Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.
Why do you keep repeating this false claim? There is lots of evidence.
Beside the fact that no one can place Oswald on the 6th floor at the time of the shooting and he tested negative for a number of paraffin tests administered by the Dallas police the day of the shooting there is that little matter of the posterior head wound to the president.

There must be hundreds of ways the Warren Commission covered up a coup.
Did Oswald fire another magic bullet that could u-turn in mid air and hit Kennedy from behind, for instance?
The head wound all by itself is proof positive of more than one shooter.

And then there's this: Oswald's Mother: Ten Reasons Why The Warren Commission Failed
Why would you invite and dare people to prove you wrong when it's so damned easy?
I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any
Selective thinking on a massive scale. You are consistently proved to be a fool because you are a boot licking toady for the
discredited Warren Commission. I'm sure somewhere in hell LBJ, Arlen Specter and Allan Dulles are smiling because so many dupes are doing their bidding.
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You are a liar or just ignorant....possibly both....much evidence has been presented....you simply have not read the reports or you will not admit to it as the evidence that has been presented goes against your agenda.

You also may be one of those who does not understand the difference between evidence and proof.

"Did the Commissioners and their staff believe what they wrote? Commissioner Russell later denounced the Commission's no-conspiracy conclusion, saying "we have not been told the truth about Oswald." Hale Boggs complained that "Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission" before his plane disappeared in Alaska. Pressed on evidence indicating conspiracy for which he had no good reply, Commission staffer Wesley Liebeler told researcher Ray Marcus that "sometimes we get caught up in things that are bigger than we are."
Warren Commission

Not even everyone on the Warren Commission itself thought they were being honest and up front. How the hell can the troll fools here think the LBJ appointed panel were some all knowing group of wise men who got the lone gunmen narrative right and Oswald was their man? It's absolutely a laugh...like the people who try to sustain the illusion.
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You still fail to realize the burden of proof is on the state.....which they have not met.....thus the result of their failure to meet the burden of proof ---private investigators began looking for other explanations.....and many books have been written about the subject.

The Warren Commision had a golden opportunity with all the investigative powers and funding of the Federal Government behind them to show conclusively that Oswald acted alone as they claimed.

Yet.. the majority of American rejected their theory and their findings.

So today we have the 'theory' of the Warren Commission and we have the various theories of those who oppose the Warren Commission report.

No one has any absolute proof of what happened.....and at this late date all the players are most likely dead...some bumped off before they could testify aka Giacana and Rosselli of Chicago and many others of natural causes.

Thus the case most likely will forever be a mystery.
The state has more than met the burden of proof in concluding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

Conspiracy theorists have provided ZERO proof of anyone assisting Oswald or of another shooter
Did Adam Lanz kill 26 school children at Sandy Hook elementary?

He was never convicted
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You are a liar or just ignorant....possibly both....much evidence has been presented....you simply have not read the reports or you will not admit to it as the evidence that has been presented goes against your agenda.

You also may be one of those who does not understand the difference between evidence and proof.

OK Skippy

Provide your theory and any evidence supporting your theory
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You are a liar or just ignorant....possibly both....much evidence has been presented....you simply have not read the reports or you will not admit to it as the evidence that has been presented goes against your agenda.

You also may be one of those who does not understand the difference between evidence and proof.

OK Skippy

Provide your theory and any evidence supporting your theory
"Did the Commissioners and their staff believe what they wrote? Commissioner Russell later denounced the Commission's no-conspiracy conclusion, saying "we have not been told the truth about Oswald." Hale Boggs complained that "Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission" before his plane disappeared in Alaska. Pressed on evidence indicating conspiracy for which he had no good reply, Commission staffer Wesley Liebeler told researcher Ray Marcus that "sometimes we get caught up in things that are bigger than we are."
Warren Commission

Not even everyone on the Warren Commission itself thought they were being honest and up front. How the hell can the troll fools here think the LBJ appointed panel were some all knowing group of wise men who got the lone gunmen narrative right and Oswald was their man? It's absolutely a laugh...like the people who try to sustain the illusion.

All 3 of which signed off on the report.

The state has more than met the burden of proof in concluding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

Conspiracy theorists have provided ZERO proof of anyone assisting Oswald or of another shooter
You are about to fall into the ignore zone now. You asked for proof of another shooter and I provided it yet once again after all those other times. You may disagree but you offer zero proof that disputes the eyewitness testimony of nineteen doctors at Parkland hospital that all noted the "gaping wound" in the posterior of the president's head (physical proof of a shot from the front or side of Kennedy).

Now you are just gain saying and making no effort other than saying over and over again the discredited Warren Commission is right. When you say people have offered zero proof of another shooter you are just being at obstructionist troll now and quite an obnoxious asshole because we all know you have nothing to back you up.

