Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

The Lee Oswald in those photos is a different height than the actual Lee Owald. Ooopss..

Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL

You are a liar....unworthy of debate. Take a hike.

Poor baby…you sound so upset.

Note to the viewers: Notice she does not admit to her lies.

Because I’ve told none.
Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL

You are a liar....unworthy of debate. Take a hike.

Poor baby…you sound so upset.

Note to the viewers: Notice she does not admit to her lies.

Because I’ve told none.

Please leave....you have disqualified yourself.
Most people when caught in a lie will try to leave gracefully....some just keep up their lying like if they enough someone might believe what they are saying.......pathetic.
You are a liar....unworthy of debate. Take a hike.

Poor baby…you sound so upset.

Note to the viewers: Notice she does not admit to her lies.

Because I’ve told none.

Please leave....you have disqualified yourself.

Nah…I like rattling your cage. Any word on the photo of Oswald with the murder weapon?
"Surely," a good prosecutor would say, "Oswald is linked to the murder weapon by the three famous backyard photographs which show him holding the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle in one hand and radical newspapers in the other?" Furthermore, lone-assassin theorists point out that the backyard pictures were authenticated by the panel of photographic experts retained by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA, 1976-1979). Again, the evidence looks impressive at first glance, but let's take a closer look.

The Dallas police said they found two backyard photographs. These are labeled CE 133-A and B. Each shows the Oswald figure in a different pose. Although the Dallas police said they found two negatives, one for A and one for B, only the B negative is known to exist. A new, and different, backyard photo of Oswald turned up in the possession of the widow of a former Dallas policeman in 1976. This is 133-C. Then, in 1977, a much clearer version of 133-A was found among the possessions of George DeMohrenschildt, a wealthy member of the Dallas Russian community who had intelligence connections and who was a friend of Oswald's. The DeMohrenschildt family has stated they believe the photo was planted in their father's belongings to further incriminate Oswald in the public mind.

According to the WC and the HSCA, all of the backyard snapshots were taken with a cheap, hand-held camera, known as the Imperial Reflex camera.

When the backyard photos were examined by Major John Pickard, a former commander of the photographic department of the Canadian Defense Department, he declared them to be fakes. Retired Detective Superintendent Malcolm Thompson, a past president of the Institute of Incorporated Photographers in England, analyzed the pictures and came to the same conclusion. When the HSCA's photographic panel concluded that the backyard photos were authentic, Thompson deferred to the panel on most of the issues concerning the genuineness of the pictures. However, Thompson said he remained troubled by the chin on Oswald in the photos, which is different from his chin in other pictures.

There are indications of fraud in the backyard photos that are obvious even to the layman. For example, the shadow of Oswald's nose falls in one direction while the shadow of his body falls in another direction. And, the shadow under Oswald's nose remains the same in all three photos even when his head is tilted. The HSCA's photographic panel could offer only an unrealistic reenactment based on highly improbable assumptions to explain the problematic nose shadow. In the end, the panel ended up appealing to a vanishing point analysis to explain all of the variant shadows in the backyard photos. I discussed this matter with a number of professional photographers, and none of them took the position that a vanishing point analysis would explain the kinds of conflicting shadows seen in the backyard pictures.

Another indication of fakery in the photos is the fact that the HSCA's photographic panel could find only minute ("very small") differences in the distances between objects in the backgrounds. This virtual sameness of backgrounds is a virtual impossibility given the manner in which the pictures were supposedly taken. In order to achieve this effect, Marina would have had to hold the camera in almost the exact same position, to within a tiny fraction of an inch each time, for each of the three photos, an extremely unlikely scenario, particularly in light of the fact that Oswald allegedly took the camera from her in between pictures to advance the film.

Furthermore, graphics expert Jack White has shown that the backgrounds in the photos are actually identical, and that the small differences in distance were artificially produced by a technique known as keystoning. I would encourage those interested in more information on this subject to obtain Mr. White's video FAKE: THE FORGED PHOTO THAT FRAMED OSWALD. (I realize White's research on the backyard photos has come under heavy attack by lone-gunman theorists. I would note that two photographic experts who have studied White's research have concluded that the majority of his arguments are valid but that some of them are invalid or doubtful.)

Another oddity in the backyard photos is that in 133-B the Oswald figure is wearing a ring on a finger of his left hand, but in 133-A the ring is not visible. This is "a curious difference," says Anthony Summers, "if, as Marina testified, she took one picture after another in the space of a few moments" (Summers 552 n 65).

More later--due to space limitations.....and the liar said she was dropping out of the mock trial because I would not put all of this in my own words. hehheh

from.....................Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
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Ballistics and physics prove you wrong.
The "gaping" exit wound in the posterior of JFK's skull, as observed by ER doctors at Parkland hospital, where the president was first seen after the assassination, prove you wrong.

