Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.
We know for a fact that the head shot that truly killed the president in a coup came from in front of the limousine and to the side. Where do you think Lee Oswald was again when all this went down?
Read the link unless you like staying dumb and a sucker which it's entirely possible you do.

No. Oswald was above and to the rear.
The reason kids are taught that LHO killed Kennedy is because the evidence supports that conclusion; and no other conclusion.

That he is dead isn’t my opinion.

But when you add....the evidence supports the theory that oswald was the killer.....that is your opinion. Many people have that opinion and many people have a opposite opinion.
Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.

You are the fool my dear....all your ridiculous statements prove that.

You keep repeating your opinions like you think if you keep repeating them.....someone might believe them bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pretty similar to the WC....no wonder the American people rejected it.

I notice that you ignore my challenge of a mock trial....where we could in a rational manner deal with the WC report in a logical manner.

Is there anything that would come out in a trial here that would change your mind one degree? Yes or no.

I doubt it but our goal should not to be to convince each other of anything . Our goal should be to............ in a rational and logical manner, present the evidence and the rebuttal of the evidence....which was not allowed by the Warren Commission as in...Oswald had no represenative on the commision to challenge their allegations.

I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 4.57.41 PM.png

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?
Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.
We know for a fact that the head shot that truly killed the president in a coup came from in front of the limousine and to the side. Where do you think Lee Oswald was again when all this went down?
Read the link unless you like staying dumb and a sucker which it's entirely possible you do.

You most certainly do not know that for a fact.
But when you add....the evidence supports the theory that oswald was the killer.....that is your opinion. Many people have that opinion and many people have a opposite opinion.
Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.

You are the fool my dear....all your ridiculous statements prove that.

You keep repeating your opinions like you think if you keep repeating them.....someone might believe them bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pretty similar to the WC....no wonder the American people rejected it.

I notice that you ignore my challenge of a mock trial....where we could in a rational manner deal with the WC report in a logical manner.

Is there anything that would come out in a trial here that would change your mind one degree? Yes or no.

I doubt it but our goal should not to be to convince each other of anything . Our goal should be to............ in a rational and logical manner, present the evidence and the rebuttal of the evidence....which was not allowed by the Warren Commission as in...Oswald had no represenative on the commision to challenge their allegations.

I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

View attachment 244690

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?

Your witness, counselor.:45::45::45:
But when you add....the evidence supports the theory that oswald was the killer.....that is your opinion. Many people have that opinion and many people have a opposite opinion.
Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.

You are the fool my dear....all your ridiculous statements prove that.

You keep repeating your opinions like you think if you keep repeating them.....someone might believe them bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pretty similar to the WC....no wonder the American people rejected it.

I notice that you ignore my challenge of a mock trial....where we could in a rational manner deal with the WC report in a logical manner.

Is there anything that would come out in a trial here that would change your mind one degree? Yes or no.

I doubt it but our goal should not to be to convince each other of anything . Our goal should be to............ in a rational and logical manner, present the evidence and the rebuttal of the evidence....which was not allowed by the Warren Commission as in...Oswald had no represenative on the commision to challenge their allegations.

I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

View attachment 244690

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?

I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.
Last edited:
Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.

You are the fool my dear....all your ridiculous statements prove that.

You keep repeating your opinions like you think if you keep repeating them.....someone might believe them bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pretty similar to the WC....no wonder the American people rejected it.

I notice that you ignore my challenge of a mock trial....where we could in a rational manner deal with the WC report in a logical manner.

Is there anything that would come out in a trial here that would change your mind one degree? Yes or no.

I doubt it but our goal should not to be to convince each other of anything . Our goal should be to............ in a rational and logical manner, present the evidence and the rebuttal of the evidence....which was not allowed by the Warren Commission as in...Oswald had no represenative on the commision to challenge their allegations.

I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

View attachment 244690

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?

I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.
You are the fool my dear....all your ridiculous statements prove that.

You keep repeating your opinions like you think if you keep repeating them.....someone might believe them bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pretty similar to the WC....no wonder the American people rejected it.

I notice that you ignore my challenge of a mock trial....where we could in a rational manner deal with the WC report in a logical manner.

Is there anything that would come out in a trial here that would change your mind one degree? Yes or no.

