Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Funny thing is, I don't know why folks are even talking about this.

Howard Hunt and Harrleson have already admitted the truth.

Such a dumb debate.
Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

The limo never stopped
Why not just tell us instead of posting videos nobody is going to watch?

Why ? Asking questions, hearing about new details and learning about evidence that was covered up doesn't make me an expert on the subject. I have a clear vision of what I think happened from all the evidence I've seen so far, and I'd say there's no way Oswald acted alone.

The Zapruder film showing the headshot along with several witnessess who heard shots from the hill and ran towards it, and seeing Jackie reach for his brains on the back of the car is enough to at least question the official story.
Who was the second gunman ? Someone knows.

Why not just tell us instead of posting videos nobody is going to watch?

They get watched.
Who was the second gunman ? Someone knows.

Why not just tell us instead of posting videos nobody is going to watch?

Why ? Asking questions, hearing about new details and learning about evidence that was covered up doesn't make me an expert on the subject. I have a clear vision of what I think happened from all the evidence I've seen so far, and I'd say there's no way Oswald acted alone.

The Zapruder film showing the headshot along with several witnessess who heard shots from the hill and ran towards it, and seeing Jackie reach for his brains on the back of the car is enough to at least question the official story.

Hard to hit someone in the hip with a bullet standing along side the car. But you go ahead with that “theory”
Dude, "hit from behind"? You need glasses. Frankly, I don't give a shit whether you believe if it was a lone assassin or not but yet it seems to matter to you as to the conclusion of others that differs from yours and that you believe that you stand a snowball's chanced in hell of "browbeating" someone into backing down.....too fucking funny but feel free to keep wasting your pixels, dumb ass. People have been sent to the chair on flimsier eye witness accounts as to those that contradict the bullshit narrative. It ain't me that is ignoring evidence that is contrary, pal.
"Hit from behind"....that is a good one!
Let me break out my link again and see if any of the Warren Commission boot lickers want to contradict it. kennedy - back of the head witnesses - parkland
It hasn't happened so far. No one has challenged the overwhelming eyewitness opinion of all the doctors that treated and saw JFK when his body was brought to Parkland hospital in Dallas.
No one has even mentioned it, hoping I guess that if they ignore the evidence it will go away.

A couple of the ignorant trolls have said that no one thought to turn the body of the president over on his side so the back of his head could be closely examined....that was very very funny! And stupid.

My link covers what everyone saw and their medical opinion of it. They were there that day dealing with the life ending wounds of the president as up close as you can possibly be. And the Warren butt-boys were where?
Sitting at home eating paste and Play Dough?
Dude, "hit from behind"? You need glasses. Frankly, I don't give a shit whether you believe if it was a lone assassin or not but yet it seems to matter to you as to the conclusion of others that differs from yours and that you believe that you stand a snowball's chanced in hell of "browbeating" someone into backing down.....too fucking funny but feel free to keep wasting your pixels, dumb ass. People have been sent to the chair on flimsier eye witness accounts as to those that contradict the bullshit narrative. It ain't me that is ignoring evidence that is contrary, pal.
"Hit from behind"....that is a good one!
Let me break out my link again and see if any of the Warren Commission boot lickers want to contradict it. kennedy - back of the head witnesses - parkland
It hasn't happened so far. No one has challenged the overwhelming eyewitness opinion of all the doctors that treated and saw JFK when his body was brought to Parkland hospital in Dallas.
No one has even mentioned it, hoping I guess that if they ignore the evidence it will go away.

A couple of the ignorant trolls have said that no one thought to turn the body of the president over on his side so the back of his head could be closely examined....that was very very funny! And stupid.

My link covers what everyone saw and their medical opinion of it. They were there that day dealing with the life ending wounds of the president as up close as you can possibly be. And the Warren butt-boys were where?
Sitting at home eating paste and Play Dough?

Yes, Oswald was behind and above Kennedy when he shot him. That is why all of the physical evidence confirms Oswald as the lone gunman.
Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Poor, delusional dale. Still as crazy as ever.

Which didn't show on the Zapruder film. Only the shot from the rear. You know, the one that killed him. To have a gaping wound, there would have been a massive spray of blood and brains visible on the film. The only such thing visible is from the one fatal shot we know happened, the one from Oswald.

Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Yes, the driver hit the brakes as he turned around to see what was happening, but the car never came to a complete stop. Clint Hill was running full out to get to the car and you can see him grab the handhold and jump onto the car. He would only have had to step up on the car if it was stopped. If you look at the crowd, the movements of the crowd was not disjointed as they would have been if the film had been altered. Perhaps some people's memories were disjointed due to the shock, but the film did not lie. And, while I am sure you believe what you're saying since you have done "reading and researching", you are wrong. You just bought into a bunch of conspiracy theory manure manufactured by people who just wanted to sell books.
More reason not to believe the CIA-edited Warren Commission report.
Jackie Tried to Save Piece of JFK's Skull