The film record of the shooting is consistent with the fatal shot coming from behind. His head moves forward from the force of the bullet punching through the back, then from a combination of automatic muscle contraction and the force of his brains and blood spraying out of the front, snaps back. The pathologists who examined him testified again that their original work was correct. He was hit by two bullets from behind.

Doctors Affirm Kennedy Autopsy Report

Basically, you're seizing on one statement and ignoring the preponderance of the evidence to the contrary.

You must be talking to Eric the Troll. He's never going to admit that his "giant hole in the back of the head" isn't true, even though it was refuted by the attending physician.

This is what is fascinating about the psychology of the conspiracy theorist. They hear something that supports their theory, latch onto it with all the ferocity of a rabid wombat, and repeat it ad nauseum, even after the preponderance of the evidence and refutation renders it useless. I still hear people going on about a "magic bullet", even though it's been proven many times to not be factual.
More on the photos of oswald with the rifle.

The shirt and watch worn by the Oswald figure in the photos were not found among Oswald's possessions. And the shirt, a pullover shirt, was not the style that Oswald usually wore.

The 133-A-DEM photo is much clearer than the snapshots that were allegedly removed from the Paine's garage. It is so clear and of such high quality that the newsprint is readable on the paper that the figure is holding. Researchers question whether the cheap, plastic, mass-produced Imperial Reflex camera could have captured such fine detail from the distance shown in the photographs. And, again, 133-A-DEM is much clearer and contains more detail than 133-A and 133-B.

Jack White believes he has found a telling indication of fraud in the backyard pictures. White maintains that the printed edge markings of roll film do not appear on the DeMohrenschildt photo, which was printed full negative, nor on the 133-B negative. This would indicate that they were made from sheet film, but the Imperial Reflex camera did not use sheet film; it used only roll film.

Further doubt is cast on the backyard pictures by the ominous fact that a Dallas commercial photographer who examined and processed assassination-related photographs for the Dallas police and the FBI said he saw an FBI agent with a color transparency of one of the backyard pictures on November 22, which was the day BEFORE the police said they FOUND the photographs. The photographer further stated that one of the backyard photos he processed SHOWED NO FIGURE IN THE PICTURE (Marrs 451-452). His account was corroborated by his wife, who also helped process film on November 22.

Oswald's wife, Marina Oswald, is the one who supposedly took the backyard pictures. However, in a recently recorded interview, she said of the backyard photos, "THESE AREN'T THE PICTURES I TOOK" (Livingstone 454, emphasis added).

An important development in this matter occurred in 1992 when Dallas authorities released previously suppressed files on the JFK assassination. Among these files were several photos of Lee Harvey Oswald, two of which are backyard pictures that show clear signs of tampering. On February 9, 1992, the HOUSTON POST reported, "One photo of Oswald's backyard in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas shows clear evidence of darkroom manipulation" (Lane xxii). The POST further stated that the manipulation involved "attempts to frame Oswald by 'inserting' him into the background" of the picture (Lane xxii). The POST provided a description of the print:

In the manipulated print in police files Oswald does not appear. Instead, there is a white silhouette of a human figure holding an apparent rifle and newspapers. The silhouette appears to be an example of matting, a darkroom technique that can serve as an intermediate step in the combining of photographic images. (Lane xxii)

The silhouettes in the pictures appear to be right around Oswald's height, and they are in poses into which it appears the Oswald figure would fit.

The big question is, When were the manipulated prints made? If they were made after the assassination, then they might represent attempts by the Dallas police to see if the backyard photos could have been faked. But, if they were made prior to the shooting, they would constitute undeniable evidence of a conspiracy to frame Oswald.

The POST article went on to report that Hershal Womack, a photographic expert at Texas Tech University, has noted "a variety of alleged inconsistencies with the backyard pictures." I contacted Professor Womack and asked him to comment on some of these technical inconsistencies. He replied as follows:

To be continued due to space limitations......................
My Team SGT was in Quantico, the FBI's training academy for sniper training, and he said to some of the agents there that JFK was probably caught in a shooters triangle and ended up being hit from two directions. Kennedy's back brace made it difficult if not impossible for him to duck once the first bullet flew by him. They put him in an extremely low riding car with low sides. He was a sitting duck. So chances are at the very least....it was a conspiracy.

Oh yes.....the Grassy Knoll

Which brings about the question of the three shots. If there were two shooters with the President’s car in a crossfire ....why did they only manage to get off three shots?

Why were three expended cartridges found in the sixth floor shooters nest?

Probably to cover up the fact it was more than one shooter.
Nobody knows when those 3 cartridges were fired.
And I wonder why Oswald left those cartridges behind?
Literally planting evidence.
But what was weird how witnesses said Oswald's fingerprints weren't on those shells.
Somebody else's were.

Actually that is incorrect only his prints were found on the casings.

