What A Died In The Wool Whiny Assed Liberal


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Obamalama ding dong is. Whining to the New York Times about Fox News. "If there were no Fox News I'd be up furthur in the polls". Yeah, Obamalama if cow shit were butter we would'nt have to churn either ya whiny assed liberal. Sheesh, and you guys think he can face down evil? Jeez.
Obamalama ding dong is. Whining to the New York Times about Fox News. "If there were no Fox News I'd be up furthur in the polls". Yeah, Obamalama if cow shit were butter we would'nt have to churn either ya whiny assed liberal. Sheesh, and you guys think he can face down evil? Jeez.

Umm, what? McCain complains about the liberal media, NY times, et al every day of his life pretty much. But Obama doing it is whining?

Big azzed crybaby crybaby. He was at zero on my respect pole. Now -100. Jeez. :eusa_boohoo:
Obamalama ding dong is. Whining to the New York Times about Fox News. "If there were no Fox News I'd be up furthur in the polls". Yeah, Obamalama if cow shit were butter we would'nt have to churn either ya whiny assed liberal. Sheesh, and you guys think he can face down evil? Jeez.

All i ever hear about from rush from sean from john from sarah is about the liberal media and how they're trying to control this election. Where is your condemnation of them?
Obamalama ding dong is. Whining to the New York Times about Fox News. "If there were no Fox News I'd be up furthur in the polls". Yeah, Obamalama if cow shit were butter we would'nt have to churn either ya whiny assed liberal. Sheesh, and you guys think he can face down evil? Jeez.

Careful - criticizing the obamassiah will cost you popularity points around here. Questioning him will cost ya double. :lol:
Big azzed crybaby crybaby. He was at zero on my respect pole. Now -100. Jeez. :eusa_boohoo:

and what has McCain/Palin and their surrogates been doing all this time?

They whine constantly about the media.

get the fuck over it Willow. you whiny bitch :D
Close your legs or stick an air freshener in it.

disgusting jerk... the weeping willow whines all over the page and your disgusting comment was for silence?

I'm sure you would have said something equally disgusting to a man, because that's just how the wingnuts are...

i figure you're just suffering from penis envy or short man's disease.
Big azzed crybaby crybaby. He was at zero on my respect pole. Now -100. Jeez. :eusa_boohoo:

pole /poʊl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pohl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, poled, pol·ing.
1. a long, cylindrical, often slender piece of wood, metal, etc.: a telephone pole; a fishing pole.
2. Northeastern U.S. a long, tapering piece of wood or other material that extends from the front axle of a vehicle between the animals drawing it.
3. Nautical.
a. a light spar.
b. that part of a mast between the uppermost standing rigging and the truck.
4. the lane of a racetrack nearest to the infield; the inside lane. Compare post1 (def. 5).
5. a unit of length equal to 161/2 feet (5 m); a rod.
6. a square rod, 301/4 square yards (25.3 sq. m).
–verb (used with object)
7. to furnish with poles.
8. to push, strike, or propel with a pole: to pole a raft.
9. Baseball. to make (an extra-base hit) by batting the ball hard and far: He poled a triple to deep right-center.
10. Metallurgy. to stir (molten metal, as copper, tin, or zinc) with poles of green wood so as to produce carbon, which reacts with the oxygen present to effect deoxidation.
–verb (used without object)
11. to propel a boat, raft, etc., with a pole: to pole down the river.
12. under bare poles,
a. Nautical. (of a sailing ship) with no sails set, as during a violent storm.
b. stripped; naked; destitute: The thugs robbed him and left him under bare poles.

poll /poʊl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pohl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a sampling or collection of opinions on a subject, taken from either a selected or a random group of persons, as for the purpose of analysis.
2. Usually, polls. the place where votes are taken.
3. the registering of votes, as at an election.
4. the voting at an election.
5. the number of votes cast.
6. the numerical result of the voting.
7. an enumeration or a list of individuals, as for purposes of taxing or voting.
8. poll tax.
9. a person or individual in a number or list.
10. the head, esp. the part of it on which the hair grows.
11. the back of the head.
12. the rear portion of the head of a horse; the nape.
13. the part of the head between the ears of certain animals, as the horse and cow.
14. the broad end or face of a hammer.
–verb (used with object)
15. to take a sampling of the attitudes or opinions of.
16. to receive at the polls, as votes.
17. to enroll (someone) in a list or register, as for purposes of taxing or voting.
18. to take or register the votes of (persons).
19. to deposit or cast at the polls, as a vote.
20. to bring to the polls, as voters.

Okay dude.....since we already know about your "died in the wool" statement, which incidentally, should be "dyed in the wool", which "pole" did you mean? Pole or poll?

Are you from this country? Because you sure as hell don't appear to understand the language very well.
Okay dude.....since we already know about your "died in the wool" statement, which incidentally, should be "dyed in the wool", which "pole" did you mean? Pole or poll?

Are you from this country? Because you sure as hell don't appear to understand the language very well.

thank god you're here!!!
there's a split infinitive 2 threads over!!!

can you help?
Yeah, and? You were never going to vote for him anyway. Stop making mountains out of molehills. :evil:

crybaby whiny azzed liberal, that's all I'm saying and you want him to make you safe? How DUmb is that?:badgrin:

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