Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

I’m sorry, it was Dale Smith who said there were 7 assassins. That must have been one crowed storm drain.

You have to be the dumbest c--nt on this forum.
You can argue motives and who may have or may not have backed Oswald, but physics and ballistics make it clear what killed Kennedy, and it was a shot from behind and above that blew his head apart. There's no need for 3, 5, or 7 shooters hiding in storm drains or in plain sight on a hill that no one saw. If they were there, they weren't needed.
The doctors at the Parkland hospital ER that all attested to a man about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head
(that I've linked to over and over again) all make your continued posts about this a joke.
That you have not, or will not, even view the citation is evidence of your guilty mind. Evidence doesn't cease to exist if you ignore it. The only thing that is nonexistent is your credibility.

You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

I’m sorry, it was Dale Smith who said there were 7 assassins. That must have been one crowed storm drain.

You have to be the dumbest c--nt on this forum.

You’ve been reduced to name calling. Actually, that probably an elevation for you. LOL
You’re the one adding in the word “exit”.

What really amuses me with you conspiracy idiots is that you seem to think you’re the first one to come up with the angle of adding in important details on your own. We’ve seen it before. It’s tired. It’s dishonest. And sick. All 3 are perfect descriptors of conspiracy kooks.

What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.

The ONLY thing they agree on is their intense aversion to the idea that Oswald killed Kennedy. In order for them all to be right, how many shooters do we have to have, 6,7, or more?

I think some conspiracy theorists have a deep psychological need for there to be an "evil person or people" because it makes the world a safer place for them. They need there to be "order" and "purpose" behind JFK's death because it is scary to them to think that random events and contingency can play such a large role in our lives. Others are just gullible and a small group are just stupid. That doesn't count the trolls who just want to argue and ignore all evidence because they really don't care about the issue.

The ultimate problem the theorists face is placing eye witness testimony above science and fact. For example, those who say they saw a wound at the back of the head that simply isn't there in the x-rays and autopsy photographs. Those x-rays and photographs ultimately trump witness recollection and memory. They're left with proclaiming any scientific evidence that counters their cherished narrative as "fake".

They rely on people who "saw" the wound, with the blood and brain matter flowing down the side of the head to the back and matting the hair and mistakenly thought the wound was an exit wound. It wasn't until the autopsy was done and the scalp was folded back to it's original position that they found that the entrance wound was in the back and the massive opening on the side was a result of the skull rupturing after being fractured by the bullet's entry and then the scalp tearing open, exposing the brain.

Exactly. They're insisting that impressions formed in the heat of the moment override the X-ray and photographic evidence.
Exactly. They're insisting that impressions formed in the heat of the moment override the X-ray and photographic evidence.
A) A gaping exit wound in the back of Kennedy's skull, and attested to by every doctor in the ER, is not something formed
in the "heat of the moment". It was universally observed evidence of a brutal head shot, most likely taken from the notorious grassy knoll area.

B) Your x-ray evidence was a fake and already dealt with (# 2898).
Who is paying you to act like such a stupid dupe?
Exactly. They're insisting that impressions formed in the heat of the moment override the X-ray and photographic evidence.
A) A gaping exit wound in the back of Kennedy's skull, and attested to by every doctor in the ER, is not something formed
in the "heat of the moment". It was universally observed evidence of a brutal head shot, most likely taken from the notorious grassy knoll area.

B) Your x-ray evidence was a fake and already dealt with (# 2898).
Who is paying you to act like such a stupid dupe?

And there it is. The perfect example. Note the absolutist language, the settled mind, the insistence that all contrary evidence is faked, followed by that most feeble and juvenile of tactics, the lame insult. I give you the perfect conspiracy believer's post.
Poor, delusional dale. I almost feel sorry for him. He gets his ass kicked regularly and the best response he can muster is tapping the ‘funny’ icon.