In a chilling new memoir of the day JFK was assassinated, a former Secret Service agent said Jackie Kennedy leaped onto the back of the presidential limousine in a desperate bid to save her husband by attempting to retrieve a piece of his skull. She then climbed back into the seat and cradled Kennedy's head in her arms, saying, "Jack, Jack, what have they done to you?" America watched, stunned, that day in Dallas as shots rang out and Jackie seemed to reach out to the agent who leapt onto the back bumper of the limo. That agent, Clint Hill, now 80, recalls the horrifying moment in his book, Mrs. Kennedy and Me.
Well, duh. The limo was moving, so the skull fragment shot outward and upward, and the limo moved under it. Simple physics.
More reason not to believe the CIA-edited Warren Commission report.
Jackie Tried to Save Piece of JFK's Skull

In a chilling new memoir of the day JFK was assassinated, a former Secret Service agent said Jackie Kennedy leaped onto the back of the presidential limousine in a desperate bid to save her husband by attempting to retrieve a piece of his skull. She then climbed back into the seat and cradled Kennedy's head in her arms, saying, "Jack, Jack, what have they done to you?" America watched, stunned, that day in Dallas as shots rang out and Jackie seemed to reach out to the agent who leapt onto the back bumper of the limo. That agent, Clint Hill, now 80, recalls the horrifying moment in his book, Mrs. Kennedy and Me.
Well, duh. The limo was moving, so the skull fragment shot outward and upward, and the limo moved under it. Simple physics.

If the limo had stopped, the skull fragment would have fallen into the passenger compartment. These loons don't have even the most basic understanding of what happened which is why they swallow all that conspiracy theory bile.
More reason not to believe the CIA-edited Warren Commission report.
Jackie Tried to Save Piece of JFK's Skull

In a chilling new memoir of the day JFK was assassinated, a former Secret Service agent said Jackie Kennedy leaped onto the back of the presidential limousine in a desperate bid to save her husband by attempting to retrieve a piece of his skull. She then climbed back into the seat and cradled Kennedy's head in her arms, saying, "Jack, Jack, what have they done to you?" America watched, stunned, that day in Dallas as shots rang out and Jackie seemed to reach out to the agent who leapt onto the back bumper of the limo. That agent, Clint Hill, now 80, recalls the horrifying moment in his book, Mrs. Kennedy and Me.
Well, duh. The limo was moving, so the skull fragment shot outward and upward, and the limo moved under it. Simple physics.

If the limo had stopped, the skull fragment would have fallen into the passenger compartment. These loons don't have even the most basic understanding of what happened which is why they swallow all that conspiracy theory bile.

There is barely any tether to reality
Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Poor, delusional dale. Still as crazy as ever.

Yeah, dipshit...the storm drain dimensions are exactly the same today as it was 55 years ago......you really are stupid.
"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Poor, delusional dale. Still as crazy as ever.

Yeah, dipshit...the storm drain dimensions are exactly the same today as it was 55 years ago......you really are stupid.

Storm Drain? How do you shoot someone in the hip from a storm drain?
Even the doctored Zapruder tape shows that JFK was hit on the right side of the temple and not a direct shot from the back. I will go with the eye witness accounts of those that were not called before the Warren Commission because their testimony would refute the official narrative of a lone gunman. What also should send up red flags to the deniers of a conspiracy is the hiding of official documents for 50 fucking years? If the case was so fucking "cut and dry" that it was the work of a lone assassin, why all the secrecy? The Warren Report is utter bullshit and no one can or will convince me otherwise.

"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Yes, the driver hit the brakes as he turned around to see what was happening, but the car never came to a complete stop. Clint Hill was running full out to get to the car and you can see him grab the handhold and jump onto the car. He would only have had to step up on the car if it was stopped. If you look at the crowd, the movements of the crowd was not disjointed as they would have been if the film had been altered. Perhaps some people's memories were disjointed due to the shock, but the film did not lie. And, while I am sure you believe what you're saying since you have done "reading and researching", you are wrong. You just bought into a bunch of conspiracy theory manure manufactured by people who just wanted to sell books.

LOL! I am not the one that buys the "magic bullet" theory that caused gunshot wounds to the neck and back of Kennedy and then caused a litany of injuries to Connally and then found in nearly pristine condition on a gurney at Parkland. Think, grow, evolve.......
"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Yes, the driver hit the brakes as he turned around to see what was happening, but the car never came to a complete stop. Clint Hill was running full out to get to the car and you can see him grab the handhold and jump onto the car. He would only have had to step up on the car if it was stopped. If you look at the crowd, the movements of the crowd was not disjointed as they would have been if the film had been altered. Perhaps some people's memories were disjointed due to the shock, but the film did not lie. And, while I am sure you believe what you're saying since you have done "reading and researching", you are wrong. You just bought into a bunch of conspiracy theory manure manufactured by people who just wanted to sell books.

LOL! I am not the one that buys the "magic bullet" theory that caused gunshot wounds to the neck and back of Kennedy and then caused a litany of injuries to Connally and then found in nearly pristine condition on a gurney at Parkland. Think, grow, evolve.......

I didn’t used to buy it either. Then I began listening to the experts and they convinced me. I also had the opportunity to fire some rifles at targets; once a bullet hits a target, they do not always continue to go straight post-impact.

But again, how do you hit someone in the hip from a storm drain?

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