We now live in a vastly different world then our founders


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
We now live in a vastly different world then our founders

  1. Our founders were raised in a country without electricy and mostly at a time where the vast majority of our society lived on farms...Hell, the steam engine was only invented a few decades before the revolutionary war. Watt steam engine - Wikipedia

    Electric motor - Wikipedia
The first electrical motor is known to have been a simple electrostatic motor fathered by Andrew Gordon in 1740s. Later in 1820, Andre-Marie Ampere discovered the Ampere’s force law – the principle that explained mechanical force production by interactions of magnetic field and electric current. This idea was further shaped into a reality by British chemist and physic, Michael Faraday. The man has been known for his electromagnetic induction discoveries and this certainly was one of the major breakthroughs in the field of electrical science.”

Who Invented the Electric Motor? History of Electric Motor Invention

The industrial revolution was just starting in Europe. How would they understand the kind of legal and economic frame work that was going to be needed in the coming decades? Most people that they governed over were very independent. No indoor plumbing, no electricy and no demands from the people for clean food, water and to provide.

The History of agriculture in the United States covers the period from the first English settlers to the present day. In Colonial America agriculture was the primary livelihood for 90% of the population; most towns were shipping points for the export of agricultural products” History of agriculture in the United States - Wikipedia

But by the mid 19th century this charged as a larger and large percentage of the population moved into the cities to get jobs in factories. These workers were no longer the owner of the property that they farmed but the workers that had little to no rights. I doubt Jefferson, Madison or anyone living in the 1770's could understand the world that would transform just 50 years ahead of their time.

Hell, At least Karl Marx was around during the peak of the industrial revolution and could see the mistreatment of the workers. No matter what the jerks like Stalin, Mao and others that followed his works did with it. Hell, no I aint condoning it for a second but it must be said. Say what you want, but the factories were shitty places and the poor were badly abused. Most all of the wealth went directly into the hands of the few(something that is occurring once again today). Thankfully, late in the 19th century and into the 20th century more regulations and laws(anti-trust)popped up demanding better for the workers with weekends, 5 day work weeks, time off, unemployment, ssi, and so much more that bettered our life. A person could retire and our society became vastly better for it.

The truth is a mid 18th century life is impossible to any moral human being to wish for as one would have to approve of a life for most of their country men just above slavery. One real world example for how Life would look is that of the Indian people, where you have a wealthier class at the top, but 75% of the population below would live in slums. Think about it; Our food standards, medication standards, and even infrastructure would follow the same pattern....

The power grab of the 19th and 20th century was necessary for our society to have developed to function for all besides the very top. Sorry, but the few shouldn't control all the power and resources...If we're going to have that why not have a king? What exactly are the differences in how the lower classes are treated? You call this liberty...Not me. I wish to live in a modern society with regulations that protect the air, water and the quality of my food...Not Brazil or the slums of india. No thank you.
China is becoming the most powerful country on earth because they understand why this is important.

And on the other side of your mouth you cry about the air pollution in China...

Matthew are you stoned again?

We now live in a vastly different world then our founders

  1. Our founders were raised in a country without electricy and mostly at a time where the vast majority of our society lived on farms...Hell, the steam engine was only invented a few decades before the revolutionary war. Watt steam engine - Wikipedia

    Electric motor - Wikipedia
The first electrical motor is known to have been a simple electrostatic motor fathered by Andrew Gordon in 1740s. Later in 1820, Andre-Marie Ampere discovered the Ampere’s force law – the principle that explained mechanical force production by interactions of magnetic field and electric current. This idea was further shaped into a reality by British chemist and physic, Michael Faraday. The man has been known for his electromagnetic induction discoveries and this certainly was one of the major breakthroughs in the field of electrical science.”

Who Invented the Electric Motor? History of Electric Motor Invention

The industrial revolution was just starting in Europe. How would they understand the kind of legal and economic frame work that was going to be needed in the coming decades? Most people that they governed over were very independent. No indoor plumbing, no electricy and no demands from the people for clean food, water and to provide.

The History of agriculture in the United States covers the period from the first English settlers to the present day. In Colonial America agriculture was the primary livelihood for 90% of the population; most towns were shipping points for the export of agricultural products” History of agriculture in the United States - Wikipedia

But by the mid 19th century this charged as a larger and large percentage of the population moved into the cities to get jobs in factories. These workers were no longer the owner of the property that they farmed but the workers that had little to no rights. I doubt Jefferson, Madison or anyone living in the 1770's could understand the world that would transform just 50 years ahead of their time.

Hell, At least Karl Marx was around during the peak of the industrial revolution and could see the mistreatment of the workers. No matter what the jerks like Stalin, Mao and others that followed his works did with it. Hell, no I aint condoning it for a second but it must be said. Say what you want, but the factories were shitty places and the poor were badly abused. Most all of the wealth went directly into the hands of the few(something that is occurring once again today). Thankfully, late in the 19th century and into the 20th century more regulations and laws(anti-trust)popped up demanding better for the workers with weekends, 5 day work weeks, time off, unemployment, ssi, and so much more that bettered our life. A person could retire and our society became vastly better for it.

The truth is a mid 18th century life is impossible to any moral human being to wish for as one would have to approve of a life for most of their country men just above slavery. One real world example for how Life would look is that of the Indian people, where you have a wealthier class at the top, but 75% of the population below would live in slums. Think about it; Our food standards, medication standards, and even infrastructure would follow the same pattern....

The power grab of the 19th and 20th century was necessary for our society to have developed to function for all besides the very top. Sorry, but the few shouldn't control all the power and resources...If we're going to have that why not have a king? What exactly are the differences in how the lower classes are treated? You call this liberty...Not me. I wish to live in a modern society with regulations that protect the air, water and the quality of my food...Not Brazil or the slums of india. No thank you.
Thanks for the 5th grade history rehash. I do so enjoy reminiscing with people I don't know.

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