Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

No. You believe he killed JFK, hid the rifle, ran the length of the sixth floor, then down four flights of stairs, into the lunchroom, bought a soda, and did all this entirely unnoticed by the many people in the building...and all within seconds of the kill shot.

Do you believe in magic?
Yes. The magical powers of denial that Warren Commission quislings possess.
Show me any assistance Oswald received

Conspiracy means someone helped
As I have told you a thousand times, Oswald never fired a shot that day.

Do you know the definition of a patsy? Apparently not.

Please discontinue posting in this thread, until you study the event. I really hate ignorance being displayed for all to see. I am so embarrassed for you.

You think "saying" something without proof is convincing? I say you are another id that is used by the person behind the Eric ID. Does that make it true? You have to provide convincing proof that Oswald didn't fire a shot. If you can't, you should be the one to discontinue posting..
The truth of conspiracy is so overwhelming, only the dumb and willfully blind can’t see it. Which one are you?
Conspiracy means someone helped Oswald. Where is the help?

He used a $19.95 bolt action rifle
He paid 23 cents on bus fare to escape
He had $180 dollars to his name. Didn’t own a car, rented a room in Dallas

ever notice how this paid shill OP ALWAYS posts smileys when he KNOWS he is licked.backed up against the wall and cornered getting his ass handed to him on a platter since he knows he is defeated and getting owned? as you just owned his sorry ass?:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
since you lone nut theorists have ALL had egg on your face in your desperate pathetic attempts to slander osald with false information and have never proved he DID,no YOU need to continue not only stop posting but stop TROLLING.
Being stupid and dead wrong is one thing. That's on the Warren Commission butt boys.
But some who are trolling (and I have put three of these idiots on the ignore list just on this issue alone) like they are the ones with all the facts on their side pushing the limits of tolerance.

The fools who are dead wrong and have an attitude about it, like I am the stupid one? I have no patience for that sort of ignorance.
He used a $19.95 bolt action rifle
He paid 23 cents on bus fare to escape
He had $180 dollars to his name. Didn’t own a car, rented a room in Dallas
Look, you know nothing about this issue and won't even address the issue of the House Select Committee on Assassination even though I've pointed it out several times to you.

So you are being a coward about this and if you only know what the Warren Commission tells you to know then you can't possibly know about Oswald's links to the Intelligence community and the assistance he got from those contacts (like how CIA connected Ruth Paine got Oswald his job at the TSBD What role did Ruth Paine play in JFK's assassination? - JFK Facts ).

So you know so little, as already pointed out, you have no possible idea how little you know.
There is an ocean of information about Oswald and the coup he got recruited into
and you are not even dipping your toes in the water.
Yes. The magical powers of denial that Warren Commission quislings possess.
Show me any assistance Oswald received

Conspiracy means someone helped
As I have told you a thousand times, Oswald never fired a shot that day.

Do you know the definition of a patsy? Apparently not.

Please discontinue posting in this thread, until you study the event. I really hate ignorance being displayed for all to see. I am so embarrassed for you.

You think "saying" something without proof is convincing? I say you are another id that is used by the person behind the Eric ID. Does that make it true? You have to provide convincing proof that Oswald didn't fire a shot. If you can't, you should be the one to discontinue posting..
The truth of conspiracy is so overwhelming, only the dumb and willfully blind can’t see it. Which one are you?

The fantasy of conspiracy is overwhelming you, obviously. You shouldn't read trash conspiracy theories without knowing the facts first, because it's so easy to make yourself look foolish if you don't.
truth is hard to see...for the deaf, dumb, and ignorant.

Usually statists have all three mental ailments.
since you lone nut theorists have ALL had egg on your face in your desperate pathetic attempts to slander osald with false information and have never proved he DID,no YOU need to continue not only stop posting but stop TROLLING.
Being stupid and dead wrong is one thing. That's on the Warren Commission butt boys.
But some who are trolling (and I have put three of these idiots on the ignore list just on this issue alone) like they are the ones with all the facts on their side pushing the limits of tolerance.

