Well we have a new family member...


Oct 2, 2007
A beautiful blue tick hound was in my horse pasture yesterday morning. I scooped him up. He came from the ditch, where he was running, and loped across the pasture up to the horses, who were not impressed. I called him to me and scooped him into my car to keep him from getting run over on the highway.

I told the store clerk that I had found him, and if anyone came looking to direct them my way. But I still have him! This was a big weekend here, they have a biker gathering, plus there's a rodeo in Spray (big is relative of course). Someone lost their pup...their loss is my gain!

It's been good for Mylo, too. At first she was all concerned about being top dog. He's a dominant, too, even though he's just a baby. But he is still a baby so he let her go to town and he never once cowered, he just gives tit for tat. They were running around the coffee table and he accidentally nipped her hard enough to make her yip, and that was pretty much the end of her posturing. I let her lay claim to the furniture (except when we're not in the house or we're in bed, he gets the couch. She's either on the chair or in my bedroom) and to me. I'm giving her lots of attention so she doesn't feel her position has been usurped, and we let the kids fawn over the puppy.

My son and his family are here this weekend, and he has fallen in love with "Rebel". He is coming to terms with the fact that he may have to let his pitbull go; he's a difficult dog for a young family. Asher got him before they had the baby and he needs a lot of attention that isn't possible to give him anymore, with a baby in the house, a working missus, and the boy in school.

I've been trying to get a good picture of the puppy but he's always in motion! So far, no luck getting anything that does him justice (or even shows his whole body). I have a lot of pictures that have a flying ear and blur, or a kid's head in one corner and the top of the dog's head or his tail in the other....
Nobody's ditching a dog, bones.

Anyway, I went to the store....Reb is back with his jackass owner now. Dumbass, the pup will get squished on the road before a week's out.
Sorry to hear that Allie. It's good he's back with his family, but if dumbass keeps letting him out and you find him, maybe he needs to "find" a better home. :shifty:
My guess is he'll get pasted on the highway. Or catch parvo. It's highly unlikely this dufus gave him his shots.
My guess is he'll get pasted on the highway. Or catch parvo. It's highly unlikely this dufus gave him his shots.

Too bad. I hate when people let their pets run wild. A few years back my wife and I were out for a drive in the country. A Beagle suddenly darted into the road in front of me and before I could react I nailed him. I freaked and stopped, watched the pup get up and limp off into a field. I checked a couple of the nearby houses to see if someone owned the dog, all the answers were no. It took about and hour before I was able to catch the dog who by this time was slowed considerably by shock and loss of blood. A couple of ladies had stopped to help and directed us the the closest Vet, about eight miles away. Long story shortened, the pup seems t have been running wild, was covered in ticks, had worms and unfortunately lost a rear leg due to the accident, which I already knew was going to happen, it was hanging on by skin only. We were in the area a few months later and check with the vet, the pup had made a full recovery, minus the one leg and had been adopted by a local family. I was told he is a happy, loving pup with a wonderful family and gets around like he still has all four legs. The vet told me if I hadn't caught him and brought him in he would have died. It still upsets me to think about it even now.
I look for him when I feed the horses. If he's loose again, he's mine! bwahahahaha.

I'm picking up shots for Mylo and the horses today. I'll get a spare and jab him if I see him.
I look for him when I feed the horses. If he's loose again, he's mine! bwahahahaha.

I'm picking up shots for Mylo and the horses today. I'll get a spare and jab him if I see him.
Alle, I wanna come out and visit your place! Sounds very nice.

Make sure to rename that hound "Runaway" when you get him back. LOL
I look for him when I feed the horses. If he's loose again, he's mine! bwahahahaha.

I'm picking up shots for Mylo and the horses today. I'll get a spare and jab him if I see him.
Alle, I wanna come out and visit your place! Sounds very nice.

Make sure to rename that hound "Runaway" when you get him back. LOL
I haven't seen him since the guy picked him up.

I don't know if that's good or bad! I hope it's good.

And Runaway is a great name.

I'm thinking super hard about getting a hound now....my son was supposed to be moving to the Oregon coast, and I was going to take his hound, Dodge, to make things easier for him. But as it turns out, they aren't coming, my daughter in law isn't being released for 6-8 months, and I want a hound puppy!

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