Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

O.K. I just put candycorn on ignore....the first time I have ever put anyone on ignore.

The only way I will take her off ignore is if she apologizes.

She can keep soupnazi company...I did not have to ignore him....he just slunk off after being caught in a outrageous lie.
That's the stuff! And I'm amazed at hearing about Soup Nazi, who I know from another forum and I've never known him to ever, ever retract or back off with his bullshit blather at all! It almost seems like a miracle or the sudden growing of a conscience by the dumb troll.
Not to mention that in 2 mock trials conducted by the National Bar Association yielded a hung jury in the first trial and in the 2nd trial Oswald was found not guilty.
Doesn't say much for the Warren Commission and all their little boot lickers, does it.
Doesn't help the claim that every one of them agreed, does it?
Everyone of the cited nineteen agreed, and then some if you add in nurses and Secret Service agents there.

Whatever helps you get over your butthurt....I really don't care. It does even less for your asinine claim that Lee Oswald
shot JFK in the head from the TSBD.

I guess that's why the Warren Commission simply...ooops..."lost" the brain of the president. More blatant destruction of evidence from the shitbag Warrens. Who is surprised? And who is dumb enough to buy the shit the Warrens were
passing out? Well...you, I guess.
The Warren Commission was, is and remains bulletproof concerning the physical evidence. Your citations are the accounts that are in conflict with one another. You could clear all of this up by simply typing what YOU think. But then again, we both know you're too much of a coward to do that.

If you had not run away from the trial....
The Warren Commission was, is and remains bulletproof concerning the physical evidence. Your citations are the accounts that are in conflict with one another. You could clear all of this up by simply typing what YOU think. But then again, we both know you're too much of a coward to do that.

Surely you jest...........................Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald

Again, still waiting to see what YOU think about the picture of Oswald holding the murder weapon. If you can't bring yourself to act in good faith, much less act like a man...perhaps this discussion is too deep for your shallow skills?

The Warren Commission was, is and remains bulletproof concerning the physical evidence. Your citations are the accounts that are in conflict with one another. You could clear all of this up by simply typing what YOU think. But then again, we both know you're too much of a coward to do that.

If you had not run away from the trial....
The Warren Commission was, is and remains bulletproof concerning the physical evidence. Your citations are the accounts that are in conflict with one another. You could clear all of this up by simply typing what YOU think. But then again, we both know you're too much of a coward to do that.

Surely you jest...........................Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald

Again, still waiting to see what YOU think about the picture of Oswald holding the murder weapon. If you can't bring yourself to act in good faith, much less act like a man...perhaps this discussion is too deep for your shallow skills?

since you lied and ran away from the mock debate.....I have little use for you. But the rebuttal to the Warren Commission report on the famous backyard photos of oswald with the rifle has been posted...I directed you to the first post on that.....did you read any of it?
Nope. Didn't read any of it. Why? They are Not your words. I am debating you. Not someone else.

Riddle me this batman......why would Oswald leave pictures of him holding the murder weapon lying around if he was going to kll JFK?
Not sure. Don't care. I have a picture of him holding the murder weapon.

Makes no sense just like the Warren Report.
The WC Report has the physical evidence down cold. But feel free to supply us with a rival narrative of the events of that day. I'm sure it will be fascinating.

Oh my bad....I forgot they said he was insane.....thus nothing has to make any sense because Oswald was insane...one cannot expect a insane man to act logically....or course not.....but how do they explain the well planned attack on General Walker? Would a crazy man been capable of such intelligent planning? You see, my dear.....how they contradict themselves?

So you haven't read the Warren Commission have you sonny?

