Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

The limo never stopped. Stupid because you believe in fantasy. I don't have to make a case that the Warren Commission report is worth the paper it was written on because the science is unchallenged and CONFIRMED by the HSCA report. Sorry, but you're just another conspiracy theory troll who rejects science and prefers lies over truth.

And has to claim the evidence was altered because it counters the narrative.
More reason not to believe the CIA-edited Warren Commission report.
Jackie Tried to Save Piece of JFK's Skull

In a chilling new memoir of the day JFK was assassinated, a former Secret Service agent said Jackie Kennedy leaped onto the back of the presidential limousine in a desperate bid to save her husband by attempting to retrieve a piece of his skull. She then climbed back into the seat and cradled Kennedy's head in her arms, saying, "Jack, Jack, what have they done to you?" America watched, stunned, that day in Dallas as shots rang out and Jackie seemed to reach out to the agent who leapt onto the back bumper of the limo. That agent, Clint Hill, now 80, recalls the horrifying moment in his book, Mrs. Kennedy and Me.
"Exit wounds - as we have already mentioned - are usually larger than the entrance wound and this is because as the round moves through the body of the victim it slows down and explodes within the tissue and surrounding muscle. This slowing down of the projectile means that as it reaches the end of its trajectory it has to force harder to push through. This equates to the exit wound normally looking larger and considerably more destructive than its pre-cursor - the entrance wound.

Exit wounds will often bleed profusely as they are larger but entrance wounds can sometimes look only like small holes - unless the weapon is fired at close proximity to the victim." Entrance and Exit Wounds

So entrance wounds, like the one found in the temple of JFK, are usually smaller than exit wounds and quite symmetirical.

Entrance Wounds
"The entrance wound is normally smaller and quite symmetrical in comparison to the exit wound, which can sometimes be ragged with skin, tissue, and muscle and bone damage. Entrance wounds are often ringed with the residue of gunpowder and cordite - the two substances contained within a bullet."

The large and irregular exit wounds, like the kind attested to by nearly twenty Parkland hospital physicians in connection with President Kennedy, are easily distinguished from entry wounds.

An exit wound in the back of the president's head is proof positive of another gunman to the front of the presidential limousine making the 'kill" shot that decidedly killed the president.
The absurd claim that one man up in the 6th floor window of the TSBD did all the shooting
is as patently false now as when the quislings and criminals in the Warren Commission first put forward this blatant lie and hoax on the dull witted American people (although most have never
believed Warren Commission lies).
Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.
I guess all the many, many medical personnel (ER doctors, nurses and even a couple of Secret Service agents) at Parkland hospital in Dallas, where Kennedy was brought immediately after her was shot in a coup d'etat, were all having a mutually shared hallucination then.
kennedy - back of the head witnesses - parkland

They all to a person swear to a gaping head wound in the occipital posterior region of the president's skull (that's the back of his head, to you).
How could so many trained doctors who were trying to treat the president and were all as aware of his physical state as they could be ALL saying one thing, to a man, while you at your little keyboard say another? Someone must be very wrong here.

Either you, someone who has actually seen the Zapruder film, is completely wrong about how Kennedy was killed.

Or ALL the doctors at Parkland hospital, who actually held his head in their hands and who had to treat him based on the nature and seriousness of his head wound, and who had to assess the nature and seriousness of his wounds in order to do so and who were all trained and experienced knowledgeable emergency room doctors were all wrong because they all, everyone of them, didn't know what they saw and, according to you, ALL saw something that did not exist even though they ALL attested to the exact same thing!
A mass hallucination of the medical kind....:113:

Is that what you want everyone to believe?

Did they turn him over in the ER to actually check out the back of his body?
It would have to be a doctored one, because the real one shows he was hit from behind.
The evidence of John Kennedy's skull itself does not support what you prefer to think you saw. You obviously didn't see what you like to believe you did because of the exit wound in the occipital posterior of Kennedy's skull.
Did they turn him over in the ER to actually check out the back of his body?
Why not read my link in post #2773 and read to see what more than a dozen eye witness doctors and nurses say they saw with regards to the back of Kennedy's skull? That's what it's there for and should be easy enough to read, if you are actually looking for facts and eyewitness testimony.

Of course if you are just looking for something that props up the Warren Commission whitewash you will probably be disappointed.
We know Oswald made a specific trip back to his wife’s house the night before to get his rifle
We know he used the same rifle to shoot at Gen Walker
We know his rifle, with his palmprint and THREE expended shells were found in the shooters nest
We know Oswald was in the building at the time of the shooting
We know he fled the scene after the shooting
We know he shot Tippett
We know you have no proof of any alternative theory

Case closed

Again you demonstrate you are not reading posts that have already been posted...you keep popping in here making statements that indicate you are not keeping up with what has been said already....you just keep repeating over and over the same stuff which has already been debunked.

