Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Oswald served in the Marines....did you serve?

I think it highly objectionable to dis-honor anyone's service much more so if you are a veteran yourself.
I never killed a president

He did

He was never convicted of killing anyone....who was that said 'everyone is innocent until proven guilty'....seems like I have heard that somewhere???

You evaded the quetion of whether you ever served?
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Oswald served in the Marines....did you serve?

I think it highly objectionable to dis-honor anyone's service much more so if you are a veteran yourself.
I never killed a president

He did

anyone on this board could make a case that you killed JFK...that would stand up just as well as the Warren Commission Rport.

You have no proof that Oswald killed anyone. You have been duped by a Govenment commission set up by a POTUS who may have been even more criminal than Bill and Hillary.

Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary
Well he was assigned as a technician on a highly classified and valued detail in military intelligence at a very crucial time in our history.
What is your definition of "uninspiring"? I was in the Navy in the medical corps. I can tell you Oswald's assignment does not seem uninspiring or average to me.

A Secret Clearance is standard.
It is not!

He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass
I'm certain they knew a spy when they saw one.
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Oswald served in the Marines....did you serve?

I think it highly objectionable to dis-honor anyone's service much more so if you are a veteran yourself.
I never killed a president

He did

He was never convicted of killing anyone....who was that said 'everyone is innocent until proven guilty'....seems like I have heard that somewhere???

You evaded the quetion of whether you ever served?

Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are remotely identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.
Last edited:
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent
I never killed a president

He did
I missed his trial. Tell me all about it.


As has been revealed already.....there were two 'mock trials' of Oswald by the National Bar Association................Home

The first trial resulted in a hung jury....in the second one Oswald was found not guilty.

Not even to mention the majority of Ameicans still do not believe the WC Report.

What we see on here are a few lone nut dupes of the Warren Commission report...who due to their cognitive situation lack good analytical skills.
There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent
It doesn't make them guilty either. There are only a hundred carefully researched books or so documenting the flaws and
and outright flagrant fixing of the case against Lee Oswald by the corrupt Warren Commission.

Your presumptions are hilarious and shameful at the same time.
There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent
It doesn't make them guilty either. There are only a hundred carefully researched books or so documenting the flaws and
and outright flagrant fixing of the case against Lee Oswald by the corrupt Warren Commission.

Your presumptions are hilarious and shameful at the same time.

In his latest iconoclastic work, prolific writer DOUGLAS BRODE presents a detailed argument as to the theory of innocence, taking into account one of Oswald's final statements--"I'm a Patsy!"--proceeding from there to trace this unique man's entire life. Such materials are juxtaposed throughout the book with larger, greater world events that, when viewed from a contrarian perspective, may shed light on who actually wanted Kennedy dead and why. This non-fiction novel is written in the style of an imaginative work, yet events detailed here remain true to fact. As Brode reveals, we can precisely know what Oswald did and said that day, but what actually went on in his, or any person's, mind can never be fully reclaimed from history, therefore reconstructed here in a freely creative manner to offer "a truth," if not "the truth," as to what may have actually happened fifty years ago, and why.

I never killed a president

He did
I missed his trial. Tell me all about it.


As has been revealed already.....there were two 'mock trials' of Oswald by the National Bar Association................Home

The first trial resulted in a hung jury....in the second one Oswald was found not guilty.

Not even to mention the majority of Ameicans still do not believe the WC Report.

What we see on here are a few lone nut dupes of the Warren Commission report...who due to their cognitive situation lack good analytical skills.

Again, if you feel the WC got it wrong, you can supply your own narrative. Oh yeah, you're too scared to do so.

Most Americans do believe the WC report in general; there are some elements that are disputed.

Mock trials get mock verdicts. That won't stop us from mocking you.
There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent
It doesn't make them guilty either. There are only a hundred carefully researched books or so documenting the flaws and
and outright flagrant fixing of the case against Lee Oswald by the corrupt Warren Commission.

Your presumptions are hilarious and shameful at the same time.

In his latest iconoclastic work, prolific writer DOUGLAS BRODE presents a detailed argument as to the theory of innocence, taking into account one of Oswald's final statements--"I'm a Patsy!"--proceeding from there to trace this unique man's entire life. Such materials are juxtaposed throughout the book with larger, greater world events that, when viewed from a contrarian perspective, may shed light on who actually wanted Kennedy dead and why. This non-fiction novel is written in the style of an imaginative work, yet events detailed here remain true to fact. As Brode reveals, we can precisely know what Oswald did and said that day, but what actually went on in his, or any person's, mind can never be fully reclaimed from history, therefore reconstructed here in a freely creative manner to offer "a truth," if not "the truth," as to what may have actually happened fifty years ago, and why.


A novel is fiction by definition.

The accused saying they didn't do it is hardly unusual. Although...the word "patsy" is perhaps a bit informative in and of itself.
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Oswald served in the Marines....did you serve?

I think it highly objectionable to dis-honor anyone's service much more so if you are a veteran yourself.
I never killed a president

He did

He was never convicted of killing anyone....who was that said 'everyone is innocent until proven guilty'....seems like I have heard that somewhere???

You evaded the quetion of whether you ever served?

Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted

Damn, checkmate in one move.

Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
Oswald was delusional
He had visions of grandeur that never materialized
Who told you that? J. Edgar Hoover? LOL.....

If he was dysfunctional, a Commie lover, a screw up, had delusions of grandeur, etc. how did he get a high level security clearance to get stationed at Atsugi Naval base in Japan, home of our super secret U- 2 base at the height of the Cold War?

The Warren Commission has claimed so many contradictory and unexplained things. How does their profiling of Oswald
square with his security clearance?

The Career of Lee Harvey Oswald : The JFK Assassination
Oswald had an uninspiring career in the mIlitary

A Secret Clearance is standard. He had very little information to offer the Soviets. They wanted little to do Ithaca his sorry ass

Oswald served in the Marines....did you serve?

I think it highly objectionable to dis-honor anyone's service much more so if you are a veteran yourself.
I never killed a president

He did

anyone on this board could make a case that you killed JFK...that would stand up just as well as the Warren Commission Rport.

You have no proof that Oswald killed anyone. You have been duped by a Govenment commission set up by a POTUS who may have been even more criminal than Bill and Hillary.

Wow, your videos are getting more and more ridiculous judging by the corpse you have from the YT still. LOL.
There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent
It doesn't make them guilty either. There are only a hundred carefully researched books or so documenting the flaws and
and outright flagrant fixing of the case against Lee Oswald by the corrupt Warren Commission.

Your presumptions are hilarious and shameful at the same time.
Plenty of suckers willing to buy conspiracy books
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!

A picture of Oswald with the murder weapon.
The murder weapon was found in the place where he worked.
He was at work at the time JFK was killed outside of where he worked.

Someone with a 3rd grader's under standing of the court system would call that a slam dunk.
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You still fail to realize the burden of proof is on the state.....which they have not met.....thus the result of their failure to meet the burden of proof ---private investigators began looking for other explanations.....and many books have been written about the subject.

The Warren Commision had a golden opportunity with all the investigative powers and funding of the Federal Government behind them to show conclusively that Oswald acted alone as they claimed.

Yet.. the majority of American rejected their theory and their findings.

So today we have the 'theory' of the Warren Commission and we have the various theories of those who oppose the Warren Commission report.

No one has any absolute proof of what happened.....and at this late date all the players are most likely dead...some bumped off before they could testify aka Giacana and Rosselli of Chicago and many others of natural causes.

Thus the case most likely will forever be a mystery.

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