Were any "humans" saved by the desire for slaves?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Was anyone dying or going to die in Africa from disease, starvation and the like when these ships showed up on the shores?
Does anyone have these numbers?
We're these numbers ever recorded?
Total taboo....SCARY, scary subject matter huh?

Would you advocate we reinstate enslaving black Africans in order to save some more?

Not at all...I have a genuine interest in the numbers. I don't recall ever covering this in my studies throughout my education.
Care to enlighten me?

If there was a point to your thread you could elucidate in plain English...

There is a point...why would you think this isn't worth talking about?
Why pretend to be stupid and not discuss it? Don't be scared...you have my permission to proceed.
Ask Obama.

His black ancestors were rounding up black Africans to be sold to Jewish owned slave ships that existed prior to the first slave that arrived in the US.

After they got off the Jewish owned slave ship, Obama's white ancestors were bidders....
Total taboo....SCARY, scary subject matter huh?

Would you advocate we reinstate enslaving black Africans in order to save some more?

Not at all...I have a genuine interest in the numbers. I don't recall ever covering this in my studies throughout my education.
Care to enlighten me?

If there was a point to your thread you could elucidate in plain English...

There is a point...why would you think this isn't worth talking about?
Why pretend to be stupid and not discuss it? Don't be scared...you have my permission to proceed.

Your point is look at the bright side of slavery. No, I choose not to.
Ask Obama.

His black ancestors were rounding up black Africans to be sold to Jewish owned slave ships that existed prior to the first slave that arrived in the US.

After they got off the Jewish owned slave ship, Obama's white ancestors were bidders....

How many would have died if it wasn't for those ships showing up?
Total taboo....SCARY, scary subject matter huh?

Would you advocate we reinstate enslaving black Africans in order to save some more?

Not at all...I have a genuine interest in the numbers. I don't recall ever covering this in my studies throughout my education.
Care to enlighten me?

If there was a point to your thread you could elucidate in plain English...

There is a point...why would you think this isn't worth talking about?
Why pretend to be stupid and not discuss it? Don't be scared...you have my permission to proceed.

Your point is look at the bright side of slavery. No, I choose not to.

WOW...get your mind out of the gutter bud. Some of us value this site for the information we're able to gather here.
After all we are supposed to be an intellectual society… Right?
They were all going to die from disease if they lived long enough, you can count on that. I don't see how that has any bearing on the rationality of capturing humans for use as labor.
Ask Obama.

His black ancestors were rounding up black Africans to be sold to Jewish owned slave ships that existed prior to the first slave that arrived in the US.

After they got off the Jewish owned slave ship, Obama's white ancestors were bidders....
Straight from Stormfront, eh?

The first slave that arrived on a slave-trade ship in the U.S. would have been in the early 1800's -- and of all the slaves in the U. S. those that came in on ships accounted for about 1% of them.

And FTR: Obama was a descendant of the first legal slave: John Punch.
And FTR: Obama was a descendant of the first legal slave: John Punch.

That's an even bigger lie put out by the Left to fudge the truth that Obama's ancestors were all oppressors and never victims. Obama's black ancestors either had nothing to do with slavery, or they were rounding up the ones who were sold...

His white ancestors were documented Confederates...

It is amazing to go through it and realize that the young black "Obama Youth" that loves O and hates all whites is living in America solely because of both sides of Obama's ancestors were active in the slave trade, and his ancestors were liberated by the lives of my white ancestors who fought for the Union Army.

Black "Obama Youth" are not interested in truth. They are interested in hating whites...

They hate the white Union Army soldiers and love the blacks from Africa who grabbed their ancestors and sold them out...
Ask Obama.

His black ancestors were rounding up black Africans to be sold to Jewish owned slave ships that existed prior to the first slave that arrived in the US.

After they got off the Jewish owned slave ship, Obama's white ancestors were bidders....

How many would have died if it wasn't for those ships showing up?

God damn you're a fucking moron. Are you really THAT desperate to try to justify your pro-slavery stance, redneck?
"LaDexter said: ↑ ....<garbage>"

Yeah, those professional genealogists at Ancestry are just a buncha lefties looking to stick it to you and your white supremacist / KKK brethren.


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