Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Oh? What are the complexities? Shortly after the DPD spotted him on the 2nd Floor he did what any criminal would have done; left the building. It fits right in perfectly.
Because there was so much work do be done at the TSBD with FBI and police crawling all over the crime scene after the coup you so
eagerly defend?
You are so fucking stupid you make this easy. I'll sure miss you when I put you on ignore as I surely will very soon.

But tell us more about the complexities involved in coming down a flight of stairs….. LOL
Your trolling. Fuck off.

I just asked what were the “complexities” of his murdering someone on the 6th floor and walking down 4 flights of stairs to the 2nd Floor. You said there were “complexities”…. What are they, please?
I think it is time to close this thread....the proponents of the Warren Commission have been proven to be dishonest.....at least the majority of them....not possible to have a good discussion with dishonest posters.

So, again, what do YOU have to say about Oswald holding the murder weapon?

You dumbass...why don't you try checking the posts before you expose your stupidity.

Well...you couldn't scroll down maybe you can scroll up....starting at post #2525

I am on the verge of putting you on ignore as I have been advised to do....you best start improving or I will.

Still waiting to hear what YOU think. You're doing a lot of cutting and pasting of others words, many of them are in conflict.
As for putting me on ignore...gee, I won't get your "expert" input any longer? Wow... what will I do with myself?

LMAO! Did you hurt his feelings by posting facts he can't refute?
I think it is time to close this thread....the proponents of the Warren Commission have been proven to be dishonest.....at least the majority of them....not possible to have a good discussion with dishonest posters.

So, again, what do YOU have to say about Oswald holding the murder weapon?

You dumbass...why don't you try checking the posts before you expose your stupidity.

Well...you couldn't scroll down maybe you can scroll up....starting at post #2525

I am on the verge of putting you on ignore as I have been advised to do....you best start improving or I will.

Still waiting to hear what YOU think. You're doing a lot of cutting and pasting of others words, many of them are in conflict.
As for putting me on ignore...gee, I won't get your "expert" input any longer? Wow... what will I do with myself?

LMAO! Did you hurt his feelings by posting facts he can't refute?

I guess he couldn’t hang.
Oswald was not alone. He defected to the USSR, and then returned. Castro wanted to kill JFK because JFK was trying to kill him. JFK's death was the only thing that saved Castro from being killed himself.

Definitely one possibility. JFK had a lot of enemies and some of them had the resources to take him out in a very clever plot wherin they were never brought to trial...though several of them that could have been players were themselves bumped off because it looked like they might talk.....aka Giacana and Rosselli of Chicago.

LBJ was known to blame the Vietnamese because JFK had Diem bumped off. Though it is quite possible LBJ himself was involved and was trying to divert attention to the Vietnamese.

Anyone that has watched the James Files interview also knows that he sounded very credible and was quite detailed in his recollections...which could have been checked out but most likely was not...the FBI just issued a statement that he was not credible......like they are.

The FBI was corrupt almost from the gitgo....it all came out about Hoover....he routinely blackmailed congressmen and even claimed there was no such thing as the mafia....allegedly because they had very compromising photos of him....and blackmailed the blackmailer....but even since Hoover...it remains a very sinister organization aka comey etc. Not even to mention the C.I.A.

Yet the dupes on here accept at face value the cover-up of the Warren Commission.
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JFK had no business driving around in a convertible, and all buildings along the way should have been checked by the Secret Service to make sure there were no snipers.
JFK had no business driving around in a convertible, and all buildings along the way should have been checked by the Secret Service to make sure there were no snipers.

Exactly.....they were in so many words told to stand down and a glaring example of that was all the open windows in the book depository...a basic flaw. That is one of the first things they usually do...check all tall buildings with a view of the motorcade to make sure the windows are closed....numerous other failings that day by the Secret Service but none of them were even disciplined.
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JFK had no business driving around in a convertible, and all buildings along the way should have been checked by the Secret Service to make sure there were no snipers.

JFK was known to be rather fatalistic about his life....even on the morning of the assassination he said to jackie that someone could shoot him from a tall bldg. etc. He seemed not to worry abouot being killed. Perhaps because he had been through so much or the prospect of death really did not worry him.
Oh? What are the complexities? Shortly after the DPD spotted him on the 2nd Floor he did what any criminal would have done; left the building. It fits right in perfectly.
Because there was so much work do be done at the TSBD with FBI and police crawling all over the crime scene after the coup you so
eagerly defend?
You are so fucking stupid you make this easy. I'll sure miss you when I put you on ignore as I surely will very soon.

But tell us more about the complexities involved in coming down a flight of stairs….. LOL
Your trolling. Fuck off.

I just asked what were the “complexities” of his murdering someone on the 6th floor and walking down 4 flights of stairs to the 2nd Floor. You said there were “complexities”…. What are they, please?

Well, the conspiracy theory trolls try to make it seem IMPOSSIBLE to fire a weapon 3 times, cross the 6th floor, put the rifle down behind some boxes and run down the back stairs in less time than it takes a policeman to hear the three shots, identify the building the shots came from, drive his motorcycle to the curb, park it, run to the building, find the building manager go inside, push the elevator button, wait and realize it isn't working and then run up the stairs, where they found Oswald.
Tell us, in your own words please, what you think happened in Dealey Plaza that day.

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.
Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Proof: Kennedy Autopsy Was Botched - Single Bullet Theory Exploded - Argosy - July 1967

Botched Investigation Fuels Kennedy Conspiracy Theories
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Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.
That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.

Eye-witness, candyporn......

Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Since when does the right temple bullet impact equal "back of the head", moron.......
Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.

Eye-witness, candyporn......

None of the folks in the car have bullet wounds from the front....strange to suggest the shots came from there. LOL
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.

Eye-witness, candyporn......

None of the folks in the car have bullet wounds from the front....strange to suggest the shots came from there. LOL

Kennedy had a neck wound in the throat, dumb ass......
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.

Eye-witness, candyporn......

None of the folks in the car have bullet wounds from the front....strange to suggest the shots came from there. LOL

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.

Eye-witness, candyporn......

None of the folks in the car have bullet wounds from the front....strange to suggest the shots came from there. LOL

Kennedy had a neck wound in the throat, dumb ass......

Which came from the front fuck stain.
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