We are seeing proof of this right now

More heat means hotter and longer heat spells

It is has mostly been like that since the end of the last ice age.

It is called "Nature".

"Ice ages" are continent specific. They happen when the plate moves to within 600 miles of an earth pole.

Please tell us Antarctica is not an ice age...

Way to confirm idiot status emh
So to the left wing science invalid....

Antarctica is NOT an ice age...


Because left wing science invalids only parrot bullshit about co2.

Of course, Antarctica had live dinosaurs on it 70 million years ago. Did they live on 2 miles of ice at -60F? Was Antarctica on the South Pole 70 million years ago?

Ice age it is not bawk the beaked bird brains.

Who cares if it is covered with 2 miles of ice? It is an ice age when Algore says so, and I can mindlessly repeat that....
Speaking of screwing taxpayers, how much money has flooding because of raising sea levels cost residents of Miami and Florida?
:link: :link: :link: :link: and tell us!!
so this is the cause of sea rise in Miami today?

Tropical Storm Eta, which flooded parts of already soggy South Florida last fall and turned downtown Brickell into a car swallowing lake, dumped between 5 and 7 inches of rain in Miami over two days.

Huh? you okay. the standing water in your link is from the Tropical storm. Did it go down? you bet. Did sea level rise, nope. Not one inch. Did South Florida go on with usual business? yep. your argument is a fail. Your link is a fail. I can show you streets flooded in Des Moines, IA, the spot you think doesn't flood. Let me know if you need those pictures? oh well, here

hahahahahaahahaha you certainly love to be fooled by climate crusaders who are always wrong.
So you missed the headline and didn't read the article....yet posted back.

Miami’s sea level rise bill is $4 billion by 2060. It won’t keep every neighborhood dry.​

They founded the city on land that is a few feet above sea level, and wide open to TROPICAL STORMS and HURRICANES coming in.

Here is some GEOLOGY for your lazy eyes:

"The surface bedrock under the Miami area is called Miami oolite or Miami limestone. This bedrock is covered by a thin layer of soil, and is no more than 50 feet (15 m) thick. Miami limestone formed as the result of the drastic changes in sea level associated with recent glacial periods, or ice ages. Beginning some 130,000 years ago, the Sangamonian Stage raised sea levels to approximately 25 feet (8 m) above the current level. All of southern Florida was covered by a shallow sea. Several parallel lines of reef formed along the edge of the submerged Florida plateau, stretching from the present Miami area to what is now the Dry Tortugas. The area behind this reef line was in effect a large lagoon, and the Miami limestone formed throughout the area from the deposition of oolites and the shells of bryozoans. Starting about 100,000 years ago, the Wisconsin glaciation began lowering sea levels, exposing the floor of the lagoon. By 15,000 years ago, the sea level had dropped 300 to 350 feet (90 to 110 m) below the current level. The sea level rose quickly after that, stabilizing at the current level about 4,000 years ago, leaving the mainland of South Florida just above sea level."

bolding mine


It has been underwater a lot in the past, therefore the placement for the city location was bad from the start as it is currently only 6 feet above sea level now.

You that dumb?
Back posting nonsense again and still hasn't read the article on AGW and what it's going to cost southern Florida.

What about New Orleans which was founded BELOW sea level in 1718, think we should blame that idiocy on CO2 vapors?
Wow, they were building levees back then? Did they use bulldozers?

Your stupidity is sad since you failed to realize the city was already BELOW sea level when it was founded in 1718, a terrible start for a city that the founders should have known better.

They settled in MARSHY ground!

I am sure you would think YOU building a house in a flood zone is fine because the land was cheap......
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Speaking of screwing taxpayers, how much money has flooding because of raising sea levels cost residents of Miami and Florida?
:link: :link: :link: :link: and tell us!!
so this is the cause of sea rise in Miami today?

Tropical Storm Eta, which flooded parts of already soggy South Florida last fall and turned downtown Brickell into a car swallowing lake, dumped between 5 and 7 inches of rain in Miami over two days.