You have one more chance to act like an adult but I'm certain you can't change your putrid stale act now.
The state has more than met the burden of proof in concluding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

Conspiracy theorists have provided ZERO proof of anyone assisting Oswald or of another shooter
You are about to fall into the ignore zone now. You asked for proof of another shooter and I provided it yet once again after all those other times. You may disagree but you offer zero proof that disputes the eyewitness testimony of nineteen doctors at Parkland hospital that all noted the "gaping wound" in the posterior of the president's head (physical proof of a shot from the front or side of Kennedy).

Now you are just gain saying and making no effort other than saying over and over again the discredited Warren Commission is right. When you say people have offered zero proof of another shooter you are just being at obstructionist troll now and quite an obnoxious asshole because we all know you have nothing to back you up.

You have one more chance to act like an adult but I'm certain you can't change your putrid stale act now.
You provided zero evidence of another shooter
No gun, no bullet, no witness

It is beyond doubt that JFK was shot from the rear

Talk about a magic bullet. There is no way a shooter from the front could have hit John Connally in the upper thigh
LOL....how stupendously lame! As if the cases of Adam Lanza and Lee Oswald are identical in detail and circumstance.
What a fucking joke.

There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You are a liar or just ignorant....possibly both....much evidence has been presented....you simply have not read the reports or you will not admit to it as the evidence that has been presented goes against your agenda.

You also may be one of those who does not understand the difference between evidence and proof.

OK Skippy

Provide your theory and any evidence supporting your theory

I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
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The state has more than met the burden of proof in concluding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

Conspiracy theorists have provided ZERO proof of anyone assisting Oswald or of another shooter
You are about to fall into the ignore zone now. You asked for proof of another shooter and I provided it yet once again after all those other times. You may disagree but you offer zero proof that disputes the eyewitness testimony of nineteen doctors at Parkland hospital that all noted the "gaping wound" in the posterior of the president's head (physical proof of a shot from the front or side of Kennedy).

Now you are just gain saying and making no effort other than saying over and over again the discredited Warren Commission is right. When you say people have offered zero proof of another shooter you are just being at obstructionist troll now and quite an obnoxious asshole because we all know you have nothing to back you up.

You have one more chance to act like an adult but I'm certain you can't change your putrid stale act now.
You provided zero evidence of another shooter
No gun, no bullet, no witness

It is beyond doubt that JFK was shot from the rear

Talk about a magic bullet. There is no way a shooter from the front could have hit John Connally in the upper thigh

No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

Scientist’s Trick ‘Explains’ JFK Backward Movement When Shot - WhoWhatWhy
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The zapruder film in slow motion showing JFK getting shot ....first in the throat and then in the head.

The state has more than met the burden of proof in concluding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

Conspiracy theorists have provided ZERO proof of anyone assisting Oswald or of another shooter
You are about to fall into the ignore zone now. You asked for proof of another shooter and I provided it yet once again after all those other times. You may disagree but you offer zero proof that disputes the eyewitness testimony of nineteen doctors at Parkland hospital that all noted the "gaping wound" in the posterior of the president's head (physical proof of a shot from the front or side of Kennedy).

Now you are just gain saying and making no effort other than saying over and over again the discredited Warren Commission is right. When you say people have offered zero proof of another shooter you are just being at obstructionist troll now and quite an obnoxious asshole because we all know you have nothing to back you up.

You have one more chance to act like an adult but I'm certain you can't change your putrid stale act now.
You provided zero evidence of another shooter
No gun, no bullet, no witness

It is beyond doubt that JFK was shot from the rear

Talk about a magic bullet. There is no way a shooter from the front could have hit John Connally in the upper thigh

No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot
That leaves you with no bullets to hit Connally in the wrist and upper thigh
There is no need for a trial to presume someone guilty of murder

Many murderers are either killed in the act or take their own lives. Does not make them innocent

There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You are a liar or just ignorant....possibly both....much evidence has been presented....you simply have not read the reports or you will not admit to it as the evidence that has been presented goes against your agenda.

You also may be one of those who does not understand the difference between evidence and proof.

OK Skippy

Provide your theory and any evidence supporting your theory

I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:
There was no eye-witness to who pulled the trigger of the rifle or rifles that killed jfk.

The Warren commission had a mission ...to prove to the American People that Oswald was guilty............obviously they failed....but maybe you can succeed where the Warren Commision failed??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa take a hike boyo!
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You are a liar or just ignorant....possibly both....much evidence has been presented....you simply have not read the reports or you will not admit to it as the evidence that has been presented goes against your agenda.

You also may be one of those who does not understand the difference between evidence and proof.

OK Skippy

Provide your theory and any evidence supporting your theory

I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
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The state has more than met the burden of proof in concluding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

Conspiracy theorists have provided ZERO proof of anyone assisting Oswald or of another shooter
You are about to fall into the ignore zone now. You asked for proof of another shooter and I provided it yet once again after all those other times. You may disagree but you offer zero proof that disputes the eyewitness testimony of nineteen doctors at Parkland hospital that all noted the "gaping wound" in the posterior of the president's head (physical proof of a shot from the front or side of Kennedy).