It is typical for people to leave expended casings behind. Especially if they are fatalistic and know they have little chance of escape, HE left the entire rifle behind although he made a half hearted attempt to hide it.

True no one can prove when they were fired but we can prove that they and all of the recovered bullets were fired through HIS rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle. We can prove that the bullets were fired THAT day through Oswald's rifle which makes your implication that the casings were planted a lost cause.

You cannot get much more damning than that.

The problem with that is you can't prove it.
You can't prove any of it because you don't have access to the evidence.
Nobody had access to it because it was sealed for a number of years and some of the evidence disappeared.

Quite wrong.

The evidence has never been " sealed " it is maintained in government archives like any evidence. True any member of public cannot just waltz in and look at it at leisure but it is in fact available for public scrutiny when proper channels and protocols are followed. That is true for evidence in any criminal case.

SO yes in can we can prove it and prove it overwhelmingly.

and the old liar returns.......you have proven you are dishonest....thus unqualified to discuss this topic.

Need I remind you of Post #2285

Where you claimed you had proof and then you denied saying that...such dishonesty cannot be tolerated.
I think it is time to close this thread....the proponents of the Warren Commission have been proven to be dishonest.....at least the majority of them....not possible to have a good discussion with dishonest posters.
Poor baby…you sound so upset.

Note to the viewers: Notice she does not admit to her lies.

Because I’ve told none.

Please leave....you have disqualified yourself.

Nah…I like rattling your cage. Any word on the photo of Oswald with the murder weapon?

He'll pull out some tired "it's a phony photograph" argument and talk about shadows and the size of ears or some such claptrap.

You'll NEVER see them reference something like this: Verdict is in on whether Lee Harvey Oswald photo is a fake, thanks to 3D tech
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Candy Corn is a liar.....only worthy of being ignored....however I will not ignore her but continue to point out her dishonesty and unworthiness of participation on this thread. Though...i will no longer communicate with her directly....unless she apologizes and promises to quit lying.

She agreed to a mock trial and then when things did not go her way like a little child she ran away. hehheh
Put the lying troll bitch on ignore. It's the only way to get relief and I've put three or four of these asses on ignore and never regretted it for a second.
These Warren Commission fools get off on posting the same lies and simply ignoring facts day after day after day.They are here to obstruct and obfuscate. They aren't honest and there is no point to them if the goal of debate is to get to the truth.

I strongly suggest you use the ignore function.
Ahh…the two-oswalds theory.

Did one of them shoot Kennedy? It would seem odd to have 2 Oswalds then not have one of them fire the shot that killed JFK. LOL
The "Lee Harvey Oswald" in the famous posed Life magazine cover is simply shorter than the real Lee Oswald who was shot by government informer and mob affiliated Jack Ruby. Make of those facts what you will. JFK Assassination Index - Lee Harvey Oswald
This is what is fascinating about the psychology of the conspiracy theorist. They hear something that supports their theory, latch onto it with all the ferocity of a rabid wombat, and repeat it ad nauseum, even after the preponderance of the evidence and refutation renders it useless. I still hear people going on about a "magic bullet", even though it's been proven many times to not be factual.
Did you ever come up with the identity of those four people who you said claimed they "attended" to the president and didn't notice the hole in the back of JFK's head that 19 doctors and other assorted Secret Service agents and other medical personnel saw?
No. Of course you haven't.

And if you are saying the magic bullet has been proven to be a ridiculous cooked up Arlen Specter
invention necessary because the Warren cover up had to find a way to account all the damage done by the three shots allegedly fired by Lee Oswald one of which hit curbing, so two bullets basically, one of which smashed through Kennedy's temple and blew out a "gaping hole" in the posterior portion of his head (nice trick for a bullet allegedly fired from behind Kennediy in the Texas School Book Depository) leaving one single bullet for the Warren Commission to account for that smashed through two bodies, vertebrae, rib and wrist bones, clothing, human tissue etc. and come out with not a single mark on the bullet head itself, no deforming of the bullet and not a shred of DNA, blood, human tissue, clothing fiber whatsoever and it just fell out of John Connolly's thigh.

Yeah, if you claim the magic bullet is a bullshit bit of invention from the Warren Commission liars I agree totally.
This is what is fascinating about the psychology of the conspiracy theorist. They hear something that supports their theory, latch onto it with all the ferocity of a rabid wombat, and repeat it ad nauseum, even after the preponderance of the evidence and refutation renders it useless. I still hear people going on about a "magic bullet", even though it's been proven many times to not be factual.
Did you ever come up with the identity of those four people who you said claimed they "attended" to the president and didn't notice the hole in the back of JFK's head that 19 doctors and other assorted Secret Service agents and other medical personnel saw?
No. Of course you haven't.