Then he also has the insurmountable hurdle of explaining how someone could get off a shot without seeing the president as a shot from that vantage point could not see the president to aim and shoot...


Lil faun, there will NEVER come a day on this forum where you will EVER get the best of me in a debate......you are more to be pitied than scolded. You wallow in ignorance and believe all the bullshit this corporate entity aka "da gubermint" feeds you like it was filet mignon. Kennedy wasn't hit in the back of the head and no one with a cheap, bolt action rifle could fire a shot through a windshield, cause two wounds to Kennedy, cause three broken ribs and a shattered wrist to Connally and then lodge itself in his leg....THEN? found it's way onto a gurney at Parkland. I bet you believe in the tooth fairy as well.


Slobbers the forum maniac who thinks the JFK assassination came down to a 50/50 chance that the president would be sitting on the right side of the limo. :cuckoo:

Have nurse Ratchet change your drool cup, delusional dale, it’s overflowing.

Give it up, lil faun.......you believe in "magic bullets" fired from an alleged bolt action rifle that fired of three shots accurately at a moving target in under six seconds and radio audio distinctly proves two shots fired consecutively...not an echo like was claimed. Magic bullet, what bullshit but certainly not surprised that you buy into it.

Game, set AND match.....


You poor thing, you really do believe a shot from this angle from, from a storm drain about 8-10 inches high, could have been made. :cuckoo:

Again... look at the angle from the drain to where JFK was sitting, slouching forward and away from the limo door, no less....



Blow it out your ass, lil faun. You obviously didn't listen or watch the videos I posted of eyewitness accounts that contradicted the Warren Report and thus were never called into testify. The "umbrella man" was there at the mark on Elm Street to let Greer know that the kill shot hadn't found it's mark thus bringing the limo to a stop for a shot from the storm drain a mere fifteen yards from the target. "Shot in the back of the head" my ass. It was a close shot to the right hand side of the temple that nearly took his head off. You have the audio of a motorcycle cop's radio transmission. If there was an "All You Can Eat" stupidity buffet, you would be first in line, elbowing others out of the way with a napkin tucked under your chin fisting a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other.

I watched the part of the video where they claim the shooter was in the storm drain. That’s all I needed to see to know the producer of that video is batshit insane. Aside from making zero sense for reducing such an assassination to a 50/50 chance the president will be sitting on the right side of the limo, the logistics of that location reduced the possibility of that shot to zero percent. The fatal shot came from a high powered rifle; there was no room in that drain for such a weapon unless it was protruding onto the street where it would be openly visible to dozens of witnesses, including the cop just to JFK’s right. No one ever reported seeing any such thing. And to finish off your crazed nonsense, as if that wasn’t enough, given the angle of that shot with the location of the limo when tbe shit was fired, and with JFK’s head leaning down and away from the limo door, such a shooter could not have possibly seen Kennedy. Maybe had the limo been further down on Elm street, but not at the angle the shot would actually have been taken at.


You’re almost as insane as the nutcase who used to post here claiming the limo driver shot Kennedy. :cuckoo:
Exactly. They're insisting that impressions formed in the heat of the moment override the X-ray and photographic evidence.
A) A gaping exit wound in the back of Kennedy's skull, and attested to by every doctor in the ER, is not something formed
in the "heat of the moment". It was universally observed evidence of a brutal head shot, most likely taken from the notorious grassy knoll area.

B) Your x-ray evidence was a fake and already dealt with (# 2898).
Who is paying you to act like such a stupid dupe?

None of them said it was a conclusive exit wound. Stop your lying
And there it is. The perfect example. Note the absolutist language, the settled mind, the insistence that all contrary evidence is faked, followed by that most feeble and juvenile of tactics, the lame insult. I give you the perfect conspiracy believer's post.
Ooohhh, I feel so chastised! I'm so sorry, Mom. The overwhelming evidence means something to me. Sorry you
don't have an equally high regard for the truth.
And there it is. The perfect example. Note the absolutist language, the settled mind, the insistence that all contrary evidence is faked, followed by that most feeble and juvenile of tactics, the lame insult. I give you the perfect conspiracy believer's post.
Ooohhh, I feel so chastised! I'm so sorry, Mom. The overwhelming evidence means something to me. Sorry you
don't have an equally high regard for the truth.

