Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Poor, delusional dale. I almost feel sorry for him. He gets his ass kicked regularly and the best response he can muster is tapping the ‘funny’ icon.

Then he also has the insurmountable hurdle of explaining how someone could get off a shot without seeing the president as a shot from that vantage point could not see the president to aim and shoot...


Lil faun, there will NEVER come a day on this forum where you will EVER get the best of me in a debate......you are more to be pitied than scolded. You wallow in ignorance and believe all the bullshit this corporate entity aka "da gubermint" feeds you like it was filet mignon. Kennedy wasn't hit in the back of the head and no one with a cheap, bolt action rifle could fire a shot through a windshield, cause two wounds to Kennedy, cause three broken ribs and a shattered wrist to Connally and then lodge itself in his leg....THEN? found it's way onto a gurney at Parkland. I bet you believe in the tooth fairy as well.


Slobbers the forum maniac who thinks the JFK assassination came down to a 50/50 chance that the president would be sitting on the right side of the limo. :cuckoo:

Have nurse Ratchet change your drool cup, delusional dale, it’s overflowing.

Give it up, lil faun.......you believe in "magic bullets" fired from an alleged bolt action rifle that fired of three shots accurately at a moving target in under six seconds and radio audio distinctly proves two shots fired consecutively...not an echo like was claimed. Magic bullet, what bullshit but certainly not surprised that you buy into it.

Game, set AND match.....


You poor thing, you really do believe a shot from this angle from, from a storm drain about 8-10 inches high, could have been made. :cuckoo:

Again... look at the angle from the drain to where JFK was sitting, slouching forward and away from the limo door, no less....


"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Yes, the driver hit the brakes as he turned around to see what was happening, but the car never came to a complete stop. Clint Hill was running full out to get to the car and you can see him grab the handhold and jump onto the car. He would only have had to step up on the car if it was stopped. If you look at the crowd, the movements of the crowd was not disjointed as they would have been if the film had been altered. Perhaps some people's memories were disjointed due to the shock, but the film did not lie. And, while I am sure you believe what you're saying since you have done "reading and researching", you are wrong. You just bought into a bunch of conspiracy theory manure manufactured by people who just wanted to sell books.

LOL! I am not the one that buys the "magic bullet" theory that caused gunshot wounds to the neck and back of Kennedy and then caused a litany of injuries to Connally and then found in nearly pristine condition on a gurney at Parkland. Think, grow, evolve.......

You don't need a magic bullet. Kennedy was leaning toward and Connelly was turned to the right. The bullet had a straight path through both of them and was found deformed.
If the limo had stopped, the skull fragment would have fallen into the passenger compartment. These loons don't have even the most basic understanding of what happened which is why they swallow all that conspiracy theory bile.
Not another one.:th_waiting:
The troll factory has been busy lately.
Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation

Yes, I do notice you're a new one.

The 10 types of trolls you'll spot in the wild
"doctored"? NO evidence of that.

You are a stupid person who would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth? That's certainly your right. But, you'll get no more attention than the troll you are talking to.

LMAO! The limo stopped but the doctored film doesn't show it. Stupid? Because I believe what I can plainly see? What the fuck ever. You certainly haven't made a case that the Warren Report was worth the paper it was written on and you CERTAINLY haven't addressed the eye-witness accounts that refute the bullshit "report". I don't seek "attention" but I have no intention of being silent about what reeks of utter bullshit. Stay stupid and blind...ain't no shit off of my shoes.

Oh, I'm sure your shoes (like your brain) are mostly shit.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply not release the Zapruder film than to doctor one up? I know it's hard for you to reason and think straight but I'll point out the obvious to you...

Okay, there are 300-500 people in Dealy Plaza that day. It's 1963. Sunny day. Who knows how many are watching from offices, buildings, etc... One is Abraham Zapruder. He films Kennedy's assassination. According to you, it was doctored and JFK's limo stopped. I guess the conspirators didn't count on others having a video camera in the public square that day? Yeah...they would have never thought of that....

And of course someone else did have a video camera Somehow Orville Nix filmed the same assassination and the limo didn't stop in his film either.

You did know about that, didn't you? Of course you didn't. You are stupid and blind.

Oh wait, let me guess...that one was doctored too, right?

You should watch the whole documentary but with your short attention span and inability to digest too much information at one time? Fast forward to the 1 hour, 40 minute mark and watch it for 20 minutes....I dare ya.


Yes, witnesses did indeed say that the limo stopped and you can even see the brake lights lit up on the limo. The only "stupid" one in this current conversation is you. What cracks me up is how angry you get because SOME people have the ability to think for ourselves, have done the reading and researching. It seems to gall you that I am calling the official story 100 percent total bullshit and a whitewash of the Warren Commission. I don't give a shit either way as to what you do or do not believe. Funny how that is, eh?

