Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
No one .....has claimed that.

It is thought the bullet from the front which went through the front windshield evidenced by the hole left in the front windshield struck JFK in the throat.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

Yes, there are several reflections on the windshield. You expect that when you take a picture of glass with the sun shining on it.
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
JFK assassination smoking gun windshield hole, Conclusive proof of front shooter, Man in front ducks and points, Secret service agent police and witnesses saw hole, Warren commission ignored
Clear evidence of a bullet hole in JFK limo's windshield (which was replaced by the Secret Service, more clear evidence of
cover up of a crime). The troll liars will not acknowledge this....they'd rather not.
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

Yes, there are several reflections on the windshield. You expect that when you take a picture of glass with the sun shining on it.

again.....since the wc dupes keep repeating themselves.....the following has to be repeated also.................The National Bar Association conducted two mock trials of Oswald.....the first one ended with a hung jury....the second trial resulted in a not guilty verdict for Oswald.

That disproves the claims of the wcdupes that there was strong and insurmountable evidence of the guilt of Oswald.
I guess this proves OJ is really innocent too. :dunno:
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:
A bullet breaks through the windshield yet neither the driver nor the passenger next to him react to that??

Suuuure... uh-huh. :cuckoo:

They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Nonsense..................pictures of the bullet hole in the jfk limo windshield - Google Search

The "Best Witness" - The Presidential Limo

About 40 witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy claimed either to have heard gunshots from the infamous grassy knoll in the northwest corner of Dealey Plaza, or to have seen smoke or smelled gunpowder in that area.
There's no bullet hole. You're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

again.....since the wc dupes keep repeating themselves.....the following has to be repeated also.................The National Bar Association conducted two mock trials of Oswald.....the first one ended with a hung jury....the second trial resulted in a not guilty verdict for Oswald.

That disproves the claims of the wcdupes that there was strong and insurmountable evidence of the guilt of Oswald.
I guess this proves OJ is really innocent too. :dunno:

O.J. was acquitted of murder in the Los Angeles trial.

However, he was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a Civil Court.

His unique shoe size and very rare brand of shoe he wore was the evidence that was needed.

In our legal system everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty.

We also have the law of 'double jeopardy' meaning one cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

Even if o.j. confessed to the murders which he did in a round about manner....he can never again be charged with those murders again.

Even though the civil court found him 'liable' for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman--that does not mean he was guilty of their murder.

Under the law he is not 'guilty' of those murders and will forever remain so under the law.

Karma however seemed to kick in and O.J. wound up having to spend several years in a Nevada Prision because he tried to reclaim some property taken from him by the Civil Court verdict....doing so in a criminal manner.... for which he was convicted in Las Vegas.....13 yrs to the day after he was acquitted of the murders in Los Angeles.

O.J. Simpson convicted of robbery and kidnapping

Unfortunately, for some no good reason the Nevada Courts let him out on parole....the last I heard--- he was still in Las Vegas.

I doubt if we have heard the last of him.
Last edited:
They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Nonsense..................pictures of the bullet hole in the jfk limo windshield - Google Search

The "Best Witness" - The Presidential Limo

About 40 witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy claimed either to have heard gunshots from the infamous grassy knoll in the northwest corner of Dealey Plaza, or to have seen smoke or smelled gunpowder in that area.
There's no bullet hole. You're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Eyewitness testimony and even a Secret Service agent says it is true.

That is more evidence than you have of Oswald being the shooter.

I am from the government you can trust me.

Last edited:
They were most likely in a state of shock.

'The bullet hole was seen by several witnesses after the limousine left Dealey Plaza. The two most notable are Dr Evalea Glanges and George Whitaker Sr, both interviewed for the groundbreaking documentary series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", produced by Briton Nigel Turner. Dr. Glanges saw the Limousine in-situ at Parkland Hospital as seen in the previous montage. As someone familiar with guns Dr. Glanges was well qualified to testify on what she saw. So too was Mr Whitaker, a man with many years experience of Automotive glass, including bullet testing. Their evidence is proof of two things. Firstly that the windshield bullet hole seen in the Altgens photograph was the result of a frontal shot. Secondly, and perhaps of greater significance, it is proof of the lengths to which the US government went to cover up what really happened in Dallas. As you will see from the following video, Mr Whitaker was witness to the destruction of evidence in a crime scene. Furthermore, that the same US government can, to this day, exhibit what it claims to be the same windshield that Dr. Glanges and Mr. Whitaker both saw and described in the National Archives is evidence that the event they covered up is of monumental significance. I will go into greater detail regarding the exhibit in the archives later.'