I have a high regard for the physical evidence. There is no film evidence, for example, of a bullet blasting out the back of the president's head while there is for a bullet blowing out the top right of his head. In order for there to really be a "massive exit wound" in the back of his head, we should have seen a massive spray of blood and brain tissue blasting out of the area on the film. We do not. The only way that could have been done is if someone shot him AFTER the limo sped off, and I do believe Jackie would have had something to say about that.
I have a high regard for the physical evidence. There is no film evidence, for example, of a bullet blasting out the back of the president's head while there is for a bullet blowing out the top right of his head. In order for there to really be a "massive exit wound" in the back of his head, we should have seen a massive spray of blood and brain tissue blasting out of the area on the film. We do not. The only way that could have been done is if someone shot him AFTER the limo sped off, and I do believe Jackie would have had something to say about that.
It probably never occurred to you that what you believe you "saw" is contradicted by actual, irrefutable physical evidence
as attested to by the first hand eye witness testimony of multiple ER doctors all on duty when JFK was brought into Parkland hospital. Once again the testimony given to the Warren Commission is cited here: JFK Parkland Hospital Description of HEAD and THROAT shot Wounds Dallas Doctors kennedy: Grand Subversion.

Jackie Kennedy tried to retrieve that bit of the president's skull that was blown out by a killing head shot by scrambling over the back of the limousine after it...blown back onto the rear of the limousine.

You people don't read citations, and that's telling, but the nurse from Parkland who was actually the first person to try and resuscitate the president has ended a fifty year silence (the Warren Commission didn't try to talk to her, which is odd for a body trying to get to the bottom of things) and what she says about the way JFK's body was snatched away from Parkland before a real autopsy could be performed, is very notable. John F. Kennedy — Autopsy Photos Expose Cover-Up!

Why did federal agents take the body of JFK by force from Dallas before an autopsy there could be made and removed it
to Bethesda for an autopsy staged by hand picked military doctors, who by the way had never performed an actual autopsy before? To ask the question is to answer it.
I have a high regard for the physical evidence. There is no film evidence, for example, of a bullet blasting out the back of the president's head while there is for a bullet blowing out the top right of his head. In order for there to really be a "massive exit wound" in the back of his head, we should have seen a massive spray of blood and brain tissue blasting out of the area on the film. We do not. The only way that could have been done is if someone shot him AFTER the limo sped off, and I do believe Jackie would have had something to say about that.
It probably never occurred to you that what you believe you "saw" is contradicted by actual, irrefutable physical evidence
as attested to by the first hand eye witness testimony of multiple ER doctors all on duty when JFK was brought into Parkland hospital. Once again the testimony given to the Warren Commission is cited here: JFK Parkland Hospital Description of HEAD and THROAT shot Wounds Dallas Doctors kennedy: Grand Subversion.

Jackie Kennedy tried to retrieve that bit of the president's skull that was blown out by a killing head shot by scrambling over the back of the limousine after it...blown back onto the rear of the limousine.

You people don't read citations, and that's telling, but the nurse from Parkland who was actually the first person to try and resuscitate the president has ended a fifty year silence (the Warren Commission didn't try to talk to her, which is odd for a body trying to get to the bottom of things) and what she says about the way JFK's body was snatched away from Parkland before a real autopsy could be performed, is very notable. John F. Kennedy — Autopsy Photos Expose Cover-Up!

