What did you have for dinner?

View attachment 95154 Bacon was on the menu. Unfortunately, this morning was rather rushed and I did not take proper steps to secure the bacon. This is Snoop digesting two lbs of raw bacon.
He looks so bloated that he has liver disease or something.

Reminds me of the time that a friend of mine got a big ham for a 4th of July dinner and left it in the kitchen sink to thaw. His big German Shepherd was left at home while that big ham disappeared. We got back from working and the dog was just sprawled on the floor with a big bloated belly and would only get up to drink water. That ham apparently had a lot of salt in it and made her thirsty.

We thought that bitch ate the whole thing. But we were mistaken.

Later his house started smelling really sour. It started smelling really nasty like rotten meat. And there was flies everywhere.

It turns out that the dog didn't eat that whole thing. The dog ate part of it and buried the rest. Dogs are known to bury extra food and bones in the yard.

But this dog buried that ham inside the living room couch.
Yes he was bloated, yes he ate three lbs of bacon. Snoop hides food in his belly, and he will eat it fast to thwart you from stopping him. He doesn't have liver disease, he's ten years old and pretty healthy so far.
Keeping a dog away from bacon is like keeping a cat away from tuna.
Yeah he recognizes it and just waits for the first.opportunity that presents itself.
View attachment 95154 Bacon was on the menu. Unfortunately, this morning was rather rushed and I did not take proper steps to secure the bacon. This is Snoop digesting two lbs of raw bacon.
He looks so bloated that he has liver disease or something.

Reminds me of the time that a friend of mine got a big ham for a 4th of July dinner and left it in the kitchen sink to thaw. His big German Shepherd was left at home while that big ham disappeared. We got back from working and the dog was just sprawled on the floor with a big bloated belly and would only get up to drink water. That ham apparently had a lot of salt in it and made her thirsty.

We thought that bitch ate the whole thing. But we were mistaken.

Later his house started smelling really sour. It started smelling really nasty like rotten meat. And there was flies everywhere.

It turns out that the dog didn't eat that whole thing. The dog ate part of it and buried the rest. Dogs are known to bury extra food and bones in the yard.

But this dog buried that ham inside the living room couch.
Yes he was bloated, yes he ate three lbs of bacon. Snoop hides food in his belly, and he will eat it fast to thwart you from stopping him. He doesn't have liver disease, he's ten years old and pretty healthy so far.
Keeping a dog away from bacon is like keeping a cat away from tuna.
Yeah he recognizes it and just waits for the first.opportunity that presents itself.

When I was about 12 I had a black and tan coon hound, whose name, ironically, was Ham. We lived next to an old country store and each morning the owner would hang 4 or 5 hams from the porch rafter. One day Ol' Ham jumped on a bench and brought down one. He took off into the woods with it and was gone about 3 days. That evening the owner came to the house and told my dad to give him the money to pay for the ham that Ham stole. Of course my dad laughed and told the owner he had just learned a lesson about hanging hams where a smart old hound could get it. He never hung any more hams on his porch.

Ok I recognize rice...what is in the shells?
C'est une coquilles saint jacques/ It is a scallop shells !

Roasted Scallops in the Half Shell with Lemon Caper Butter - Annabel Langbein – Recipes
Holy khara what a meal!

Went to a new (new to me) middle eastern restaurant. Didn't look like anything special but when the food came out it was massive. Chicken shawarma platter with seeded falafel on yellow rice, and a Turkish (not Turkey, Turkish) salad on the side, which is basically chopped onion in a tomato-based chili sauce with seasonings.

Freaking YUM. Couldn't even finish it.
Going to Long John Silver this evening for a cod sandwich, hushpuppies and coleslaw. Yummy!!
Damn, I was ambushed and out voted. Wound up having pizza. I like hamburger, black olives, onions and mushroom pizza. But I did have my heart set on a fish sandwich. Maybe next time.
Big slab of gluten-fee foccacia with homemade sauce, a dab of pesto, eggplant here, broccoli there, bell peppers, shrooms, mozarella and parmesean, and chopped up bits of a mango-jalapeño sausage that I bought because it looked like a weird thing and I figgered I could do something creative with it. :)
Simmering a Sri Lankan curry. We'll see. :)

Uh. Mah. Gawd. That just exploded with flavour. Exploded I tell ya.

Possibly the hottest dish I've ever made too. That's because I can't just stay on a recipe; I go "wait, I've got these peppers too, and those other peppers, and this, and that..."

Srcrumptious. All the C-words --- chicken, curry, cinnamon, cardamom, coconut milk, cashew and colossal cwantities of capsicum Ai caramba that was good.

It was so hot I actually cut it with some Korma sauce. And a slice of chapati.

Why You Em, YUM.
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