Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Still no evidence that Oswald had any assistance in killing JFK
Dear Troll....fuck off! Merely repeating your lies over and over again doesn't get it done.
Just take one single aspect of the Warren Commission cover up and explain it away, if you can. JFK Parkland Hospital Description of HEAD and THROAT shot Wounds Dallas Doctors kennedy: Grand Subversion.
Tell me why all these physicians were wrong, and wrong in precisely the same way.

And if you can't, which is already a foregone conclusion, why not just slink away like a cowardly liar?
Still no evidence that Oswald had any assistance in killing JFK
There's plenty of evidence to the people who do their homework instead of closing their their eyes with their fingers in their ears going lalalala.

Actually, the evidence is on the side of the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The only problem with the HSCA is that they relied on flawed acoustical evidence that led them to believe there were shots caught on tape which weren't really there. Therefore, they thought they found evidence of multiple shooters that weren't there.

Other than that, the science settled what happened and the Conspiracy Theory dupes are just supporting a fictional story that's used to sell books that are full of "may" and "if" and "might" and other such words.
They did not have physical access to the body.
Nor were they tasked to do a forensic evaluation
JFK was brought to the Parkland hospital in Dallas after he was shot. What do you mean the doctor's did not have "physical access" to the body? That's just stupid and a very lame bit of
excuse making.
The ER doctors were all there to attend to people like the president, who was victim of a shooting incident, on a most basic level. Your jibber-jabber about a "forensic evaluation" is just embarrassingly stupid and lame.

There is no question the shot came from the rear
There is no question you are an amoral liar.
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that. The wound on the right side was an exit wound, not an entrance wound.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.
Last edited:
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

The limo never stopped. Stupid because you believe in fantasy. I don't have to make a case that the Warren Commission report is worth the paper it was written on because the science is unchallenged and CONFIRMED by the HSCA report. Sorry, but you're just another conspiracy theory troll who rejects science and prefers lies over truth.
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

The limo never stopped. Stupid because you believe in fantasy. I don't have to make a case that the Warren Commission report is worth the paper it was written on because the science is unchallenged and CONFIRMED by the HSCA report. Sorry, but you're just another conspiracy theory troll who rejects science and prefers lies over truth.

Stupid people laugh because they have no argument to offer.
They did not have physical access to the body.
Nor were they tasked to do a forensic evaluation
JFK was brought to the Parkland hospital in Dallas after he was shot. What do you mean the doctor's did not have "physical access" to the body? That's just stupid and a very lame bit of
excuse making.
The ER doctors were all there to attend to people like the president, who was victim of a shooting incident, on a most basic level. Your jibber-jabber about a "forensic evaluation" is just embarrassingly stupid and lame.

There is no question the shot came from the rear
There is no question you are an amoral liar.

I thought you had him on ignore….hmmm?

BTW: your post is shit.
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?
Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.
I guess all the many, many medical personnel (ER doctors, nurses and even a couple of Secret Service agents) at Parkland hospital in Dallas, where Kennedy was brought immediately after her was shot in a coup d'etat, were all having a mutually shared hallucination then.
kennedy - back of the head witnesses - parkland

They all to a person swear to a gaping head wound in the occipital posterior region of the president's skull (that's the back of his head, to you).
How could so many trained doctors who were trying to treat the president and were all as aware of his physical state as they could be ALL saying one thing, to a man, while you at your little keyboard say another? Someone must be very wrong here.

Either you, someone who has actually seen the Zapruder film, is completely wrong about how Kennedy was killed.

Or ALL the doctors at Parkland hospital, who actually held his head in their hands and who had to treat him based on the nature and seriousness of his head wound, and who had to assess the nature and seriousness of his wounds in order to do so and who were all trained and experienced knowledgeable emergency room doctors were all wrong because they all, everyone of them, didn't know what they saw and, according to you, ALL saw something that did not exist even though they ALL attested to the exact same thing!
A mass hallucination of the medical kind....:113:

Is that what you want everyone to believe?
Still no evidence that Oswald had any assistance in killing JFK
There's plenty of evidence to the people who do their homework instead of closing their their eyes with their fingers in their ears going lalalala.

Actually, the evidence is on the side of the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The only problem with the HSCA is that they relied on flawed acoustical evidence that led them to believe there were shots caught on tape which weren't really there. Therefore, they thought they found evidence of multiple shooters that weren't there.