Huh? you okay. the standing water in your link is from the Tropical storm. Did it go down? you bet. Did sea level rise, nope. Not one inch. Did South Florida go on with usual business? yep. your argument is a fail. Your link is a fail. I can show you streets flooded in Des Moines, IA, the spot you think doesn't flood. Let me know if you need those pictures? oh well, here

hahahahahaahahaha you certainly love to be fooled by climate crusaders who are always wrong.
So you missed the headline and didn't read the article....yet posted back.

Miami’s sea level rise bill is $4 billion by 2060. It won’t keep every neighborhood dry.​

They founded the city on land that is a few feet above sea level, and wide open to TROPICAL STORMS and HURRICANES coming in.

Here is some GEOLOGY for your lazy eyes:

"The surface bedrock under the Miami area is called Miami oolite or Miami limestone. This bedrock is covered by a thin layer of soil, and is no more than 50 feet (15 m) thick. Miami limestone formed as the result of the drastic changes in sea level associated with recent glacial periods, or ice ages. Beginning some 130,000 years ago, the Sangamonian Stage raised sea levels to approximately 25 feet (8 m) above the current level. All of southern Florida was covered by a shallow sea. Several parallel lines of reef formed along the edge of the submerged Florida plateau, stretching from the present Miami area to what is now the Dry Tortugas. The area behind this reef line was in effect a large lagoon, and the Miami limestone formed throughout the area from the deposition of oolites and the shells of bryozoans. Starting about 100,000 years ago, the Wisconsin glaciation began lowering sea levels, exposing the floor of the lagoon. By 15,000 years ago, the sea level had dropped 300 to 350 feet (90 to 110 m) below the current level. The sea level rose quickly after that, stabilizing at the current level about 4,000 years ago, leaving the mainland of South Florida just above sea level."

bolding mine


It has been underwater a lot in the past, therefore the placement for the city location was bad from the start as it is currently only 6 feet above sea level now.

You that dumb?
Back posting nonsense again and still hasn't read the article on AGW and what it's going to cost southern Florida.

What about New Orleans which was founded BELOW sea level in 1718, think we should blame that idiocy on CO2 vapors?
Wow, they were building levees back then? Did they use bulldozers?
You’re not good at history huh?
Seriously it was 1718 and they built it below sea level...you do the math asshole. God gave them a dozer and levees..,,

You are an idiot!

They settled onto MARSHY ground, ever heard of Yellow Fever, Scarlett fever, Cholera?

Today the city struggles to survive pumping massive amounts of HOH 24/7 or most of the city will drown.
So how does post 1860 CO2 differ from its predecessor?
It doesn't, and you're a very special kind of cult stupid for constantly saying it does.

"You're being a piss-gargling cult fuktard again" is generally the answer to all of your wildly dishonest trolling. We've answered all of your questions many times before, and you know it. You choose to lie about that because you're a pathologically dishonest troll.
450,000 year data set says you're either lying or stupid- or both

Can you post the CO2 levels since 1850 for us to make that determination?
Are you just plain fucking ignorant???

The talking point is that CO2 was 280ppm back then.
People do not realize what is really going on here, CO2 is not the problem.

Animals’ breath in O2 and exhale CO2
Plant’s breath in CO2 and exhale O2

View attachment 503662

The human race's real problem energy. Fossil fuels are “FINITE”, and we are running out of it.

Below is what I have found. You can do the math

Globally, crude's reserves-to-production ratio has hovered between 40-55 years. The 1P estimate is an estimate of proven reserves, what is likely to be extracted from a well, 90% probability. Probable reserves are given 50% certainty (2P) and possible reserves a 10% certainty (3P).
How Much Oil Does the World Have Left?

Overall, global supply fell by 720,000 barrels per day in August, .2017
Global oil demand to exceed expectations in 2017, says IEA; OPEC cuts supply

Our forecast horizon we will be in a 104 mb/d market and the call on OPEC crude and stock change rises from 32.2 mb/d in 2016 to 35.8 mb/d in 2022. With the group forecast to add 1.95 mb/d to production capacity in this period, this implies that available spare production capacity will fall below 2 mb/d.

