Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

God, did they ever embarrass themselves with jumping on bogus evidence
They concluded there were two shooters in Dallas...pretty much what a majority of Americans has maintained for decades.
It's the quislings in the distinct minority who are recycling Warren Commission lies who should feel embarrassed.
But one must have a sense of morality in order to feel shame.
Based on evidence that was subsequently debunked

The Warren Commission got it right
Allow me....the CIA assembled an all star team of assassins and they ended up looking like buffons. They fired through the windshield and missed....shot him through the back, hit him in the throat, hit an unintended target in Connolly, one shot ended up across from the grassy knoll, one shot hit the curb causing a busted piece of concrete to cut a bystander. Had it not been for the umbrella man to signal Greer to stop so Jack Allen Lawrence could get an unobstructed shot from the storm drain, Kennedy might have survived this.

Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Exactly right.
Well...that certainly is a theory. A whole team of ALL STAR assassins got 2 hits on a car moving 15 mph. If ignorance ever gets to $40 a barrel, can I have drilling rights on your skull?

That lame insult has been around for decades. You can't account for the numerous wounds, missed shots,etc,etc.......sad for you.

Every shot is accounted for; as is every wound.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! They missed and they missed badly until Greer stopped the car. Even the doctored Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head being lifted and up to the left. The kill shot was to the right temple and not to the back of the head. You believe the bullshit Warren report because you have a childlike faith in your beloved "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity that saw JFK as a threat to their hegemony. The murder of JFK was insignificant compared to the crimes against humanity that they have put upon leaders that didn't have the weapons to fend them off....the crimes that they have committed against the "citizens" of USA.INC. You are sooooo fucking naive.

Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Since when does the right temple bullet impact equal "back of the head", moron.......

There was no "right temple impact", you lying troll.
Nice. When the evidence doesn't line up with the theory, just say it was doctored. Much easier than admitting it doesn't fit. The kill shot was obviously from the back, as his head first jolted forward from the impact, then backward as his skull exploded at the front and his muscles contracted. Oswald shot JFK, there's no doubt.

Due to improper autopsy procedures it is a waste of time trying to figure out the ballistics of the head shots....different experts will have different opinions and that is the way it is....people choose which ones they prefer to believe.

Thus if one is interested in whether or not the Warren Commission Report is correct they will have to study other things, use some common sense and logic along with good analytical skills.

Only those like yourself who continue to occupy the seat of ignorance contend that the shots could not have come from behind. Since that is where they found the murder weapons--the one that LHO posed with--and LHO had the time, opportunity and arguably the motive to commit the crime, any reasonable person would deduce that Oswald was the gunman.

Eye-witness, candyporn......

None of the folks in the car have bullet wounds from the front....strange to suggest the shots came from there. LOL

Kennedy had a neck wound in the throat, dumb ass......

It was speculated that he had a entrance wound in the throat, dummy. it was later determined to be an exit wound.

"If a bullet exits from the skin without any resistance other than the tissue resistance, an exit hold with subsidiary tears results. . . . If, however, the bullet exits from the skin against pressure from a firm or hard object in contact with the skin, the appearances of the exit wounds are different. . . . If the object in contact with the skin is hard and the bullet exits against considerable resistance from it, the exit wound may not only be round but it may show a rim of abrasion in its margins. Such exit wounds could easily be mistaken for entrance wounds. Exit wounds of this nature may be seen when the victim is lying on the ground or standing against a wall when shot and the exited bullet is stopped by the ground or the wall. They may also be caused when the exited bullet hits a belt, buckle, tough clothing or a similar object in tight contact with the skin."

JFK Assassination Firearms Factoids -- The Small Throat Wound
Not only has Oswald’s employment with U.S. intelligence agencies been documented in official files and testimony, his mistress, Judyth Vary Baker, and his own mother, Marguerite Oswald, claimed they knew he was a government agent. According to "Judyth Vary Baker, Oswald revealed to her that he had infiltrated a ring to assassinate JFK, and although he had a feeling he was being set up, he had to stay in it because of fear that harm would come to his family if he backed out. He also told Baker that by remaining involved, one less bullet would be fired at JFK.

25 Facts About Lee Harvey Oswald You Were Never Told About.

Judyth Vary Baker? LMAO!!!!

