Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.

Another link nobody is going to follow
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.

The trolls are just time wasting morons and blithering idiots. LA Rams fan told me that we were dealing with idiots. Hell, look at the frame by frame that lil faun posted blatantly showing the right hand side of the head was hit and it sure as fuck wasn't the back of it like they claim.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.

The trolls are just time wasting morons and blithering idiots. LA Rams fan told me that we were dealing with idiots. Hell, look at the frame by frame that lil faun posted blatantly showing the right hand side of the head was hit and it sure as fuck wasn't the back of it like they claim.

Yeah, because in your delusional world, brains spray out of the entrance hole and not at all through the exit hole. :eusa_doh:

You also seem crazy enough to believe getting shot in the forehead caused his initial head movement to thrust forward, against the bullet.

Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.

The trolls are just time wasting morons and blithering idiots. LA Rams fan told me that we were dealing with idiots. Hell, look at the frame by frame that lil faun posted blatantly showing the right hand side of the head was hit and it sure as fuck wasn't the back of it like they claim.

Yeah, because in your delusional world, brains spray out of the entrance hole and not at all through the exit hole. :eusa_doh:

You also seem crazy enough to believe getting shot in the forehead caused his initial head movement to thrust forward, against the bullet.


I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.

The trolls are just time wasting morons and blithering idiots. LA Rams fan told me that we were dealing with idiots. Hell, look at the frame by frame that lil faun posted blatantly showing the right hand side of the head was hit and it sure as fuck wasn't the back of it like they claim.

Yeah, because in your delusional world, brains spray out of the entrance hole and not at all through the exit hole. :eusa_doh:

You also seem crazy enough to believe getting shot in the forehead caused his initial head movement to thrust forward, against the bullet.


I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.

You'll never get one of them to admit it even if they had. It's a religious belief with them. The truth has been available for years:

"Using known parameters from the crime scene, explicit force calculations are carried out for determining the projectile's retardation during tissue passage along with the resulting transfer of momentum and kinetic energy (KE). The computed instantaneous KE transfer within the soft tissue is found to be consistent with the formation of a temporary cavity associated with the observed explosion of the head, and subsequent quantitative examination of this phenomenon reveals two delayed forces at play in the backward motion of the President following impact. It is therefore found that the observed motions of President Kennedy in the film are physically consistent with a high-speed projectile impact from the rear of the motorcade, these resulting from an instantaneous forward impulse force, followed by delayed rearward recoil and neuromuscular forces."

Gunshot-wound dynamics model for John F. Kennedy assassination
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.

The trolls are just time wasting morons and blithering idiots. LA Rams fan told me that we were dealing with idiots. Hell, look at the frame by frame that lil faun posted blatantly showing the right hand side of the head was hit and it sure as fuck wasn't the back of it like they claim.

Yeah…did he tell you that I kicked his ass so hard and so often that he had to change his user name in hopes that nobody would remember?
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.

dude dont argue with HAD IT WITH THE TRUTH ,LUNACY which is what hurnacy needs to change his user name to or ANY of these shills from Langley.the more and more you feed the trolls,the more and more you please their handlers because that is WHAT they have sent them here to accomplish,get you to argue with them so there is no truth discussion and sharing of new information back and forth between serious researchers like you,.myself,and dale,so far by feeding these trolls like they want,you have accomplished their mission they bosses sent them here to accomplish.

i can only stresss this so many times-:trolls:
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
JFK HEAD SHOT WOUND Kennedy Assassination Autopsy photos pictures blown off explode back of trajectory brain side Doctors Dallas john f temple death graphic conspiracy report Bethesda Parkland tangential GRAND SUBVERSION.

The trolls are just time wasting morons and blithering idiots. LA Rams fan told me that we were dealing with idiots. Hell, look at the frame by frame that lil faun posted blatantly showing the right hand side of the head was hit and it sure as fuck wasn't the back of it like they claim.
Who you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?
What I REALLY love is that one set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the front and another set of trolls are arguing that the shot came from the storm drain and that they don't realize that both can't be true.
You are one of the trolls on this stupid thread.
The title itself is a blatant lie.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century that the title itself is blatant lie and he is one of the trolls on this stupid thread.

Matter of fact because of that,if no one else does i am going to post a thread called evidence the CIA killed JFK since it is the truthful thread. it will be easy as pie to keep alive alongside this one,there is way too much evidence out there to support it.
matter of fact i am going to ALSO going to make a request that serious researchers like you DONT feed the trolls from langley like him and the OP.
Funny thing is, I don't know why folks are even talking about this.

