Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.

JFK wasn't hit in the back of the head. Since when did the right temple = back of the head? Go "gaslight" someone else, troll.

the stupid fuck troll must really get paid a lot from his bosses from these ass beatings he gets from us.LOL
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.

JFK wasn't hit in the back of the head. Since when did the right temple = back of the head? Go "gaslight" someone else, troll.

Can you show us on the film when the "massive exit wound" on the back of his head happened?
Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?
There are many things that are missing on the Zapruder film that dozens of eyewitnesses reported (like the momentary stopping of the Kennedy limousine is not seen).
And of course there is manipulation of the film itself (the government had complete possession and control of the film and has led to subsequent lawsuits Lawsuit seeks return of missing JFK assassination footage ).
See this video at approximately 3:27 for the salient bit. I know you won't watch the whole thing fearing you'll see something you cannot explain away. zapruder film - Yahoo Video Search Results

Yes, I conspicuously ignore your pleading and mewling about the Zapruder film because (A) it's authenticity cannot be vouched for as my last cited video demonstrates and (B) you ignore frame 313 of the film where the president is clearly shot in the side or front of the head, thereby making your whole argument moot anyway because it invalidates your whole claim on one lone gunman on the TSBD sixth floor shooting away.
Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.
Show me were you can detect Kennedy's skull fragment being "blown into the air". I see a spray of blood and tissue.
Parkland doctors report a small entrance wound on Kennedy's right temple area. That is all.
Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?
There are many things that are missing on the Zapruder film that dozens of eyewitnesses reported (like the momentary stopping of the Kennedy limousine is not seen).
And of course there is manipulation of the film itself (the government had complete possession and control of the film and has led to subsequent lawsuits Lawsuit seeks return of missing JFK assassination footage ).
See this video at approximately 3:27 for the salient bit. I know you won't watch the whole thing fearing you'll see something you cannot explain away. zapruder film - Yahoo Video Search Results

Yes, I conspicuously ignore your pleading and mewling about the Zapruder film because (A) it's authenticity cannot be vouched for as my last cited video demonstrates and (B) you ignore frame 313 of the film where the president is clearly shot in the side or front of the head, thereby making your whole argument moot anyway because it invalidates your whole claim on one lone gunman on the TSBD sixth floor shooting away.
Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.
Show me were you can detect Kennedy's skull fragment being "blown into the air". I see a spray of blood and tissue.
Parkland doctors report a small entrance wound on Kennedy's right temple area. That is all.

Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.

And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.
There is no evidence that supports anything you said
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.
Even better than Zapruder not detecting a shooter from the grassy knoll — Orville Nix happen to catch the grassy knoll on video when the fatal shot was fired .... there was no shooter there. Conspiracy nuts are called “nuts” for a reason.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.

All you have is insisting that the evidence is faked, because it counters your cherished belief. You can't show where, when or how the "massive exit wound" in the back of his head happened, you can't show the massive hole in the scalp over the so-called wound, you can't back up any of your assertions, whereas it is painfully obvious that the shot that killed Kennedy blew off the top right part of his head, totally consistent with a shot from behind. The skull fragment flew up in the air and fell on the trunk of the car, again due to simple physics as the car moved forward under it. Connelly was turned to his right, which lined him up in a straight line from Oswald through Kenney's neck, to his side, which eliminates the need for a magic bullet. You only need one shooter and two bullets that struck their targets to kill the president.

You keep saying there was a massive exit wound in the back of Kennedy's skull, and claim that the film was doctored to hide when that bullet struck. Fine, there were a lot of people watching. Can you produce any credible witnesses that saw the BACK of the president's head blow apart? You say the wound was there, tell us when and how it got there without anyone seeing it happen. Remember, your claim is that Jackie was trying to retrieve a part of Kennedy's skull that came from the BACK of his head. She did that on the Zapruder film, which means that the bullet blowing the back of his head apart should also be on the film. It's not there, and I've not heard of anyone who saw it, so where is it?

I think I will have to consider you guys the "pristine scalp brigade" from now on.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.
There is no evidence that supports anything you said
This is a classic case of picking out a handful of data points, building questions around them and constructing an entire narrative while completely ignoring any actual physical evidence that counters it. Classic conspiracy theorist stuff, and they're never budge from their carefully crafted narrative.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.
Even better than Zapruder not detecting a shooter from the grassy knoll — Orville Nix happen to catch the grassy knoll on video when the fatal shot was fired .... there was no shooter there. Conspiracy nuts are called “nuts” for a reason.

LMAO! Zapruder was facing the street, dumb ass........and the fatal shot wasn't fired from behind the motorcade and the projection of the shot had to of been from an angle lower than the sitting position of JFK that raised his head and tilted it towards the left. Audio evidence distinctly proves more than three shots were fired. You lose, dipshit.