I doubt it but our goal should not to be to convince each other of anything . Our goal should be to............ in a rational and logical manner, present the evidence and the rebuttal of the evidence....which was not allowed by the Warren Commission as in...Oswald had no represenative on the commision to challenge their allegations.

I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

View attachment 244690

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?

I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.

Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

"Surely," a good prosecutor would say, "Oswald is linked to the murder weapon by the three famous backyard photographs which show him holding the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle in one hand and radical newspapers in the other?" Furthermore, lone-assassin theorists point out that the backyard pictures were authenticated by the panel of photographic experts retained by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA, 1976-1979). Again, the evidence looks impressive at first glance, but let's take a closer look.

The Dallas police said they found two backyard photographs. These are labeled CE 133-A and B. Each shows the Oswald figure in a different pose. Although the Dallas police said they found two negatives, one for A and one for B, only the B negative is known to exist. A new, and different, backyard photo of Oswald turned up in the possession of the widow of a former Dallas policeman in 1976. This is 133-C. Then, in 1977, a much clearer version of 133-A was found among the possessions of George DeMohrenschildt, a wealthy member of the Dallas Russian community who had intelligence connections and who was a friend of Oswald's. The DeMohrenschildt family has stated they believe the photo was planted in their father's belongings to further incriminate Oswald in the public mind.

There is much more on this but for the sake of board space I will just post the link................Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald

Also, my dear............I hope we can refrain from excessive name calling...which will serve no purpose.....and not acceptable in any sort of trial mock or otherwise. Thank-you
Is there anything that would come out in a trial here that would change your mind one degree? Yes or no.

I doubt it but our goal should not to be to convince each other of anything . Our goal should be to............ in a rational and logical manner, present the evidence and the rebuttal of the evidence....which was not allowed by the Warren Commission as in...Oswald had no represenative on the commision to challenge their allegations.

I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

View attachment 244690

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?

I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.

Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

Really. Nobody else has said anything else regarding the photograph that was verified by numerous experts as Oswald holding the murder weapon? Or are you just ignoring any information that you disagree with?
The famous photos of Oswald splashed on the cover of dupe Life magazine have been analyzed and judged to be more
planting of fake manufactured evidence by the amoral Warren Commission. The picture may be real but the Lee Harvey Oswald shown in it is fake! John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Media Library :: Oswald's Rifle Photos

Just like the limousine windshield they had replaced, just like the magic bullet that miraculously fell out of John Connolly's let onto a stretcher (which wasn't his, by the way) which was untainted by blood, human tissue, clothing fibers, or anything else at all. Just like the fake autopsy in Bethesda after government agents had illegally kidnapped JFK's body and removed it from Texas.
Just like the extra shells collected on the sixth floor of the TSBD that magically disappeared somehow.
You get the point.
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I doubt it but our goal should not to be to convince each other of anything . Our goal should be to............ in a rational and logical manner, present the evidence and the rebuttal of the evidence....which was not allowed by the Warren Commission as in...Oswald had no represenative on the commision to challenge their allegations.

I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

View attachment 244690

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?

I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.

Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

Really. Nobody else has said anything else regarding the photograph that was verified by numerous experts as Oswald holding the murder weapon? Or are you just ignoring any information that you disagree with?

My dear did you not see my link?

Again..............Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
I’ll start.

Oswald is pictured with the murder weapon. This is a widely known picture that appeared in several magazines… Here is a print from the National Archives website:

View attachment 244690

Do you admit that Oswald was pictured with the murder weapon?

I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.

Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

Really. Nobody else has said anything else regarding the photograph that was verified by numerous experts as Oswald holding the murder weapon? Or are you just ignoring any information that you disagree with?

My dear did you not see my link?

Again..............Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald

So? The link is 17,000 words.

Why is it you can’t type out what you’re trying to say?
I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.

Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

Really. Nobody else has said anything else regarding the photograph that was verified by numerous experts as Oswald holding the murder weapon? Or are you just ignoring any information that you disagree with?

My dear did you not see my link?

Again..............Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald


Open the link and scroll down to.................

What About the Famous Backyard Rifle Photographs?

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.

Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

Really. Nobody else has said anything else regarding the photograph that was verified by numerous experts as Oswald holding the murder weapon? Or are you just ignoring any information that you disagree with?

My dear did you not see my link?

Again..............Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald


Open the link and scroll down to.................