Here is what it actually says:

Chapter 7

Many factors were undoubtedly involved in Oswald's motivation for the assassination, and the Commission does not believe that it can ascribe to him any one motive or group of motives. It is apparent, however, that Oswald was moved by an overriding hostility to his environment. He does not appear to have been able to establish meaningful relationships with other people. He was perpetually discontented with the world around him. Long before the assassination he expressed his hatred for American society and acted in protest against it. Oswald's search for what he conceived to be the perfect society was doomed from the start. He sought for himself a place in history--a role as the "great man" who would be recognized as having been in advance of his times. His commitment to Marxism and communism appears to have been another important factor in his motivation. He
also had demonstrated a capacity to act decisively and without regard to the consequences when such action would further his aims of the moment. Out of these and the many other factors which may have molded the character of Lee Harvey Oswald there emerged a man capable of assassinating President Kennedy.

The word "insane" doesn't appear in their report on his motives. So that means....you are lying.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeez ------------what a knumbscull....the whole description you just copied and pasted paints a picture via their supposed ability to decipher his thoughts aka like thought police ...a picture of someone who is mentally disturbed....yet Oswald served in the Marines in a highly technical field, travelled to Russia and back, managed to survive quite well in Russia, had lots of Russian friends, met and married a Russian girl, had two children, always managed to find a job, supposedly executed a well planned attack on a Army General with a escape plan and he was not caught....does not sound like anyone crazy enough to comitt suicide via killing the prsident from a window where he worked....absolutely not.

Anyhow....based on your logic...I should reject your copy and paste post because it is not in your own words....your only value is to make me laugh.

I am putting you on temporary ignore for a couple of days to see if that might wake you up a tad to just how nonsensical your are being.

i would take it further if i were you, HAD IT WITH THE TRUTH shill same as the OP and soupy dupey, are shills sent by their bosses to troll night and day here on this thread.they would NEVER come back everyday for their constant ass beatings and spankingS they suffer from you day after day for FREE.not going to happen,when i say take it further,i mean put them on ignore permenetely,i did that with them years ago.

soup nazi is the biggest stupid fuck of them all,he is so desperate for attention he talks to himself all the time addressing me in the first person as though he seriously thinks i have ever read his retarded babble the last several years. proof that sad nutcase is ready for a rubber room.

he then goes and whines to the mods like the baby he is if you make fun of him.what a fucking crybaby.
Candy Corn is a liar.....only worthy of being ignored....however I will not ignore her but continue to point out her dishonesty and unworthiness of participation on this thread. Though...i will no longer communicate with her directly....unless she apologizes and promises to quit lying.

She agreed to a mock trial and then when things did not go her way like a little child she ran away. hehheh
Put the lying troll bitch on ignore. It's the only way to get relief and I've put three or four of these asses on ignore and never regretted it for a second.
These Warren Commission fools get off on posting the same lies and simply ignoring facts day after day after day.They are here to obstruct and obfuscate. They aren't honest and there is no point to them if the goal of debate is to get to the truth.

I strongly suggest you use the ignore function.

One more lie out of her and she will be assigned to the dustbin of history. hehheh

dude why you think candyass is a she? trust me IT is a dude although knowing what nutcase he is that gets angry when he cant convince people of his lies i am sure he THINKS he is a woman.:abgg2q.jpg:

best advise ever,put ALL these shills of Langley on ignore.you have heard the old saying before-:trolls: best advise in the world ever.they have been sent here by their bosses to try and derail any truth discussion of posters sharing information back and forth with each other and what sickens me is that there are a couple of long time posters that have been that stupid and have taken their bait despite my multiple times of warning them to not feed the trolls.i see their mission in life is clearly just to come here and feed these trolls though.

Mac and eric i hope you are not here same as them just to feed the trolls.
dude why you think candyass is a she? trust me IT is a dude although knowing what nutcase he is that gets angry when he cant convince people of his lies i am sure he THINKS he is a woman.:abgg2q.jpg:
Oh, I frankly never knew one way or the other. All I do know is he/she is a fucking moron!
best advise ever,put ALL these shills of Langley on ignore.you have heard the old saying before-:trolls: best advise in the world ever.they have been sent here by their bosses to try and derail any truth discussion of posters sharing information back and forth with each other and what sickens me is that there are a couple of long time posters that have been that stupid and have taken their bait despite my multiple times of warning them to not feed the trolls.i see their mission in life is clearly just to come here and feed these trolls though.