Yes, the driver hit the brakes as he turned around to see what was happening, but the car never came to a complete stop. Clint Hill was running full out to get to the car and you can see him grab the handhold and jump onto the car. He would only have had to step up on the car if it was stopped. If you look at the crowd, the movements of the crowd was not disjointed as they would have been if the film had been altered. Perhaps some people's memories were disjointed due to the shock, but the film did not lie. And, while I am sure you believe what you're saying since you have done "reading and researching", you are wrong. You just bought into a bunch of conspiracy theory manure manufactured by people who just wanted to sell books.

LOL! I am not the one that buys the "magic bullet" theory that caused gunshot wounds to the neck and back of Kennedy and then caused a litany of injuries to Connally and then found in nearly pristine condition on a gurney at Parkland. Think, grow, evolve.......

Good, because the "magic bullet" didn't exist. To create the doubt that the magic bullet theory implies, you have to move the Governor in the car to a position that he was not sitting in and that's just sad.
Poor, delusional dale. I almost feel sorry for him. He gets his ass kicked regularly and the best response he can muster is tapping the ‘funny’ icon.

Then he also has the insurmountable hurdle of explaining how someone could get off a shot without seeing the president as a shot from that vantage point could not see the president to aim and shoot...


Lil faun, there will NEVER come a day on this forum where you will EVER get the best of me in a debate......you are more to be pitied than scolded. You wallow in ignorance and believe all the bullshit this corporate entity aka "da gubermint" feeds you like it was filet mignon. Kennedy wasn't hit in the back of the head and no one with a cheap, bolt action rifle could fire a shot through a windshield, cause two wounds to Kennedy, cause three broken ribs and a shattered wrist to Connally and then lodge itself in his leg....THEN? found it's way onto a gurney at Parkland. I bet you believe in the tooth fairy as well.


Slobbers the forum maniac who thinks the JFK assassination came down to a 50/50 chance that the president would be sitting on the right side of the limo. :cuckoo:

Have nurse Ratchet change your drool cup, delusional dale, it’s overflowing.

Give it up, lil faun.......you believe in "magic bullets" fired from an alleged bolt action rifle that fired of three shots accurately at a moving target in under six seconds and radio audio distinctly proves two shots fired consecutively...not an echo like was claimed. Magic bullet, what bullshit but certainly not surprised that you buy into it.

Game, set AND match.....


You poor thing, you really do believe a shot from this angle from, from a storm drain about 8-10 inches high, could have been made. :cuckoo:

Again... look at the angle from the drain to where JFK was sitting, slouching forward and away from the limo door, no less....



He says there were 7 assassins. Where are the other four?

Do you know where the Goodyear Blimp was that day? Give it some thought.
You don't need a magic bullet. Kennedy was leaning toward and Connelly was turned to the right. The bullet had a straight path through both of them and was found deformed.
Not the nose end of the bullet that not only suffered no deformaties after smashing through bone matter, human tissue and multiple layers of fabric but didn't have a speck of blood, human tissue or fabric fibers residue on it....truly a "magic" bullet.

It takes an extra special idiot to think such a thing is normal or possible.
Well, duh. The limo was moving, so the skull fragment shot outward and upward, and the limo moved under it. Simple physics.
Like an outfielder settling under a pop fly you mean? :icon_rolleyes:

Do you realize how stupid this is? Probably not.

Take a ride in the back seat of an open convertible. Get going at 15-20 mph. Throw a tennis ball up in the air and catch it. Simple physics. The car was not at rest. OF COURSE an object will appear to move backward, while in reality the car is moving under it.
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You don't need a magic bullet. Kennedy was leaning toward and Connelly was turned to the right. The bullet had a straight path through both of them and was found deformed.
Not the nose end of the bullet that not only suffered no deformaties after smashing through bone matter, human tissue and multiple layers of fabric but didn't have a speck of blood, human tissue or fabric fibers residue on it....truly a "magic" bullet.

It takes an extra special idiot to think such a thing is normal or possible.

Except it passed through one body without hitting anything harder than tissue and exited sideways, thus rendering the nose end of the bullet irrelevant. No magic bullet needed.
Well, duh. The limo was moving, so the skull fragment shot outward and upward, and the limo moved under it. Simple physics.
Like an outfielder settling under a pop fly you mean? :icon_rolleyes:

Do you realize how stupid this is? Probably not.
You conspiracy nuts are truly fucked in the head. Kennedy’s initial head movement upon getting shot in the head was forward. The path of his brain splatter followed the path of the bullet, forward...