Other than that, the science settled what happened and the Conspiracy Theory dupes are just supporting a fictional story that's used to sell books that are full of "may" and "if" and "might" and other such words.

I'll be the first to admit the "may" and "if" are centerpieces of my problems with parts of the Warren Commission findings. For reasons I mentioned before, but will re-state them here....

  1. Oswald is one of the few who are able to defect from one superpower to another....
  2. Oswald just happens to be working along the motorcade route...
  3. Oswald visits the Cuban and USSR Embassies in Mexico City a month before the assassination...
  4. Oswald, after shooting JFK, wastes precious time to go home and get his revolver which is something that he could have done the day before.

Sorry to have wasted your time on re-stating those as we have been around this block a time or two already.

Anyway to get back to it; here is what I think happened--complete with the "may" and "if" statements.

1 & 2: The double-defection. Coincidence perhaps. This Wiki page lists 13 defectors from the US to Russia (post Stalin).
Template:American defectors to the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
I think Oswald and two others were allowed to come back (Kock and Webster)
That one of the three would be there in Dallas on that day??? Seems weird. But that is a "may"

3: Visiting the Embassies in Cuba. This is probably my biggest "may" and "if". We'll never know what went on in that embassy but what I think may have happened was this.
  • Oswald offers his services to kill either LBJ or JFK. Living in Texas, he knows that at least LBJ will be doing campaign visits for the 1964 election down there.
  • So he offers his services and is told an official "no". An agent or station chief or just a clerk there gives him a message that there will be assistance provided; again all unofficial without any guidance from Havana. There may be phone calls or even in-person meetings with agents in the Cuban Intel network in the US with Oswald promising the assistance.
  • The Stateside agent is told to meet with Oswald just once and take no further action.
  • Oswald kills JFK thinking he will be taken out of Dallas.
  • Nothing happens for 5-10 minutes after killing JFK so then he decides to take matters into his own hands which leads to the rather bizarre moves Oswald made after he killed JFK.
  • I think that is what lead him to the theater; that is where he met the Intel agent and hoped to meet him there to ask what the plan was or again for possible extraction.
  • Or, maybe, the support had every intention of showing up and couldn't because of the chaos in and around Dealy Plaza that day.

4: Going home to get his revolver. We've been over this before. I think any reasonable person who takes the time to conceal his rifle and is careful enough to do that, would have thought to get his revolver if he knew it was a suicide mission he was undertaking the next day. To me, this is a non-starter which speaks to to

Its all conjecture on my part. But that is where I am on the whole thing. All of this nonsense about 2nd shooters and teams of assassins is nonsense though.


One other thing though; this is what he HSCA did say in their report pursuant to the enumerated points listed above:

On conspiracy, the Commission stated, "...if there is any ... evidence [of it], it has been beyond the reach of all the investigative agencies and resources of the United States and has not come to the attention of this Commission."(27) Instead of such definitive language, the Commission should have candidly acknowledged the limitations of its investigation and denoted areas where there were shortcomings.

As the committee's investigation demonstrated, substantive new information has been developed in many areas since the Warren Commission completed its work. Particular areas where the committee determined the performance of the Commission was less than complete include the following: Oswald's activities and associations during the periods he lived in New Orleans;
The circumstances surrounding the 2 1/2 years Oswald spent in the Soviet Union;
The background, activities, and associations of Jack Ruby, particularly with regard to organized crime;
The conspiratorial and potentially violent climate created by the Cuban issue in the early 1960's, in particular the possible consequences of the CIA-Mafia assassination plots against Castro and their concealment from officials of the Kennedy administration;
The potential significance of specific threats identified by the Secret Service during 1963, and their possible relationship to the ultimate assassination of the President;
The possible effect upon the FBI's investigation from Director Hoover's disciplining agents for their conduct of the Oswald security case;
The full nature and extent of Oswald's visit to Mexico City 2 months prior to the assassination, including not only his contact with the Soviet and Cuban diplomatic offices there, and the CIA's monitoring of his activities there, but also his possible associations and activities outside of those offices;
The violent attitude of powerful organized crime figures toward the President and Attorney General Robert Kennedy, their capacity to commit murder, including assassination, and their possible access to Oswald through his associates or relatives; and
Analysis of all available scientific evidence to determine the number of shots fired at the President.

