What are they afraid of? Stanford fascists stage walkout during Robert Spencer event.

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Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Stanford administration is responsible for what happened tonight, as they aided and abetted the smear campaign that the Stanford Daily and Stanford Review carried out, and coddled the students who were spuriously claiming that they felt “threatened” by my presence. Above all, they are responsible for refusing to enforce their own policy regarding disruption of the event. Even after the fascist students left, they refused to admit others who wanted to get in. What were Stanford officials afraid of? That someone might hear a truth that the elites have deemed unacceptable?

Stanford: Fascist students stage walkout at Robert Spencer event, administration bars others wanting to enter
At least by walking out they probably increased the air quality.
There afraid of the truth. They are snowflake after all.
Reminds me of a quote, from a video game, of all things.

"Beware of those who would deny you access to information. For in their hearts, they dream themselves your master."
And then Spencer display real class when he whined "You are all little totalitarians and neo-grouchers, a stain on Stanford University and academia in general"

I heard a rumor that some of the students then mocked him with a "Nanny nanny boo boo......." and being so devastated he cried a little and then left in a huff!
Long before Trump ran, I've seen - especially with Obama-fellatrices in my own idiot family - that liberals throw screaming, raging baby tantrums and try to silence me any time I mention unpleasant VERIFIABLE facts about the Islam dicks in their mouths. And Dr. Spencer is one of the most respected, encyclopedic Islam scholars on this planet. I've followed his work over the past few years and he knows more facts/figures about Pisslam than pretty much any human being on the planet, including the muslims themselves.

Am I the only one who noticed all the commonalities between liberalfilth and muslims? Both have a screaming, explosive, sobbing reaction to any criticism of Islam's human rights atrocities. Both abhor America and especially its Freedom of Speech. Both have a crybaby, grievance-mongering victim mentality. Both have a stalker-like hate-obsession with Israel. Both love to destroy historical artifacts they don't like. When either of them congregate in large numbers, for any reason, they leave massive amounts of waste and garbage that takes multiple dump trucks to clean up.

If there's any cautionary tale to learn from liberalfilth, it's that one cannot fellate evil of Islam's magnitude without that evil rubbing off on them and leaving a permanent stain on whatever passes for their souls. In a nutshell, muslim semen causes brain damage.
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And then Spencer display real class when he whined "You are all little totalitarians and neo-grouchers, a stain on Stanford University and academia in general"

I heard a rumor that some of the students then mocked him with a "Nanny nanny boo boo......." and being so devastated he cried a little and then left in a huff!

I don't care what "rumor" you heard, if it came from a leftist's muslim-fellating mouth, it came directly out of their own cancer-deserving large intestine. You liberals are simply utter, amoral evil for your love of the most provably VIOLENT hate-ideology on this planet. So much so you want to hand over your own country to it. Even though historically, NOTHING good has ever come from it.
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And then Spencer display real class when he whined "You are all little totalitarians and neo-grouchers, a stain on Stanford University and academia in general"

I heard a rumor that some of the students then mocked him with a "Nanny nanny boo boo......." and being so devastated he cried a little and then left in a huff!

I don't care what "rumor" you heard, if it came from a leftist's muslim-fellating mouth, it came directly out of their own cancer-deserving large intestine. You liberals are simply utter, amoral evil for your love of the most provably VIOLENT hate-ideology on this planet. So much so you want to hand over your own country to it. Even though historically, NOTHING good has ever come from it.

Well after further research the "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo" Spell was actually thrown by a trio of Witches hiding in the retreating crowd. Pretty soon Bob's dick is going to fall off.

Instead of walking out, the students should have each brought in a newspaper and whipped it out and started reading when he started his show, rustling them loudly if Spencer ever whined about it.
Closed. Opening post lacks original commentary and is a copy and paste
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