Weirdness continues Pt II

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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
"No Discussing infractions, bans, banned members, or specific moderator actions or duties on the open boards. Issues with moderation should be taken up privately with moderators in PM." How?
"No Discussing infractions, bans, banned members, or specific moderator actions or duties on the open boards. Issues with moderation should be taken up privately with moderators in PM." How?

There is no subtle way to answer questions on "what went wrong with threads" with the whole membership jeering and participating in a public thread. Often, there are great reasons for why threads are closed or moved. And to EXPLAIN, it often involves something that YOU might have done against the rules. We dont want to do those confrontations with an audience. And trust me -- the policy on contacting moderation is so that we dont have to POTENTIALLY embarrass you.. Not hiding anything...

Not saying that YOU did anything wrong.. EVEN IF -- it's "our fault" -- we still have to UNIVERALLY ASK that EVERYONE follow the same procedure to file grievances. For instance, if the mods dont agree on that particular move, that's not something that needs to be entertainment for gawkers..

HOW? you ask. Just like starting any other PM.. Just include the names of a couple mods as recipients.
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