We Hear Crickets Tonight After the Harris Interview

It is. One example is this soft landing from the fix on inflation. It was supposed to be painful and raise unemployment but god damn Biden just keeps on adding jobs.

Yes, wages have been increasing faster than inflation in the United States, particularly since the pandemic:

  • Wage growth vs inflation
    In August 2024, wages grew by 4.6% while inflation was 2.5%, and inflation has not exceeded wage growth since January 2023.

  • Wage growth since the pandemic
    Since the start of the pandemic, average hourly earnings have increased 22.3%, while the Consumer Price Index has increased 20.8%.

  • Did you know before the pandemic Trump lost 400,000 manufacturing jobs?
bobo a question......if harris gets elected and things are getting worse and she looks like she is in over her head.....will you be here saying so or will you be one of them die hard party people and just keep on saying how wonderful she is?....
When do you plan on supporting liberal values? I haven't seen it yet.

I've been a liberal progressive democrat since Carter. What am I missing?

Social security, believe in man made climate change, etc. Remember when Reagan took the solar panels off the white house?

Unions, social security, medicare, making college affordable, pro choice, pro affirmative action.

How have I changed?
bobo a question......if harris gets elected and things are getting worse and she looks like she is in over her head.....will you be here saying so or will you be one of them die hard party people and just keep on saying how wonderful she is?....

Will you be holding her to a higher standard than you would Trump? Will you become super critical of the debt when you ignored it when Trump added $8 trillion to the debt?

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

And will you blame her for things that are out of her control?

There will always be problems in the world. When I see Biden fixing everything and you guys criticize the border and what's going on in Israel and Russia.

By all the measurements Trump used to say he's the greatest, Biden is now the greatest president in history. Household income has soared. Stock market. Low unemployment. Inflation coming down.

I know it doesn't FEEL like a good economy. So stop watching Fox News. Actually, some of their shows that are less political, will talk about the great economy. They just don't give Biden credit. You would ask "what did he do to make it happen?" and say "president's don't have that much to do with it..." But then give Trump all the credit.

Trump is a master at figuring out what problems America has, and then tells you he will solve those problems.

How come he didn't do away with taxes on overtime when he was president? How come he only has a concept of a plan to fix healthcare?
You'd have to be a moron to expect anything less than a solid discussion on policy and governance from Ms Harris. After years of being a DA, Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President she is uniquely ready to lead the country with grace, passion, compassion, and vision.
Harris did an interview this evening with Stephanie Ruhle. Funny how the usual suspects aren't running their mouths.

/----/ IM2, even you are better at debating and getting your points across than Commie Harris.
Will you be holding her to a higher standard than you would Trump? Will you become super critical of the debt when you ignored it when Trump added $8 trillion to the debt?

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

And will you blame her for things that are out of her control?

There will always be problems in the world. When I see Biden fixing everything and you guys criticize the border and what's going on in Israel and Russia.

By all the measurements Trump used to say he's the greatest, Biden is now the greatest president in history. Household income has soared. Stock market. Low unemployment. Inflation coming down.

I know it doesn't FEEL like a good economy. So stop watching Fox News. Actually, some of their shows that are less political, will talk about the great economy. They just don't give Biden credit. You would ask "what did he do to make it happen?" and say "president's don't have that much to do with it..." But then give Trump all the credit.

Trump is a master at figuring out what problems America has, and then tells you he will solve those problems.

How come he didn't do away with taxes on overtime when he was president? How come he only has a concept of a plan to fix healthcare?
lol...you are just like trump and harris bobo.....you dont answer questions....maybe you should run for office....
You'd have to be a moron to expect anything less than a solid discussion on policy and governance from Ms Harris. After years of being a DA, Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President she is uniquely ready to lead the country with grace, passion, compassion, and vision.
oh geezus.....you bought it....
lol...you are just like trump and harris bobo.....you dont answer questions....maybe you should run for office....

Well if she doesn't do a good job, I would still stick with her over Republicans. As far as I'm concerned there's only one party to vote for. Until things change.

And since abortion is a states rights issue, I hope Michigan never elects a Republican governor every again. Until Republicans drop that social wedge issue.

And they need to be more pro middle class. I don't see it here or in our government. Republicans are all for the rich and trickle down. Vergogna Harry.
All I see is mediocrity

Well then give Democrats control of the House and Senate and see what THEY can do without Republican obstruction.

I have to believe a blue wave is coming. With abortion and all. Even some red states are going to go for Kamala. You'll see.

Well then give Democrats control of the House and Senate and see what THEY can do without Republican obstruction.

I have to believe a blue wave is coming. With abortion and all. Even some red states are going to go for Kamala. You'll see.

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you havent learned anything have you?....look how the quality of life has gone down in California since they started running the state.....there is a reason so many are and have left....
And she got mentored for 4 years by Biden on how to run a government.

Trump's really good at running for president but not being president.
lol...so what?.....6 months ago she was talked about like she was useless...now she is your savior....put the kool aide down bobo and start drinking a few beers....
Amusing coming from one who constantly parrots left wing talking points. She went to a friendly network got a friendly interview from a media supporter and was not seriously challenged on anything. This was no different than Trump going on FOX and doing an interview with Laura Ingraham neither is a serious interview I'm honest enough to admit this you are not which makes you irrelevant and not worth my time.
Yup, she is in her media bubble, trump is in his media bubble. Isn’t this fun?!

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