Mac and eric i hope you are not here same as them just to feed the trolls.
I have put four of these trolls on ignore
so I did initially try to cut through the denial and disinformation but finally realized they weren't here to get to the truth of the JFK coup. I do know the cover up continues to this day.
Are these low level demons part of that disinformation campaign? I doubt it because of their crude idiotic tactics but
I have stopped dealing with them all thee same.
Again, the testing is not foolproof.
It is also addressed in the Warren Commission Report.

That is what Buell Frazier reported that Oswald said was in the large brown wrapper he was carrying; the same wrapper the was found in the TSBD. Your stance does put you into the unenviable position of having to then explain why someone else brought Oswald’s rifle to his workplace. Have fun.

Anyone could have placed that rifle in the book depository....absolutely no doubt that those who framed Oswald would have been capable of doing that.....do you think intelligence operatives do not know how to get into locked buildings? The rifle could have been put there the night before.

Again and again....you have no real evidence that oswald bought the rifle....the only real fact known about the purchase of the rifle is that it was purchased via mail order....thus anyone could have done that...back in those days it was very,very easy.

The story about the curtain rod package has been debunked as being too small to be a rifle...even one that was disassembled.

Again no credible proof only weak circumstantial evidence at best....certainly not enough for a jury to convict as such evidence you present would not clear the 'beyond reasonable doubt' requirement.
Plant a rifle in the exact location the shots came from?

Who said it was planted there? It was left there as in supposedly hidden by the assassin.

The night before the rifle could have been placed anywhere in the building and retrieved by the assassin to shoot jfk.
And it was Oswald’s gun, had his palm print, fired the shots that hit JFK and Connally
Oswald fled the scene and killed Officer Tippett when he was confronted

The palm print could have been left there when oswald posed with the rifle....which does not prove he was in possession of the rifle when it was fired at Kennedy....it would have been extremely easy for those who framed oswald to get him to take a picture with the rifle and thus leave his print there...if it was really there.

Regarding Officer Tippet...................
The Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit : Jim Garrison's Interview with Playboy
Some frame job
Both Oswald and his gun were in the building. It was Oswald who fled the scene

I do not consider Garrison a credible source
Oswald was not alone. He defected to the USSR, and then returned. Castro wanted to kill JFK because JFK was trying to kill him. JFK's death was the only thing that saved Castro from being killed himself.
Some frame job
Both Oswald and his gun were in the building. It was Oswald who fled the scene
Oswald's gun was not initially found in the shooter's nest. A Mauser 7.65 was. I've only mentioned this a dozen times before but it's understood that facts that don't support your
disinformation campaign are never acknowledged.

And Oswald was in the second floor lunchroom as many have attested. Carolyn Arnold's FBI Statements : The JFK Assassination

JFK was shot at 12:30 Texas time. Oswald was spotted by Dallas police officer Marion Baker along with building supervisor
Roy Truly at approximately 12:31 on the second floor.
You go ahead and explain how Oswald could have possibly shot Kennedy, smart guy.
I do not consider Garrison a credible source
Well there's a very ironic comment coming from an authoritative source like you.
Doesn't help the claim that every one of them agreed, does it?
Everyone of the cited nineteen agreed, and then some if you add in nurses and Secret Service agents there.

Whatever helps you get over your butthurt....I really don't care. It does even less for your asinine claim that Lee Oswald
shot JFK in the head from the TSBD.

I guess that's why the Warren Commission simply...ooops..."lost" the brain of the president. More blatant destruction of evidence from the shitbag Warrens. Who is surprised? And who is dumb enough to buy the shit the Warrens were
passing out? Well...you, I guess.