Howard Hunt and Harrleson have already admitted the truth.

Such a dumb debate.

Indeed,there is to much evidence like that that is was a CIA operation that its stupid to debate the magic bullet theorists on this the facts its not debatable because of too may facts like that.
I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.
I guess that's why exit wounds, like the sort attested to by ER physicians in Parkland hospital by those that attended to JFK ALL agreed to the large "gaping wound" in the back of Kennedy's skull.
Let me guess LARam's sock puppet ?

Just folks that are aware of the same resources and have been following the supreme court cases.

Information is power my friend.

One doesn't need to have paranoid delusions, all they need to do is follow the money and the court rulings.

It works the same as this JFK fiasco. The folks that make the rules are the same that benefit financially.

Both LA and I have been here for a very long time. I knew him back when he was 9/11 Truth. He changed b/c closed minded pricks were prejudiced automatically on every topic, just like you have now, just b/c of a different topic.

That, incidentally, it called an, "ad hominem."

As we are all on the same side, and agree that Rightwinger is in all likelihood some sort of spook seeding this old hat dis-information with HIS socks and pals, (See COINTELPRO - Wikipedia ) there is no need to get defensive and attack each other, we are all on the same side here.

EVERYTHING pumped out by the corporatacracy is fake. If it is on TEE VEE, it is manufactured reality, it isn't real. That is all.

Damn you nailed it. Yeah It works EXACTLY the same as it does in the JFK case,follow the money and the supreme court case rulings as well as people involved with it in the past and its the same thing as in the JFK case,same as the JFK case was all fake so is it.

You are one of the few who have researched the same resources i have so you know it to be the truth as well:2up:

I took everyone to school on that weeks ago.they would not look at the evidence,could only just insult in defeat.did not even TRY to refute it LOL Yeah that was exactly why i got rid of the 9/11 inside job name because like you said, people automatically dismissed the evidence presented because of the user name.

a spook rightwinger is indeed .for sure. the fact he LIES everyime he opens his mouth not just about the JFK case,but everything and wont address facts.LOL

Shove off with your extraneous bullshit!

why they get bent out of shape over this little truth we both understand as the truth here is beyond me.:cuckoo: some just dont want to venture down that rabbit hole to come to grips with reality that same as the JFK case,its fake as well.:rolleyes:
Last edited:
Let me guess LARam's sock puppet ?

Just folks that are aware of the same resources and have been following the supreme court cases.

Information is power my friend.

One doesn't need to have paranoid delusions, all they need to do is follow the money and the court rulings.

It works the same as this JFK fiasco. The folks that make the rules are the same that benefit financially.

Both LA and I have been here for a very long time. I knew him back when he was 9/11 Truth. He changed b/c closed minded pricks were prejudiced automatically on every topic, just like you have now, just b/c of a different topic.

That, incidentally, it called an, "ad hominem."

As we are all on the same side, and agree that Rightwinger is in all likelihood some sort of spook seeding this old hat dis-information with HIS socks and pals, (See COINTELPRO - Wikipedia ) there is no need to get defensive and attack each other, we are all on the same side here.

EVERYTHING pumped out by the corporatacracy is fake. If it is on TEE VEE, it is manufactured reality, it isn't real. That is all.

Damn you nailed it. Yeah It works EXACTLY the same as it does in the JFK case,follow the money and the supreme court case rulings in the past and its the same thing as in the JFK case,same as the JFK case was all fake so is it. You are one of the few who have researched the same resources i have so you know it to be the truth as well:2up:

I took everyone to school on that weeks ago.they would not look at the evidence,could only just insult in defeat.did not even TRY to refute it LOL Yeah that was exactly why i got rid of the 9/11 inside job name because like you said, people automatically dismissed the evidence presented because of the user name.
Yeah. . .

I remember. You couldn't post credibly anywhere outside the Conspiracy zone and be taken seriously.

Bunch of stupid TEE VEE lemmings on this forum.
Let me guess LARam's sock puppet ?

Just folks that are aware of the same resources and have been following the supreme court cases.

Information is power my friend.

One doesn't need to have paranoid delusions, all they need to do is follow the money and the court rulings.

It works the same as this JFK fiasco. The folks that make the rules are the same that benefit financially.

Both LA and I have been here for a very long time. I knew him back when he was 9/11 Truth. He changed b/c closed minded pricks were prejudiced automatically on every topic, just like you have now, just b/c of a different topic.

That, incidentally, it called an, "ad hominem."

