Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
God, did they ever embarrass themselves with jumping on bogus evidence
They concluded there were two shooters in Dallas...pretty much what a majority of Americans has maintained for decades.
It's the quislings in the distinct minority who are recycling Warren Commission lies who should feel embarrassed.
But one must have a sense of morality in order to feel shame.
So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?
Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president when reporters questioned him when in police custody.
"Lie Detector Tests. At least three lie detector (Psychological Stress Evaluator and Voice Stress Analyzer) tests were applied to recordings of Oswald's statements of innocence. He passed every one." The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald - Statement Analysis®

One the other hand James Files, who is in prison and has no hope of release, has very credibly confessed to being one of the shooters at Dealy Plaza the day of the JFK coup. Analysis of his recordings shows his remarks are very reliable
and credible. JFK MURDER SOLVED - Voice Stress Analysis Results - VSA

Geraldine Reid, a TSBD employee, was talking to Lee Oswald as the assassination took place and she testified to the Warren Commission. Geraldean Reid
What does the Warren Inquisition have to say about this?
So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?
Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president when reporters questioned him when in police custody.
"Lie Detector Tests. At least three lie detector (Psychological Stress Evaluator and Voice Stress Analyzer) tests were applied to recordings of Oswald's statements of innocence. He passed every one." The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald - Statement Analysis®

One the other hand James Files, who is in prison and has no hope of release, has very credibly confessed to being one of the shooters at Dealy Plaza the day of the JFK coup. Analysis of his recordings shows his remarks are very reliable
and credible. JFK MURDER SOLVED - Voice Stress Analysis Results - VSA

Geraldine Reid, a TSBD employee, was talking to Lee Oswald as the assassination took place and she testified to the Warren Commission. Geraldean Reid
What does the Warren Inquisition have to say about this?
”Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president”

Yup, you convinced me, Oswald didn’t do it.

Too bad he died before he could go searching on golf courses for the real killer, huh?
So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?
Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president when reporters questioned him when in police custody.
"Lie Detector Tests. At least three lie detector (Psychological Stress Evaluator and Voice Stress Analyzer) tests were applied to recordings of Oswald's statements of innocence. He passed every one." The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald - Statement Analysis®
A strenuous denial? Wow. It’s not often that the accused say that they didn’t do it. LOL

One the other hand James Files, who is in prison and has no hope of release, has very credibly confessed to being one of the shooters at Dealy Plaza the day of the JFK coup. Analysis of his recordings shows his remarks are very reliable
and credible. JFK MURDER SOLVED - Voice Stress Analysis Results - VSA
The guy in prison for life is credible?

Geraldine Reid, a TSBD employee, was talking to Lee Oswald as the assassination took place and she testified to the Warren Commission. Geraldean Reid
What does the Warren Inquisition have to say about this?

Do you have a link to her testimony and not another message board?
God, did they ever embarrass themselves with jumping on bogus evidence
They concluded there were two shooters in Dallas...pretty much what a majority of Americans has maintained for decades.
It's the quislings in the distinct minority who are recycling Warren Commission lies who should feel embarrassed.
But one must have a sense of morality in order to feel shame.

No such conclusion was ever made.
So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?
Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president when reporters questioned him when in police custody.
"Lie Detector Tests. At least three lie detector (Psychological Stress Evaluator and Voice Stress Analyzer) tests were applied to recordings of Oswald's statements of innocence. He passed every one." The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald - Statement Analysis®

One the other hand James Files, who is in prison and has no hope of release, has very credibly confessed to being one of the shooters at Dealy Plaza the day of the JFK coup. Analysis of his recordings shows his remarks are very reliable
and credible. JFK MURDER SOLVED - Voice Stress Analysis Results - VSA

Geraldine Reid, a TSBD employee, was talking to Lee Oswald as the assassination took place and she testified to the Warren Commission. Geraldean Reid
What does the Warren Inquisition have to say about this?
”Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president”

Yup, you convinced me, Oswald didn’t do it.

Too bad he died before he could go searching on golf courses for the real killer, huh?

Well, you tell me ....you and the other wc dupes claim he did it for the honor,glory and or to prove he was somebody and all that psycho babble etc.----why would he then turn around and say .....Oh I am just a patsy....why not boast about it?

Anyone trying to earn a place in history definitely would not want to go down as just a patsy.