No evidence Oswald actually got a rifle when he visited his wife. No verifiable evidence the rifle was even in the garage at that time. Was the garage locked? What type of lock was on the garage door if there was one? How difficult would it have been for a trained operative to have removed the rifle from the garage?

No valid evidence Oswald even shot at General Walker. Eye-witnesses said there were two men who drove off in a car and neither one of them looked like oswald. The only evidence you have is that his wife claimed he did.

Oswald presumably had a motive to shoot at the anti communist General but if Oswald did it in the manner his wife claims...it shows very careful planning. On the other hand ....if he shot JFK.....there was no plan at all. A huge contradiction.

The palm print on the rifle even if it was there (which is doubtful) does not mean Oswald used the rifle that day....the print could have come from when someone had him pose with the rifle.

Why would a careful planner like Oswald not wipe down the rifle before leaving the scene? Why would he have not done a better job of hiding or disposing of the rifle?

In truth it is more likely the real shooter left it there to be found in order to implicate Oswald. The 3 shells do not implicate Oswald in any manner.

There were sixty other employees in the bldg. besides Oswald....he worked there....his presence there in no way implicates him. It is highly unlikely Oswald would decide to shoot the president from his workplace....that would be extremely stupid.

He did not flee the building....he was seen shortly after the shooting by a policeman on the second floor getting a coke from the machine. Hardly the behavior of someone fleeing the scene.

The evidence linking Oswald to the shooting of Officer Tippit is very weak....there are reports it was not Oswald at all but the guy sent to kill Oswald when the Officer began questioning him....from the interview of Jame Files.

Evidence of Oswald's Innocence...................

Lee Harvey Oswald: Guilty or Not Guilty? : The JFK Assassination

So post who shot JFK. Tell us what happened on that day. Who has more solid evidence arrayed against him than Oswald? Who fired the single bullet that physics tells us killed the president and wounded Connelly?

The totality of evidence indicates the CIA orchestrated the event and used mob hitmen to kill JFK. Chuckie Nicoletti being the one in School Book Depository.

There is a lot of different kinds of evidence....from weak to strong....the evidence you believe in is extremely weak....as in it could have been and likely was planted by those who framed oswald.............the pyshsics and the ballistics as evidence are rendered irrelevant by the botched autopsy not even to mention experts disagree on what the physics actually are....as in 'for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction' ---watch the Zepruder film and you will see jfk's head knocked backwards and to the left by the killing shot from the grassy knoll.

and the magic bullet theorists can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are MacTheKnife :haha::iyfyus.jpg:
Oswald acted alone
Who shot Kennedy in the temple? Certainly not Oswald. Even if he was shooting up on the TSBD sixth floor (which no one can prove) you can't hit the side of the president's head from above and behind him.
Grow up, jackass.

thats what i have been saying for over ten years now,the grow up part.

the day he ever does that is the day pigs can fly.
Lol. Coming from the one who thinks the Super Bowl was rigged.
HOME - The Fix Is In
Let me guess LARam's sock puppet ?

Just folks that are aware of the same resources and have been following the supreme court cases.

Information is power my friend.

One doesn't need to have paranoid delusions, all they need to do is follow the money and the court rulings.

It works the same as this JFK fiasco. The folks that make the rules are the same that benefit financially.

Both LA and I have been here for a very long time. I knew him back when he was 9/11 Truth. He changed b/c closed minded pricks were prejudiced automatically on every topic, just like you have now, just b/c of a different topic.

That, incidentally, it called an, "ad hominem."

As we are all on the same side, and agree that Rightwinger is in all likelihood some sort of spook seeding this old hat dis-information with HIS socks and pals, (See COINTELPRO - Wikipedia ) there is no need to get defensive and attack each other, we are all on the same side here.

EVERYTHING pumped out by the corporatacracy is fake. If it is on TEE VEE, it is manufactured reality, it isn't real. That is all.
My my my.

A bit testy?
Just not a fan of nonsense.
My my my.

A bit testy?
Just not a fan of nonsense.
If it weren't for nonsense, life would depress the hell out of me.

Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?
Nobody shot JFK in the temple
Of course they did. That's where the "gaping" head wound in the back of Kennedy's head came from.
How could Connolly be shot in the upper thigh from the front or side?
John Connally's Wounds Considered

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

It would have to be a doctored one, because the real one shows he was hit from behind.

And, obviously, your mind is closed and no amount of evidence or proof will ever change it. You're now reduced to taking a stand and accepting things that agree with it and rejecting anything that doesn't.

Dude, "hit from behind"? You need glasses. Frankly, I don't give a shit whether you believe if it was a lone assassin or not but yet it seems to matter to you as to the conclusion of others that differs from yours and that you believe that you stand a snowball's chanced in hell of "browbeating" someone into backing down.....too fucking funny but feel free to keep wasting your pixels, dumb ass. People have been sent to the chair on flimsier eye witness accounts as to those that contradict the bullshit narrative. It ain't me that is ignoring evidence that is contrary, pal.

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