What did you want to be as a kid ????

I had 2 dreams as a kid .
One was a doctor of some sort like a pathologist or radiologist !! Few people contacts

Second was a FBI agent

That was It !!
What about you

Scientist, doctor or espionage.

Now I'm just a consumer of information and a prognosticator.

G-d will guide the way one hopes. All we can do is keep holding on until he decides at the time of his choosing.
A rocket scientist, until my Estes model rocket took off and got lost.

Then I wanted to be a blues musician. I practiced really hard and got very good at it but 30 years later I woke up one morning and realized I wasn't a black man living in the 1930's. So I quit doing that.
A rocket scientist, until my Estes model rocket took off and got lost.

So you are the bastard who owns that damn rocket that flew in my bedroom window? 🚀

When I was a kid, I had an original Superball (they were better than later ones with 98% return on energy) and whipped it at the brick wall of my school from about 60 feet away.

It bounced back flying at us at about 100 mph, so fast that all we could do is dive to the ground to avoid getting hit by the projectile and watch it disappear lost forever in the woods about 200 feet behind us.
From as young I can remember to about 10years old was to create an Army and take over.:) From 10 years old to an adult was to be an Agriculture scientist and create ways to end hunger in poor starving areas of the world.
A survivor of my dad's beatings and neglect. :(

My dad was an asshole too, God rest his soul. He never beat us but did backhand me the time I was 6 years old and pulled a steak knife on him and we were throwing shoes at each other in play. I probably deserved that one.
So you are the bastard who owns that damn rocket that flew in my bedroom window? 🚀

When I was a kid, I had an original Superball (they were better than later ones with 98% return on energy) and whipped it at the brick wall of my school from about 60 feet away.

It bounced back flying at us at about 100 mph, so fast that all we could do is dive to the ground to avoid getting hit by the projectile and watch it disappear lost forever in the woods about 200 feet behind us.

I have several educational bulk packs of those Estes rocket engines in a GI ammo can right now, probably a couple hundred engines. No idea why I bought them a few years ago at a garage sale, probably because they were cheap.

They're fun to duct-tape onto an aluminum shaft hunting arrow (minus the head of course), and send them flying off into the woods behind the house.
I have several educational bulk packs of those Estes rocket engines in a GI ammo can right now, probably a couple hundred engines. No idea why I bought them a few years ago at a garage sale, probably because they were cheap. They're fun to duct-tape onto an aluminum shaft hunting arrow (minus the head of course), and send them flying off into the woods behind the house.

Gee, this one looks fun. Two stage, supposed to reach a height of 3,600 feet!

Security guard. I am still chasing that dream. Maybe I can finally be one next year.

Hillary can get you in at Walmart.

Gee, this one looks fun. Two stage, supposed to reach a height of 3,600 feet!

I would want to get drunk and duct-tape a squirrel to one of those things.

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