Judyth Vary Baker -- Claims to Have Been Oswald's Girlfriend in New Orleans in 1963
OK Skippy

Provide your theory and any evidence supporting your theory

I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed
If Lee was recruited by the CIA. They most likely they wanted to see how he can handle a gun. His commanding officer may have handed him a rifle while wearing gloves at the shooting range. And after he has proven that he was able to handled the gun. They has taken it back. Then on the day of the assassination. Lee received the very same rifle that he used at the shooting range, Through the mail service. The CIA probably has put him on a mission to spy on the crowd when the motorcade comes through. But when the shots were fired, then he saw his commander pointed at him while he was watching through the window. He said this was a set up and ran off. It was very quick how they found him. As if they has already had someone tailing behind him.

Assassination Conspiracy Trial
Conspiracy Trial

United States Department Of Justice Investigation Of Recent Allegations Regarding The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

But I believe in the NPR report. They always tells the truth about what is going on. But the King's family report, remember they are Black people. Some says that they doesn't listen that very well.

Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed
Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed

"most likley" "May" "If"

Just conspiracy theroy crap.
I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed
If Lee was recruited by the CIA. They most likely they wanted to see how he can handle a gun. His commanding officer may have handed him a rifle while wearing gloves at the shooting range. And after he has proven that he was able to handled the gun. They has taken it back. Then on the day of the assassination. Lee received the very same rifle that he used at the shooting range, Through the mail service. The CIA probably has put him on a mission to spy on the crowd when the motorcade comes through. But when the shots were fired, then he saw his commander pointed at him while he was watching through the window. He said this was a set up and ran off. It was very quick how they found him. As if they has already had someone tailing behind him.

Assassination Conspiracy Trial
Conspiracy Trial

United States Department Of Justice Investigation Of Recent Allegations Regarding The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

But I believe in the NPR report. They always tells the truth about what is going on. But the King's family report, remember they are Black people. Some says that they doesn't listen that very well.

Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed
Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed

"most likley" "May" "If"

Just conspiracy theroy crap.

I'm tired of these conspiracy theory nuts. Unless they post some REAL evidence and not just the lying fantasies from the conspiracy theory sites, I'm not going to engage them. All they deserve is to be mocked.
I have never claimed to have a personal theory......only that that I believe Oswald was a patsy.

Post after post after post by me and others have shown the evidence that would support that.

Do you even read posts that contradict your support of the W.C.?

If you are going to continue to make comments you should try to keep up on what has been said and posted.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed
If Lee was recruited by the CIA. They most likely they wanted to see how he can handle a gun. His commanding officer may have handed him a rifle while wearing gloves at the shooting range. And after he has proven that he was able to handled the gun. They has taken it back. Then on the day of the assassination. Lee received the very same rifle that he used at the shooting range, Through the mail service. The CIA probably has put him on a mission to spy on the crowd when the motorcade comes through. But when the shots were fired, then he saw his commander pointed at him while he was watching through the window. He said this was a set up and ran off. It was very quick how they found him. As if they has already had someone tailing behind him.

Assassination Conspiracy Trial
Conspiracy Trial

United States Department Of Justice Investigation Of Recent Allegations Regarding The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

But I believe in the NPR report. They always tells the truth about what is going on. But the King's family report, remember they are Black people. Some says that they doesn't listen that very well.

Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed
Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed

"most likley" "May" "If"

Just conspiracy theroy crap.
Yea, I guess they should arrest the King's family for going around telling people that they won a lawsuit against the federal government for their involvement in assassinating their father Martin. i would never expect them to come up with a lie like that .
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed
If Lee was recruited by the CIA. They most likely they wanted to see how he can handle a gun. His commanding officer may have handed him a rifle while wearing gloves at the shooting range. And after he has proven that he was able to handled the gun. They has taken it back. Then on the day of the assassination. Lee received the very same rifle that he used at the shooting range, Through the mail service. The CIA probably has put him on a mission to spy on the crowd when the motorcade comes through. But when the shots were fired, then he saw his commander pointed at him while he was watching through the window. He said this was a set up and ran off. It was very quick how they found him. As if they has already had someone tailing behind him.

Assassination Conspiracy Trial
Conspiracy Trial

United States Department Of Justice Investigation Of Recent Allegations Regarding The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

But I believe in the NPR report. They always tells the truth about what is going on. But the King's family report, remember they are Black people. Some says that they doesn't listen that very well.

Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed
Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed

"most likley" "May" "If"

Just conspiracy theroy crap.
Yea, I guess they should arrest the King's family for going around telling people that they won a lawsuit against the federal government for their involvement in assassinating their father Martin. i would never expect them to come up with a lie like that .

It's a mental illness.
So, where does that leave us?

I have:
A murder weapon
Bullets fired from that weapon
Oswald’s prints on the weapon
Proof it was Oswald’s gun
A shooter fleeing the scene
A shooter killing a policeman who was questioning him

You have:

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed
If Lee was recruited by the CIA. They most likely they wanted to see how he can handle a gun. His commanding officer may have handed him a rifle while wearing gloves at the shooting range. And after he has proven that he was able to handled the gun. They has taken it back. Then on the day of the assassination. Lee received the very same rifle that he used at the shooting range, Through the mail service. The CIA probably has put him on a mission to spy on the crowd when the motorcade comes through. But when the shots were fired, then he saw his commander pointed at him while he was watching through the window. He said this was a set up and ran off. It was very quick how they found him. As if they has already had someone tailing behind him.

Assassination Conspiracy Trial
Conspiracy Trial

United States Department Of Justice Investigation Of Recent Allegations Regarding The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

But I believe in the NPR report. They always tells the truth about what is going on. But the King's family report, remember they are Black people. Some says that they doesn't listen that very well.

Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed
Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed

"most likley" "May" "If"

Just conspiracy theroy crap.

I'm tired of these conspiracy theory nuts. Unless they post some REAL evidence and not just the lying fantasies from the conspiracy theory sites, I'm not going to engage them. All they deserve is to be mocked.

I don't come by as much as I used to but it is fun to see what the "new" theories into the 60 year old crime are and it's also fun to point out how the theories rarely account for the physical evidence.

Like if you're going to say someone was shooting from the gutter, one would wonder how Conally got hit in the leg.

Like if you're going to say that Oswald was not involved, you have to account for how his rifle got into the TSBD.

And, my favorite, if you're going to say the WC is wrong...you have to point out what they got wrong.

Their putting me on ignore because I kept asking them to account for the physical evidence was a trophy. By the same token, I do think there are open questions about Oswald's motivations. Chief among these is the "lone nut" theory as some call it. If you're going to say that he was a little man who desired a place in history and had the means, motive and opportunity to shoot JFK...okay. But please tell us why there are not "lone nuts" taking pot shots at Presidents every third Wednesday on the calendar. We certainly have no shortage of nutcases in the nation....we certainly have no shortage of high powered rifles that are accurate up to about a mile away...we certainly have no shortage of animosity with whomever is the President...and we certainly have a very robust component of law enforcement and protection of the President but they couldn't stop every nut job out there. So I don't buy the "lone nut" theory. I also question why he didn't assemble his arsenal prior to going to work that day, how he came to work on the motorcade route, and why there is this confusion from our intelligence community on his visit to the embassies in Mexico City.
The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed
If Lee was recruited by the CIA. They most likely they wanted to see how he can handle a gun. His commanding officer may have handed him a rifle while wearing gloves at the shooting range. And after he has proven that he was able to handled the gun. They has taken it back. Then on the day of the assassination. Lee received the very same rifle that he used at the shooting range, Through the mail service. The CIA probably has put him on a mission to spy on the crowd when the motorcade comes through. But when the shots were fired, then he saw his commander pointed at him while he was watching through the window. He said this was a set up and ran off. It was very quick how they found him. As if they has already had someone tailing behind him.

Assassination Conspiracy Trial
Conspiracy Trial

United States Department Of Justice Investigation Of Recent Allegations Regarding The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

But I believe in the NPR report. They always tells the truth about what is going on. But the King's family report, remember they are Black people. Some says that they doesn't listen that very well.

Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed
Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed

"most likley" "May" "If"

Just conspiracy theroy crap.

I'm tired of these conspiracy theory nuts. Unless they post some REAL evidence and not just the lying fantasies from the conspiracy theory sites, I'm not going to engage them. All they deserve is to be mocked.

I don't come by as much as I used to but it is fun to see what the "new" theories into the 60 year old crime are and it's also fun to point out how the theories rarely account for the physical evidence.

Like if you're going to say someone was shooting from the gutter, one would wonder how Conally got hit in the leg.

Like if you're going to say that Oswald was not involved, you have to account for how his rifle got into the TSBD.

And, my favorite, if you're going to say the WC is wrong...you have to point out what they got wrong.