A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Nonsense..................pictures of the bullet hole in the jfk limo windshield - Google Search

The "Best Witness" - The Presidential Limo

About 40 witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy claimed either to have heard gunshots from the infamous grassy knoll in the northwest corner of Dealey Plaza, or to have seen smoke or smelled gunpowder in that area.
There's no bullet hole. You're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

STFU, dipshit.....

again.....since the wc dupes keep repeating themselves.....the following has to be repeated also.................The National Bar Association conducted two mock trials of Oswald.....the first one ended with a hung jury....the second trial resulted in a not guilty verdict for Oswald.

That disproves the claims of the wcdupes that there was strong and insurmountable evidence of the guilt of Oswald.
I guess this proves OJ is really innocent too. :dunno:

O.J. was acquitted of murder in the Los Angeles trial.

However, he was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a Civil Court.

His unique shoe size and very rare brand of shoe he wore was the evidence that was needed.

In our legal system everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty.

We also have the law of 'double jeopardy' meaning one cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

Even if o.j. confessed to the murders which he did in a round about manner....he can never again be charged with those murders again.

Even though the civil court found him 'liable' for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman--that does not mean he was guilty of their murder.

Under the law he is not 'guilty' of those murders and will forever remain so under the law.

Karma however seemed to kick in and O.J. wound up having to spend several years in a Nevada Prision because he tried to reclaim some property taken from him by the Civil Court verdict....doing so in a criminal manner.... for which he was convicted in Las Vegas.....13 yrs to the day after he was acquitted of the murders in Los Angeles.

O.J. Simpson convicted of robbery and kidnapping

Unfortunately, for some no good reason the Nevada Courts let him out on parole....the last I heard--- he was still in Las Vegas.

I doubt if we have heard the last of him.
And according to you, being found not guilty is proof a person is innocent.

There is no visible bullet hole in the windshield. But what is noticeable, is the secret service looking back for the shooter, not in front.


Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Nonsense..................pictures of the bullet hole in the jfk limo windshield - Google Search

The "Best Witness" - The Presidential Limo

About 40 witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy claimed either to have heard gunshots from the infamous grassy knoll in the northwest corner of Dealey Plaza, or to have seen smoke or smelled gunpowder in that area.
There's no bullet hole. You're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Eyewitness testimony and even a Secret Service agent says it is true.

That is more evidence than you have of Oswald being the shooter.

I am from the government you can trust me.

Why would I take the word from a confirmed kook like you over my own eyes? There's no bullet hole.....

again.....since the wc dupes keep repeating themselves.....the following has to be repeated also.................The National Bar Association conducted two mock trials of Oswald.....the first one ended with a hung jury....the second trial resulted in a not guilty verdict for Oswald.

That disproves the claims of the wcdupes that there was strong and insurmountable evidence of the guilt of Oswald.
I guess this proves OJ is really innocent too. :dunno:

O.J. was acquitted of murder in the Los Angeles trial.

However, he was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a Civil Court.

His unique shoe size and very rare brand of shoe he wore was the evidence that was needed.

In our legal system everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty.

We also have the law of 'double jeopardy' meaning one cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

Even if o.j. confessed to the murders which he did in a round about manner....he can never again be charged with those murders again.

Even though the civil court found him 'liable' for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman--that does not mean he was guilty of their murder.

Under the law he is not 'guilty' of those murders and will forever remain so under the law.

Karma however seemed to kick in and O.J. wound up having to spend several years in a Nevada Prision because he tried to reclaim some property taken from him by the Civil Court verdict....doing so in a criminal manner.... for which he was convicted in Las Vegas.....13 yrs to the day after he was acquitted of the murders in Los Angeles.

O.J. Simpson convicted of robbery and kidnapping

Unfortunately, for some no good reason the Nevada Courts let him out on parole....the last I heard--- he was still in Las Vegas.

I doubt if we have heard the last of him.
And according to you, being found not guilty is proof a person is innocent.

No one said that...not even the law says that....he was acquitted not found innocent.

Why do I have to explain everything to you.?
Last edited:
Are you blind? Can't you see that white dot in the windshield.

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Nonsense..................pictures of the bullet hole in the jfk limo windshield - Google Search

The "Best Witness" - The Presidential Limo

About 40 witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy claimed either to have heard gunshots from the infamous grassy knoll in the northwest corner of Dealey Plaza, or to have seen smoke or smelled gunpowder in that area.
There's no bullet hole. You're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Eyewitness testimony and even a Secret Service agent says it is true.