The fools who are dead wrong and have an attitude about it, like I am the stupid one? I have no patience for that sort of ignorance.

You are, in fact, stupid. You repeat lies that have been proven to be lies and have no shame at all. Honestly, I have nothing but pity for you.
Show me any assistance Oswald received

Conspiracy means someone helped
As I have told you a thousand times, Oswald never fired a shot that day.

Do you know the definition of a patsy? Apparently not.

Please discontinue posting in this thread, until you study the event. I really hate ignorance being displayed for all to see. I am so embarrassed for you.

You think "saying" something without proof is convincing? I say you are another id that is used by the person behind the Eric ID. Does that make it true? You have to provide convincing proof that Oswald didn't fire a shot. If you can't, you should be the one to discontinue posting..
The truth of conspiracy is so overwhelming, only the dumb and willfully blind can’t see it. Which one are you?

The fantasy of conspiracy is overwhelming you, obviously. You shouldn't read trash conspiracy theories without knowing the facts first, because it's so easy to make yourself look foolish if you don't.
truth is hard to see...for the deaf, dumb, and ignorant.

Usually statists have all three mental ailments.

Truth is easy to see. If you are having trouble seeing it, it's because you have allowed yourself to be blinded by lies.
He used a $19.95 bolt action rifle
He paid 23 cents on bus fare to escape
He had $180 dollars to his name. Didn’t own a car, rented a room in Dallas
Look, you know nothing about this issue and won't even address the issue of the House Select Committee on Assassination even though I've pointed it out several times to you.

So you are being a coward about this and if you only know what the Warren Commission tells you to know then you can't possibly know about Oswald's links to the Intelligence community and the assistance he got from those contacts (like how CIA connected Ruth Paine got Oswald his job at the TSBD What role did Ruth Paine play in JFK's assassination? - JFK Facts ).

So you know so little, as already pointed out, you have no possible idea how little you know.
There is an ocean of information about Oswald and the coup he got recruited into
and you are not even dipping your toes in the water.
OK...simple enough

You claim conspiracy...show me

Show ANY evidence of Oswald receiving help. I have pointed out obvious evidence that Oswald was acting alone

You claim conspiracy, burden of proof is on you
Please note....flooding the page with emojis does not constitute proof
80 yd shot
My wife coulda hit that moron with open sights.
Impressive! Could your wife bend a bullet like a boomerang so it passes JFK from behind, turns around mid flight and hits him in the temple and blows out a fist sized hole in back of his head?

That would be even more impressive.
Fact: the bullet followed a straight line path up to the 2nd story window
quite reading garbage
In March 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, using the alias "A. Hidell," purchased by mail order a 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 91/38 infantry rifle for $19.99

The Italian made rifle was not respected as a military weapon, but thousands were dumped on the market as cheap military surplus

It was a bolt action, single shot rifle in which you had to manually chamber each round.

Now, if the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA were involved in a conspiracy with Oswald.....don’t you think they could have sprung for a decent sniper rifle?
Probably but that assumes Oswald was up in window of the Texas Schoolbook Depository firing away at the president.
There is zero evidence of that and the "gaping hole" in the posterior portion of JFK's skull (as attested to in front of the Warren Commission by all present ER doctors at Parkland hospital in Dallas) absolutely shows the Kool Aid you've been drinking has you foolishly falling for the Warren Commission lies that were debunked by the government itself with the House Select Committee on Assassination hearings and conclusions.
The shot that blew JFK's brains out came from in front of the motorcade, not the rear as the dupes would have you believe.
It looks like you aren't smart enough to sort through all the smoke and mirrors.

Did you know, for instance, that the first police up in the "shooter's nest" on the sixth floor of the depository reported finding a 7.65 Mauser rifle there.....NOT a Manlicher-Carcano. Fact check: Was a Mauser found in the Texas School Book Depository? - JFK Facts
Two officers, Seymour Weitzman and Roger Craig, made note of the Mauser (Weitzman specifically referring to the
exact model Mauser in his notes) and despite some disinformation by the cover up machine ("misidentified" they claimed) officer Roger Craig never changed his testimony. Wake up you dumb bastard.