Their putting me on ignore because I kept asking them to account for the physical evidence was a trophy. By the same token, I do think there are open questions about Oswald's motivations. Chief among these is the "lone nut" theory as some call it. If you're going to say that he was a little man who desired a place in history and had the means, motive and opportunity to shoot JFK...okay. But please tell us why there are not "lone nuts" taking pot shots at Presidents every third Wednesday on the calendar. We certainly have no shortage of nutcases in the nation....we certainly have no shortage of high powered rifles that are accurate up to about a mile away...we certainly have no shortage of animosity with whomever is the President...and we certainly have a very robust component of law enforcement and protection of the President but they couldn't stop every nut job out there. So I don't buy the "lone nut" theory. I also question why he didn't assemble his arsenal prior to going to work that day, how he came to work on the motorcade route, and why there is this confusion from our intelligence community on his visit to the embassies in Mexico City.

Not to brag, but I got on their ignore lists first. :)

I actually see the not assembling the arsenal first as a sign that he did do it. I think if he was part of some grand conspiracy, he would have been working and planning for months and months and would have everything assembled ahead of time. As it was, he seemed to be freelancing it, dealing with things as they popped into his head. He got the job on the motorcade route long before it was announced, so I think that was accidental. I think he WAS trying to court Cuba and the USSR, but I think they saw him as a loser who they didn't want to deal with in any meaningful way.
Based on evidence that was subsequently debunked

The Warren Commission got it right
Were they able to debunk the gaping exit wound in the back of the president's head?
The Mysteries of Dealey Plaza: Let There Be Sound!: The Acoustics Evidence in the JFK Assassination

If that is an exit wound….how did Connally get hit?

"The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (Warren Commission) concluded that President Kennedy was struck by two bullets that were fired from above and behind him. According to the Commission, one bullet hit the President near the base of the back of the neck, slightly to the right of the spine, and exited from the front of the neck. The other entered the right rear of the President's head and exited from the right side of the head, causing a large wound.

The Commission based its findings primarily upon the testimony of the doctors who had treated the President at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas and the doctors who performed the autopsy on the President at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.

In forming this conclusion, neither the members of the Warren Commission, nor its staff, nor the doctors who had performed the autopsy, took advantage of the X-rays and photographs of the President that were taken during the course of the autopsy. The reason for the failure of the Warren Commission to examine these primary materials is that there was a commitment to make public all evidence examined by the Commission. The Commission was concerned that publication of the autopsy X-rays and photographs would be an invasion of the privacy of the Kennedy family. The Commission's decision to rely solely on the testimony of the doctors precluded the possibility that the Commission might make use of a review of the autopsy evidence by independent medical experts to determine if they concurred with the findings of the doctors at Parkland and Bethesda.

A determination of the number and location of the President's wounds was critical to resolving the question of whether there was more than one assassin. The secrecy that surrounded the autopsy proceedings, therefore, has led to considerable skepticism toward the Commission's findings. Concern has been expressed that authorities were less than candid, since the Navy doctor in charge of the autopsy conducted at Bethesda Naval Hospital destroyed his notes, and the Warren Commission decided to forego an opportunity to view the X-rays and photographs or to permit anyone else to inspect them.

The skepticism has been reinforced by a film taken of the Presidential motorcade at the moment of the assassination by an amateur movie photographer, Abraham Zapruder. In the Zapruder film, the President's head is apparently thrown backward as the front right side of the skull appears to explode, suggesting to critics of the Warren Commission's findings that the President was struck by a bullet that entered the front of the head. Such a bullet, it has been argued, was fired by a gunman positioned on the grassy knoll, a park-like area to the right and to the front of where the moving limousine was located at the instant of the fatal shot.

Since the Warren Commission completed its investigation, two other Government panels have subjected the X-rays and photographs taken during the autopsy on President Kennedy to examination by independent medical experts. A team of forensic pathologists appointed by Attorney general Ramsey Clark in 1968, and a panel retained by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States (Rockefeller Commission) in 1975, reached the same basic conclusion: the President was struck by two bullets from behind. But neither panel published the X-rays and photographs, nor did either explain the basis of its conclusions in a public hearing. Consequently, neither panel was able to relieve significantly doubts that have persisted over the years about the nature and location of the President's wounds.

