Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.
We know for a fact that the head shot that truly killed the president in a coup came from in front of the limousine and to the side. Where do you think Lee Oswald was again when all this went down?
Read the link unless you like staying dumb and a sucker which it's entirely possible you do.

No. Oswald was above and to the rear.

No, JFK was shot from the front...no wait, JFK was shot from the side and from street level...no wait, JFK was shot from behind and the front and from the low side...well, we know it wasn't Oswald...well, it wasn't Oswald alone...you're just a government shill!

Add that to the 3 deathbed confessions and there apparently were battalions of snipers in Dealy plaza that day. Still only scoring 2 hits on the target.

The conspiracy kooks just keep getting more and more bizarre.
"Battalions of snipers"......funny stuff! When you have to mock an issue and greatly exaggerate them in order to make an
argument that your so called facts will not support it's obvious you are just blowing out stale smoke. When you can explain the hole in the back of JFK's skull let us know.
Ballistics and physics prove you wrong.
The "gaping" exit wound in the posterior of JFK's skull, as observed by ER doctors at Parkland hospital, where the president was first seen after the assassination, prove you wrong.

The film record of the shooting is consistent with the fatal shot coming from behind. His head moves forward from the force of the bullet punching through the back, then from a combination of automatic muscle contraction and the force of his brains and blood spraying out of the front, snaps back. The pathologists who examined him testified again that their original work was correct. He was hit by two bullets from behind.

Doctors Affirm Kennedy Autopsy Report

Basically, you're seizing on one statement and ignoring the preponderance of the evidence to the contrary.
The film record of the shooting is consistent with the fatal shot coming from behind. His head moves forward from the force of the bullet punching through the back, then from a combination of automatic muscle contraction and the force of his brains and blood spraying out of the front, snaps back. The pathologists who examined him testified again that their original work was correct. He was hit by two bullets from behind.

Doctors Affirm Kennedy Autopsy Report
jfk Autopsy Head Wound Bethesda Vs Parkland Hospital Dallas Doctors Testimony john f Kennedy Assassination Page 3 Grand Subversion
Two government provided doctors, who were administrative officers and never performed a real autopsy in their lives,
are contradicting the eyewitness testimony of every ER physician at Parkland hospital? JFK Parkland Hospital DOCTORS Page 2 the Grand Subversion
You liars aren't even worth the time it takes to make your arguments moot and pointless.
The film record of the shooting is consistent with the fatal shot coming from behind. His head moves forward from the force of the bullet punching through the back, then from a combination of automatic muscle contraction and the force of his brains and blood spraying out of the front, snaps back. The pathologists who examined him testified again that their original work was correct. He was hit by two bullets from behind.

Doctors Affirm Kennedy Autopsy Report
jfk Autopsy Head Wound Bethesda Vs Parkland Hospital Dallas Doctors Testimony john f Kennedy Assassination Page 3 Grand Subversion
Two government provided doctors, who were administrative officers and never performed a real autopsy in their lives,
are contradicting the eyewitness testimony of every ER physician at Parkland hospital? JFK Parkland Hospital DOCTORS Page 2 the Grand Subversion
You liars aren't even worth the time it takes to make your arguments moot and pointless.

"And four of five other doctors who attended the President in the emergency room of a Dallas hospital said they observed nothing while treating him that contradicts the pathologists' findings."

Every ER physician?

(1) The Medical personnel and other witnesses whose earliest statements placed
the large opening at the right rear Occipital area of JFK’s skull were the

1. Jacqueline Kennedy (wife of JFK)
2. Dr. Robert McClelland
3. Dr. Charles Crenshaw
4. Dr. William Clark
5. Dr. Marion Jenkins
6. Dr. Charles Carrico
7. Dr. Malcolm Perry
8. Dr. Charles Baxter
9. Dr. David Jones
10. Dr. Gene Akins
11. Dr. Kenneth Sayler
12. Dr. William Midgett
13. DR. Robert Grossman
14. Dr. Paul Peters
15. Dr. Donald Seldin
16. Dr. William Zedelitz
17. Dr. Richard Dalany
18. Dr. Don Curtis
19. Dr. Adolphe Giesecke
20. Dr. Fouad Bashour
21. RN Patricia Hutton
22. RN Doris Nelson
23. RN Diana Bowron
24. RN Margaret Hinchcliffe
25. SS Clinton Hill
26. SS William Greer
27. Patricia Gustafson
Nineteen trained professional physicians (as well as other medical personnel) all attested to a gaping head wound in the back of the president's skull when JFK was admitted to their emergency room. Most important witnesses to JFK’s murder- Doctors at Parkland Hospital | From Dallas to 9/11 and Beyond