We have massive evidence he was on the sixth floor shooting at Kennedy

The doctors did not testify as you claim and you were destroyed on another thread by others proving that

Yes they merely misidentified the rifle

Craig was not the first one there and was simply wrong.

Wrong as usual. No evidence Oswald was on the sixth floor, when the shooting started. He was MAGICALLY (WC groupies love magic) found on the second floor, SECONDS after the frontal kill shoot, casually drinking a soda.


Tons of evidence places him on the sixth floor during the shooting

To include witnesses and his rifle and shell casings with his prints.

He was encounterd on the second floor within plenty of seconds for him to have walked down and bought a soda after the shooting.
In March 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, using the alias "A. Hidell," purchased by mail order a 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 91/38 infantry rifle for $19.99

The Italian made rifle was not respected as a military weapon, but thousands were dumped on the market as cheap military surplus

It was a bolt action, single shot rifle in which you had to manually chamber each round.

Now, if the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA were involved in a conspiracy with Oswald.....don’t you think they could have sprung for a decent sniper rifle?
Probably but that assumes Oswald was up in window of the Texas Schoolbook Depository firing away at the president.
There is zero evidence of that and the "gaping hole" in the posterior portion of JFK's skull (as attested to in front of the Warren Commission by all present ER doctors at Parkland hospital in Dallas) absolutely shows the Kool Aid you've been drinking has you foolishly falling for the Warren Commission lies that were debunked by the government itself with the House Select Committee on Assassination hearings and conclusions.
The shot that blew JFK's brains out came from in front of the motorcade, not the rear as the dupes would have you believe.
It looks like you aren't smart enough to sort through all the smoke and mirrors.

Did you know, for instance, that the first police up in the "shooter's nest" on the sixth floor of the depository reported finding a 7.65 Mauser rifle there.....NOT a Manlicher-Carcano. Fact check: Was a Mauser found in the Texas School Book Depository? - JFK Facts
Two officers, Seymour Weitzman and Roger Craig, made note of the Mauser (Weitzman specifically referring to the
exact model Mauser in his notes) and despite some disinformation by the cover up machine ("misidentified" they claimed) officer Roger Craig never changed his testimony. Wake up you dumb bastard.


We have massive evidence he was on the sixth floor shooting at Kennedy

The doctors did not testify as you claim and you were destroyed on another thread by others proving that

Yes they merely misidentified the rifle

Craig was not the first one there and was simply wrong.

Wrong as usual. No evidence Oswald was on the sixth floor, when the shooting started. He was MAGICALLY (WC groupies love magic) found on the second floor, SECONDS after the frontal kill shoot, casually drinking a soda.

Who was timing him?

Two seconds?
Thirty seconds?
Sixty seconds?

Casually drinking a soda is a good alibi for someone who just shot a President

Even the fictional WC Report states the cop confronted The Patsy in the lunchroom, seconds after the kill shot.

Of course, you wouldn’t know this. Being dumb and all.

Yes they reported he had enough time to descend to the second floor after the shooting and they were correct

You have yet to cite any specific fiction with evidence
OK Fool

Provide me a shred of evidence that Oswald received any help
Someone shot John F Kennedy in the head from in front of him. There's a shred for you. A really big shred.
The gaping hole in the posterior (back ) of his skull is proof of that.
Oswald can't even be placed on the sixth floor at the time of the killing. Stop being brainwashed.

And on top of it all the Warren Commission was contradicted and debunked by the House Select Committee on Assassination. Interesting how the Kool Aid drinkers never ever mention that. They probably have sealed that tidbit off in their own minds so their wall of denial doesn't have to account for that.
Really dumb statists believe their lying government. Nothing will change them. Facts don’t matter.
Not evidence and not an argument
OK Fool

Provide me a shred of evidence that Oswald received any help
Someone shot John F Kennedy in the head from in front of him. There's a shred for you. A really big shred.
The gaping hole in the posterior (back ) of his skull is proof of that.
Oswald can't even be placed on the sixth floor at the time of the killing. Stop being brainwashed.