How bout dat psychoanalysis boyo?
So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?
Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president when reporters questioned him when in police custody.
"Lie Detector Tests. At least three lie detector (Psychological Stress Evaluator and Voice Stress Analyzer) tests were applied to recordings of Oswald's statements of innocence. He passed every one." The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald - Statement Analysis®

One the other hand James Files, who is in prison and has no hope of release, has very credibly confessed to being one of the shooters at Dealy Plaza the day of the JFK coup. Analysis of his recordings shows his remarks are very reliable
and credible. JFK MURDER SOLVED - Voice Stress Analysis Results - VSA

Geraldine Reid, a TSBD employee, was talking to Lee Oswald as the assassination took place and she testified to the Warren Commission. Geraldean Reid
What does the Warren Inquisition have to say about this?
”Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president”

Yup, you convinced me, Oswald didn’t do it.

Too bad he died before he could go searching on golf courses for the real killer, huh?

Well, you tell me ....you and the other wc dupes claim he did it for the honor,glory and or to prove he was somebody and all that psycho babble etc.----why would he then turn around and say .....Oh I am just a patsy....why not boast about it?

Anyone trying to earn a place in history definitely would not want to go down as just a patsy.

How bout dat psychoanalysis boyo?
Fuck, that's demented.

I never said why I think he did it. I don't know why the fuck he didn't it. Regardless, there is zero evidence a shot pierced the windshield. The windshield certainly didn't shatter. There's nothing visible on the Zapruder film revealing a shot when through the windshield. And neither the driver nor front seat passenger reacted as though a shot came through the windshield.
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.

So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?
Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president when reporters questioned him when in police custody.
"Lie Detector Tests. At least three lie detector (Psychological Stress Evaluator and Voice Stress Analyzer) tests were applied to recordings of Oswald's statements of innocence. He passed every one." The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald - Statement Analysis®

One the other hand James Files, who is in prison and has no hope of release, has very credibly confessed to being one of the shooters at Dealy Plaza the day of the JFK coup. Analysis of his recordings shows his remarks are very reliable
and credible. JFK MURDER SOLVED - Voice Stress Analysis Results - VSA

Geraldine Reid, a TSBD employee, was talking to Lee Oswald as the assassination took place and she testified to the Warren Commission. Geraldean Reid
What does the Warren Inquisition have to say about this?
”Lee Harvey Oswald "strenuously" denied shooting the president”

Yup, you convinced me, Oswald didn’t do it.

Too bad he died before he could go searching on golf courses for the real killer, huh?

Well, you tell me ....you and the other wc dupes claim he did it for the honor,glory and or to prove he was somebody and all that psycho babble etc.----why would he then turn around and say .....Oh I am just a patsy....why not boast about it?

Anyone trying to earn a place in history definitely would not want to go down as just a patsy.

How bout dat psychoanalysis boyo?
Fuck, that's demented.

I never said why I think he did it. I don't know why the fuck he didn't it. Regardless, there is zero evidence a shot pierced the windshield. The windshield certainly didn't shatter. There's nothing visible on the Zapruder film revealing a shot when through the windshield. And neither the driver nor front seat passenger reacted as though a shot came through the windshield.

You say....'He didn't it'.... sounds like a freudian slip. hehheh

Do not feel like the lone ranger though.....you have lots of company...otherwise known as the Warren Commission.

Now take a hike boyo and leave this discussion to those a little better prepared to analyze the evidence.
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.

No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.
I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed

Again you demonstrate you are not reading posts that have already been posted...you keep popping in here making statements that indicate you are not keeping up with what has been said already....you just keep repeating over and over the same stuff which has already been debunked.

No evidence Oswald actually got a rifle when he visited his wife. No verifiable evidence the rifle was even in the garage at that time. Was the garage locked? What type of lock was on the garage door if there was one? How difficult would it have been for a trained operative to have removed the rifle from the garage?

No valid evidence Oswald even shot at General Walker. Eye-witnesses said there were two men who drove off in a car and neither one of them looked like oswald. The only evidence you have is that his wife claimed he did.

Oswald presumably had a motive to shoot at the anti communist General but if Oswald did it in the manner his wife claims...it shows very careful planning. On the other hand ....if he shot JFK.....there was no plan at all. A huge contradiction.

The palm print on the rifle even if it was there (which is doubtful) does not mean Oswald used the rifle that day....the print could have come from when someone had him pose with the rifle.

Why would a careful planner like Oswald not wipe down the rifle before leaving the scene? Why would he have not done a better job of hiding or disposing of the rifle?

