Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.
You are one of the trolls on this stupid thread.
The title itself is a blatant lie.

LOL! The only people who call me a troll are those that can't refute my arguments nor stand the fact that I post evidence to counter their claims. And, while you may not believe the title of the thread, the evidence of the Warren Commission and the supporting evidence of the House Select Committee on Assassinations prove it is the truth.

Summary of Findings
Yea, I’m sure there were lots of professional assassins around that day using Carcano rifles.
Are you? I'm sure there were none! Because the Manlicher Carcano rifle was a cheap piece of crap rifle.
But I am sure there was lots of ammo for a rifle being sold all around as war surplus to shooters wanting a cheap rifle.

How a round fired anonymously at General Walker instantly links itself to Lee Harvey Oswald is a piece of malicious guess work that only corrupt the Warren Commission and their sheep followers would endorse or buy into.
Take a ride in the back seat of an open convertible. Get going at 15-20 mph. Throw a tennis ball up in the air and catch it. Simple physics. The car was not at rest. OF COURSE an object will appear to move backward, while in reality the car is moving under it.
How fast do you think the president's limousine was traveling at the time Kennedy was shot in the head?
Oh, I forgot...you know nothing about this issue at all.

Unless it was standing still, any object thrown into the air from the back seat would appear to move toward the back of the car. It's simple physics. BTW, it was moving about 5m/sec.

Like I said, try it.
You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?
You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

And I've shown you testimony from some doctors that disagree, so the fact that you're still claiming they said it, "to a man", means you're ignoring inconvenient evidence.
Yea, I’m sure there were lots of professional assassins around that day using Carcano rifles.
Are you? I'm sure there were none! Because the Manlicher Carcano rifle was a cheap piece of crap rifle.
But I am sure there was lots of ammo for a rifle being sold all around as war surplus to shooters wanting a cheap rifle.

How a round fired anonymously at General Walker instantly links itself to Lee Harvey Oswald is a piece of malicious guess work that only corrupt the Warren Commission and their sheep followers would endorse or buy into.

I suppose, if you totally ignore the fact that Oswald’s associates knew he hated the General and scouted his house.

Conspiracy theories are easy to buy into if you just ignore all the facts.
The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?
There only has to be two shooters for me to be right. I don't claim to know anymore for sure and the Warren Commission
was amateurish in their cover up, though to be fair who could cover up a public coup d'etat like the Kennedy assassination?

There was a second shooter, likely in the grassy knoll, who hit Kennedy in the right temple
and the exit wound blew out a big gaping hole in the back of his head. Were there other shooters. It is likely but we only need to know about the one to know the Warren Commission has been lying for decades.

Fortunately the public isn't as stupid as the trolls here and for decades the fantasy of Oswald as the lone killer has been
doubted by a solid majority of citizens.
I suppose, if you totally ignore the fact that Oswald’s associates knew he hated the General and scouted his house.

Conspiracy theories are easy to buy into if you just ignore all the facts.
Did the Warren Commission tell you about his "associates"? Let me guess, was CIA informant George DeMorenschildt one of them?
And I've shown you testimony from some doctors that disagree, so the fact that you're still claiming they said it, "to a man", means you're ignoring inconvenient evidence.
Yes, I remember that. Do you remember how I dealt with those two outliers?
One admitted he never saw Kennedy and years later agreed with the Warren version of the truth not base on any personal knowledge of Kennedy's condition at all but all based on what the Warren Commission said. Very impressive.

The other was a thoracic surgeon who said he only briefly saw Kennedy's body in passing. Your evidence isn't inconvenient at all. It's just pathetic the way you ignore 95% of the evidence that confirms the president was shot from the front to
bring up again these two lame outliers.

On the other hand I've posted a link over and over containing doctor after doctor discussing their view of the president's head wound and guess what? They all agree on the location of the exit wound and the nature of the "gaping hole" itself. JFK Parkland Hospital DOCTORS Page 2 the Grand Subversion
The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?
There only has to be two shooters for me to be right. I don't claim to know anymore for sure and the Warren Commission
was amateurish in their cover up, though to be fair who could cover up a public coup d'etat like the Kennedy assassination?

There was a second shooter, likely in the grassy knoll, who hit Kennedy in the right temple
and the exit wound blew out a big gaping hole in the back of his head. Were there other shooters. It is likely but we only need to know about the one to know the Warren Commission has been lying for decades.

Fortunately the public isn't as stupid as the trolls here and for decades the fantasy of Oswald as the lone killer has been
doubted by a solid majority of citizens.

Fucking retard, there was no one shooting from the grassy knoll. We know this thanks to Mrs. Krahmer, who snapped this image of a shooterless grassy knoll as JFK was shot...

And I've shown you testimony from some doctors that disagree, so the fact that you're still claiming they said it, "to a man", means you're ignoring inconvenient evidence.
Yes, I remember that. Do you remember how I dealt with those two outliers?
One admitted he never saw Kennedy and years later agreed with the Warren version of the truth not base on any personal knowledge of Kennedy's condition at all but all based on what the Warren Commission said. Very impressive.

The other was a thoracic surgeon who said he only briefly saw Kennedy's body in passing. Your evidence isn't inconvenient at all. It's just pathetic the way you ignore 95% of the evidence that confirms the president was shot from the front to
bring up again these two lame outliers.