That is more evidence than you have of Oswald being the shooter.

I am from the government you can trust me.

Why would I take the word from a confirmed kook like you over my own eyes? There's no bullet hole.....

Do you wear glasses?
again.....since the wc dupes keep repeating themselves.....the following has to be repeated also.................The National Bar Association conducted two mock trials of Oswald.....the first one ended with a hung jury....the second trial resulted in a not guilty verdict for Oswald.

That disproves the claims of the wcdupes that there was strong and insurmountable evidence of the guilt of Oswald.
I guess this proves OJ is really innocent too. :dunno:

O.J. was acquitted of murder in the Los Angeles trial.

However, he was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a Civil Court.

His unique shoe size and very rare brand of shoe he wore was the evidence that was needed.

In our legal system everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty.

We also have the law of 'double jeopardy' meaning one cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

Even if o.j. confessed to the murders which he did in a round about manner....he can never again be charged with those murders again.

Even though the civil court found him 'liable' for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman--that does not mean he was guilty of their murder.

Under the law he is not 'guilty' of those murders and will forever remain so under the law.

Karma however seemed to kick in and O.J. wound up having to spend several years in a Nevada Prision because he tried to reclaim some property taken from him by the Civil Court verdict....doing so in a criminal manner.... for which he was convicted in Las Vegas.....13 yrs to the day after he was acquitted of the murders in Los Angeles.

O.J. Simpson convicted of robbery and kidnapping

Unfortunately, for some no good reason the Nevada Courts let him out on parole....the last I heard--- he was still in Las Vegas.

I doubt if we have heard the last of him.
And according to you, being found not guilty is proof a person is innocent.

No one said that...not even the law says that....he was acquitted not found innocent.

Why do I have to explain everything to you.?

You said two mock trials failed to prove Oswald was guilty -- and that was proof he didn't commit the crime.

That means OJ's acquittal means he didn't commit the crime.

See how that works?

A bullet hole doesn't leave a "white dot," ya nutbag. Even worse for you, had a bullet penetrated the windshield where you're imagining it did, it would have had to travel diagonally across the limo to hit JFK in the throat -- which would have placed the exit wound somewhere around his right shoulder.

It didn't. Aside from the fact that his throat WAS the exit wound, the transverse wound was in his upper back, almost directly behind his throat wound. Not at an angle.

And again, no reaction whatsoever from the driver, who according to retards like you, a bullet pierced the glass in front of his face and zinged past him.

Not to mention, there was no hole in the seat behind JFK.

Not to mention, you leave no room for Connally to be shot.

Fucking insane. :cuckoo:

Nonsense..................pictures of the bullet hole in the jfk limo windshield - Google Search

The "Best Witness" - The Presidential Limo

About 40 witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy claimed either to have heard gunshots from the infamous grassy knoll in the northwest corner of Dealey Plaza, or to have seen smoke or smelled gunpowder in that area.
There's no bullet hole. You're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Eyewitness testimony and even a Secret Service agent says it is true.

That is more evidence than you have of Oswald being the shooter.

I am from the government you can trust me.

Why would I take the word from a confirmed kook like you over my own eyes? There's no bullet hole.....

Do you wear glasses?
There's no bullet hole. You have to be hallucinating to see one here....

again.....since the wc dupes keep repeating themselves.....the following has to be repeated also.................The National Bar Association conducted two mock trials of Oswald.....the first one ended with a hung jury....the second trial resulted in a not guilty verdict for Oswald.

That disproves the claims of the wcdupes that there was strong and insurmountable evidence of the guilt of Oswald.
I guess this proves OJ is really innocent too. :dunno:

O.J. was acquitted of murder in the Los Angeles trial.

However, he was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a Civil Court.

His unique shoe size and very rare brand of shoe he wore was the evidence that was needed.

In our legal system everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty.

We also have the law of 'double jeopardy' meaning one cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

Even if o.j. confessed to the murders which he did in a round about manner....he can never again be charged with those murders again.

Even though the civil court found him 'liable' for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman--that does not mean he was guilty of their murder.

Under the law he is not 'guilty' of those murders and will forever remain so under the law.

Karma however seemed to kick in and O.J. wound up having to spend several years in a Nevada Prision because he tried to reclaim some property taken from him by the Civil Court verdict....doing so in a criminal manner.... for which he was convicted in Las Vegas.....13 yrs to the day after he was acquitted of the murders in Los Angeles.

O.J. Simpson convicted of robbery and kidnapping

Unfortunately, for some no good reason the Nevada Courts let him out on parole....the last I heard--- he was still in Las Vegas.