Physics and ballistics make it obvious Oswald did exactly that. No need for "magic bullets" and massive conspiracies of thousands of people all covering up one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century (setting aside the mass killings from communism), but as usual, the nutcases have to invent wild conspiracies too explain away their angst that a president could do easily be killed. Tell you what, you tell us what you think happened that day. It should be good for a laugh or two.
And that is why they cannot be believed. They glom onto an idea, turtle themselves around it, and regurgitate it even after it's been long debunked.
I said no deforming of the bullet head itself but like all liars you cherry pick one single detail you think you can disprove
or attack out of a dozen other points and ignore all the others to try to make your pathetic story true.
Care to refute my post point by point? We both know you can't!
You Warren Commission ass kissers are just a pathetic bunch of losers with obvious mental problems.

“The magic bullet enters the President’s back, headed downward at an angle of 17 degrees. It then moves upward in order to leave Kennedy’s body from the front of his neck – his neck wound number two – where it waits 1.6 seconds, turns right and continues into Connally’s body at the rear of his right armpit – wound number three. Then, the bullet heads downward at an angle of 27 degrees, shattering Connally’s fifth rib and leaving from the right side of his chest – wounds four and five. The bullet continues downward and then enters Connally’s right wrist – wound number six – shattering the radius bone. It then enters his left thigh – wound number seven – from which it later falls out and is found in almost “pristine” condition on a stretcher in a corridor of Parkland Hospital.”

Jim Garrison JFK(1991)
The bullet moves downward, then upward, it pauses and makes a right turn, heads downward again...such a talented bullet you ask people to accept.

There isn’t as much as a novice mind would believe there should be, the bullet did some tumbling as it passed through tissues.

At no point does the bullet go upward.
Doesn't help the claim that every one of them agreed, does it?
Everyone of the cited nineteen agreed, and then some if you add in nurses and Secret Service agents there.

Whatever helps you get over your butthurt....I really don't care. It does even less for your asinine claim that Lee Oswald
shot JFK in the head from the TSBD.

I guess that's why the Warren Commission simply...ooops..."lost" the brain of the president. More blatant destruction of evidence from the shitbag Warrens. Who is surprised? And who is dumb enough to buy the shit the Warrens were
passing out? Well...you, I guess.

Physics and ballistics make it obvious Oswald did exactly that. No need for "magic bullets" and massive conspiracies of thousands of people all covering up one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century (setting aside the mass killings from communism), but as usual, the nutcases have to invent wild conspiracies too explain away their angst that a president could do easily be killed. Tell you what, you tell us what you think happened that day. It should be good for a laugh or two.

They have no “angst” over the President getting killed. It’s an attention ploy.
Physics and ballistics make it obvious Oswald did exactly that.
Explain that in the context of post 2568. And explain how a massive posterior head wound in JFK's skull could come from behind the president as well as an entrance wound in his temple.
I'm tempted to put on ignore with your repetitive stupidity that's been dealt with over and over again.
No need for "magic bullets" and massive conspiracies of thousands of people all covering up one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century (setting aside the mass killings from communism), but as usual, the nutcases have to invent wild conspiracies too explain away their angst that a president could do easily be killed. Tell you what, you tell us what you think happened that day. It should be good for a laugh or two.
Go fuck yourself, troll! You've been told over and over again. I don't need to explain anything more to you and it's actually you who should be explaining your lies to others but you really have no explanations do you?

Why you tell me how a man could shoot the president at 12:30, stash his weapon and conceal the shooter's nest, run down five flights of stairs with no one noticing and be in the lunch room drinking a soft drink when Hosty and Baker came running in about two minutes later (remembering that tests from the Dallas police for gunpowder evidence on his cheeks all tested negative and no one saw Oswald on the sixth floor that day).
Don't give me that "good laugh" bullshit. You go on the list too.
There isn’t as much as a novice mind would believe there should be, the bullet did some tumbling as it passed through tissues.
And human bone that leaves extensive damage to a bullet? Did you forget that? Dr. Cyril Wecht on JFK’s Murder: A “Coup d’état in America” - WhoWhatWhy
Do I believe a lying troll? Or one of the nation's best forensic pathologists? Care to guess?
At no point does the bullet go upward.
LOL...tell it to Arlen Specter and Jim Garrison.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeez ------------what a knumbscull....the whole description you just copied and pasted paints a picture via their supposed ability to decipher his thoughts aka like thought police ...a picture of someone who is mentally disturbed....yet Oswald served in the Marines in a highly technical field, travelled to Russia and back, managed to survive quite well in Russia, had lots of Russian friends, met and married a Russian girl, had two children, always managed to find a job, supposedly executed a well planned attack on a Army General with a escape plan and he was not caught....does not sound like anyone crazy enough to comitt suicide via killing the prsident from a window where he worked....absolutely not.

