We’re number 37! USA USA USA!!

Well...you can KEEP YOUR SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE because all you people know about is "Heil Hitler" and being under the subjugation of the State. We Americans are an independent lot who pull ourselves up by our boot straps. We don't need no stinkin' commune to live in. Our Hippies here have tried that already and it doesn't work because sooner or later the hardest working hippie gets tired of doing all the work while the others kick back.
:eek: Really? :eek:

Shame on you! This is simply indefensible.
We left Europe to get away from all their crap. Our Founders have given us a great Nation and a System to govern us that puts the People in charge. All Europe knows is the Nanny State and they want to export that garbage here. We don't need it and if any Americans want it, then they can get the Hell out.
God IA I love when you wingnuts all use the word "WE", you certainly don't speak for me or a great portion of this nation! you really are one arrogant fuck aren't you
Here is a basic economics 101 question.

What will happen if the government artificially keeps cost below market value?

You miss the point. We already pay for uninsured, we just do so in an insanely expensive way, through the ER. Someone without insurance ignores a cold or bronchitis as long as they can, and go to the ER only when it's progressed to pneumonia and he fears for his life. The $10 Z-Pack that would've taken care of it just ballooned to a week in the hospital.

That said, we're not talking about artificially keeping costs low, but aiming to actually reduce costs. In ECO101 we'd say we're attempting to move the demand curve to the left.

The other aspect that hasn't really been addressed by politicians; Health problems are often contagious. What would it do to healthcare costs when we have a tuberculosis outbreak? Again, antibiotics for a few, or potentially thousands of very sick people.

Name one area that the government has run efficienctly? Look at what they did to the post office?

The government's interference will only make things 10 times worse.

We certainly have issues regarding our health care. The government' micromanaging is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It will make it much worse.

The reason costs are as high as they are now is because of too much government interference. The best thing the government can do to help our health care system and make it more affordable is get out of the way and stop driving up costs.
God IA I love when you wingnuts all use the word "WE", you certainly don't speak for me or a great portion of this nation! you really are one arrogant fuck aren't you

I think he was speaking about americans.
We left Europe to get away from all their crap. Our Founders have given us a great Nation and a System to govern us that puts the People in charge. All Europe knows is the Nanny State and they want to export that garbage here. We don't need it and if any Americans want it, then they can get the Hell out.

If it's so fucking great, how come every second thread on this board is about you Yanks bitching and moaning all the time....

You know nothing of Europe or the rest of the world if you honestly believe the shit you just wrote...
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Yea this hick thinks every Wal Mart in the country has a wellness clinic LOL he doesn't get out in the the real world too often by the sound of it
God IA I love when you wingnuts all use the word "WE", you certainly don't speak for me or a great portion of this nation! you really are one arrogant fuck aren't you

I think he was speaking about americans.
Well...maybe I was a little tough on the Kraut by mentioning "Heil Hitler" and all, but I don't recall them turning Adolph over to the Allies. We had to go in there and kick their butts first. Does anybody recall hearing the Germans saying "we're sorry" about that taking over half of Europe thing? I don't.

Anyway, we aren't over there telling the Germans how to run their government (except for a couple years after soundly kicking their asses back to Rhine) so they don't need to be telling us how to run our affairs here.
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God IA I love when you wingnuts all use the word "WE", you certainly don't speak for me or a great portion of this nation! you really are one arrogant fuck aren't you

I think he was speaking about americans.
Well...maybe I was a little tough on the Kraut by mentioning "Heil Hitler" and all, but I don't recall them turning Adolph over to the Allies. We had to go in there and kick their butts first. Does anybody recall hearing the Germans saying "we're sorry" about that taking over half of Europe thing? I don't.

Anyway, we aren't over there telling the Germans how to run their government (except for a couple years after soundly kicking their asses back to Rhine) so they don't need to be telling us how to run our affairs here.

I know what you mean. Thank Christ you're not telling the Iraqis or Afghanis how to run their countries. Oh, that's right, you are. Nor Iran or North Korea. Oh, that's right, you are...

We left Europe to get away from all their crap. Our Founders have given us a great Nation and a System to govern us that puts the People in charge. All Europe knows is the Nanny State and they want to export that garbage here. We don't need it and if any Americans want it, then they can get the Hell out.

If it's so fucking great, how come every second thread on this board is about you Yanks bitching and moaning all the time....

You know nothing of Europe or the rest of the world if you honestly believe the shit you just wrote...

Yanks? Are you British Grump? Guess whose asses we saved during the war? I don't care if you give me more negative REPS about it, just keep your Euro-trash nose out of America's business.
Yanks? Are you British Grump? Guess whose asses we saved during the war? I don't care if you give me more negative REPS about it, just keep your Euro-trash nose out of America's business.

No, I'm not British, Moron. But I'm not a Yank either. I'll put my nose where I damn well please...

...unless you can take your own advice and keep your Neocon Whackjob nose out of the rest of the world's business...doubtful I know...In which case, STFU, Loser....
sure harry but the extremists on either side don't usually speak to where most most Americans really are just right or left of the middle LOL
Yanks? Are you British Grump? Guess whose asses we saved during the war? I don't care if you give me more negative REPS about it, just keep your Euro-trash nose out of America's business.

No, I'm not British, Moron. But I'm not a Yank either. I'll put my nose where I damn well please...