Now you are just gain saying and making no effort other than saying over and over again the discredited Warren Commission is right. When you say people have offered zero proof of another shooter you are just being at obstructionist troll now and quite an obnoxious asshole because we all know you have nothing to back you up.

You have one more chance to act like an adult but I'm certain you can't change your putrid stale act now.
You provided zero evidence of another shooter
No gun, no bullet, no witness

It is beyond doubt that JFK was shot from the rear

Talk about a magic bullet. There is no way a shooter from the front could have hit John Connally in the upper thigh

He was shot from the Goodyear blimp.
55 years and there is zero evididence supporting any theory other than Oswald acted alone.

I have asked repeatedly for some on this thread.... nobody has provided any

You are a liar or just ignorant....possibly both....much evidence has been presented....you simply have not read the reports or you will not admit to it as the evidence that has been presented goes against your agenda.

You also may be one of those who does not understand the difference between evidence and proof.

OK Skippy

Provide your theory and any evidence supporting your theory

I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.
Yes it was.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.
The positive hit on the hand test.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked
No silly; it has not.

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.
Except for his bringing it in
The wrapper he made
The test for gunpowder residue that proves he fired the weapon

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.
Really...and then he did what anyone else would do...take a cab, take a bus, go home and get a revolver!!! Dumbass.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Boy, old LHO can't catch a break can he? LOL
The state has more than met the burden of proof in concluding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

Conspiracy theorists have provided ZERO proof of anyone assisting Oswald or of another shooter
You are about to fall into the ignore zone now. You asked for proof of another shooter and I provided it yet once again after all those other times. You may disagree but you offer zero proof that disputes the eyewitness testimony of nineteen doctors at Parkland hospital that all noted the "gaping wound" in the posterior of the president's head (physical proof of a shot from the front or side of Kennedy).

Now you are just gain saying and making no effort other than saying over and over again the discredited Warren Commission is right. When you say people have offered zero proof of another shooter you are just being at obstructionist troll now and quite an obnoxious asshole because we all know you have nothing to back you up.

You have one more chance to act like an adult but I'm certain you can't change your putrid stale act now.
You provided zero evidence of another shooter
No gun, no bullet, no witness

It is beyond doubt that JFK was shot from the rear

Talk about a magic bullet. There is no way a shooter from the front could have hit John Connally in the upper thigh

No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot
That leaves you with no bullets to hit Connally in the wrist and upper thigh

More info on Officer J.D. Tippit.....allegedly killed by Lee Oswald

Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit’s shooter recently dies:

by Bruce Patrick Brychek on Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:39 pm
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,


Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit’s shooter has recently died.

Tippit was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald as was/is claimed by the U.S. Government, the U.S. News Media, and last but not least, The Warren Commission Report.

The shooter was in route to meet, and kill Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas Theatre where Oswald had been directed to go by his CIA handler,
David Atlee Phillips, who was also James E. Sutton’s CIA handler.

David Atlee Phillips, Sam Giancana, and Charles Nicoletti all probably had some knowledge, which can not be quantified at this point in time.

At his request, prior to his death, to protect his wife, and family, he has requested that his name never be released.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

TIMELINE (by Janet Schoder)

1938- J.D. (John Dee) Marlow born in Alabama 10/17/38

1940- Gary Eugene Marlow born in Bessemer, Alabama 10/23/40.

1941- Joan Marlow (Kehring) born in Chicago, Il. March 1st, 1941.

1942- James Earl Files born in Oakman, Alabama January 24, 1942.

1943- Eleanor Files(Schramm) born April 12, 1943 Janet Schoder (Kehring) born Oct.. 27, 1943.

1957 – about- Gary Marlow & James Files graduated elementary school on 18th & Lake St. in Melrose Park, Illinois. Faith Johnson went to Proviso East High School in Maywood, IL. Jim dropped out in freshman year. Gary Marlow dropped out of High School too. Not sure what high school. Probably Proviso also.

1958- Faith dated Gary Marlow for short time then later married J.D. Marlow (John Dee), Gary’s brother. Jim dated Eleanor Schramm and took her to a Prom arranged by both their mothers.

1959 – James Files joined military and sent to Laos.

1960 – Sept.? James Files discharged from military. Joan Kehring and family move from N. Second Ave. in Maywood, Ill. to 34th Ave. in Melrose Park, Ill. in June 1960.

1961 – James Files dated Eleanor Schramm early in 1961. She was friends with Joan & Janet Kehring & walked home from Proviso with Janet a lot. She

Update on the man who killed police officer Tippit

Who Killed Chuckie Nicoletti & Why? - GangsterBB.NET
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