BTW, being called a "nut" by a 'knows-nothing" sack of shit like you is utterly laughable. You defend this corporate, deep state apparatus like your pathetic life counted on it. I spit on it, give it the double middle finger salute and I expose it for what it is....a terrorist organization that makes the mafia seem honorable by comparison. You are like a chicken that pledges loyalty to Colonel Sanders.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.
There is no evidence that supports anything you said
This is a classic case of picking out a handful of data points, building questions around them and constructing an entire narrative while completely ignoring any actual physical evidence that counters it. Classic conspiracy theorist stuff, and they're never budge from their carefully crafted narrative.

Shove it, you insufferable prick....no one has "cherry-picked" more than you have. The Warren Commission was a fucking joke that ignored anything that could call the "magic bullet" theory into question. You are one of the dull-witted sheeple.
Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?
There are many things that are missing on the Zapruder film that dozens of eyewitnesses reported (like the momentary stopping of the Kennedy limousine is not seen).
And of course there is manipulation of the film itself (the government had complete possession and control of the film and has led to subsequent lawsuits Lawsuit seeks return of missing JFK assassination footage ).
See this video at approximately 3:27 for the salient bit. I know you won't watch the whole thing fearing you'll see something you cannot explain away. zapruder film - Yahoo Video Search Results

Yes, I conspicuously ignore your pleading and mewling about the Zapruder film because (A) it's authenticity cannot be vouched for as my last cited video demonstrates and (B) you ignore frame 313 of the film where the president is clearly shot in the side or front of the head, thereby making your whole argument moot anyway because it invalidates your whole claim on one lone gunman on the TSBD sixth floor shooting away.
Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.
Show me were you can detect Kennedy's skull fragment being "blown into the air". I see a spray of blood and tissue.
Parkland doctors report a small entrance wound on Kennedy's right temple area. That is all.
The limo never stopped, you’re fucking crazy; confirmed by numerous witnesses confirmed by two different videos.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.
Even better than Zapruder not detecting a shooter from the grassy knoll — Orville Nix happen to catch the grassy knoll on video when the fatal shot was fired .... there was no shooter there. Conspiracy nuts are called “nuts” for a reason.

LMAO! Zapruder was facing the street, dumb ass........and the fatal shot wasn't fired from behind the motorcade and the projection of the shot had to of been from an angle lower than the sitting position of JFK that raised his head and tilted it towards the left. Audio evidence distinctly proves more than three shots were fired. You lose, dipshit.

BTW, being called a "nut" by a 'knows-nothing" sack of shit like you is utterly laughable. You defend this corporate, deep state apparatus like your pathetic life counted on it. I spit on it, give it the double middle finger salute and I expose it for what it is....a terrorist organization that makes the mafia seem honorable by comparison. You are like a chicken that pledges loyalty to Colonel Sanders.

You’re such an imbecile, delusional dale. You can’t even read straight. Everyone was facing the street, that’s where Kennedy was. :eusa_doh:

As far as the grassy knoll, I pointed out that Nix captured it as Kennedy was shot in the head. So who knows what you think I got wrong?


... there was no shooter on the grassy knoll, which squashes the nonsense that many conspiracy nuts believe there was.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.
Even better than Zapruder not detecting a shooter from the grassy knoll — Orville Nix happen to catch the grassy knoll on video when the fatal shot was fired .... there was no shooter there. Conspiracy nuts are called “nuts” for a reason.

LMAO! Zapruder was facing the street, dumb ass........and the fatal shot wasn't fired from behind the motorcade and the projection of the shot had to of been from an angle lower than the sitting position of JFK that raised his head and tilted it towards the left. Audio evidence distinctly proves more than three shots were fired. You lose, dipshit.

BTW, being called a "nut" by a 'knows-nothing" sack of shit like you is utterly laughable. You defend this corporate, deep state apparatus like your pathetic life counted on it. I spit on it, give it the double middle finger salute and I expose it for what it is....a terrorist organization that makes the mafia seem honorable by comparison. You are like a chicken that pledges loyalty to Colonel Sanders.
”and the fatal shot wasn't fired from behind the motorcade and the projection of the shot had to of been from an angle lower than the sitting position of JFK that raised his head and tilted it towards the left.

Complete and utter deranged nonsense.

First of all, the initial movement of his head when struck by the bullet was forward, before his whole upper body recoiled back...


Secondly, all of the cranial matter from his head came out from the right side of his head and sprayed forward and out. Nothing visibly came out from the back of his head when shot...



Thirdly, your hallucinations about the storm drain are just more insanity from the forum’s most insane poster. Aside from the fact that Kennedy could not be seen from that angle from inside that storm drain, there was a crowd of people standing directly in front of the storm drain. They would have seen the gun... they would have heard the gun...


...plus, you actually claim a cop went to inspect it....

No, dumbfuck, he didn’t. He was getting off of his motorcycle before leaving that vicinity. Here’s his motorcycle (in red) ... while he’s nowhere to be seen as he took off somewhere after getting off from his motorcycle. And most saliently, he’s not checking out the storm drain (in blue)... no one is. Not the cop, not the people standing by the storm drain, not that crowd I circled standing directly across the street from it.