(a) Reliance on scientific analysis

The committee believed from the beginning of its investigation that the most reliable evidence upon which it could base determinations as to what happened in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, was an analysis of hard scientific data. Accordingly, the committee contracted with leading independent experts in the fields of forensic pathology, ballistics, photography, acoustics, neutron activation analysis and other disciplines. The reports submitted by these experts were fully considered by the committee in formulating its findings.

(1) The medical evidence.--The committee's forensic pathology panel was composed of nine members, eight of whom were chief medical examiners in major local jurisdictions in the United States. As a group, they had been responsible for more than 100,000 autopsies, an accumulation of experience the committee deemed invaluable in the evaluation of the medical evidence--including the autopsy X-rays and photographs--to determine the cause of death of the President and the nature and location of his wounds. The panel was also asked to recommend guidelines in the event of a future assassination of a President or other high Federal official.

The committee also employed experts to authenticate the autopsy materials. Neither the Clark Panel nor the Rockefeller Commission undertook to determine if the X-rays and photographs were, in fact, authentic. The committee, in light of the numerous issues that had arisen over the years with respect to autopsy X-rays and photographs, believed authentication to be a crucial step in the investigation.

The authentication of the autopsy X-rays and photographs was accomplished by the committee with the assistance of its photographic evidence panel as well as forensic dentists, forensic anthropologists and radiologists working for the committee. Two questions were put to these experts:

Could the photographs and X-rays stored in the National Archives be positively identified as being of President Kennedy?

Was there any evidence that any of these photographs or X-rays had been altered in any manner?

To determine if the photographs of the autopsy subject were in fact of the President, forensic anthropologists compared the autopsy photographs with ante-mortem pictures of the President. This comparison was done on the basis of both metric and morphological features. The metric analysis relied upon a series of facial measurements taken from the photographs, while the morphological analysis was focused on consistency of physical features, particularly those that could be considered distinctive (shape of the nose, patterns of facial lines, et cetera). Once unique characteristics were identified, posterior and anterior autopsy photographs were compared to verify that they, in fact, depicted the same person.

The anthropologists studied the autopsy X-rays in conjunction with premortem X-rays of the President. A sufficient number of unique anatomic characteristics were present in X-rays taken before and after the President's death to conclude that the autopsy X-rays were of President Kennedy. This conclusion was consistent with the findings of a forensic dentist employed by the committee. Since many of the X-rays taken during the course of the autopsy included the President's teeth, it was possible to determine, using the President's dental records, that the X-rays were of the President.

Once the forensic dentist and anthropologists had determined that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were of the President, photographic scientists and radiologists examined the original autopsy photographs, negatives, transparencies, and X-rays for signs of alteration. They concluded there was no evidence of the photographic or radio graphic materials having been altered. Consequently, the committee determined that the autopsy X-rays and photographs were a valid basis for the conclusions of the committee's forensic pathology panel.

While the examination of the autopsy X-rays and photographs was the principal basis of its analysis, the forensic pathology panel also had access to all relevant witness testimony. In addition, all tests and evidence analyses requested by the panel were performed. It was only after considering all of this evidence that the panel reached its conclusions.

The forensic pathology panel concluded that President Kennedy was struck by two, and only two, bullets, each of which entered from the rear. 1 The panel further concluded that the President was struck by one bullet that entered in the upper right of the back and exited from the front of the throat, and one bullet that entered in the right rear of the head near the cowlick area and exited from the right side of the head, toward the front. This second bullet caused a massive wound to the President's head upon exit. There is no medical evidence that the President was struck by a bullet entering the front of the head,(19) and the possibility that a bullet could have struck the President and yet left no evidence is extremely remote. Because this conclusion appears to be inconsistent with the backward motion of the President's head in the Zapruder film, the committee consulted a wound ballistics expert to determine what relationship, if any, exists between the direction from which a bullet strikes the head and subsequent head movement. The expert concluded that nerve damage from a bullet entering the President's head could have caused his back muscles to tighten which, in turn, could have caused his head to move toward the rear. He demonstrated the phenomenon in a filmed experiment which involved the shooting of goats. Thus, the committee determined that the rearward movement of the President's head would not be fundamentally inconsistent with a bullet striking from the rear.

The forensic pathology panel determined that Governor Connally was struck by a bullet from the rear, one that entered just below the right armpit and exited below the right nipple of the chest. It then shattered the radius bone of the Governor's right wrist and caused a superficial wound to the left thigh. Based on its examination of the nature and alignment of the Governor's wounds, the panel concluded that they were all caused by a single bullet that came from the rear. It concluded further that, having caused the Governor's wounds, the bullet was dislodged from his left thigh.

