Welp there it is. The holistic campaign

You can stop repeating the shit out of the so called trump war room.

This is no different that trumps use of the word reciprocal. So face this truth white boy, Harris is far smarter than that white lump you worship.
You can stop repeating the shit out of the so called trump war room.

This is no different that trumps use of the word reciprocal. So face this truth white boy, Harris is far smarter than that white lump you worship.
What have you seen to believe that’s true?
The debate for one. I have known of Harris since she was AG. This lady is top of the line. Trump is not anywhere near her intellectually. Nor has he accompished what she has. Getting handed daddys business is not an accomplishment.
I believe magaturds will refuse anything you say. I agree, but best of luck.

It’s like she is striving to make this true.

Wait, it was true. Then and now. This is what she is.

Harris is a lying airhead but you will never get any of the democrat cult to admit to that. They have no problem with lying and especially if one of their cult gets into the White House because of it.
The debate for one. I have known of Harris since she was AG. This lady is top of the line. Trump is not anywhere near her intellectually. Nor has he accompished what she has. Getting handed daddys business is not an accomplishment.

Neither is fucking your way into jobs. The first one paid more than 70K, the second more than 120K. Can't say she wasn't a well paid whore. That's where she got a nest egg to run for office, and of course she was aided by her fuck buddy.

One of the 22-year old faggot interns pushed a new word on her today, before he quits next week. She's easy to punk.

Obviously, she has no idea what it means and she's flaunting that IQ of 78. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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