Watching the Sunday shows today is shaking my thoughts of leaning Cruz

There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

You have just put your finger on the reason I don't waste time watching the "Sunday shows".

Cruz hasn't actually done anything "underhanded". He's used perfectly common and legal campaign activities. But the media understands that regular people know very little about how political campaigns work, and so they are capitalizing on that to create "scandals" out of nothing. And Cruz's opponents are hypocritically pouncing on the opportunity.
A couple of thoughts from a cat that did not watch Sunday morning political talk:

1. Main stream presidential candidates are having trouble on both sides. We have witnessed low Congressional support numbers for years. Now it seems those trying to be president face some of that backlash as well.

2. Hillary is being punished by the left, but in the end I think she will be the Democrats candidate.

3. Trump will most likely continue on to face Hillary in the Fall. This will require massive changes for the Republican Party. Some of it is good and some is not.

4. Trump will win. This is all a calculated act on his part. The dissatisfaction with government will be his path to a win. He speaks for so many with concerns about immigration, taxation, cronyism and the like. His constant and sharp attacks seem to empower him, which for others would be campaign ending events.

5. As president Trump acts very differently. You cannot be a successful business leader and beat down everyone. It requires consensus, compromise and sharing success. Once president I think you will see that type of person leading and not what we see on the campaign trail. Frankly, that was Obama's problem. He could not translate the campaigner into the leader.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

No matter who they are they are all politicians.....and you can't trust any of comes down to who is the least untrustworthy and who will at least push the agenda they claim to support.......Trump has done sketchy things, Rubio..dittos...

And that doesn't even count the things hilary has done.....protecting her rapist husband, taking illegal foreign contributions, helping foriegn governments get secret technology.........

So it is voting for the lesser of evils......and hilary and the other socialist...who supported left wing mass killers...are the greater of evils.....

Campaign mechanics and media-created "scandals" aside, the candidate you can trust is the one who has a track record of doing what he says, fighting the battles he says he'll fight, and being consistent about what he stands for.

Find that guy, support him, and let the media and their story-massaging go to hell.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

You have just put your finger on the reason I don't waste time watching the "Sunday shows".

Cruz hasn't actually done anything "underhanded". He's used perfectly common and legal campaign activities. But the media understands that regular people know very little about how political campaigns work, and so they are capitalizing on that to create "scandals" out of nothing. And Cruz's opponents are hypocritically pouncing on the opportunity.

Just because something is legal or common, that doesn't mean it's not underhanded.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
Good for you, Grampa. Cruz is not what he professes to be, and what he really is like shows in the people he chooses to work for him.

So then you also agree that hilary is a vile human being...right? And far worse than Cruz ever could be....right?
Well I don't know as I would go so far as to categorize her as " vile " ... but certainly despicable would be in range.

I call her the Ice Queen because she is cold as ICE and thinks she is Queen of America.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
You mistake dissent for your condescending nature.

No one said anything about "scandals" but you. Making up arguments for the sake of knocking them down is not dissent lol. It's just you being a bitch.

And if making shit up out of thin air is just acceptable as "common practice" to you then your standards are too low.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Cruz can't do a damn thing about the PAC that is doing it, the law prohibits it. He did say he didn't like the tone of the ads and calls, that's about all he can legally do.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

I didn't watch the Sunday Shows today, but I was disappointed with Cruz in Iowa, spreading the disinformation that Carson was dropping out of the race. That wasn't his PAC, that was him. How do you run as the Evangelical Christian and then bald face lie like that?

The TPP photoshop doesn't bother me nearly as much. It is symbolic, and doesn't look like a real image. Rubio is in favor of the Obama negotiated, job killing TPP.

Which shows was this revealed on? I can watch tomorrow on Hulu.
I worry about Cruz in the respect of these dirty tricks he is doing is in the open for all to see. What would he be doing in private against his perceived enemies? Or to get favors from others?
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
Of course Cruz has been caught douing dirty tricks to garner votes instead of campaigning on his laurels. If you cannot accept the truth, I doubt if you are going to find a truthful candidate.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.


Note that the Cruz campaign just made up the part about “a big announcement next week.” Neither Carson nor CNN had said any such thing. Cruz’s forces made that up and included it in the memo to drive home the false impression that Carson was dropping out of the race.

The memo is on Cruz campaign letterhead and signed by Spence Rogers, who is Cruz’s deputy director for the state of Iowa. So, while I haven’t seen any report on whether Cruz was personally aware of, or involved in, the memo, it came from a relatively senior source in his campaign.

Cruz later apologized to Carson, explaining that his staff had sent the memo based on an early CNN report, but when a later report came out with a statement by Carson’s campaign that he wasn’t quitting the race, they didn’t follow up by sending out that report. For this, Cruz said he was sorry.

The Cruz Campaign’s Dirty Tricks
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

I didn't watch the Sunday Shows today, but I was disappointed with Cruz in Iowa, spreading the disinformation that Carson was dropping out of the race. That wasn't his PAC, that was him. How do you run as the Evangelical Christian and then bald face lie like that?

The TPP photoshop doesn't bother me nearly as much. It is symbolic, and doesn't look like a real image. Rubio is in favor of the Obama negotiated, job killing TPP.

Which shows was this revealed on? I can watch tomorrow on Hulu.
It was either Fox News Sunday or MTP. Interviews with Cruz & Rubio
I wasn't a Cruz supporter to start with which perhaps explains my feeling that we don't need to put one liar up against another when the time comes to debate Hillary.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
C'mon, drink the cool aide and jump in line I did with Cruz! You got to support somebody.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
C'mon, drink the cool aide and jump in line I did with Cruz! You got to support somebody.

You got to support somebody.

Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
You mistake dissent for your condescending nature.

No one said anything about "scandals" but you. Making up arguments for the sake of knocking them down is not dissent lol. It's just you being a bitch.

And if making shit up out of thin air is just acceptable as "common practice" to you then your standards are too low.

Oh, right. Okay. So the criticism of your alarmist bullshit is entirely invalid simply because I DARED to slap a name on it that you didn't personally use.

And maybe this is just a dodge because you didn't like the accuracy of my characterization of you and your gullibility. Hey, is that a better word for you?

YOU are the one who came on here and started an entire thread about how you wasted a Sunday morning watching a bunch of talk shows and getting yourself all concerned about Cruz as a candidate because of what they said. I didn't make you watch them, I didn't make you take them seriously, and I didn't make you come on here and publicize your idiocy. You did it all by yourself. So there's no "making up" about it. You did it, I commented on it, and you decided to call me names because you didn't like it. If you're not a Trump supporter, you should be, because you kvetch like a pussy the same way he does.

Bottom line: there's nothing wrong with Cruz's campaign except that it's being pitched to a nation increasingly full of imbeciles like you who can't produce a thought deeper than an Arizona rain puddle.

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