Except it passed through one body without hitting anything harder than tissue and exited sideways, thus rendering the nose end of the bullet irrelevant. No magic bullet needed.
No mention at all of the bone matter that the bullet smashed through?
"this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of muscle tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone." Single-bullet theory - Wikipedia

You are dismissed, fool. No more questions, your honor. And don't bother to come back.
Take a ride in the back seat of an open convertible. Get going at 15-20 mph. Throw a tennis ball up in the air and catch it. Simple physics. The car was not at rest. OF COURSE an object will appear to move backward, while in reality the car is moving under it.
How fast do you think the president's limousine was traveling at the time Kennedy was shot in the head?
Oh, I forgot...you know nothing about this issue at all.
Except it passed through one body without hitting anything harder than tissue and exited sideways, thus rendering the nose end of the bullet irrelevant. No magic bullet needed.
No mention at all of the bone matter that the bullet smashed through?
"this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of muscle tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone." Single-bullet theory - Wikipedia

You are dismissed, fool. No more questions, your honor. And don't bother to come back.
15 layers of clothing and a neck tie?
Well, duh. The limo was moving, so the skull fragment shot outward and upward, and the limo moved under it. Simple physics.
Like an outfielder settling under a pop fly you mean? :icon_rolleyes:

Do you realize how stupid this is? Probably not.

Take a ride in the back seat of an open convertible. Get going at 15-20 mph. Throw a tennis ball up in the air and catch it. Simple physics. The car was not at rest. OF COURSE an object will appear to move backward, while in reality the car is moving under it.

I don't know which troll you're talking to, but don't expect them to accept obvious fact...the conspiracy theory books don't accept obvious fact.
Except it passed through one body without hitting anything harder than tissue and exited sideways, thus rendering the nose end of the bullet irrelevant. No magic bullet needed.
No mention at all of the bone matter that the bullet smashed through?
"this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of muscle tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone." Single-bullet theory - Wikipedia

You are dismissed, fool. No more questions, your honor. And don't bother to come back.
15 layers of clothing and a neck tie?

Apparently it passed through 2 guys before it got to Kennedy. ;-) "15 layers of clothing" LMAO!!!!
Except it passed through one body without hitting anything harder than tissue and exited sideways, thus rendering the nose end of the bullet irrelevant. No magic bullet needed.
No mention at all of the bone matter that the bullet smashed through?
"this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of muscle tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone." Single-bullet theory - Wikipedia

You are dismissed, fool. No more questions, your honor. And don't bother to come back.
15 layers of clothing and a neck tie?

This is why it's impossible to take them seriously. They are so welded to their theories that they ignore obvious contradictions. Heck, they still claim the bullet reversed direction in mid air even though it's clear that Connelly was turned to the side, lining him up in a straight line with the bullet's path.
Well, duh. The limo was moving, so the skull fragment shot outward and upward, and the limo moved under it. Simple physics.
Like an outfielder settling under a pop fly you mean? :icon_rolleyes:

Do you realize how stupid this is? Probably not.

Take a ride in the back seat of an open convertible. Get going at 15-20 mph. Throw a tennis ball up in the air and catch it. Simple physics. The car was not at rest. OF COURSE an object will appear to move backward, while in reality the car is moving under it.

I don't know which troll you're talking to, but don't expect them to accept obvious fact...the conspiracy theory books don't accept obvious fact.

Some of these things are easily demonstrated by anyone, yet they still cling bitterly to discredited ideas.
Except it passed through one body without hitting anything harder than tissue and exited sideways, thus rendering the nose end of the bullet irrelevant. No magic bullet needed.
No mention at all of the bone matter that the bullet smashed through?
"this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of muscle tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone." Single-bullet theory - Wikipedia

You are dismissed, fool. No more questions, your honor. And don't bother to come back.
15 layers of clothing and a neck tie?

This is why it's impossible to take them seriously. They are so welded to their theories that they ignore obvious contradictions. Heck, they still claim the bullet reversed direction in mid air even though it's clear that Connelly was turned to the side, lining him up in a straight line with the bullet's path.
There are so many obvious contradictions (lies too) in the WC report,that it nearly impossible to name them all.
Still no evidence that Oswald had any assistance in killing JFK
There's plenty of evidence to the people who do their homework instead of closing their their eyes with their fingers in their ears going lalalala.
Show me where Oswald received any assistance and from who

We’ve been over this ground before but I’ll say it again since we’ve been a few hundred messages since then.

The problem I have with the lone nut theory/fact/argument is that we have more guns than ever and more lone nuts than ever. If the “lone nut” theory/fact/argument was true…it would seem like there would be people taking shots at Presidents, governors, mayors, high ranking officials every week. For some reason, we haven’t had many shootings of this type (we have had some) either before or after Oswald.

But if I were inclined to believe the lone nut theory/fact/argument, I would be doing exactly what you’re doing….asking for proof of an accomplice. I have none. By the same token; that doesn’t mean there is none.

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