We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric

You might propping up a Celery Stalk of a president for 3.5 years and telling us we were wrong when we said he was more than a few cards short of a deck ? This is the guy who had to decide to push the button.

And you, by propping him up, put as at risk. You put our families at risk. So stop being such a hypocrite.

Else why did you push him out ?
I trusted the judgment of the people closest to him and of course he , himself. No one forced Biden out. He alone decided when it was time. Fortunately it occurred before the election and not after. As far as cognitive abilities. I still think Biden is better off than trump is. Trump's mental deterioration is malignant. And that compounds the whole situation.
Put Crepitus on ignore. He's a trolling moron. I am not even interested in what he posted to get your response.

I know I'll lose IQ points by reading it.

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.
oh wouldn't you just like that, hey jimbo? just between us...you're ignoring the instigating by the left aren't you. shhhhh. I get it.
No one forced Biden out.

Pure garbage. I admire a man who can lie to others and himself and keep a straight face.

He alone decided when it was time.

Uh, no. He was nominee. He wasn't planning on existing. He was planning on running. Then the debate happens. And now he's not such a good choice. He said he was staying. Donors said no money. Pelosi pushed him out.
Frankly I don't give a damn about the rhetoric.

I care about the economy.
Agreed and no matter how good it gets and back on track with Biden they'll still point out the high gas prices when they're no longer unreasonably so. Or note any other problems. There is no instant gratification with economic matters everything evolves over months , even years. It took Obama almost 6 years to get US out of Bush's recession
Anyone ( aka trump ) who offers you change overnight is not offering real economic improvement but a scam.
Pure garbage. I admire a man who can lie to others and himself and keep a straight face.

Uh, no. He was nominee. He wasn't planning on existing. He was planning on running. Then the debate happens. And now he's not such a good choice. He said he was staying. Donors said no money. Pelosi pushed him out.
Until he decided what was best for the country. It was a good decision. And it happened in the nick of time before the delegates voted on who the nominee would be.
Anyone ( aka trump ) who offers you change overnight is not offering real economic improvement but a scam.

No, that would be Harris. Are you really that stupid.

She's flip flopping faster than a fish on the floor of a Sun Dolphin.

She has no policy and nothing of value.

An empty suit.

And you say something like this ?
Until he decided what was best for the country. It was a good decision. And it happened in the nick of time before the delegates voted on who the nominee would be.
He decided he didn't want the continual pressure from donors and insiders who were going public and he's said as much.

You pushed him out. Stop lying.

It negated the votes of 14,000,000 people and you call Trump a threat to democracy.
She's flip flopping faster than a fish on the floor of a Sun Dolphin.

She has no policy and nothing of value.
Yes , you are correct about trump. That's all " she " offers , empty promises that are too hard to believe. That's because they are not based on reality , their based on trump's fantasies.And he's flip-flopped so much he can't even keep all his lies straight anymore.
Yes , you are correct about trump. That's all " she " offers , empty promises that are too hard to believe. That's because they are not based on reality , their based on trump's fantasies.And he's flip-flopped so much he can't even keep all his lies straight anymore.

You might try getting past the 2nd grader mentality....or that might explain a great deal.

Trump has been around for eight years now. We know what we get with him.


Harris is the empty suit who needs a Service Animal present to do a 19 minute softball interview and is now openly admitting she is avoid the press. Her Oprah interview was a disaster (the word used by many....not me....I would not waste 30 seconds on the moron).

Keep trying.
You might try getting past the 2nd grader mentality....or that might explain a great deal.

Trump has been around for eight years now. We know what we get with him.


Harris is the empty suit who needs a Service Animal present to do a 19 minute softball interview and is now openly admitting she is avoid the press. Her Oprah interview was a disaster (the word used by many....not me....I would not waste 30 seconds on the moron).

Keep trying.
Putting a rapist and two other people who committed perjury on the Supreme Court is no honor.
Putting a rapist and two other people who committed perjury on the Supreme Court is no honor.


Go tell your little lie to someone who cares if you live or die.

You are a cult lemming who can't think for yourself.

You lapped up Harris & Co's lies about Biden for 3.5 years. And now....woe.....he's decrepit and going to lose.....let's throw out the primary and put someone the anointed elite want in there.

You are a first class moron.

Go tell your little lie to someone who cares if you live or die.

You are a cult lemming who can't think for yourself.

You lapped up Harris & Co's lies about Biden for 3.5 years. And now....woe.....he's decrepit and going to lose.....let's throw out the primary and put someone the anointed elite want in there.

You are a first class moron.
You truly are pathetic. You can call me every name in the book it just makes you look bad. As bad as trump is. Truly pathetic and sad to be that hateful and twisted.

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