The panel determined that the nature of the wounds of President Kennedy and Governor Connally was consistent with the possibility that one bullet entered the upper right back of President Kennedy and, after emerging from the front of the neck, caused all of the Governor's wounds A factor that influenced the panel significantly was the ovoid shape of the wound in the Governor's back, indicating that the bullet had begun to tumble or yaw before entering. An ovoid wound is characteristic of one caused by a bullet that has passed through or glanced off an intervening object. Based on the evidence available to it, the panel concluded that a single bullet passing through both President Kennedy and Governor Connally would support a fundamental conclusion that the President was struck by two, and only two, bullets, each fired from behind. (Thus, the forensic pathology panel's conclusions were consistent with the so-called single bullet theory advanced by the Warren Commission.

(2) Reaction times and alinement.--The hypothesis that both the President and the Governor were struck by a single bullet had originally been based on the Warren Commission's examination of the Zapruder film and test firings of the assassination rifle. The time between the observable reactions of the President and of the Governor was too short to have allowed, according to the Commission's test firings, two shots to have been fired from the same rifle. FBI marksmen who test fired the rifle for the Commission employed the telescopic sight on the rifle, and the minimum firing time between shots was approximately 2.25 to 2.3 seconds. The time between the observable reactions of the President and the Governor, according to the Commission, was less than two seconds.

The Commission determined that its hypothesis that the same bullet struck both the President and the Governor was supported by visual observations of the relative alinement of the two men in the limousine, by a trajectory analysis and by wound ballistics tests. The Commission said, however, that a determination of which shot hit the Governor was "not necessary to any essential findings."

The 'alleged' murder weapon was not proven to be in possession of Oswald on the day of the assassination.

Bullets fired from the weapon does not demonstrate who fired the weapon.

Oswald's alleged palm print on the weapon has been debunked

You have no valid proof that Oswald even bought the weapon much less that he was even in possession of the weapon on the day of the assassination.

It has been pointed out that the rifle in question was purchased via mail order....which could have been done by anyone using any name. No clear evidence that it was Oswald. Anyone could have rented a p.o. box in oswald's name....especially someone with the resources of the FBI, CIA or the mafia.

Oswald was encountered by a policeman at the coke machine in the book bldg. ....he did not appear to be fleeing. Oswald said he left the building because he assumed due to all the confusion it would be shut down as it was and thence no reason for him to hang around.

The theory oswald killed officer j.d. Tippet has also been disputed.

Lee Harvey Oswald.....the patsy: Senator Richard Russell Suspected Foul Play In JFK Assassination | <b><i><a href="http://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>

Physical Evidence of Conspiracy

Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Oswald
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed
If Lee was recruited by the CIA. They most likely they wanted to see how he can handle a gun. His commanding officer may have handed him a rifle while wearing gloves at the shooting range. And after he has proven that he was able to handled the gun. They has taken it back. Then on the day of the assassination. Lee received the very same rifle that he used at the shooting range, Through the mail service. The CIA probably has put him on a mission to spy on the crowd when the motorcade comes through. But when the shots were fired, then he saw his commander pointed at him while he was watching through the window. He said this was a set up and ran off. It was very quick how they found him. As if they has already had someone tailing behind him.

Assassination Conspiracy Trial
Conspiracy Trial

United States Department Of Justice Investigation Of Recent Allegations Regarding The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

But I believe in the NPR report. They always tells the truth about what is going on. But the King's family report, remember they are Black people. Some says that they doesn't listen that very well.

Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed
Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed

"most likley" "May" "If"

Just conspiracy theroy crap.
Yea, I guess they should arrest the King's family for going around telling people that they won a lawsuit against the federal government for their involvement in assassinating their father Martin. i would never expect them to come up with a lie like that .

It's a mental illness.

the case is closed you stupid fuck because our corrupt government instituions WANT it closed.:cuckoo:

yep its a mental illness you lone nut theorists have have the fact you are too afraid to look at the evidence,being afraid like that would classify as mental illness.:abgg2q.jpg: you paid shills lie through your teeth anytime you are backjed up against the wall with link and viddeos you cant counter,:abgg2q.jpg: there you go lying again,we are conspiracy REALIST,you magic bullets theorists are the theorists.:abgg2q.jpg:
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