What are "Civil rights", anyway?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Midwestern U.S.
Dosen't the American constitution cover ALL rights? What are "civil" rights any away? What are "hate" crimes, who defines it and by what standards?
No mention of "civil rights" in the constitution. Where the hell did that come from?
No. The Constitution doesn't cover ALL rights. In fact, the 9th Amendment was created to dispel any impression that all the rights were being covered.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Other, un-enumerated rights: The right to purchase, own, and sell property, the right to travel within the country, the right to enter into legal, binding contracts that will be enforced by the Courts. And so on.

A hate crime is a crime that is manifestly motivated by the victim's gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual irregularity (I suppose).

FYI, people are seldom convicted of "hate" crimes. The underlying crime is a crime, and that's what results in the conviction. 95% of convictions are the result of a plea bargain, and the hate crime is rolled into everything else.
What divorces plain old American Constitutional guaranteed rights from "Civil rights"? What? And WHO is being denied that? WHO?
So WHO is being denied their constitutional rights here? WHO?
Democrat Liberals: Pedphilia is just alright. Criticizing it? At this point, THAT is what is broken with liberalism. They don't get "it".
We have a two-tiered legal system.
Rights and Justice are dispensed differently.
Depending if you're a Republican or a Democrat.
Yeah, republicans can committ crimes, ignore subpoenas and never go to prison.

Another silly thread by MaryL.
We ALL have constitutionally guaranteed rights. So why this...alternate catagory of law...civil rights? What the hell is that? WHY?
We don't need categories like "civil rights" or "hate crimes" under the law or the current Constitution.
What divorces plain old American Constitutional guaranteed rights from "Civil rights"? What? And WHO is being denied that? WHO?
Think of it this way: The Bill of Rights which is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution enumerate or outline rights that "the people" of the United States have which shall not be violated or infringed upon by the U.S. government, things such as "freedom of speech/expression", the right to peacefully assemble and petition their government for a redress of grievances, freedom to practice whichever religion suits one best (1st Amendment), the right to keep & bear arms (the 2nd), to be secure in one's home, personal effects, etc. from unreasonable searches and seizures (4th amendment), to face one's accusers and to a speedy trial (6th amendment), to not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law (5th amendment), etc. etc. etc.

Civil rights are personal rights guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws enacted by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Civil rights include protection from unlawful discrimination.
Civil Rights
IF you are a lawyer, could you tell me the difference between Constitutional Rights and "Civil rights"?
IF you are a lawyer, could you tell me the difference between Constitutional Rights and "Civil rights"?
I'm not a lawyer but if you understand how our laws work I think it helps a bit.

On this message board you will often hear posters lament that Black people don't care about the deaths of other Black people except when it's at the hands of the police. And while one should understand that a blanket statement like that will never gain any tractor, the reason that the police deaths get more attention is because of who is doing the killing. When it's the police, that's our government killing its own citizens and yes that is more egregious than a person who ends up being a crime statistic at the hands of a common criminal because the police are kill people, until very recently, they had immunity from prosecution and being sued. So not only are they legally allowed to take the lives of others without necessarily having allowed them to avail themselves of their due process, they very seldom were punished for it and the killing were almost always found to be justified.

When you factor in the history of racial hatred and violence towards Black people in the United States that was aided and abetted by our government through the various laws passed minimizing or eliminating the rights of Black people after slavery was abolished and continuing up until the modern days in some instances but most pointedly by the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the various amendments to the Voting Rights Act, just to name a few.
What are Civil Rights? Didn’t you go to school? Didn’t they cover this in several classes?

Let’s start at the beginning. Civil Rights is the effort to apply Constitutional Rights. Starting with the 14th Amendment. The Equal Protection Clause.

It is the idea that people should be treated equally. If you as a White Woman have a right. Then everyone has it.

Such things are inevitably detested by those who see others as inferior.
Think of it this way: The Bill of Rights which is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution enumerate or outline rights that "the people" of the United States have which shall not be violated or infringed upon by the U.S. government, things such as "freedom of speech/expression", the right to peacefully assemble and petition their government for a redress of grievances, freedom to practice whichever religion suits one best (1st Amendment), the right to keep & bear arms (the 2nd), to be secure in one's home, personal effects, etc. from unreasonable searches and seizures (4th amendment), to face one's accusers and to a speedy trial (6th amendment), to not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law (5th amendment), etc. etc. etc.

Civil rights are personal rights guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws enacted by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Civil rights include protection from unlawful discrimination.
Civil Rights
Thanks. I can't stop help thinking that "civil rights" seem to be trojan horse or achilles' heel that is being misused, and certainly not applied fairly nor rationaly.

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