WATCH: Kamala Harris’s Mocking of President Trump on Mass Deportations Comes Back to Bite Her

Trump is our Savior

Gold Member
Sep 8, 2024
That might be the only true statement about Trump that I've heard come out of her mouth. No word salads from her when promoting TRUMP Policies. Thank you, Kamala. Keep telling it!

VP Harris is intelligent enough NOT to say the forbidden words of, "Our Primary Agenda Is For A One World Without Borders Where The 'UNIFIED' Peoples Of Planet Earth Can Live In Both Peace & Harmony". She will beat a path all around the perimeter of the previous quoted words but will never say them out loud in the public arena, for she is intelligent enough to understand that One World Without Borders cannot work out under any condition but cannot understand or does not want to understand WHY it cannot work out. The statist left's mantra of "Cant We Just All Get Along(?)" has been proven to be a whimsical fantasy since it's inception, BUT STILL they keep repeating the same old worn out mantra in an attempt tp prove that the Human Condition(human nature) does not have issues. The definition of insanity is; TRYING THE SAME THING OVER & OVER AGAIN & EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS.

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