The same committee did say that their conclusions were that the Soviet and Cuban governments had nothing to do with JFK's assassination.
Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.
I guess all the many, many medical personnel (ER doctors, nurses and even a couple of Secret Service agents) at Parkland hospital in Dallas, where Kennedy was brought immediately after her was shot in a coup d'etat, were all having a mutually shared hallucination then.
kennedy - back of the head witnesses - parkland

They all to a person swear to a gaping head wound in the occipital posterior region of the president's skull (that's the back of his head, to you).
How could so many trained doctors who were trying to treat the president and were all as aware of his physical state as they could be ALL saying one thing, to a man, while you at your little keyboard say another? Someone must be very wrong here.

Either you, someone who has actually seen the Zapruder film, is completely wrong about how Kennedy was killed.

Or ALL the doctors at Parkland hospital, who actually held his head in their hands and who had to treat him based on the nature and seriousness of his head wound, and who had to assess the nature and seriousness of his wounds in order to do so and who were all trained and experienced knowledgeable emergency room doctors were all wrong because they all, everyone of them, didn't know what they saw and, according to you, ALL saw something that did not exist even though they ALL attested to the exact same thing!
A mass hallucination of the medical kind....:113:

Is that what you want everyone to believe?

Oswald shot him from above and behind; there should be a large head wound in the back of the head above the neckline.
Still no evidence that Oswald had any assistance in killing JFK
There's plenty of evidence to the people who do their homework instead of closing their their eyes with their fingers in their ears going lalalala.

Actually, the evidence is on the side of the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The only problem with the HSCA is that they relied on flawed acoustical evidence that led them to believe there were shots caught on tape which weren't really there. Therefore, they thought they found evidence of multiple shooters that weren't there.

Other than that, the science settled what happened and the Conspiracy Theory dupes are just supporting a fictional story that's used to sell books that are full of "may" and "if" and "might" and other such words.

I'll be the first to admit the "may" and "if" are centerpieces of my problems with parts of the Warren Commission findings. For reasons I mentioned before, but will re-state them here....

  1. Oswald is one of the few who are able to defect from one superpower to another....
  2. Oswald just happens to be working along the motorcade route...
  3. Oswald visits the Cuban and USSR Embassies in Mexico City a month before the assassination...
  4. Oswald, after shooting JFK, wastes precious time to go home and get his revolver which is something that he could have done the day before.

Sorry to have wasted your time on re-stating those as we have been around this block a time or two already.

Anyway to get back to it; here is what I think happened--complete with the "may" and "if" statements.

1 & 2: The double-defection. Coincidence perhaps. This Wiki page lists 13 defectors from the US to Russia (post Stalin).
Template:American defectors to the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
I think Oswald and two others were allowed to come back (Kock and Webster)
That one of the three would be there in Dallas on that day??? Seems weird. But that is a "may"

3: Visiting the Embassies in Cuba. This is probably my biggest "may" and "if". We'll never know what went on in that embassy but what I think may have happened was this.
  • Oswald offers his services to kill either LBJ or JFK. Living in Texas, he knows that at least LBJ will be doing campaign visits for the 1964 election down there.
  • So he offers his services and is told an official "no". An agent or station chief or just a clerk there gives him a message that there will be assistance provided; again all unofficial without any guidance from Havana. There may be phone calls or even in-person meetings with agents in the Cuban Intel network in the US with Oswald promising the assistance.
  • The Stateside agent is told to meet with Oswald just once and take no further action.
  • Oswald kills JFK thinking he will be taken out of Dallas.
  • Nothing happens for 5-10 minutes after killing JFK so then he decides to take matters into his own hands which leads to the rather bizarre moves Oswald made after he killed JFK.
  • I think that is what lead him to the theater; that is where he met the Intel agent and hoped to meet him there to ask what the plan was or again for possible extraction.
  • Or, maybe, the support had every intention of showing up and couldn't because of the chaos in and around Dealy Plaza that day.

4: Going home to get his revolver. We've been over this before. I think any reasonable person who takes the time to conceal his rifle and is careful enough to do that, would have thought to get his revolver if he knew it was a suicide mission he was undertaking the next day. To me, this is a non-starter which speaks to to

Its all conjecture on my part. But that is where I am on the whole thing. All of this nonsense about 2nd shooters and teams of assassins is nonsense though.