And if you are saying the magic bullet has been proven to be a ridiculous cooked up Arlen Specter
invention necessary because the Warren cover up had to find a way to account all the damage done by the three shots allegedly fired by Lee Oswald one of which hit curbing, so two bullets basically, one of which smashed through Kennedy's temple and blew out a "gaping hole" in the posterior portion of his head (nice trick for a bullet allegedly fired from behind Kennediy in the Texas School Book Depository) leaving one single bullet for the Warren Commission to account for that smashed through two bodies, vertebrae, rib and wrist bones, clothing, human tissue etc. and come out with not a single mark on the bullet head itself, no deforming of the bullet and not a shred of DNA, blood, human tissue, clothing fiber whatsoever and it just fell out of John Connolly's thigh.

Yeah, if you claim the magic bullet is a bullshit bit of invention from the Warren Commission liars I agree totally.

I wonder if "eric" knows that the following is a single sentence that has 155 words in it.

"And if you are saying the magic bullet has been proven to be a ridiculous cooked up Arlen Specter
invention necessary because the Warren cover up had to find a way to account all the damage done by the three shots allegedly fired by Lee Oswald one of which hit curbing, so two bullets basically, one of which smashed through Kennedy's temple and blew out a "gaping hole" in the posterior portion of his head (nice trick for a bullet allegedly fired from behind Kennediy in the Texas School Book Depository) leaving one single bullet for the Warren Commission to account for that smashed through two bodies, vertebrae, rib and wrist bones, clothing, human tissue etc. and come out with not a single mark on the bullet head itself, no deforming of the bullet and not a shred of DNA, blood, human tissue, clothing fiber whatsoever and it just fell out of John Connolly's thigh."

Just another reason to laugh at truthers:

Of course if you actually look at the vomit masquerading as commentary, you'll note that he says the bullet is not deformed:

The pictures from Oswald's rifle clearly show the bullet is deformed and damaged.


Perhaps we should be kinder to the idiots among us....then again, they brought it on themselves.
I think it is time to close this thread....the proponents of the Warren Commission have been proven to be dishonest.....at least the majority of them....not possible to have a good discussion with dishonest posters.

So, again, what do YOU have to say about Oswald holding the murder weapon?
I think it is time to close this thread....the proponents of the Warren Commission have been proven to be dishonest.....at least the majority of them....not possible to have a good discussion with dishonest posters.

So, again, what do YOU have to say about Oswald holding the murder weapon?

You dumbass...why don't you try checking the posts before you expose your stupidity.

Well...you couldn't scroll down maybe you can scroll up....starting at post #2525

I am on the verge of putting you on ignore as I have been advised to do....you best start improving or I will.
Candy Corn is a liar.....only worthy of being ignored....however I will not ignore her but continue to point out her dishonesty and unworthiness of participation on this thread. Though...i will no longer communicate with her directly....unless she apologizes and promises to quit lying.

She agreed to a mock trial and then when things did not go her way like a little child she ran away. hehheh
Put the lying troll bitch on ignore. It's the only way to get relief and I've put three or four of these asses on ignore and never regretted it for a second.
These Warren Commission fools get off on posting the same lies and simply ignoring facts day after day after day.They are here to obstruct and obfuscate. They aren't honest and there is no point to them if the goal of debate is to get to the truth.

I strongly suggest you use the ignore function.

One more lie out of her and she will be assigned to the dustbin of history. hehheh
I think it is time to close this thread....the proponents of the Warren Commission have been proven to be dishonest.....at least the majority of them....not possible to have a good discussion with dishonest posters.

So, again, what do YOU have to say about Oswald holding the murder weapon?

You dumbass...why don't you try checking the posts before you expose your stupidity.

Well...you couldn't scroll down maybe you can scroll up....starting at post #2525

I am on the verge of putting you on ignore as I have been advised to do....you best start improving or I will.

Still waiting to hear what YOU think. You're doing a lot of cutting and pasting of others words, many of them are in conflict.
As for putting me on ignore...gee, I won't get your "expert" input any longer? Wow... what will I do with myself?
I think it is time to close this thread....the proponents of the Warren Commission have been proven to be dishonest.....at least the majority of them....not possible to have a good discussion with dishonest posters.

So, again, what do YOU have to say about Oswald holding the murder weapon?

You dumbass...why don't you try checking the posts before you expose your stupidity.

Well...you couldn't scroll down maybe you can scroll up....starting at post #2525

I am on the verge of putting you on ignore as I have been advised to do....you best start improving or I will.

Still waiting to hear what YOU think. You're doing a lot of cutting and pasting of others words, many of them are in conflict.
As for putting me on ignore...gee, I won't get your "expert" input any longer? Wow... what will I do with myself?

Of course there is a lot of conflict....when the Warren Commision lies and other folks correct those lies.....that creates conflicts duh
I am just itching to put that witch on ignore. hehheh

Thar she goes>>>>>

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