And on top of it all the Warren Commission was contradicted and debunked by the House Select Committee on Assassination. Interesting how the Kool Aid drinkers never ever mention that. They probably have sealed that tidbit off in their own minds so their wall of denial doesn't have to account for that.
That is not evidence he received help

Massive amounts of evidence places him at the scene on the sixth floor shooting at Kennedy

The head wound is not proof of what you claim

The hsca was debunked not the wc

We have massive evidence he was on the sixth floor shooting at Kennedy

The doctors did not testify as you claim and you were destroyed on another thread by others proving that

Yes they merely misidentified the rifle

Craig was not the first one there and was simply wrong.
Wrong as usual. No evidence Oswald was on the sixth floor, when the shooting started. He was MAGICALLY (WC groupies love magic) found on the second floor, SECONDS after the frontal kill shoot, casually drinking a soda.
Who was timing him?

Two seconds?
Thirty seconds?
Sixty seconds?

Casually drinking a soda is a good alibi for someone who just shot a President
Yeah it’s well known that presidential assassins never flee the scene.

Isn't that exactly what Oswald did? Took a moment to calm down so he could walk out of the building without drawing attention to himself and then left to go to the taxi stand, then boarded a bus...fled.

No. You believe he killed JFK, hid the rifle, ran the length of the sixth floor, then down four flights of stairs, into the lunchroom, bought a soda, and did all this entirely unnoticed by the many people in the building...and all within seconds of the kill shot.

Do you believe in magic?
Fact yes he did and no one saw him because they were all looking outside which is logical

He had plenty of time to walk down.
Fact: the bullet followed a straight line path up to the 2nd story window
quite reading garbage
Fact: You are some sort of a retard or denial queen if you think an exit wound in back of JFK's skull came from the sixth floor window at the TSBD. You have zero credibility. For your own sake, go away.
Fact: the bullet followed a straight line path up to the 2nd story window
quite reading garbage
Fact: You are some sort of a retard or denial queen if you think an exit wound in back of JFK's skull came from the sixth floor window at the TSBD. You have zero credibility. For your own sake, go away.

NO ONE who has looked at all the evidence thinks there was an exit wound in the back of JFK's skull, trollboy. The picture of what the back of the head looked like when the torn scalp was held in place shows a bullet wound, not an exit wound. No doctor who examined Kennedy said there was an exit wound on the back of his head. I know you've put me on ignore because you can't refute what I posted, but I point this out for the benefit of anyone who reads this thread and might be new to the subject. I'd hate for them to take you seriously.
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Fact: the bullet followed a straight line path up to the 2nd story window
quite reading garbage
Fact: You are some sort of a retard or denial queen if you think an exit wound in back of JFK's skull came from the sixth floor window at the TSBD. You have zero credibility. For your own sake, go away.
I read Posners book Cased Closed twice
Come back when you have something intelligent to say
The fact you had to hurl insults showed the weakness of your stand
OK...simple enough

You claim conspiracy...show me

Show ANY evidence of Oswald receiving help. I have pointed out obvious evidence that Oswald was acting alone

You claim conspiracy, burden of proof is on you
Please note....flooding the page with emojis does not constitute proof
Does the second shooter that the House Select Committee on Assassination admitted to count as help?
Does the Mauser 7.56 found in the shooter's nest that officers Roger Craig and Seymour Weitzman discovered and identified count as help? It sure wasn't Oswald's rifle.
Does the Rambler station wagon that Oswald was identified as leaving the TSBD in after the shooting count as help?

The House Select Committee on Assassination already made your point moot years ago and I've pointed it out to you several times and asked pointedly for comment yet you've acted like a coward and won't even address the issue.

The burden is actually on you, little boy. Time to pull up your big boy pants and address my posts.

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