Oil is a resource… it will run out
Oil still remains the largest source of primary energy worldwide.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the global supply of oil, bio-fuel and liquid hydrocarbons are still enough to meet the global demand for liquid fuels for another 25 years. The good news is that developing countries are now seriously exploring and using alternative and renewable energy.
Here’s the latest report on Oil Consumption and Demand.

1. The world oil consumption per day is 91.7 million barrels as of May 2014.
2. The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world, using up 18.83 million barrels a day.
3. China uses 10% of the world’s oil. It is expected to overtake the U.S. as the largest oil consumer.
4. The global oil demand is expected to increase by 1.3 million barrels a day by late 2014.
The World Counts

North Sea is running too dry to meet target
Wednesday July 4, 2007
North Sea is running too dry to meet target

The real casus belli: peak oil
Tuesday June 26, 2007
David Strahan: The real casus belli: peak oil

Science Panel Finds Fault With Estimates of Coal Supply
Published: June 21, 2007 Science Panel Finds Fault With Estimates of Coal Supply (Published 2007)

Chevron announces that they now have 11.8 years of oil left at current production levels after acquiring Unocal reserves
Foiled Bid Stirs Worry for U.S. Oil (Published 2005)

An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise
Published: June 12, 2004
An Oil Enigma: Production Falls Even as Reserves Rise (Published 2004)

"The decline of oil and gas will affect the world population more than climate change"

In January 2001, the U.S.
Department of Energy estimated the world's supply of unexploited oil reserves the world supply of oil will be totally exhausted 35 years from now (June 2003). Now in 2021 the number is 18 years, the well dries up

World oil and gas 'running out'
Thursday, October 2, 2003 Posted: 1245 GMT ( 8:45 PM HKT)

The Oil Crunch
Published: May 7, 2004
The question, instead, is when the trend in oil prices will turn decisively upward. That upward turn is inevitable as a growing world economy confronts a resource in limited supply. But when will it hap-pen? Maybe it already has.
Opinion | The Oil Crunch (Published 2004)

Natural gas markets undergo turbulent transition as domestic production declines
Tuesday, December 16, 2003

"Texas' oil resource is pretty well picked over,"

Oman's Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show
Published: April 8, 2004

Half of Texas’s oil wells have dried up in the past 40 years and there are very few new ones.

Tight Oil Supply Won't Ease Soon
Published: May 16, 2004
Two dollars for a gallon of gas? Get used to it.

The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

Ok, go kill yourself. Do the planet a favor. You assholes are all the same, you want everyone else to die.
Two things are happening at the same time.

[1] Fossil fuels are running out.

[2] Earth’s climate is changing. Our planet has gone through three (3) major climate changes; from being covered in ice to a heat wave back to ice.

Facts never lie; only people do; or they are just mistaken----

Splitting Of The Polar Vortex: The Arctic Is Melting In The Dead Of Winter

Models show the temperature is above freezing at the North Pole.

Despite the North Pole being shrouded in darkness for another month, temperatures in the Arctic have soared by as much as 45 degrees Fahrenheit above average. This has brought temperatures above freezing in February in one of the coldest places on Earth.

The North Pole just had an extreme heat wave for the 3rd winter in a row
As snow falls in Rome, the Arctic is getting alarmingly hot in the middle of winter.

It’s been downright toasty at the North Pole, at least by Arctic standards.

The northernmost weather station in the world, Cape Morris Jesup in Greenland, saw temperatures stay above freezing for almost 24 hours straight last week, and then climb to 43 degrees Fahrenheit (6.1 degrees Celsius) on Saturday before dropping again.

The Arctic recently sent us a powerful message about climate change
Arctic scientists aren’t usually afraid of a little cold. Windy conditions don’t usually get us howling. The beasts we pay attention to are usually polar bears. But last week’s “Beast from the East” triggered a few anxious conversations.

Social media memes aside, our problem isn’t this one extreme weather event per se. Our key fear is that the Beast isn’t really from the East – its birthplace was farther north.