Identify those four doctors who "attended him" when JFK was wheeled in and claim they didn't see what nineteen other doctors all saw. It seem absurd and a lie on it's face.
Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.
We know for a fact that the head shot that truly killed the president in a coup came from in front of the limousine and to the side. Where do you think Lee Oswald was again when all this went down?
Read the link unless you like staying dumb and a sucker which it's entirely possible you do.

No. Oswald was above and to the rear.

No, JFK was shot from the front...no wait, JFK was shot from the side and from street level...no wait, JFK was shot from behind and the front and from the low side...well, we know it wasn't Oswald...well, it wasn't Oswald alone...you're just a government shill!

Add that to the 3 deathbed confessions and there apparently were battalions of snipers in Dealy plaza that day. Still only scoring 2 hits on the target.

The conspiracy kooks just keep getting more and more bizarre.

First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh

BTW---here have been 36,000 hits on this thread so far....do you not realize your shenanigans are being observed?
Last edited:
First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh
The Lee Oswald in those photos is a different height than the actual Lee Owald. Ooopss..
Ballistics and physics prove you wrong.
The "gaping" exit wound in the posterior of JFK's skull, as observed by ER doctors at Parkland hospital, where the president was first seen after the assassination, prove you wrong.

The film record of the shooting is consistent with the fatal shot coming from behind. His head moves forward from the force of the bullet punching through the back, then from a combination of automatic muscle contraction and the force of his brains and blood spraying out of the front, snaps back. The pathologists who examined him testified again that their original work was correct. He was hit by two bullets from behind.

Doctors Affirm Kennedy Autopsy Report

Basically, you're seizing on one statement and ignoring the preponderance of the evidence to the contrary.

You must be talking to Eric the Troll. He's never going to admit that his "giant hole in the back of the head" isn't true, even though it was refuted by the attending physician.
"Battalions of snipers"......funny stuff! When you have to mock an issue and greatly exaggerate them in order to make an
argument that your so called facts will not support it's obvious you are just blowing out stale smoke. When you can explain the hole in the back of JFK's skull let us know.

Well, that is where the shot came from so…I don’t think much explanation is necessary.
Oswald’s rifle shot Kennedy
It was found in the place Oswald worked
Oswald brought it to work that morning

Only a fool would think Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.
We know for a fact that the head shot that truly killed the president in a coup came from in front of the limousine and to the side. Where do you think Lee Oswald was again when all this went down?
Read the link unless you like staying dumb and a sucker which it's entirely possible you do.

No. Oswald was above and to the rear.

No, JFK was shot from the front...no wait, JFK was shot from the side and from street level...no wait, JFK was shot from behind and the front and from the low side...well, we know it wasn't Oswald...well, it wasn't Oswald alone...you're just a government shill!

Add that to the 3 deathbed confessions and there apparently were battalions of snipers in Dealy plaza that day. Still only scoring 2 hits on the target.

The conspiracy kooks just keep getting more and more bizarre.

First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh

BTwthere have been 36,000 hits on this thread so far....do you not realize your shenanigans are being observed?

No, you linked to a website and told me to go hunt for your testimony. If you feel like commenting on LHO holding the murder weapon….feel free. If you’re going to post links as some sort of testimony…you’ll get the attention you’ve earned…zero. But then again…getting attention is all you’re about, right?
First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh
The Lee Oswald in those photos is a different height than the actual Lee Owald. Ooopss..

Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL
We know for a fact that the head shot that truly killed the president in a coup came from in front of the limousine and to the side. Where do you think Lee Oswald was again when all this went down?
Read the link unless you like staying dumb and a sucker which it's entirely possible you do.

No. Oswald was above and to the rear.

No, JFK was shot from the front...no wait, JFK was shot from the side and from street level...no wait, JFK was shot from behind and the front and from the low side...well, we know it wasn't Oswald...well, it wasn't Oswald alone...you're just a government shill!

Add that to the 3 deathbed confessions and there apparently were battalions of snipers in Dealy plaza that day. Still only scoring 2 hits on the target.

The conspiracy kooks just keep getting more and more bizarre.