In truth it is more likely the real shooter left it there to be found in order to implicate Oswald. The 3 shells do not implicate Oswald in any manner.

There were sixty other employees in the bldg. besides Oswald....he worked there....his presence there in no way implicates him. It is highly unlikely Oswald would decide to shoot the president from his workplace....that would be extremely stupid.

He did not flee the building....he was seen shortly after the shooting by a policeman on the second floor getting a coke from the machine. Hardly the behavior of someone fleeing the scene.

The evidence linking Oswald to the shooting of Officer Tippit is very weak....there are reports it was not Oswald at all but the guy sent to kill Oswald when the Officer began questioning him....from the interview of Jame Files.

Evidence of Oswald's Innocence...................

Lee Harvey Oswald: Guilty or Not Guilty? : The JFK Assassination

So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?

The totality of evidence indicates the CIA orchestrated the event and used mob hitmen to kill JFK. Chuckie Nicoletti being the one in School Book Depository.

There is a lot of different kinds of evidence....from weak to strong....the evidence you believe in is extremely weak....as in it could have been and likely was planted by those who framed oswald.............the pyshsics and the ballistics as evidence are rendered irrelevant by the botched autopsy not even to mention experts disagree on what the physics actually are....as in 'for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction' ---watch the Zepruder film and you will see jfk's head knocked backwards and to the left by the killing shot from the grassy knoll.
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed

Again you demonstrate you are not reading posts that have already been posted...you keep popping in here making statements that indicate you are not keeping up with what has been said already....you just keep repeating over and over the same stuff which has already been debunked.

No evidence Oswald actually got a rifle when he visited his wife. No verifiable evidence the rifle was even in the garage at that time. Was the garage locked? What type of lock was on the garage door if there was one? How difficult would it have been for a trained operative to have removed the rifle from the garage?

No valid evidence Oswald even shot at General Walker. Eye-witnesses said there were two men who drove off in a car and neither one of them looked like oswald. The only evidence you have is that his wife claimed he did.

Oswald presumably had a motive to shoot at the anti communist General but if Oswald did it in the manner his wife claims...it shows very careful planning. On the other hand ....if he shot JFK.....there was no plan at all. A huge contradiction.

The palm print on the rifle even if it was there (which is doubtful) does not mean Oswald used the rifle that day....the print could have come from when someone had him pose with the rifle.

Why would a careful planner like Oswald not wipe down the rifle before leaving the scene? Why would he have not done a better job of hiding or disposing of the rifle?

In truth it is more likely the real shooter left it there to be found in order to implicate Oswald. The 3 shells do not implicate Oswald in any manner.

There were sixty other employees in the bldg. besides Oswald....he worked there....his presence there in no way implicates him. It is highly unlikely Oswald would decide to shoot the president from his workplace....that would be extremely stupid.

He did not flee the building....he was seen shortly after the shooting by a policeman on the second floor getting a coke from the machine. Hardly the behavior of someone fleeing the scene.

The evidence linking Oswald to the shooting of Officer Tippit is very weak....there are reports it was not Oswald at all but the guy sent to kill Oswald when the Officer began questioning him....from the interview of Jame Files.

Evidence of Oswald's Innocence...................

Lee Harvey Oswald: Guilty or Not Guilty? : The JFK Assassination

So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?

The totality of evidence indicates the CIA orchestrated the event and used mob hitmen to kill JFK. Chuckie Nicoletti being the one in School Book Depository.

There is a lot of different kinds of evidence....from weak to strong....the evidence you believe in is extremely weak....as in it could have been and likely was planted by those who framed oswald.............the pyshsics and the ballistics as evidence are rendered irrelevant by the botched autopsy not even to mention experts disagree on what the physics actually are....as in 'for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction' ---watch the Zepruder film and you will see jfk's head knocked backwards and to the left by the killing shot from the grassy knoll.
again.....since the wc dupes keep repeating themselves.....the following has to be repeated also.................The National Bar Association conducted two mock trials of Oswald.....the first one ended with a hung jury....the second trial resulted in a not guilty verdict for Oswald.

That disproves the claims of the wcdupes that there was strong and insurmountable evidence of the guilt of Oswald.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Nonsense..................pictures of the bullet hole in the jfk limo windshield - Google Search

The "Best Witness" - The Presidential Limo

About 40 witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy claimed either to have heard gunshots from the infamous grassy knoll in the northwest corner of Dealey Plaza, or to have seen smoke or smelled gunpowder in that area.
Last edited:
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:


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