What About the Famous Backyard Rifle Photographs?

How about you put into your own words what you’re trying to say? That is how grown ups do it.
Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

Really. Nobody else has said anything else regarding the photograph that was verified by numerous experts as Oswald holding the murder weapon? Or are you just ignoring any information that you disagree with?

My dear did you not see my link?

Again..............Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald


Open the link and scroll down to.................

What About the Famous Backyard Rifle Photographs?

How about you put into your own words what you’re trying to say? That is how grown ups do it.

My dear: It is not me saying it...I am merely reporting what has been said.

Personally.....from looking at the photograph I cannot tell what kind of rifle it is....thus I defer to the experts.

I would have copied and pasted the part relevant to the backyard photos but was unable to do that.

However, it does not take much time to scroll down and the read the section labeled.....

What About the Famous Backyard Rifle Photographs?

I would like to point out at the beginning here that...............In 1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the jury acquitted Oswald.

I do agree that Oswald posed with a rifle for a picture.

Irregardless.....whether or not it was the actual murder weapon I do not know as in there was a report that the first claim made by the officer who found the weapon on the sixth floor was a mauser.

Your post is in the proper sequence though....as ................One of the first steps in building a case against Oswald would be to link him to the alleged murder weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Unfortunately, for the Warren Commission.... this is just one of the many areas where a prosecutor would encounter difficulties. Although at first glance there appears to be a strong connection between Oswald and the Italian-made rifle, the link becomes questionable upon further examination.

So you disagree that the picture shows he is posing with the murder weapon as determined by the WC.
There is little point to talk to you except to make fun of your idiocy.

Personally, as I said ...I do not know...I can only report what others have said regarding this.......

Really. Nobody else has said anything else regarding the photograph that was verified by numerous experts as Oswald holding the murder weapon? Or are you just ignoring any information that you disagree with?

My dear did you not see my link?

Again..............Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald

So? The link is 17,000 words.

Why is it you can’t type out what you’re trying to say?

The part on the backyard photos is not all that long...too technical for me to put in my own words.

Did you scroll down to see the article on the backyard photos?

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald

Two Oswalds?

A very interesting story to say the least.

When retrospectives on the Kennedy assassination wind up on television, we always seem to get the same old tale of a young president gunned down in Dallas by a Lone gunman. There is also the possibility of conspiracy as Kennedy has many enemies and names pile up year after year as possible suspects and ones with motive to kill President Kennedy.

One particular conspiracy theory that is compelling and is seldom talked about is the Oswald Project and the possibility that there were doppelgangers posing as Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination even occurred.'


A TALE OF TWO OSWALDS | Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis

Lee Harvey Oswald Project Description

Kerry Thornley....friend of Oswald
Kerry Wendell Thornley met Lee Harvey Oswald while in the United States Marines in 1959. Later that year Thornley was transferred to Atsugi in Japan.

In 1962 Thornley wrote a novel called The Idle Warriors about a disgruntled marine who defects to the Soviet Union. The book was based on Thornley's knowledge of Oswald. The following year Thornley moved to New Orleans where it was claimed he associated with Guy Banister, David Ferrie and Clay Shaw. Oswald was also living in the city at that time but Thornley insisted that the two men never met during this period. The two men were also both in Mexico City in September 1963.

The FBI were aware of Thornley's novel and so after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy he was asked to testify before the Warren Commission.

In 1992 Thornley appeared on a television programme, A Current Affair. He confessed that he had been part of a conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. However, he did not give the names of his fellow conspirators.

Kerry Wendell Thornley died in 1998. He had been working on a book with the journalist Sondra London. The book, Confession to Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK was published in 2000.
Kerry Wendell Thornley


Kerry Wendell Thornley - Wikipedia

Confession to Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK by Kerry Thornley as told to Sondra London
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Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.
We know for a fact that the head shot that truly killed the president in a coup came from in front of the limousine and to the side. Where do you think Lee Oswald was again when all this went down?
Read the link unless you like staying dumb and a sucker which it's entirely possible you do.

No. Oswald was above and to the rear.

No, JFK was shot from the front...no wait, JFK was shot from the side and from street level...no wait, JFK was shot from behind and the front and from the low side...well, we know it wasn't Oswald...well, it wasn't Oswald alone...you're just a government shill!

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