We Hear Crickets Tonight After the Harris Interview

lol....i voted for clinton twice....and i couldnt stand his wife even back then.....i lived under harris as AG in California....i know how she is, you only think you do....so what am i jealous of bobo?....

Did you fly in a helicopter with her ex boyfriend and while it was crashing he told you what a horrible person she was? LOL.
What a load of shit. I don't even know who my AG is in MI. And you knew her back then?

She must have been an up and coming Democratic star and you listened to Republicans about her. Like Whitmer. Do you like Whitmer?

You voted for Clinton because Bush 1 raised your taxes. And I bet you voted for Bush didn't you.

Reagan was the beginning of the end and you love him right?

yea i knew her back then dipshit all you are telling me is you dont care who makes the laws in your state....do you vote bobo?....do you know who you are voting for?...or is this political talk by you just bullshit you make up as you go along?...you can tell your young....you have no idea...lol...
The border is a problem but it's been a problem since Reagan. When he turned a blind eye to illegal employers. Before Reagan, migrants came, picked fruit and then left. Because that was all we were hiring for. But illegal employers started hiring illegal immigrants when Reagan signaled he wouldn't go after them.
The border has been a significant problem the last 3 1/2 - 4 years under the Biden / Harris administration. Record number of illegals, the 'unintended' consequences that are impacting local communities and metropolitan areas, and preferential treatment over Americans for many of the illegals including housing vouchers, food, phones, clothes, hotel rooms, flights etc. Sex trafficking has been up as well as a drug endemic that is killing more Americans.

Yet .. she has a plan to 'fix it' now .. all of a sudden. It's laughable.
yea i knew her back then dipshit all you are telling me is you dont care who makes the laws in your state....do you vote bobo?....do you know who you are voting for?...or is this political talk by you just bullshit you make up as you go along?...you can tell your young....you have no idea...lol...

I'm 100% a Democrat. I like Democratic policies. The Democratic agenda. Are they perfect? No. But we have a 2 party system and I know Michigan does better when Democrats are in charge.

Now Trump is saying he would tariff Harley Davidson 200%? That was my idea! Why did you guys argue with me but you suck Don's dick?

Sorry free trade is the way of the world now. And America isn't really as bad as you cons claim it to be. The only problem is because of Reagan, Bush and Trump policies, the gap between the rich and rest of us has gotten too wide. And you don't want to fix it.
Trump has been a part of the problem ever since his daddy gave him all that money. Tax cheat, fraud, not paying contractors, using charity as a slush fund, going bankrupt, being an illegal employer. Trump says this makes him smart. When he's found guilty in court, Republicans cry "they all do it".

Trump doesn't answer HOW. When asked for details on his healthcare plan he says he has "a concept of a plan". Give me a break.

You've been duped.
Trump has already demonstrated what 4 years looks like .. which has been favorable compared to what Harris has been doing the last 4 years. Trump speaks live on interviews, Harris does not -- always recorded and edited. Trump speaks with hostile hosts and audiences -- Harris does not. Trump engages the media-- Harris avoids the media.

Who has been duped?
Sorry but you guys cried and asked why she wasn't giving interviews and that she couldn't talk and she was flaky but she wasn't any of that in this interview. Sounded well thought out.

Sorry she didn't talk about Hannibal lecter, her crowd sizes and Jimmy Kimmel's performance at the oscars.
We do not believe you. And you will at some point say the truth on something and still not believe it. From many people who are not Progressives, this is now the safest way of surviving. There are cracks now in agendas forming. People who were protected upon reproach are now being scrutinized a little more. And they are not that good at what they do, and questionable ways may be or are included.
I'm 100% a Democrat. I like Democratic policies. The Democratic agenda. Are they perfect? No. But we have a 2 party system and I know Michigan does better when Democrats are in charge.

Now Trump is saying he would tariff Harley Davidson 200%? That was my idea! Why did you guys argue with me but you suck Don's dick?

Sorry free trade is the way of the world now. And America isn't really as bad as you cons claim it to be. The only problem is because of Reagan, Bush and Trump policies, the gap between the rich and rest of us has gotten too wide. And you don't want to fix it.
you are just like harris..lol...i ask you a question relating to what we were talking about and i get no answer, but a nice "word salad"....lol....
Trump has been a part of the problem ever since his daddy gave him all that money. Tax cheat, fraud, not paying contractors, using charity as a slush fund, going bankrupt, being an illegal employer. Trump says this makes him smart. When he's found guilty in court, Republicans cry "they all do it".