As we are all on the same side, and agree that Rightwinger is in all likelihood some sort of spook seeding this old hat dis-information with HIS socks and pals, (See COINTELPRO - Wikipedia ) there is no need to get defensive and attack each other, we are all on the same side here.

EVERYTHING pumped out by the corporatacracy is fake. If it is on TEE VEE, it is manufactured reality, it isn't real. That is all.

Damn you nailed it. Yeah It works EXACTLY the same as it does in the JFK case,follow the money and the supreme court case rulings in the past and its the same thing as in the JFK case,same as the JFK case was all fake so is it. You are one of the few who have researched the same resources i have so you know it to be the truth as well:2up:

I took everyone to school on that weeks ago.they would not look at the evidence,could only just insult in defeat.did not even TRY to refute it LOL Yeah that was exactly why i got rid of the 9/11 inside job name because like you said, people automatically dismissed the evidence presented because of the user name.
Yeah. . .

I remember. You couldn't post credibly anywhere outside the Conspiracy zone and be taken seriously.

Bunch of stupid TEE VEE lemmings on this forum.

I remember. You couldn't post credibly anywhere outside the Conspiracy zone and be taken seriously.

Bunch of stupid TEE VEE lemmings on this forum.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year, yeah you can sure say that again.:abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
Let me guess LARam's sock puppet ?

Just folks that are aware of the same resources and have been following the supreme court cases.

Information is power my friend.

One doesn't need to have paranoid delusions, all they need to do is follow the money and the court rulings.

It works the same as this JFK fiasco. The folks that make the rules are the same that benefit financially.

Both LA and I have been here for a very long time. I knew him back when he was 9/11 Truth. He changed b/c closed minded pricks were prejudiced automatically on every topic, just like you have now, just b/c of a different topic.

That, incidentally, it called an, "ad hominem."

As we are all on the same side, and agree that Rightwinger is in all likelihood some sort of spook seeding this old hat dis-information with HIS socks and pals, (See COINTELPRO - Wikipedia ) there is no need to get defensive and attack each other, we are all on the same side here.

EVERYTHING pumped out by the corporatacracy is fake. If it is on TEE VEE, it is manufactured reality, it isn't real. That is all.

Damn you nailed it. Yeah It works EXACTLY the same as it does in the JFK case,follow the money and the supreme court case rulings in the past and its the same thing as in the JFK case,same as the JFK case was all fake so is it. You are one of the few who have researched the same resources i have so you know it to be the truth as well:2up:

I took everyone to school on that weeks ago.they would not look at the evidence,could only just insult in defeat.did not even TRY to refute it LOL Yeah that was exactly why i got rid of the 9/11 inside job name because like you said, people automatically dismissed the evidence presented because of the user name.
Yeah. . .

I remember. You couldn't post credibly anywhere outside the Conspiracy zone and be taken seriously.

Bunch of stupid TEE VEE lemmings on this forum.

Hmmmmmm, that could be any one of 4 people that I have on ignore. They are so determined to ignore the truth that they refuse to look at ANYTHING other than conspiracy theory sites and reject anything that doesn't agree with their religious belief that conspiracy theories should be taken seriously.

"Conspiracy theories that posit grand schemes involving hundreds or thousands—and span subsequent decades—have it exactly backwards: Small conspiracies where secrets and secret-keepers are few and the stakes are small can keep mum. Think of two guys who rob a bank and have an interest in each other’s silence. Those whose future political lives, to say nothing of avoiding jail, depend on not murdering fellow citizens or covering up the facts of an assassination, have very opposite incentives. That, in fact, is how Richard Nixon and his Watergate cover-up were taken down: by the very system that some think has held secrets about the Kennedy assassination for more than five decades."

Why your belief in JFK theories is so wrong
Those of you who maintain the "massive exit wound" at the back of Kennedy's head have a pristine scalp problem. We've all seen the photo, the back of the head, held up by the doctor, supposedly covering the massive hole that no pictures show. Here's the problem. A massive hole in the skull should have a matching hole in the scalp, yet the scalp is virtually pristine, there's no massive hole.
I guess all those doctors got together and all agreed to stage a funny practical joke. :113:
I don't know which photo you are talking of but if it's from the Bethesda autopsy, which I'm sure it is because federal agents forcibly and illegally removed the president's body from Dallas before an autopsy could be held (ask yourself why dumb ass) those staged photos are as fake and misleading as they can be!
And of course, again comes the insistence that the evidence is faked.
There is very good evidence for that insistence, not that you would know because you refuse to confront any contrary evidence that upsets and disproves your little fantasy world of Warren Commission lies and bullshit.

dude dont argue with HAD IT WITH THE TRUTH ,LUNACY which is what hurnacy needs to change his user name to or ANY of these shills from Langley.the more and more you feed the trolls,the more and more you please their handlers because that is WHAT they have sent them here to accomplish,get you to argue with them so there is no truth discussion and sharing of new information back and forth between serious researchers like you,.myself,and dale,so far by feeding these trolls like they want,you have accomplished their mission they bosses sent them here to accomplish.

i can only stresss this so many times-:trolls:

Has anyone located the recorded evidence of the massive spray of blood and brain tissue from the back of the president's head yet? I won't wait forever.