One other thing though; this is what he HSCA did say in their report pursuant to the enumerated points listed above:

On conspiracy, the Commission stated, "...if there is any ... evidence [of it], it has been beyond the reach of all the investigative agencies and resources of the United States and has not come to the attention of this Commission."(27) Instead of such definitive language, the Commission should have candidly acknowledged the limitations of its investigation and denoted areas where there were shortcomings.

As the committee's investigation demonstrated, substantive new information has been developed in many areas since the Warren Commission completed its work. Particular areas where the committee determined the performance of the Commission was less than complete include the following: Oswald's activities and associations during the periods he lived in New Orleans;
The circumstances surrounding the 2 1/2 years Oswald spent in the Soviet Union;
The background, activities, and associations of Jack Ruby, particularly with regard to organized crime;
The conspiratorial and potentially violent climate created by the Cuban issue in the early 1960's, in particular the possible consequences of the CIA-Mafia assassination plots against Castro and their concealment from officials of the Kennedy administration;
The potential significance of specific threats identified by the Secret Service during 1963, and their possible relationship to the ultimate assassination of the President;
The possible effect upon the FBI's investigation from Director Hoover's disciplining agents for their conduct of the Oswald security case;
The full nature and extent of Oswald's visit to Mexico City 2 months prior to the assassination, including not only his contact with the Soviet and Cuban diplomatic offices there, and the CIA's monitoring of his activities there, but also his possible associations and activities outside of those offices;
The violent attitude of powerful organized crime figures toward the President and Attorney General Robert Kennedy, their capacity to commit murder, including assassination, and their possible access to Oswald through his associates or relatives; and
Analysis of all available scientific evidence to determine the number of shots fired at the President.

The same committee did say that their conclusions were that the Soviet and Cuban governments had nothing to do with JFK's assassination.

It may well have been that the Soviets and Cubans were humoring him, having no thought that Oswald might really follow through with anything and just wanting him to leave their embassies. The Russians thought Oswald was "neurotic and disloyal to his nation". They would not have trusted him to have any part of an assassination..not even as a patsy.
Still no evidence that Oswald had any assistance in killing JFK
There's plenty of evidence to the people who do their homework instead of closing their their eyes with their fingers in their ears going lalalala.

Actually, the evidence is on the side of the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assassinations. The only problem with the HSCA is that they relied on flawed acoustical evidence that led them to believe there were shots caught on tape which weren't really there. Therefore, they thought they found evidence of multiple shooters that weren't there.

Other than that, the science settled what happened and the Conspiracy Theory dupes are just supporting a fictional story that's used to sell books that are full of "may" and "if" and "might" and other such words.

I'll be the first to admit the "may" and "if" are centerpieces of my problems with parts of the Warren Commission findings. For reasons I mentioned before, but will re-state them here....

  1. Oswald is one of the few who are able to defect from one superpower to another....
  2. Oswald just happens to be working along the motorcade route...
  3. Oswald visits the Cuban and USSR Embassies in Mexico City a month before the assassination...
  4. Oswald, after shooting JFK, wastes precious time to go home and get his revolver which is something that he could have done the day before.

Sorry to have wasted your time on re-stating those as we have been around this block a time or two already.

Anyway to get back to it; here is what I think happened--complete with the "may" and "if" statements.

1 & 2: The double-defection. Coincidence perhaps. This Wiki page lists 13 defectors from the US to Russia (post Stalin).
Template:American defectors to the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
I think Oswald and two others were allowed to come back (Kock and Webster)
That one of the three would be there in Dallas on that day??? Seems weird. But that is a "may"

3: Visiting the Embassies in Cuba. This is probably my biggest "may" and "if". We'll never know what went on in that embassy but what I think may have happened was this.
  • Oswald offers his services to kill either LBJ or JFK. Living in Texas, he knows that at least LBJ will be doing campaign visits for the 1964 election down there.
  • So he offers his services and is told an official "no". An agent or station chief or just a clerk there gives him a message that there will be assistance provided; again all unofficial without any guidance from Havana. There may be phone calls or even in-person meetings with agents in the Cuban Intel network in the US with Oswald promising the assistance.
  • The Stateside agent is told to meet with Oswald just once and take no further action.
  • Oswald kills JFK thinking he will be taken out of Dallas.
  • Nothing happens for 5-10 minutes after killing JFK so then he decides to take matters into his own hands which leads to the rather bizarre moves Oswald made after he killed JFK.
  • I think that is what lead him to the theater; that is where he met the Intel agent and hoped to meet him there to ask what the plan was or again for possible extraction.
  • Or, maybe, the support had every intention of showing up and couldn't because of the chaos in and around Dealy Plaza that day.