Why did federal agents take the body of JFK by force from Dallas before an autopsy there could be made and removed it
to Bethesda for an autopsy staged by hand picked military doctors, who by the way had never performed an actual autopsy before? To ask the question is to answer it.
And you lie when you falsely claim all of the Parkland doctors identified the back of his head as the exit wound.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn’t have to lie like that.
I have a high regard for the physical evidence. There is no film evidence, for example, of a bullet blasting out the back of the president's head while there is for a bullet blowing out the top right of his head. In order for there to really be a "massive exit wound" in the back of his head, we should have seen a massive spray of blood and brain tissue blasting out of the area on the film. We do not. The only way that could have been done is if someone shot him AFTER the limo sped off, and I do believe Jackie would have had something to say about that.
It probably never occurred to you that what you believe you "saw" is contradicted by actual, irrefutable physical evidence
as attested to by the first hand eye witness testimony of multiple ER doctors all on duty when JFK was brought into Parkland hospital. Once again the testimony given to the Warren Commission is cited here: JFK Parkland Hospital Description of HEAD and THROAT shot Wounds Dallas Doctors kennedy: Grand Subversion.

Jackie Kennedy tried to retrieve that bit of the president's skull that was blown out by a killing head shot by scrambling over the back of the limousine after it...blown back onto the rear of the limousine.

You people don't read citations, and that's telling, but the nurse from Parkland who was actually the first person to try and resuscitate the president has ended a fifty year silence (the Warren Commission didn't try to talk to her, which is odd for a body trying to get to the bottom of things) and what she says about the way JFK's body was snatched away from Parkland before a real autopsy could be performed, is very notable. John F. Kennedy — Autopsy Photos Expose Cover-Up!

Why did federal agents take the body of JFK by force from Dallas before an autopsy there could be made and removed it
to Bethesda for an autopsy staged by hand picked military doctors, who by the way had never performed an actual autopsy before? To ask the question is to answer it.

We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.

It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

this shill needs to change his user name to HAD IT WITH THE TRUTH.:abgg2q.jpg:
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We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.
Uh, yeah, pieces of JFK’s head went flying up in the air. Some are even visible...

We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.
I have a high regard for the physical evidence. There is no film evidence, for example, of a bullet blasting out the back of the president's head while there is for a bullet blowing out the top right of his head. In order for there to really be a "massive exit wound" in the back of his head, we should have seen a massive spray of blood and brain tissue blasting out of the area on the film. We do not. The only way that could have been done is if someone shot him AFTER the limo sped off, and I do believe Jackie would have had something to say about that.
It probably never occurred to you that what you believe you "saw" is contradicted by actual, irrefutable physical evidence
as attested to by the first hand eye witness testimony of multiple ER doctors all on duty when JFK was brought into Parkland hospital. Once again the testimony given to the Warren Commission is cited here: JFK Parkland Hospital Description of HEAD and THROAT shot Wounds Dallas Doctors kennedy: Grand Subversion.

Jackie Kennedy tried to retrieve that bit of the president's skull that was blown out by a killing head shot by scrambling over the back of the limousine after it...blown back onto the rear of the limousine.

You people don't read citations, and that's telling, but the nurse from Parkland who was actually the first person to try and resuscitate the president has ended a fifty year silence (the Warren Commission didn't try to talk to her, which is odd for a body trying to get to the bottom of things) and what she says about the way JFK's body was snatched away from Parkland before a real autopsy could be performed, is very notable. John F. Kennedy — Autopsy Photos Expose Cover-Up!

Why did federal agents take the body of JFK by force from Dallas before an autopsy there could be made and removed it
to Bethesda for an autopsy staged by hand picked military doctors, who by the way had never performed an actual autopsy before? To ask the question is to answer it.

We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.

It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.

You realize that trolls can't accept the physical evidence because their arguments would then be without merit. That's why they rail against it and call you names because they can't refute your arguments.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.

JFK wasn't hit in the back of the head. Since when did the right temple = back of the head? Go "gaslight" someone else, troll.

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