Was Kamala from a middle-class family, or was it just another lie, one of many the moderators failed to check?

But Kamala was not raised middle class of her mother earned the equivalent of $175,000, added to whatever her Ph.D. father earned. She was a child of affluence.
Her parents divorced when she was seven
It’s bad enough that when asked about what her plan was for American families dealing with high costs, her response was about her so-called middle class upbringing. She did not answer the question.

Back to her Middle Class upbringing, I don’t believe that for one moment. Or, we need to have a consensus on “middle class”. Her father came from a line of blue bloods (ie wealthy Elites) in Jamaica. Then again, if any family can point to owning slaves, most likely, serious wealth has been transferred from generation to generation.

You are so full of crapola, it's embarrassing!

Does this look like a family in Jamaica that is made up of elites, well to do rich?

Kamala is holding the balloon, her sister next to her.
You are so full of crapola, it's embarrassing!

Does this look like a family in Jamaica that is made up of elites, well to do rich?

Kamala is holding the balloon, her sister next to her.
View attachment 1018571
You are calling me full of crap? You are assessing wealth based on a goddamn photograph. I am assessing wealth based on lineage of owning slaves, academic degrees, professions, schools attended, and zip codes lived.

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