...unless you can take your own advice and keep your Neocon Whackjob nose out of the rest of the world's business...doubtful I know...In which case, STFU, Loser....
Well!!!! I know where you can put your nose and lips Forest. If you're not an American, you don't have a say in how WE run things here. (Unless you're China and because we owe you $800 Billion thanks to Progressives and their spending habits.)
amusing how little twits from all over the world add their unsolicited two cents into the business of America and then become so outraged when Americans comment on their part of the world.. that's the DUmmie way alrighty.. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
amusing how little twits from all over the world add their unsolicited two cents into the business of America and then become so outraged when Americans comment on their part of the world.. that's the DUmmie way alrighty.. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Oh do shut up Willow....every time you open your trap the average IQ in this joint slides...

...maybe if America could mind its own business once and a while, you wouldn't get people commenting on yours....
Here is a basic economics 101 question.

What will happen if the government artificially keeps cost below market value?

You miss the point. We already pay for uninsured, we just do so in an insanely expensive way, through the ER. Someone without insurance ignores a cold or bronchitis as long as they can, and go to the ER only when it's progressed to pneumonia and he fears for his life. The $10 Z-Pack that would've taken care of it just ballooned to a week in the hospital.

That said, we're not talking about artificially keeping costs low, but aiming to actually reduce costs. In ECO101 we'd say we're attempting to move the demand curve to the left.

The other aspect that hasn't really been addressed by politicians; Health problems are often contagious. What would it do to healthcare costs when we have a tuberculosis outbreak? Again, antibiotics for a few, or potentially thousands of very sick people.

Name one area that the government has run efficienctly? Look at what they did to the post office?

The government's interference will only make things 10 times worse.

We certainly have issues regarding our health care. The government' micromanaging is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It will make it much worse.

The reason costs are as high as they are now is because of too much government interference. The best thing the government can do to help our health care system and make it more affordable is get out of the way and stop driving up costs.

Medicare and Medicaid operate at far greater efficiency than the private insurance market. The reason they're "In trouble" is because they can't keep up with the rising costs, and people are living 20 or so years longer than they did in the past.

The poor post office just makes an easy target. It's a service, partially subsidized by customer contributions. It doesn't have to make a profit; Few government programs do. People want their mail, and people don't want the price to go up. Show me someone else who an deliver a letter from California to New Jersey in a few days for 44 cents.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. If we can get back to ECO101, the reason the prices are so high is that providers are pricing their services @ market clearing level, and due to staggering redundancies inherent in the system, and as I said before, we are all subsidizing the uninsured in a ridiculously expensive way. I think the current proposal would do wonders to reign in costs. Add a public option, even more. Single payer, more still. But hey, that's just me.

I'll agree that a hands-off approach would also reduce costs, but in order for it to work, you would have to deny care to non-payers, period.
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Well!!!! I know where you can put your nose and lips Forest. If you're not an American, you don't have a say in how WE run things here. (Unless you're China and because we owe you $800 Billion thanks to Progressives and their spending habits.)

Do as you're told and STFU.....:cool:

I am always amazed by the idiots who say that. :cuckoo:

psssssst.. they're always the first to tell eeryone else how to do things.
You miss the point. We already pay for uninsured, we just do so in an insanely expensive way, through the ER. Someone without insurance ignores a cold or bronchitis as long as they can, and go to the ER only when it's progressed to pneumonia and he fears for his life. The $10 Z-Pack that would've taken care of it just ballooned to a week in the hospital.

That said, we're not talking about artificially keeping costs low, but aiming to actually reduce costs. In ECO101 we'd say we're attempting to move the demand curve to the left.

The other aspect that hasn't really been addressed by politicians; Health problems are often contagious. What would it do to healthcare costs when we have a tuberculosis outbreak? Again, antibiotics for a few, or potentially thousands of very sick people.

Name one area that the government has run efficienctly? Look at what they did to the post office?

The government's interference will only make things 10 times worse.

We certainly have issues regarding our health care. The government' micromanaging is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It will make it much worse.

The reason costs are as high as they are now is because of too much government interference. The best thing the government can do to help our health care system and make it more affordable is get out of the way and stop driving up costs.

Medicare and Medicaid operate at far greater efficiency than the private insurance market. The reason they're "In trouble" is because they can't keep up with the rising costs, and people are living 20 or so years longer than they did in the past.

The poor post office just makes an easy target. It's a service, partially subsidized by customer contributions. It doesn't have to make a profit; Few government programs do. People want their mail, and people don't want the price to go up. Show me someone else who an deliver a letter from California to New Jersey in a few days for 44 cents.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. If we can get back to ECO101, the reason the prices are so high is that providers are pricing their services @ market clearing level, and due to staggering redundancies inherent in the system, and as I said before, we are all subsidizing the uninsured in a ridiculously expensive way. I think the current proposal would do wonders to reign in costs. Add a public option, even more. Single payer, more still. But hey, that's just me.

I'll agree that a hands-off approach would also reduce costs, but in order for it to work, you would have to deny care to non-payers, period.

This is me, searching high and low in this post for any kind of evidence or substantiation of your statement that Medicare and Medicaid are more efficient than private insurance OR your statement that their only problem is that costs are rising too fast for them. Funny how I'm not finding it.

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