Wars involving the U.S.

I never said it was bad to get a college degree, you said it. What I am saying is that unless a kid has enough ambition to overcome an inadequate public education they will end up like little socialist democrats who laugh at words like patriotism and lack the historic perspective to appreciate how the U.S. became the greatest Country in the world.

What you are saying is the people who got degrees and can't find good jobs with a degree are flawed. Not the degrees themselves. But I get what you are saying. If you aren't super motivated and you get a history degree, what are you going to do with it? But I'll tell you, that degree opens doors. It just might be a boring job that pays $30,000 more than someone who doesn't have a degree because the company says MUST HAVE DEGREE. Why? Because the owner or president went to college.

It just checks off the box. Do you have a college degree. YES. Great. Now you have to do good on the interview.

I know a guy who got financial aid. Pissed the money away. Got a 2 year associates degree, no one's going to hire that guy. I hope President Ashley Biden doesn't forgive his loan one day. POS.

If you are a Republican, you have to admit. If you have a college degree in America, there is NO EXCUSE for why you are a failure today. Only blame yourself. In America? Even people without degrees make it in America. You got a college degree and you're telling me you can't make it?

I seem to recall the last time Republicans made this bad argument against college, it was during the Bush years when there were no jobs. Not for anyone. College degree or not. Back then for every 1 job there were 20 people applying. Today we have a surplus of jobs.
I never said it was bad to get a college degree, you said it. What I am saying is that unless a kid has enough ambition to overcome an inadequate public education they will end up like little socialist democrats who laugh at words like patriotism and lack the historic perspective to appreciate how the U.S. became the greatest Country in the world.

Here is another reason there is no excuse today to say you aren't doing as well now as you were 4 years ago

An unprecedented number of U.S. workers quit their jobs in 2021 and 2022, the first full two years of the COVID-19 pandemic — a phenomenon dubbed the Great Resignation.

If you didn't get a promotion or raise, you're making exactly what you should be making.

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