First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh

BTwthere have been 36,000 hits on this thread so far....do you not realize your shenanigans are being observed?

No, you linked to a website and told me to go hunt for your testimony. If you feel like commenting on LHO holding the murder weapon….feel free. If you’re going to post links as some sort of testimony…you’ll get the attention you’ve earned…zero. But then again…getting attention is all you’re about, right?

Madam you are not only a liar....you are a damned liar. I gave you the link to the problems with the photos....you complained it had l7,000 words....all you needed to do was to scroll down the page to the particular article covering the photos....if you did it...you refuse to admit it.

Posting links to information is a well accepted fact on all message boards....you blatantly try to use a link as an excuse to drop out of the debate.....ridiculous my dear.

You are not a honest debater....it is more than obvious.
First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh
The Lee Oswald in those photos is a different height than the actual Lee Owald. Ooopss..

Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL

You are a liar....unworthy of debate. Take a hike.
No. Oswald was above and to the rear.

No, JFK was shot from the front...no wait, JFK was shot from the side and from street level...no wait, JFK was shot from behind and the front and from the low side...well, we know it wasn't Oswald...well, it wasn't Oswald alone...you're just a government shill!

Add that to the 3 deathbed confessions and there apparently were battalions of snipers in Dealy plaza that day. Still only scoring 2 hits on the target.

The conspiracy kooks just keep getting more and more bizarre.

First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh

BTwthere have been 36,000 hits on this thread so far....do you not realize your shenanigans are being observed?

No, you linked to a website and told me to go hunt for your testimony. If you feel like commenting on LHO holding the murder weapon….feel free. If you’re going to post links as some sort of testimony…you’ll get the attention you’ve earned…zero. But then again…getting attention is all you’re about, right?

Madam you are not only a liar....you are a damned liar.
I gave you the link to the problems with the photos....you complained it had l7,000 words....all you needed to do was to scroll down the page to the particular article covering the photos....if you did it...you refuse to admit it.
I pointed out there were 17,000 words in your link and asked you to write out what you were trying to say. You refused because you’re too cowardly to put your name next to anything.

Posting links to information is a well accepted fact on all message boards....you blatantly try to use a link as an excuse to drop out of the debate.....ridiculous my dear.
Yes links are used to back up what you’re saying.

Like, Barry Bonds is the all time home run king:

List of Major League Baseball career home run leaders - Wikipedia

See how that works.

What isn’t done (except by cowards is this).

Here is what I think happened:

John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories - Wikipedia

You are not a honest debater....it is more than obvious.

Well we have a picture from the national archives of LHO posing with the murder weapon. It was entered into evidence as a Commission Exhibit.

You’ve yet to comment on it.

Feel free to comment in your own words.

Your move.
First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh
The Lee Oswald in those photos is a different height than the actual Lee Owald. Ooopss..

Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL

You are a liar....unworthy of debate. Take a hike.

Poor baby…you sound so upset.
"Battalions of snipers"......funny stuff! When you have to mock an issue and greatly exaggerate them in order to make an
argument that your so called facts will not support it's obvious you are just blowing out stale smoke. When you can explain the hole in the back of JFK's skull let us know.

Candy Corn is a liar.....only worthy of being ignored....however I will not ignore her but continue to point out her dishonesty and unworthiness of participation on this thread. Though...i will no longer communicate with her directly....unless she apologizes and promises to quit lying.

She agreed to a mock trial and then when things did not go her way like a little child she ran away. hehheh
First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh
The Lee Oswald in those photos is a different height than the actual Lee Owald. Ooopss..

Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL

You are a liar....unworthy of debate. Take a hike.

Poor baby…you sound so upset.

Note to the viewers: Notice she does not admit to her lies.
First you agree to a mock debate and then you present one of the famous backyard photos of Oswald with the rifle.

I point out there are problems with the photos....

then you get all huffy and say anyone who does not accept your and the WC opinion is an idiot and that there is no evidence regarding the photos as something unlike what you and the WC say they are....then I present you the evidence....then you say....it has too many words.....then you run off.

O.K. I get it. hehheh
The Lee Oswald in those photos is a different height than the actual Lee Owald. Ooopss..

Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL

You are a liar....unworthy of debate. Take a hike.

Poor baby…you sound so upset.

Note to the viewers: Notice she does not admit to her lies.

Because I’ve told none.

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