I doubt if we have heard the last of him.
And according to you, being found not guilty is proof a person is innocent.

No one said that...not even the law says that....he was acquitted not found innocent.

Why do I have to explain everything to you.?

You said two mock trials failed to prove Oswald was guilty -- and that was proof he didn't commit the crime.

That means OJ's acquittal means he didn't commit the crime.

See how that works?

No...again I have to explain the obvious....what the two mock trials demonstrated was that the evidence presented by the prosecution in the mock trials did not show enough evidence of oswalds guilt as in it was very weak as it did not meet the burden of proof to convict as in it did not pass the reasonable doubt test.

Thus one can logically assume if Oswald had lived and gone to trial he may not have been convicted....not even to mention if he had lived he would have been able to present a defense at his trial.

The Warren Commission would not even allow Oswald's mother's lawyer a seat on the commission to defend Oswald.

Thus the real significance of the two mock trials was to further demonstrate the failure of the Warren Commission to assemble adequate evidence of Oswald's guilt....and that is why the majority of Americans do not accept the Warren Commission report....only a few dupes believe the Warren Commission bullshit....even LBJ who set up the Warren Commision did not believe what they claimed. It was quite obvious the commission did not even want to get at the truth....their sole mission was to convince the American People of the lone nut theory....now why was that?

One theory is that they feared if they dug too deep they might find evidence of Russian or Cuban involvement which could have triggered a war.
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I guess this proves OJ is really innocent too. :dunno:

O.J. was acquitted of murder in the Los Angeles trial.

However, he was found liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in a Civil Court.

His unique shoe size and very rare brand of shoe he wore was the evidence that was needed.

In our legal system everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty.

We also have the law of 'double jeopardy' meaning one cannot be tried twice for the same offense.

Even if o.j. confessed to the murders which he did in a round about manner....he can never again be charged with those murders again.

Even though the civil court found him 'liable' for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman--that does not mean he was guilty of their murder.

Under the law he is not 'guilty' of those murders and will forever remain so under the law.

Karma however seemed to kick in and O.J. wound up having to spend several years in a Nevada Prision because he tried to reclaim some property taken from him by the Civil Court verdict....doing so in a criminal manner.... for which he was convicted in Las Vegas.....13 yrs to the day after he was acquitted of the murders in Los Angeles.

O.J. Simpson convicted of robbery and kidnapping

Unfortunately, for some no good reason the Nevada Courts let him out on parole....the last I heard--- he was still in Las Vegas.

I doubt if we have heard the last of him.
And according to you, being found not guilty is proof a person is innocent.

No one said that...not even the law says that....he was acquitted not found innocent.

Why do I have to explain everything to you.?

You said two mock trials failed to prove Oswald was guilty -- and that was proof he didn't commit the crime.

That means OJ's acquittal means he didn't commit the crime.

See how that works?

No...again I have to explain the obvious....what the two mock trials demonstrated was that the evidence presented by the prosecution in the mock trials did not show enough evidence of oswalds guilt as in it was very weak as it did not meet the burden of proof to convict as in it did not pass the reasonable doubt test.

Thus one can logically assume if Oswald had lived and gone to trial he may not have been convicted....not even to mention if he had lived he would have been able to present a defense at his trial.

The Warren Commission would not even allow Oswald's mother's lawyer a seat on the commission to defend Oswald.

Thus the real significance of the two mock trials was to further demonstrate the failure of the Warren Commission to assemble adequate evidence of Oswald's guilt....and that is why the majority of Americans do not accept the Warren Commission report....only a few dupes believe the Warren Commission bullshit....even LBJ who set up the Warren Commision did not believe what they claimed. It was quite obvious the commission did not even want to get at the truth....their sole mission was to convince the American People of the lone nut theory....now why was that?

One theory is that they feared if they dug too deep they might find evidence of Russian or Cuban involvement which could have triggered a war.

Mock trials get mock verdicts. It won’t stop us from mocking you
JFK Conspiracy: The Bullet Hole in the Windshield - James Fetzer
The windshield with the bullet hole was replaced by the Secret Service. The best evidence of the coup are the actions of the Warren Commission and all the players like the Secret Service themselves.
It shows absolute recognition of guilt.


The secret service was waiting with another windshield just in case the snipers missed? Did they have doors, hoods, trunks, seats, etc….all in stock to?

Seems to me like I were going to pull of a cover-up, I’d just replace he entire car; much easier, much quicker, and you don’t get holding a windshield.

Once again, a conspiracy kook defeats their own argument.

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