We Came In 111th?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
How is that possible? Have democrats been lying to us? Granted one of their CITIES placed number 2! But damn! 90 units per 100 citizens and we came in 111th? Why to hear them we are number 1!

But then again they ARE the party of LARS even putting up a PROVEN liar to lead the country. And the LIES do come from them and their lying a$$ cyber lap dogs. 111? Somebody has some explaining to do.

How is that possible? Have democrats been lying to us? Granted one of their CITIES placed number 2! But damn! 90 units per 100 citizens and we came in 111th? Why to hear them we are number 1!

But then again they ARE the party of LARS even putting up a PROVEN liar to lead the country. And the LIES do come from them and their lying a$$ cyber lap dogs. 111? Somebody has some explaining to do.

Dark Fury (LARS).png



Ok, we once again have a wonderful dorky-fuzzlenutz-IQ-214 moment, to go in the annals of history with "Poles" and "Rolls"...

Let's ask dorky which LARS he means!!!

This "LARS"?

Lars Raketenwerfer.png

Or this "LARS"?


Or this "LARS"?


Or this "LARS"?


Or this "LARS"?


Yes, that little bear's name is: "LARS".

Or, for good measure, this "LARS"?


Lars Unnerstall Wikipedia

So many choices, so little time, hmmmmm.....


Dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, since you are just obviously so much smarter than all of the rest of us, please do descend from your cloud of glory and let us poor USMB minions know with "LARS" you mean, mkay?

What a true dork you are.
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That youtube video apology was one of the dumbest things I've heard recently. Comparing a nation that presumes to be Christian and rational with third world nations is just, well, stupid. I addressed this the other day, see link and more below that. An armed society is an uncivilized society, slice it however you like.

They Ain t Pop-Tarts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"I also found widespread confidence that a gun in the home increases the risk that a woman living in the home will be a victim of homicide (72% agree, 11% disagree) and that a gun in the home makes it a more dangerous place to be (64%) rather than a safer place (5%). There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73% vs. 8%) and that the change to more permissive gun carrying laws has not reduced crime rates (62% vs. 9%). Finally, there is consensus that strong gun laws reduce homicide (71% vs. 12%).

Of course it's possible to find researchers who side with the NRA in believing that guns make our society safer, rather than more dangerous. As I've shown, however, they're in the minority."

There apos s scientific consensus on guns -- and the NRA won apos t like it - LA Times

"On this day in the US, around thirty people will be killed with a gun, not including suicides. Many more will be wounded. I can safely predict this number because that is the average number of homicides committed with a gun in the US each day. Such killings have become so routine that they are barely noticed even in the local news. Only when a significant number of people are murdered, particularly when they include children or are killed randomly, is the event considered newsworthy....Yet efforts to regulate the possession of guns in the US are consistently defeated."
A Challenge to Gun Rights Practical Ethics
Stat glosses over the ENTIRE STORY and focuses on a typo. Some people are just like that.

Damn Lies
How is that possible? Have democrats been lying to us? Granted one of their CITIES placed number 2! But damn! 90 units per 100 citizens and we came in 111th? Why to hear them we are number 1!

But then again they ARE the party of LARS even putting up a PROVEN liar to lead the country. And the LIES do come from them and their lying a$$ cyber lap dogs. 111? Somebody has some explaining to do.

Too fucking funny

I love when you guys brag about "only" a 4.7 murder rate and we are "only" 111 th in the world. Did you see the nations that are worse than us? NRA wants us to live in one of those hell holes?
Why don't they compare us to England, France, Germany, Canada, Japan?

They have a murder rate one fifth of ours
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Stat glosses over the ENTIRE STORY and focuses on a typo. Some people are just like that.

Damn Lies
His group was losing elections BEFORE the off year and his group lost the off year as well. Now they are losing the boards NOT just nation wide but world wide.

Short of Greece just about everybody is moving right. He NEEDS that typo because he has nothing else. All he can do at this point is troll.
30,000 gun deaths a year and the NRA laughs it off as......at least we are better than Somalia

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