4: Going home to get his revolver. We've been over this before. I think any reasonable person who takes the time to conceal his rifle and is careful enough to do that, would have thought to get his revolver if he knew it was a suicide mission he was undertaking the next day. To me, this is a non-starter which speaks to to

Its all conjecture on my part. But that is where I am on the whole thing. All of this nonsense about 2nd shooters and teams of assassins is nonsense though.


One other thing though; this is what he HSCA did say in their report pursuant to the enumerated points listed above:

On conspiracy, the Commission stated, "...if there is any ... evidence [of it], it has been beyond the reach of all the investigative agencies and resources of the United States and has not come to the attention of this Commission."(27) Instead of such definitive language, the Commission should have candidly acknowledged the limitations of its investigation and denoted areas where there were shortcomings.

As the committee's investigation demonstrated, substantive new information has been developed in many areas since the Warren Commission completed its work. Particular areas where the committee determined the performance of the Commission was less than complete include the following: Oswald's activities and associations during the periods he lived in New Orleans;
The circumstances surrounding the 2 1/2 years Oswald spent in the Soviet Union;
The background, activities, and associations of Jack Ruby, particularly with regard to organized crime;
The conspiratorial and potentially violent climate created by the Cuban issue in the early 1960's, in particular the possible consequences of the CIA-Mafia assassination plots against Castro and their concealment from officials of the Kennedy administration;
The potential significance of specific threats identified by the Secret Service during 1963, and their possible relationship to the ultimate assassination of the President;
The possible effect upon the FBI's investigation from Director Hoover's disciplining agents for their conduct of the Oswald security case;
The full nature and extent of Oswald's visit to Mexico City 2 months prior to the assassination, including not only his contact with the Soviet and Cuban diplomatic offices there, and the CIA's monitoring of his activities there, but also his possible associations and activities outside of those offices;
The violent attitude of powerful organized crime figures toward the President and Attorney General Robert Kennedy, their capacity to commit murder, including assassination, and their possible access to Oswald through his associates or relatives; and
Analysis of all available scientific evidence to determine the number of shots fired at the President.

The same committee did say that their conclusions were that the Soviet and Cuban governments had nothing to do with JFK's assassination.

It may well have been that the Soviets and Cubans were humoring him, having no thought that Oswald might really follow through with anything and just wanting him to leave their embassies. The Russians thought Oswald was "neurotic and disloyal to his nation". They would not have trusted him to have any part of an assassination..not even as a patsy.

I agree with your assessment of Russia.

To just take the cue from Mr. X (Donald Sutherland) in the thoroughly cartoonish JFK movie directed by Oliver Stone…he asks the question:

That's the real question, isn't it? Why?
The how and the who is just scenery for the public.
Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia...
...keeps them guessing, like a game.
Prevents them from asking the most important question: why?
Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited?

I have always laughed at those who think the CIA or military was behind it because they wanted to expand the war in Viet Nam. Yet somehow, the same guys who have all of the power to assassinate the President with complete immunity, every reason to tie the assassination to Cuba and invade Cuba….do nothing as far as invading Cuba. Would seem like job #1 would be to frame Cuba, invade Cuba, and secure the homeland.

So “if” the question is who did it, I’m thinking it’s Cuba with a wink and a nod. One of three things happens with the wink and nod approach:

  1. Oswald chickens out. Cuba is no worse off
  2. Oswald does it and gets away. Cuba Benefits
  3. Oswald does it and gets caught (thinking he was going to be wicked off to Love Field and flown out of the nation). Cuba Benefits
They have no exposure or downside in the deal.

It’s a parlor game….I have zero proof or evidence. It does, however, account for Why he went to Mexico, why he didn’t bother to take his gun to the TSBD that morning along with his rifle, whey he acted like he did after he shot JFK and squandered precious time when he could have been trying to get out of the city of Dallas….
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

It would have to be a doctored one, because the real one shows he was hit from behind.

And, obviously, your mind is closed and no amount of evidence or proof will ever change it. You're now reduced to taking a stand and accepting things that agree with it and rejecting anything that doesn't.
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