What did you have for dinner?

I know a guy with the last name "Glasscock." One of my friends called him "crystal dick."
There was this one guy named Richard Hertz who grew up in Holden, MA. He always had this weird look on his face.

There was an engineer in Philly (maybe still is) whose name appears on elevator certificates. His name is Dick Bagg.
I'm literally not making that up.

Growing up no one ever made fun of him, but his brother Douche really had a hard time.
Why is Johnson slang for penis?

I don't know why that is. :eusa_think:

I have wondered that to...and why is feeling amorous called feeling "Randy"...good God what if a guy's name is Randy Johnson...he must be quite the lady killer.

Patsy Cline married a man named Charlie Dick, they had two children Julie and Randy, yes Randy Dick :lol: Her daughter married a man named Fudge and is known as Julie Dick Fudge :lol:

I'm not making this up:

"She married a second time to linotype operator Charlie Dick on September 15, 1957. They were the parents of two children, Julie Dick (born August 25, 1958) and Randy Dick (born January 22, 1961)"

"Cline's daughter, Julie Dick Fudge"

Patsy Cline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know a guy with the last name "Glasscock." One of my friends called him "crystal dick."

Me too!...the spelling was not cock...maybe cauk or something. Nobody teased him though. He was freakishly huge. Huge meaty hands...I swear he could "palm" your head and be touching both of your ears...he must have been 6'8" or so and probably 300 lbs.
I know a guy with the last name "Glasscock." One of my friends called him "crystal dick."

Me too!...the spelling was not cock...maybe cauk or something. Nobody teased him though. He was freakishly huge. Huge meaty hands...I swear he could "palm" your head and be touching both of your ears...he must have been 6'8" or so and probably 300 lbs.

That's one big Cauk.
I know a guy with the last name "Glasscock." One of my friends called him "crystal dick."

Me too!...the spelling was not cock...maybe cauk or something. Nobody teased him though. He was freakishly huge. Huge meaty hands...I swear he could "palm" your head and be touching both of your ears...he must have been 6'8" or so and probably 300 lbs.

Who brought the penis into this thread to begin with? I think it was you.

You know, until I came to this forum, I was just an innocent girl....now look at how my mind has been corrupted :eek-52: :eusa_doh:

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