Oswald was mentally disturbed; there doesn’t seem to be much disagreement on that from any serious quarter. Your claim that the WC said he was “insane” earlier and “crazy” just now is false. You’re lying. Repeatedly.

But looking at your pablum above….

There is no correlation between joining the Marines and a guarantee of mental stability. About 200 miles SW of Dallas, another former Marine, Charles Todd Whitman took his gun, went up to the tower on the UT campus and killed 16 people. Had any of them been famous, you’d be doing the same crap to try to prove he was framed.

A “well planned” attack? The subject lived.

I do not believe Oswald thought it was a suicide mission. I am of the opinion that he expected assistance that was promised to him but was never going to come.

Anyhow....based on your logic...I should reject your copy and paste post because it is not in your own words....your only value is to make me laugh.

Uh no.

You submit a cut and paste as testimony. I submitted the passage from the WC report to refute your allegation.
It also proved you were lying about their calling LHO “insane"

I am putting you on temporary ignore for a couple of days to see if that might wake you up a tad to just how nonsensical your are being.

No you’re not. But feel free to pretend you are.
There isn’t as much as a novice mind would believe there should be, the bullet did some tumbling as it passed through tissues.
And human bone that leaves extensive damage to a bullet? Did you forget that? Dr. Cyril Wecht on JFK’s Murder: A “Coup d’état in America” - WhoWhatWhy
Do I believe a lying troll? Or one of the nation's best forensic pathologists? Care to guess?
At no point does the bullet go upward.
LOL...tell it to Arlen Specter and Jim Garrison.
Sorry, it doesn’t go upward.
Some frame job
Both Oswald and his gun were in the building. It was Oswald who fled the scene
Oswald's gun was not initially found in the shooter's nest. A Mauser 7.65 was. I've only mentioned this a dozen times before but it's understood that facts that don't support your
disinformation campaign are never acknowledged.

And Oswald was in the second floor lunchroom as many have attested. Carolyn Arnold's FBI Statements : The JFK Assassination

JFK was shot at 12:30 Texas time. Oswald was spotted by Dallas police officer Marion Baker along with building supervisor
Roy Truly at approximately 12:31 on the second floor.
You go ahead and explain how Oswald could have possibly shot Kennedy, smart guy.
I do not consider Garrison a credible source
Well there's a very ironic comment coming from an authoritative source like you.

He shot Kennedy and went down stairs. Pretty easy.

Oswald’s rifle—the one he is pictured with—was found in the TSBD.
He shot Kennedy and went down stairs. Pretty easy.
It's more complicated then that but I'm not surprised you would lie once more about the matter.

Oh? What are the complexities? Shortly after the DPD spotted him on the 2nd Floor he did what any criminal would have done; left the building. It fits right in perfectly.

But tell us more about the complexities involved in coming down a flight of stairs….. LOL
Oh? What are the complexities? Shortly after the DPD spotted him on the 2nd Floor he did what any criminal would have done; left the building. It fits right in perfectly.
Because there was so much work do be done at the TSBD with FBI and police crawling all over the crime scene
after the coup you so eagerly give cover to? Did police detain him? It looks like they did not.

You are so fucking stupid you make this easy. I'll sure miss you when I put you on ignore as I surely will very soon.

But tell us more about the complexities involved in coming down a flight of stairs….. LOL
You're trolling. Fuck off.
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