On the other hand I've posted a link over and over containing doctor after doctor discussing their view of the president's head wound and guess what? They all agree on the location of the exit wound and the nature of the "gaping hole" itself. JFK Parkland Hospital DOCTORS Page 2 the Grand Subversion
Tsk, tsk. What a pity you can’t quote those attending physicians as stating the hole towards the back of his head was an exit wound, as you falsely claim.
You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?
Snout said 7
You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?

I think some conspiracy theorists have a deep psychological need for there to be an "evil person or people" because it makes the world a safer place for them. They need there to be "order" and "purpose" behind JFK's death because it is scary to them to think that random events and contingency can play such a large role in our lives. Others are just gullible and a small group are just stupid. That doesn't count the trolls who just want to argue and ignore all evidence because they really don't care about the issue.
Poor, delusional dale. I almost feel sorry for him. He gets his ass kicked regularly and the best response he can muster is tapping the ‘funny’ icon.

Then he also has the insurmountable hurdle of explaining how someone could get off a shot without seeing the president as a shot from that vantage point could not see the president to aim and shoot...


Lil faun, there will NEVER come a day on this forum where you will EVER get the best of me in a debate......you are more to be pitied than scolded. You wallow in ignorance and believe all the bullshit this corporate entity aka "da gubermint" feeds you like it was filet mignon. Kennedy wasn't hit in the back of the head and no one with a cheap, bolt action rifle could fire a shot through a windshield, cause two wounds to Kennedy, cause three broken ribs and a shattered wrist to Connally and then lodge itself in his leg....THEN? found it's way onto a gurney at Parkland. I bet you believe in the tooth fairy as well.


Slobbers the forum maniac who thinks the JFK assassination came down to a 50/50 chance that the president would be sitting on the right side of the limo. :cuckoo:

Have nurse Ratchet change your drool cup, delusional dale, it’s overflowing.

Give it up, lil faun.......you believe in "magic bullets" fired from an alleged bolt action rifle that fired of three shots accurately at a moving target in under six seconds and radio audio distinctly proves two shots fired consecutively...not an echo like was claimed. Magic bullet, what bullshit but certainly not surprised that you buy into it.

Game, set AND match.....


You poor thing, you really do believe a shot from this angle from, from a storm drain about 8-10 inches high, could have been made. :cuckoo:

Again... look at the angle from the drain to where JFK was sitting, slouching forward and away from the limo door, no less....



Blow it out your ass, lil faun. You obviously didn't listen or watch the videos I posted of eyewitness accounts that contradicted the Warren Report and thus were never called into testify. The "umbrella man" was there at the mark on Elm Street to let Greer know that the kill shot hadn't found it's mark thus bringing the limo to a stop for a shot from the storm drain a mere fifteen yards from the target. "Shot in the back of the head" my ass. It was a close shot to the right hand side of the temple that nearly took his head off. You have the audio of a motorcycle cop's radio transmission. If there was an "All You Can Eat" stupidity buffet, you would be first in line, elbowing others out of the way with a napkin tucked under your chin fisting a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other.

You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?

I think some conspiracy theorists have a deep psychological need for there to be an "evil person or people" because it makes the world a safer place for them. They need there to be "order" and "purpose" behind JFK's death because it is scary to them to think that random events and contingency can play such a large role in our lives. Others are just gullible and a small group are just stupid. That doesn't count the trolls who just want to argue and ignore all evidence because they really don't care about the issue.

The ultimate problem the theorists face is placing eye witness testimony above science and fact. For example, those who say they saw a wound at the back of the head that simply isn't there in the x-rays and autopsy photographs. Those x-rays and photographs ultimately trump witness recollection and memory. They're left with proclaiming any scientific evidence that counters their cherished narrative as "fake".
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?

I think some conspiracy theorists have a deep psychological need for there to be an "evil person or people" because it makes the world a safer place for them. They need there to be "order" and "purpose" behind JFK's death because it is scary to them to think that random events and contingency can play such a large role in our lives. Others are just gullible and a small group are just stupid. That doesn't count the trolls who just want to argue and ignore all evidence because they really don't care about the issue.

The ultimate problem the theorists face is placing eye witness testimony above science and fact. For example, those who say they saw a wound at the back of the head that simply isn't there in the x-rays and autopsy photographs. Those x-rays and photographs ultimately trump witness recollection and memory. They're left with proclaiming any scientific evidence that counters their cherished narrative as "fake".

They rely on people who "saw" the wound, with the blood and brain matter flowing down the side of the head to the back and matting the hair and mistakenly thought the wound was an exit wound. It wasn't until the autopsy was done and the scalp was folded back to it's original position that they found that the entrance wound was in the back and the massive opening on the side was a result of the skull rupturing after being fractured by the bullet's entry and then the scalp tearing open, exposing the brain.
You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

I’m sorry, it was Dale Smith who said there were 7 assassins. That must have been one crowed storm drain.
Yes. Fake is the word and you are left looking like a dishonest quisling and you also help show beyond any doubt the cover up of the JFK coup was engineered to hide the truth of the crime of the century.

You only make yourself look like an amoral dick and what are you getting from your denial of the facts?
Not credibility. that's for sure.

Oh boy, another link nobody will ever click on.

Still waiting for the explanation on how Oswald’s rifle ended up in the TSBD without his knowledge.

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