Hasn't Earth warmed and cooled naturally throughout history?
Author: David Herring and Rebecca Lindsey
October 29, 2020
Yes. Earth has experienced cold periods (or “ice ages”) and warm periods (“interglacials”) on roughly 100,000-year cycles for at least the last 1 million years. The last of these ices ended around 20,000 years ago.
Hasn't Earth warmed and cooled naturally throughout history? | NOAA Climate.gov

Earth has been a snowball and a hothouse at different times in its past. So if the climate changed before humans, how can we be sure we’re responsible for the dramatic warming that’s happening today?
How Earth’s Climate Changes Naturally (and Why Things Are Different Now) | Quanta Magazine

The largest global-scale climate variations in Earth’s recent geological past are the ice age cycles (see infobox, p.B4), which are cold glacial periods followed by shorter warm periods . The last few of these natural cycles have recurred roughly every 100,000 years.

Recent estimates of the increase in global average temperature since the end of the last ice age are 4 to 5 °C (7 to 9 °F).
That change occurred over a period of about 7,000 years, starting 18,000 years ago. CO2 has risen more than 40% in just the past 200 years, much of this since the 1970s, contributing to human alteration of the planet’s energy budget that has so far warmed Earth by about 1 °C (1.8 °F). If the rise in CO2 continues unchecked, warming of the same magnitude as the increase out of the ice age can be expected by the end of this century or soon after. This speed of warming is more than ten times that at the end of an ice age, the fastest known natural sustained change on a global scale.
6. Climate is always changing. Why is climate change of concern now? | Royal Society

The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, Earth's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen
Snowball Earth - Wikipedia

Snowball Earth: The times our planet was covered in ice

Ancient rocks suggest that ice entirely covered our planet on at least two occasions. This theory may help explain the rise of complex life that followed.
The Earth has endured many changes in its 4.5-billion-year history, with some tumultuous twists and turns along the way. One especially dramatic episode appears to have come between 700 million and 600 million years ago, when scientists think ice smothered the entire planet, from the poles to the equator — twice in quick succession.

View attachment 503675
The story of Snowball Earth | Astronomy.com





Nobody is caring........weve known this for decades despite all the bomb throwing. Nobody is moved.

And heres the problem for the bomb throwers......the entirety of world debt and thus hedge funding is based upon fossil fuels. Nothing else. Only a rube thinks that climate hysteria is going to change that.

People need to go back to watching Godfather 2 again......d0y.......absolutely nothing will be impacting the wealth associated with fossil fuels. Nothing. Its called How the World Works........watch Godfather 2 again......d0y

Ive watched the unicorn chasing in here for over a decade........nothing has changed over that time. The climate crusaders have gotten a couple of tid bits.......mostly only symbolic shit like climate treaty's that nobody abides by.

'Go with the bit' & 'there are two kinds of people in this world, carnies and rubes...don't be a rube' - Ron Bennington
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More heat means hotter and longer heat spells

There's zero proof that an increase in CO2 from 280 to 400 raises temperature

This is the idiot who ignores the rest of the Country INCREASING rainfall trend since 1970, posted the hard evidence using the NOAA, the dumb ass thinks it is funny, but gee whiz he ignored the post.
More heat means hotter and longer heat spells

Okay, the Earth is warming up....

Now what? You think you’re going to reverse it by making Americans drive electric cars? What are you going to do about China continuing to destroy the environment? Keep paying them for their slave labor?
I'll order a solar panel to charge my iPad and get a clean gas grill instead of wood....and eat uncooked and un-refrigerated.
But we've been seeing this "clear and present danger" narrative from the same two or three guys in here for well over 10 years!

Here's the thing....where is the evidence the voters are caring? The voting public could not possibly be any more disinterested....the evidence is overwhelming.

Look at EV sales.....dismal.

Solar and wind still provide less than 10% of the electricity for our grid.....pretty fcuking laughable.

So conservatives might be ignorance lying morons....but they are winning. Huge btw

What the climate obsessed fail to realize is the you can go around taking bows regarding the "97% of scientists agree" until the cows come home. It only matters if it impresses the folks who make public policy on energy. Otherwise it's as useful as a group navel contemplation session.

The "science" does not transcend anywhere beyond the science club and a fringe element in the public.

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