As always, you prove to be a fruit-loop dingus. :cuckoo:
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.
There is no evidence that supports anything you said
This is a classic case of picking out a handful of data points, building questions around them and constructing an entire narrative while completely ignoring any actual physical evidence that counters it. Classic conspiracy theorist stuff, and they're never budge from their carefully crafted narrative.

Shove it, you insufferable prick....no one has "cherry-picked" more than you have. The Warren Commission was a fucking joke that ignored anything that could call the "magic bullet" theory into question. You are one of the dull-witted sheeple.

Prioritizing physical evidence backed by physics over eye witness testimony is not cherry-picking. But hey, keep up the juvenile insults, they might impress someone.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.
Even better than Zapruder not detecting a shooter from the grassy knoll — Orville Nix happen to catch the grassy knoll on video when the fatal shot was fired .... there was no shooter there. Conspiracy nuts are called “nuts” for a reason.

LMAO! Zapruder was facing the street, dumb ass........and the fatal shot wasn't fired from behind the motorcade and the projection of the shot had to of been from an angle lower than the sitting position of JFK that raised his head and tilted it towards the left. Audio evidence distinctly proves more than three shots were fired. You lose, dipshit.

BTW, being called a "nut" by a 'knows-nothing" sack of shit like you is utterly laughable. You defend this corporate, deep state apparatus like your pathetic life counted on it. I spit on it, give it the double middle finger salute and I expose it for what it is....a terrorist organization that makes the mafia seem honorable by comparison. You are like a chicken that pledges loyalty to Colonel Sanders.
Kennedy was shot from behind
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.
We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.

JFK wasn't hit in the back of the head. Since when did the right temple = back of the head? Go "gaslight" someone else, troll.

If yo had anything legitimate to share, I'd keep reading you. But, you're a stupid troll who is now on ignore.
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We've already established that, as the limo was moving at the time, the back of the car is the ONLY place a piece of his skull that was blown upwards into the air could land, as the car moved under it. And can you honestly say YOU saw a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on ANY of the movies or photos taken of the event? If not, you've demolished your own objection to what I clearly saw on the film. If you have, I'd like to see it. And no, drawings based on recollections don't count.
You actually believe part of Kennedy's skull was blown up in the air like a leaf? Like a feather? Like a piece of paper?
Can you honestly say you were in the Parkland hospital when JFK was brought in and you can contradict the unanimous independently arrived at eyewitness evaluation of all these doctors and nurses?
It's also interesting that you count eye witness testimony as irrefutable physical evidence while discounting the actual physical evidence. You might as well insist that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he ran away because witnesses claimed he was when the physical evidence says he was charging the officer when he was shot.
You mean the actual physical evidence as attested to by all the many doctors that saw Kennedy before he was illegally removed by force and taken to Bethesda? Military Fraud in the JFK Autopsy – The Future of Freedom Foundation

I already posted once about the secretive fraudulent autopsy performed for an audience of Pentagon brass.
You get no credibility at all until you address what has been posted and I know you will never do that.

As far as comparing the eyewitness testimony of the Parkland hospital medical personnel, who had zero reason to lie
or misrepresent what they observed, with whatever 'hood trash who lied about Michael Brown, it just demonstrates
how thin and weak your argument, which has been insistently ignorant, really is.

Are you saying that you cannot show a massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the BACK of Kennedy's head on any of the photos and movies taken off the event? Because you conspicuously ignored it. And since we know his head wasn't blown apart before the shot that destroyed the top right of his skull, that "massive exit wound" had to have been created later, after the recording stopped. When did that happen and why, as there was no need for it?

So tell us, when did that "massive exit wound" on the BACK of Kennedy's head get created, as there's no evidence of it on the film?

Now, we do know that a chunk of Kennedy's skull WAS blown into the air along with a lot of blood and brain tissue from the top right of his head, because we can see it on the film. How much would something like that weigh, a few grams? Like I challenged before, try it. Get in the back seat of an open convertible, get moving about 5m/sec, and toss a tennis ball into the air. Where does it land in relation to where you're sitting?

You see, the actual physical evidence outweighs eye witness testimony.

Of course it outweighs eye witness testimony. Our perceptions are clouded by the limitations of our senses. People thought the echos of the shots made it appear that shots came from the "grassy knoll" even though Abraham Zapruder and his secretary were 20 feet away and did not detect anyone shooting from their right.

JFK wasn't hit in the back of the head. Since when did the right temple = back of the head? Go "gaslight" someone else, troll.

the stupid fuck troll must really get paid a lot from his bosses from these ass beatings he gets from us.LOL

If you think posting lies and silly elementary school insults is "ass beatings", you're too stupid to read as well. Ignore for you.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.
There is no evidence that supports anything you said

Trolls don't need evidence. They BELIEVE!

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