Trump doesn't answer HOW. When asked for details on his healthcare plan he says he has "a concept of a plan". Give me a break.

You've been duped.
But we all say "they all do it." Trump doesn't answer questions, and neither does Harris. But no president unilaterally can do much about the economy, without congress, and even then it takes years for fiscal/monetary policy to actually be felt (unless it's really dramatic like a world war and nationalizing the econ). So I don't see this debate going anywhere useful.

I'm not sure what Harry was trying to get at. But Slade summed it up .... "both Trump and Harris are in their media bubbles." What's interesting to me is the voters Trump chases are pretty much the same as Reagan captured. I think the gop has won the white non college group consistently since then, perhaps with the exception of Bill Clinton. I'm not looking it up, because its not really the important difference in the electorate over time.

This was a post-16 election Bill Kristol interview with Ronald Brownstein, who is at Atlantic now but has been around longer than me, it seems.

In 16, Trump got the same % of non college whites Reagan got in 84. BUT Trump got 46% of the total vote and Reagan got 69%.

And here is a CNN Morning with Cassie Hunt interview of the same Guy this morning on where are the voters each campaign seeks to reach BUT ALSO ON ECON POLICY FROM THE DUELING CANDIDATES APPEARANCES YESTERDAY

"on the one hand you have Trump who is basically offering a fortress America kind of economic vision with these giant tariff walls, severe immigration restrictions, lower tax rates on people who produce domestically. That's how he wants to generate more domestic manufacturing.

Harris is extending what is probably the biggest policy success of the Biden administration. Tax credits to encourage domestic private investment in manufacturing, it's at the highest level in decades. Literally hundreds of billions of dollars invested in clean energy. Now she wants to extend that to other key sectors.

And it really is a stark vision between kind of this industrial policy approach the Democrats have moved toward and this Trump fortress America of high tariffs, tight immigration, and lower tax rates -- which, by the way, was pretty much the agenda of the Republican presidents in the decade before the Depression -- Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. That was their policy mix, and, in many ways, he is reviving it for the 21st Century."

AND THIS IS WHAT SEEMS INTERESTING TO ME. In 1980 and 84 Reagan was the antithesis of "fortress america" and tarrifs. THAT was the DEM schtick. Yet, here we are 60 years later, fighting over the same groups of voters, but the PARTIES HAVE SWITCHED ECON IDEOLOGY WITH EACH OTHER
the reason why we have such inept,incompetent people running the show....no one seems to care about quality anymore....
I'm not sure I agree with that. In 32 most though FDR was a crippled play boy, and not much else. Reagan? Nixon treated him like an idiot.

Trump may turn out to be great or America's biggest failure since Hoover, whom Trump emulates economically. Harris? Well she's reassembled Team Obama and she's running a campaign on the fly, yet pretty much tied with Trump. And it appears the winner will be the won (-: who can turn out the most voters who tend not to vote. I think Trump has the edge ..... but there's Dobbs.
We do not believe you. And you will at some point say the truth on something and still not believe it. From many people who are not Progressives, this is now the safest way of surviving. There are cracks now in agendas forming. People who were protected upon reproach are now being scrutinized a little more. And they are not that good at what they do, and questionable ways may be or are included.

Yea but like I just said in another thread, you believe Trump didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels and that Kamala never worked at McDonald's. So you really are a bad judge of when someone's lying. Were you on the OJ jury?
I'm not sure I agree with that. In 32 most though FDR was a crippled play boy, and not much else. Reagan? Nixon treated him like an idiot.

Trump may turn out to be great or America's biggest failure since Hoover, whom Trump emulates economically. Harris? Well she's reassembled Team Obama and she's running a campaign on the fly, yet pretty much tied with Trump. And it appears the winner will be the won (-: who can turn out the most voters who tend not to vote. I think Trump has the edge ..... but there's Dobbs.
you dont agree but yet you described what was talking about.....
you dont agree but yet you described what was talking about.....
No I described the OPPOSITE of what you posted. We never really know who will be good or bad. And even then, Bill Clinton didn't govern much differently than HW, but he got better results.

You think quality and civil discoruse is lessening. I don't think we can know this for decades.

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