Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.

Eye-witness, candyporn......

None of the folks in the car have bullet wounds from the front....strange to suggest the shots came from there. LOL

Kennedy had a neck wound in the throat, dumb ass......

Which came from the read fuck stain.


"from the read fuck stain"??????

Sounds like you are a tad flustered from getting your ass kicked.

Not only has Oswald’s employment with U.S. intelligence agencies been documented in official files and testimony, his mistress, Judyth Vary Baker, and his own mother, Marguerite Oswald, claimed they knew he was a government agent. According to "Judyth Vary Baker, Oswald revealed to her that he had infiltrated a ring to assassinate JFK, and although he had a feeling he was being set up, he had to stay in it because of fear that harm would come to his family if he backed out. He also told Baker that by remaining involved, one less bullet would be fired at JFK.

25 Facts About Lee Harvey Oswald You Were Never Told About.
For the people who don't read so they can't be accused of knowing better.
LOL...we keep giving the Warren Commission quislings more and more information
debunking their crap and they don't look and they don't care.

To look is to admit they are wrong and they aren't about to do that.
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On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is

Jason Bourne could have done it no problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
For the people who don't read so they can't be accused of knowing better.
LOL...we keep giving the Warren Commission quislings more and more information
debunking their crap and they don't look and they don't care.

To look is to admit they are wrong and they aren't about to do that.

Unless you can provide a competing narrative (in reasonable detail), there is no reason not to believe the Warren Commission’s findings when it comes to the physical evidence. To date, you can’t do so.
JFK had no business driving around in a convertible, and all buildings along the way should have been checked by the Secret Service to make sure there were no snipers.
Monday morning quarterbacking

Not many presidents drove in open convertibles after JFK
Not only has Oswald’s employment with U.S. intelligence agencies been documented in official files and testimony, his mistress, Judyth Vary Baker, and his own mother, Marguerite Oswald, claimed they knew he was a government agent. According to "Judyth Vary Baker, Oswald revealed to her that he had infiltrated a ring to assassinate JFK, and although he had a feeling he was being set up, he had to stay in it because of fear that harm would come to his family if he backed out. He also told Baker that by remaining involved, one less bullet would be fired at JFK.

25 Facts About Lee Harvey Oswald You Were Never Told About.
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Not at all standard....I was in an elite unit and had no security clearance whatsoever...nor did i know anyone that had one.

After the service doing some contract work for the Federal Government I was required to have a top security clearance...

Oswald worked with the U-2 operations at the Japanese base hence his requirement for a security clearance. But the great majority of servicemen are not required to have a security clearance....certainly not standard operating procedure for the great majority.
Not only has Oswald’s employment with U.S. intelligence agencies been documented in official files and testimony, his mistress, Judyth Vary Baker, and his own mother, Marguerite Oswald, claimed they knew he was a government agent. According to "Judyth Vary Baker, Oswald revealed to her that he had infiltrated a ring to assassinate JFK, and although he had a feeling he was being set up, he had to stay in it because of fear that harm would come to his family if he backed out. He also told Baker that by remaining involved, one less bullet would be fired at JFK.

25 Facts About Lee Harvey Oswald You Were Never Told About.
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Oswald served in the Marines....did you serve?

I think it highly objectionable to dis-honor anyone's service much more so if you are a veteran yourself.
Oswald's girl friend............................

Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Oswald served in the Marines....did you serve?

I think it highly objectionable to dis-honor anyone's service much more so if you are a veteran yourself.
I never killed a president

He did

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