Oswald pulling the trigger, he being the only person who fired a rifle at Kennedy that day, and that the fatal wounds and injuries to others were at the hands of LHO and he alone. If you want to say that there was a violation of the law, the autopsy was not done by the book, or that the authorities went to extraordinary lengths to silence any conjecture about a larger conspiracy afoot to kill our President, I will listen to that. There is, in my view, evidence of all three being true. For example, the coroner in Dallas County (I think it was Dallas County) is responsible for the autopsies of murder victims in Dallas County; not the SS.

Inside the Autopsy Room: The Details Doctors Gathered About JFK’s Assassination | History | Smithsonian

But there isn’t any thing that has been brought to light in nearly 60 years that points to anyone other than Oswald being an active shooter in the JFK assassination.

Utter nonsense....all you display is ignorance....many books have been written that were well researched that points to who could have been responsible.

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