And why do those who call themselves "serious researchers" ignore actual physical evidence in favor of recollections?
I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.
I guess that's why exit wounds, like the sort attested to by ER physicians in Parkland hospital by those that attended to JFK ALL agreed to the large "gaping wound" in the back of Kennedy's skull.

Fine, we should see evidence of that being created on the Zapruder film. We should also see a gaping hole in the back of Kennedy's scalp. Where are they? Or is this another pristine scalp problem?

And be sure to let us know the next time you see a bullet hitting a watermelon. You know, to see which way the spray goes when the gaping wound is created in the back of the watermelon.
Let me guess LARam's sock puppet ?

Just folks that are aware of the same resources and have been following the supreme court cases.

Information is power my friend.

One doesn't need to have paranoid delusions, all they need to do is follow the money and the court rulings.

It works the same as this JFK fiasco. The folks that make the rules are the same that benefit financially.

Both LA and I have been here for a very long time. I knew him back when he was 9/11 Truth. He changed b/c closed minded pricks were prejudiced automatically on every topic, just like you have now, just b/c of a different topic.

That, incidentally, it called an, "ad hominem."

As we are all on the same side, and agree that Rightwinger is in all likelihood some sort of spook seeding this old hat dis-information with HIS socks and pals, (See COINTELPRO - Wikipedia ) there is no need to get defensive and attack each other, we are all on the same side here.

EVERYTHING pumped out by the corporatacracy is fake. If it is on TEE VEE, it is manufactured reality, it isn't real. That is all.

Damn you nailed it. Yeah It works EXACTLY the same as it does in the JFK case,follow the money and the supreme court case rulings in the past and its the same thing as in the JFK case,same as the JFK case was all fake so is it. You are one of the few who have researched the same resources i have so you know it to be the truth as well:2up:

I took everyone to school on that weeks ago.they would not look at the evidence,could only just insult in defeat.did not even TRY to refute it LOL Yeah that was exactly why i got rid of the 9/11 inside job name because like you said, people automatically dismissed the evidence presented because of the user name.
Yeah. . .

I remember. You couldn't post credibly anywhere outside the Conspiracy zone and be taken seriously.

Bunch of stupid TEE VEE lemmings on this forum.

It didn’t have any credibility here either.
I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.
I guess that's why exit wounds, like the sort attested to by ER physicians in Parkland hospital by those that attended to JFK ALL agreed to the large "gaping wound" in the back of Kennedy's skull.

Fine, we should see evidence of that being created on the Zapruder film. We should also see a gaping hole in the back of Kennedy's scalp. Where are they? Or is this another pristine scalp problem?

And be sure to let us know the next time you see a bullet hitting a watermelon. You know, to see which way the spray goes when the gaping wound is created in the back of the watermelon.

Don't you remember that the silly troll types think that the Zapruder film was "tampered" with...probably by Life Magazine since they bought it the next day...OR maybe the CIA went in and changed all THREE copies that were developed on the evening of November 22, 1963. Honestly, the fantasies of the conspiracy theory nuts are boundless because they're not tied to the truth.
I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.
I guess that's why exit wounds, like the sort attested to by ER physicians in Parkland hospital by those that attended to JFK ALL agreed to the large "gaping wound" in the back of Kennedy's skull.

Fine, we should see evidence of that being created on the Zapruder film. We should also see a gaping hole in the back of Kennedy's scalp. Where are they? Or is this another pristine scalp problem?

And be sure to let us know the next time you see a bullet hitting a watermelon. You know, to see which way the spray goes when the gaping wound is created in the back of the watermelon.

Don't you remember that the silly troll types think that the Zapruder film was "tampered" with...probably by Life Magazine since they bought it the next day...OR maybe the CIA went in and changed all THREE copies that were developed on the evening of November 22, 1963. Honestly, the fantasies of the conspiracy theory nuts are boundless because they're not tied to the truth.

When you claim all contrary evidence is faked, you can substitute anything you want.

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